How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Wealth cannot be hoarded, if it is it evaporates, literally.

it has to be put to use, ie productivity... that productivity is someone’s income, which in turn requires someone else’s productivity so that that income can be consumed.

the whole reason we have income inequality excess, is because we are achieving full potential.

also, the wealth inequality argument you are making is like comparing slices from a personal pan pizza to some Guinness book of world records table long pizza; you’re not making any real point
When rate of return on capital > growth the rich just get richer. Not quite as dire as Marx's principle of infinite accumulation, but a far cry from the Kuznets curve.
When rate of return on capital > growth the rich just get richer. Not quite as dire as Marx's principle of infinite accumulation, but a far cry from the Kuznets curve.

No, you (general) leftists like to think you are more learned and knowledgeable (you aren't btw), but it's much more fundamental.

Were you better educated, even in high school, were you made to read the Grapes of Wrath and the Great Gatsby and other works instead of whatever they taught you you would understand that your argument is prima facia absurd.

It's only possible to believe the things you do by being uninformed, or say in Bernie's case, stubbornly misinformed holding on to hippie delusions, the vestiges of a revolution that never happened.
No, you (general) leftists like to think you are more learned and knowledgeable (you aren't btw), but it's much more fundamental.

Were you better educated, even in high school, were you made to read the Grapes of Wrath and the Great Gatsby and other works instead of whatever they taught you you would understand that your argument is prima facia absurd.

It's only possible to believe the things you do by being uninformed, or say in Bernie's case, stubbornly misinformed holding on to hippie delusions, the vestiges of a revolution that never happened.
Those were literally middle school curricula.
As @qwesley referenced income inequality is my #1 domestic issue. I care about the economy very much. I think it should be fundamentally restructured so that workers get more of the fruits of their labor that the owners hoard. Thanks Bernie.
Climate change, healthcare, foreign policy, social justice, the economy. Yes.

Please explain how your vote will stop climate change. TIA.
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Stated I lived there and the conversation was about regions.

I grew up in Winburn in Lexington.....I lived in Somerset for a couple of years but I've never lived anywhere near Eastern Ky or Middlesboro lol

You argued months ago you were from eky. It all came up because I pointed out middlesboro is not the mountains because the mountains is eastern ky.
Those were literally middle school curricula.

That makes my point even more salient and no circling around to the more you know.

You should be able to use your own reasoning ability to understand there's no there there to your ideology, it's a fool's hope against all the data, logic and history.
Okay you want the economy to fundamentally restructured. I assume that means to move away from Capitalism and to Socialism. Also can I assume you are somewhat for the Green New Deal? Or something similar to that?

Do you think the economy can remain extremely healthy with the implementation of the GND, free healthcare (I assume this is what you want) and I assume free college as well.

What kind of social justice are you talking about? Like reparations? Also what kind of foreign policy do you want? Trump has been extremely anti war compared to past presidents. Or are you looking for more of a globalism kind of policy?

And honestly dont take this as a "get out of my country" kind of remark. But it sounds like you want a complete change in this country. Why not just move to a country that is built towards these principles?
Or, better yet, just get the hell out.
As @qwesley referenced income inequality is my #1 domestic issue. I care about the economy very much. I think it should be fundamentally restructured so that workers get more of the fruits of their labor that the owners hoard. Thanks Bernie.
Climate change, healthcare, foreign policy, social justice, the economy. Yes.
What about able bodied non-workers? How should they be taken care of?

Also, if you increase regulations and corporate taxes, what is the incentive for businesses to grow, and make advancements in their field or industry? What’s their incentive to create jobs and innovate?
these idiots and their climate change religion. the climate changing has more to do with our planet's position in the solar system and our relationship with the sun, our ever changing axis tilt, our solar system's relationship with it's even bigger place in the galaxy than it has anything to do with carbon emissions. we are only in our infancy in beginning to understand these things but our weather patterns on earth have everything to do with our relationship with our celestial sun god and have little to do with us little humanoids have done.
Lenín Boltaire Moreno Garcés (Spanish pronunciation: [leˈnin bolˈtai̯ɾe moˈɾeno ɣaɾˈses]; born 19 March 1953) is an Ecuadorian politician who is the current President of Ecuador, in office since May 2017. Moreno was Vice President from 2007 to 2013, serving under President Rafael Correa.

The PAIS Alliance (Spanish: Alianza PAIS (Patria Altiva i Soberana); English: PAIS Alliance (Proud and Sovereign Homeland); país also means "country" in Spanish) is an Ecuadorian center-left social democratic, and originally democratic socialist[7] political party.

Use your own reasoning abilities, it's a war on reality you engage in that can never be won.

First you must try.
What are you stopping the climate from changing from?

I can show you sites in Kentucky where fauna that live in Quebec today are about one foot vertically from from fauna that live in Alabama now. In other words, there was a massive change in climate during the deposition over those fauna. So had your political party been around you would have been able to change that? I think you guys should be proud of that. The fact that you can manipulate the Earth to that degree.

Or you're just full of s*** and you have no clue what the f*** you're talking about.
The climate's always changing. Everything's in flux on geologic timescales. Earth's been a ball of fire, a ball of ice, and everything in between over its history. What we're talking about are human timescales. Climate changing over millions of years gives evolution time to change life along with it. Massive climate change in a handful of centuries does not.
The climate's always changing. Everything's in flux on geologic timescales. What we're talking about are human timescales. Climate changing over millions of years gives evolution time to change life along with it. Massive climate change in a handful of centuries does not.

You are going to stop what is always changing?

The distance I talked about above was in about 1000 years. And it was massive.
these idiots and their climate change religion. the climate changing has more to do with our planet's position in the solar system and our relationship with the sun, our ever changing axis tilt, our solar system's relationship with it's even bigger place in the galaxy than it has anything to do with carbon emissions. we are only in our infancy in beginning to understand these things but our weather patterns on earth have everything to do with our relationship with our celestial sun god and have little to do with us little humanoids have done.
I can just link NASA but y'all will say it's fake news.
I fundamentally disagree with your assessment that the economy is extremely healthy. The top 1% holds more wealth than the entire middle class, 29% to 21%. The top 20% hold 77% while the bottom 20% hold just 2%. The worst income inequality since the roaring twenties. The American Dream is one of the middle class, not the uber wealthy. We can accomplish all the goals you mention, clean energy(GND), universal healthcare(like every other first world country), public higher education, reparations, immigration reform, by restructuring the economy so that it works for all Americans. Not just the privileged few.

We're founded on the ideals of the Enlightenment. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Liberty and justice for all. All men are created equal. You know the words; all that secular humanist razzle dazzle. That's what makes our country great, not crony capitalist robber barons. America is the lone superpower in the world because of the middle class we created with progressive politics that allowed everyone to succeed, from Lincoln freeing the slaves to Teddy busting up the trusts to FDR's New Deal. It's the elites who hoard wealth for its own sake who have completely changed this country with voodoo Reaganomics over the last few decades. I want to restore America to its principles and allow it to fulfill its full potential because I believe in that potential. Not just jump ship because another country has a good idea. We are the great melting pot, we'll take that good idea, the person who had it, their cousin Susie, and the hummus they were snacking on.
If you have enough to meet your needs, what difference does it make what others have? This is all a red herring.
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Any gamblers here: I talked with a friend in DC where I live who really knows politics and has deep connections. His tip to me: Bet on Mike Bloomberg to win the Democratic nominee. What he's hearing: Biden is falling apart. And the lefty loony twins Sanders and Warren don't have the juice to win, and are canceling each other out. The thinking is that none of these clowns have a chance against Trump, so run someone with a similar profile of billionaire outsider and hope for the best. You can get 7-1 on Bloomberg at Bovada right now as the Democratic nominee.

By the way: My friend says Bloomberg has no chance to beat Trump in November. So only bet on him as the nominee.

Oh yea, here's Bloomberg on the great Jack Wilson killing terrorist in TX church:

"“I wasn’t there,” (LOL) Bloomberg told his audience. “I don’t know the facts (Double LOL)—that somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people. But it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.WTF, Bloomberg! You F-ing idiot!.

As critics pointed out, if the Bloomberg rule had prevailed and the people in those pews had to wait until cops arrived, many more innocent citizens would have been maimed or murdered. " Really. Libs have to love this. And he positions himself as their sane candidate.
Around 20k BP.
The Last Glacial Maximum? They melted due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations and increased solar output. Which further illustrates the effect humans are having currently, because our temperature is rising significantly faster than then while we're in a period of decreasing solar output unlike then. The correlation is the CO2.
Why would you "solve" it? Why is inequality a problem? It's a result of choices people make.

You have to solve it so to speak because it disrupts society, tension between haves and have nots leads to instability, violence and other bad outcomes like all this nonsense we see today. It doesn't matter that you have way more than you could have ever dreamed, it's that the other guy has more and it's not fair; wouldn't it just be better if we all had what we need when we needed it? Chuck that guy, I'm just going to take it, it's what I deserve! Why should he have it all, he's not better than me! He probably stole it from someone anyway. Rise up against those exploiting us to take back what's rightfully ours, for the people!

The argument however fails any and all analysis from any discipline, from any angle... except it doesn't fail that feeling of disgust you have that someone else has what you don't and that's not fair.

And then the real problem happens when you get what you want, Venezuela for instance, and find you just recreated the same problem you had before, only much much worse.

But I agree fundamentally with what you mean, people are not equal we have different strengths and weaknesses that lead to different outcomes. That's a feature, not a bug.