How will they rule ??!

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Good luck getting China and India on board with that.
This is my issue with the climate change movement. In addition to China and India shitting on our planet, Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant has been dumping nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean since 2011. So if U.S. converts to 100% renewable energy, it wouldn’t make a dent in the problem. Best case scenario, the average “additional” cost of renewable energy per U.S. household would be about $2,000 annually. Taxpayers would have to foot the bill for illegals, etc. Just doesn’t make sense. Hopefully, future advancements in technology can make this feasible for all countries.
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Where is the proof that CO2 has caused a temperature rise?

The Last Glacial Maximum? They melted due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations and increased solar output. Which further illustrates the effect humans are having currently, because our temperature is rising significantly faster than then while we're in a period of decreasing solar output unlike then. The correlation is the CO2.

Our temperature is not rising faster than then. You really have no clue what you're talking about. Carbon dioxide rises with temperature. There's a bit of a chicken and egg problem here.
You have to solve it so to speak because it disrupts society, tension between haves and have nots leads to instability, violence and other bad outcomes like all this nonsense we see today. It doesn't matter that you have way more than you could have ever dreamed, it's that the other guy has more and it's not fair; wouldn't it just be better if we all had what we need when we needed it? Chuck that guy, I'm just going to take it, it's what I deserve! Why should he have it all, he's not better than me! He probably stole it from someone anyway. Rise up against those exploiting us to take back what's rightfully ours, for the people!

The argument however fails any and all analysis from any discipline, from any angle... except it doesn't fail that feeling of disgust you have that someone else has what you don't and that's not fair.

And then the real problem happens when you get what you want, Venezuela for instance, and find you just recreated the same problem you had before, only much much worse.

But I agree fundamentally with what you mean, people are not equal we have different strengths and weaknesses that lead to different outcomes. That's a feature, not a bug.
Is that you, D44?
Who is complaining if global temperatures rise? Anyone besides D44? Why? Me, if it's truly happening & floods Dim elite coastal cities, who cares?
Haha. Everytime Nunes makes up a new story to try and distance himself from Parnas and Ukraine they dump new evidence. His aides were coordinating with both of ghoulianis goons and involved with the surveiling of the ambassador. He was always a tool and now just a pathetic liar. This ****er Parnas kept records and photos of everything. He definitely had blackmail planned from day one.
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That's because they spend 5 dollars on a coke, chips and snickers bar at the Dollar General you want shut down instead of a 15 cent banana. (not my argument but another liberal's)

But I'll just use this to make a broader more piercing point, you ( or atleast liberal elites, wealthy liberals) have a strong disdain for the poor. It's seen here invariably for the derision you have for poor rednecks, whom you thumb your nose at.

But what it does do is give you the feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of an altruistic superiority and moral integrity without having to actually do anything... not lift a finger.

It's a ruse, and any thinking person knows it. You (general) can't hide your true colors.
Trump actually says what we have said in our living rooms for years, he calls out bs like CNN and politicians who are corrupt. He doesn’t hold back so they aren’t offended, he tells it like it is and they hate him for it. Pelosi is the worst speaker of the house in history, he said it and it’s true. Other presidents would hold their tongue but why? She is a moron and a shameless turd, you act like that you should be called out.

CNN is loaded with liars, they are all liberal hacks and someone is finally calling them out. They lie regularly to sway public opinion and have always been shielded from criticism. What Trump has done for the country is great but him exposing the left has been a long time coming and just as great. The left isn’t used to the right pushing back and Trump is destroying them at their own game.
As @qwesley referenced income inequality is my #1 domestic issue. I care about the economy very much. I think it should be fundamentally restructured so that workers get more of the fruits of their labor that the owners hoard. Thanks Bernie.
Climate change, healthcare, foreign policy, social justice, the economy. Yes.

Inequality is as natural as procreation.

However, I am for continual improvement which also comes naturally overtime via lessons learned over the course of successes and failure. Human society is merely ten thousand years old give or take. Modern developed western civilization as we know it and our economic systems are a couple of thousand years old max...2,020 years to be exact I suppose...give or take depending on who, what, when, and where you consider as the origins...

Regardless, we're young in the grand scheme of things. Sharks have been around for about a half a billion...lions half a million...

Though there will never be perfect and total equality as that is just not how nature's grand design works. There are some ways to improve the gap.

Simple math. If Nike brings all their jobs overseas back to the states, Phil Knight pays more in overhead, benefits, capital expenditures, land, taxes, etc...thus many people see an increase in wealth while Phil Knight sees an increase in expenses.

Now multiply that by the thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of jobs that have gone overseas over the last 3-4 decades...that would change the course of this country forever.

Basically, a total recall of jobs and industries.

You would probably also have to have mandatory employment for all those who are mentally and physically able. I'll never understand single-income households in which there are two very capable adults and often times both probably think they should have more money and the wealthy should have less. Hey here's an idea, the one who's not working go get a job and increase the income of the house while at the same time draining the overhead of whoever it is writing the checks where you work.

Also, you would have to get most everyone off of the government teet save police, fire, teachers, military, etc...basically essential government personnel for the running, maintenance, protection of the country...

First, government paychecks aren't going to close the wealth gap. Second, entitlements via taxpayer increase the wealth gap.

less bloated government = more people forced into the private sector getting paid well because all those jobs came back from overseas and it's a laborer's market = wealth gap shrinking

fewer people on teet (employees and unemployed dependents) = fewer taxes needed = more take-home pay for the masses of taxpayers = shrinking that wealth gap
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Nah...probably politics as usual. Bc remember when they happened in another admin "they werent a big deal" like this:

Or they just ignored everything all together, bc you wouldn't question. And you didnt either, did you? Why?

I would imagine that he has a Calipari situation, like when he got here, even tho he wouldn't do anything, they had to be overly cautious bc the ncaa was looking for literally anything to get him. Remember dems are the party that held a vote for impeachment over calling a country a shithole...but you just keep on believing this ppl are "super cereal"
Lol when libs always use talking points about "but poooooor people"

These morons dont have a clue how to help poor people or what they want. Ppl dont want handouts, they want opportunity and independence. Its just the same when in the first debates they tried to see who could be the least racist...bc they think that's what african Americans want instead of regular things and human is interested in. Or when they talk about climate change...none are interested in involving and empowering innovators. It's all about everything running right through the politicians so they can squander money
Wonderful. Solar irradiation data going back to 1880. The modern purpose of SI data is predictive mapping for solar generation deployment. SI is measured using a pyranometer instrument. Which is a modern form of an actinomemeter. Could have spelled either of those wrong. Been a long time since reading up on either. But I believe the first actinomemeter was not invented before the middle 19th century, by the the English physicist William Hershel. Probably knighted for his scientific contributions. Exactly how deployed, worldwide, and when, were these instruments, to achieve measurements supporting these data? Or may we just know this is pure speculative shit?
Move to renewable energy and put international pressure on others to do the same.
Fine. Do that. Begin with someone else first. Multiple someone else's. The United States is already one of the most environmental friendly nations on the globe per area. Force each and every coal burning country to shift to low sulfur, similar to in the US. And make them shut down some of their largest emission facilities, and lose jobs, like we have here in Kentucky with the closure of TVA's Paradise generating station.

The global warming church is well congregated here in the states. It is time for you people to get serious about your intentions or just pray with your doors closed. Fund your missionaries. Go clean up that filthy, awful river in India. Make those people understand what you need so desperately for them to know. Because you know good and damn well, keeping a loud and mouthy ice pad on your knee here is not going to fix your rotting liver and decaying pancreas over there. You are like the neighbor who calls the president of the homeowner's association when someone has left an empty beer can on his porch, but is too lazy to stop and pick up some trash on the side of the road, and much too big of a coward to go door to door in the ghetto, and organize the slum tenants for a trash pick up day. Just a loud, mouthy accomplisher of zero.
Move to renewable energy and put international pressure on others to do the same.

Which one(s) can handle the energy appetite?

At some point he has to address the debt. That would probably get my vote before tax cuts.

As opposed to the ever frugal Dems?

I fully understand wanting trump to curb spending. But Democrat president would be a runaway train
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Haha. Everytime Nunes makes up a new story to try and distance himself from Parnas and Ukraine they dump new evidence. His aides were coordinating with both of ghoulianis goons and involved with the surveiling of the ambassador. He was always a tool and now just a pathetic liar. This ****er Parnas kept records and photos of everything. He definitely had blackmail planned from day one.
You got him now!

And just in time for the "trial"! So clutch.
I love the income inequality arguement. So its simple, you either have equal opportunity, or equal outcome. Those wanting equal outcome want to destroy equal opportunity which essentially destroys freedom. Liberals today are the most anti american fascist morons we've seen since nazi germany. If you dont think these idiots would be willing to use militarized force to get their way, you're in for a big surprise.
When rate of return on capital > growth the rich just get richer. Not quite as dire as Marx's principle of infinite accumulation, but a far cry from the Kuznets curve.
Instead of bitching about the rich and looking for handouts, why don't you, you know, go do something to make your income grow?

The American dream isn't about the government pulling a massive Robin Hood. It's about working hard to better yourself and your family.
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This worker should make more BS is a dishonest and terrible argument. The american worker gets paid a guaranteed wage no matter what. There is absolutely zero risk on their end. As a business owner, we recently had to invest a massive amount of capital to more than double the size of our business and hire an additional 53 employees. This was done in order to stay competitive in our market and keep those checks rolling for our employees and our new team members. Myself and my partners used our own money with absolutely no guarantee we will earn that money back in order to make this happen. We all took a sizable pay cut as well. Our employees took exactly NONE of that risk. They didnt risk anything to start our company, maintain it, grow it, etc. They make money whether our business stays profitable or not. They are paid fair market value for their services offered. If we had to share all profit with employees to even things up, we'd close the doors tomorrow and go find another job tomorrow to let someone else take all of that risk.
Instead of bitching about the rich and looking for handouts, why don't you, you know, go do something to make your income grow?

The American dream isn't about the government pulling a massive Robin Hood. It's about working hard to better yourself and your family.
Leftists HATE the thought of an individual being in control of their own lives. The rich should give to whomever they decide they should give to. You have a place like planned parenthood (cant help but laugh at the name) having 45 million laying around to give to Dems, but they need tax payers money. Perish the thought of individuals donating to them. The government is going to make you.

I know a guy who pulls in a million a year because he started his own company and built it from the ground up. He employees several people. That’s several people he is paying and thus giving them the means to provide for them and their families. But yeah, let’s have the government take from this guy so they can give it to some special interest group. Idiots.
Pressure? What is pressure? Bombing/eliminating all of China's coal plants? If not, you're not serious.
Dion, you piss and moan when we try to put "pressure" on a country not to attack our embassies. You really think you are gonna stand by if we did what it took to eliminate emissions in China and India? Or can you honestly look us all in the eye and say you believe they will destroy their economies because good ol America is leading by example? According to your side the rest of the world hates us anyway.
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Make America Fat(ter) Again!
Love that liberal manufactured phrase “Food insecure”. Lol. Americans, regardless of socioeconomic status have more access to food than most anywhere else in the world.
Obesity in the US is the 2nd leading cause of death. People aren't starving folks. And I'm all about freedom of choice, but if the government is going to feed everyone, keep it healthy. Stop giving people sugar and junk food with my tax dollars at least.
Obesity in the US is the 2nd leading cause of death. People aren't starving folks. And I'm all about freedom of choice, but if the government is going to feed everyone, keep it healthy. Stop giving people sugar and junk food with my tax dollars at least.

Absolutely. Taxpayers are getting hit both ways: first in the handouts then next in the obesity following the poor choices related to the handouts.

All ebt purchases should be restricted to nutritional foods just like the WIC program.