How will they rule ??!

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Talking with some CovCath folks today. Say he got millions.
He may not be done..."ABC, CBS, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, NPR, Slate, The Hill and Gannett, which owns the Cincinnati Inquirer, according to McMurtry. Additionally, separate lawsuits against the Washington Post and NBC have already been filed"
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Any gamblers here: I talked with a friend in DC where I live who really knows politics and has deep connections. His tip to me: Bet on Mike Bloomberg to win the Democratic nominee. What he's hearing: Biden is falling apart. And the lefty loony twins Sanders and Warren don't have the juice to win, and are canceling each other out. The thinking is that none of these clowns have a chance against Trump, so run someone with a similar profile of billionaire outsider and hope for the best. You can get 7-1 on Bloomberg at Bovada right now as the Democratic nominee.

By the way: My friend says Bloomberg has no chance to beat Trump in November. So only bet on him as the nominee.
I think this is pretty good thinking and a reasonable bet.
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Trump talking another tax cut.

Probably won't happen until after his re-election but... DOW 35,000?
If he announces this during Fall campaign & says it needs a Pub House to pass, look out!! I mean he's putting all the chips right there.
...from a tweet

Okay honest question to the people on the left. What has Trump done to make you think he's been a horrible president and someone from that stage from the other night would be better?

Pros you cant really deny:
Job market looks great and record low unemployment
Stock Market all time highs with no signs of slowing down
Highest growth in housing production in quite sometime
Better trade deals with Canada, Mexico and China
Even with all the hopes from many on the left, no new wars
Dems finally got out of Trumps way about the border and we have seen a 78% cut in illegal crossings since last May

Im honestly curious what y'all expect and want from the president? Do you think any of those people from the debate are going to create a better job market? Do you think all the regulations and taxes they want to put on businesses is going to help the stock market? Are they going to get better trade deals than Trump got? Are they going to cut back illegal immigration better than Trump has this past year?
Okay honest question to the people on the left. What has Trump done to make you think he's been a horrible president and someone from that stage from the other night would be better?

Pros you cant really deny:
Job market looks great and record low unemployment
Stock Market all time highs with no signs of slowing down
Highest growth in housing production in quite sometime
Better trade deals with Canada, Mexico and China
Even with all the hopes from many on the left, no new wars
Dems finally got out of Trumps way about the border and we have seen a 78% cut in illegal crossings since last May

Im honestly curious what y'all expect and want from the president? Do you think any of those people from the debate are going to create a better job market? Do you think all the regulations and taxes they want to put on businesses is going to help the stock market? Are they going to get better trade deals than Trump got? Are they going to cut back illegal immigration better than Trump has this past year?
So the stock market and immigration. 45% of the country don't have a single investment, not even a 401(k) or IRA. So they don't care. And immigration doesn't even make the top 5 issues for voters.

take out everyone under the age of 18, the populace on welfare, and elderly living off of social security and pensions and that 45% number you shit out drastically decreases. So much much more of the working population does care about the stock market. But of course the dems and the dem base aren't concerned with the working class. Not to mention many of those under 18s I mentioned, well their working parents do have 401ks or other stock investments, so yeah it's a much bigger deal than you can comprehend.
Okay honest question to the people on the left. What has Trump done to make you think he's been a horrible president and someone from that stage from the other night would be better?

Pros you cant really deny:
Job market looks great and record low unemployment
Stock Market all time highs with no signs of slowing down
Highest growth in housing production in quite sometime
Better trade deals with Canada, Mexico and China
Even with all the hopes from many on the left, no new wars
Dems finally got out of Trumps way about the border and we have seen a 78% cut in illegal crossings since last May

Im honestly curious what y'all expect and want from the president? Do you think any of those people from the debate are going to create a better job market? Do you think all the regulations and taxes they want to put on businesses is going to help the stock market? Are they going to get better trade deals than Trump got? Are they going to cut back illegal immigration better than Trump has this past year?
<insert feelings>
take out everyone under the age of 18, the populace on welfare, and elderly living off of social security and pensions and that 45% number you shit out drastically decreases. So much much more of the working population does care about the stock market. But of course the dems and the dem base aren't concerned with the working class. Not to mention many of those under 18s I mentioned, well their working parents do have 401ks or other stock investments, so yeah it's a much bigger deal than you can comprehend.
That number is adults moron. You'd know that if you click the link.
Immigration is two spots higher than your top issue, redistribution of wealth.
I've never claimed to be mainstream. 25% say "The distribution of income and wealth in the U.S." is Extremely Important and 28% say the same on Immigration. A quarter commies and a quarter racists, got all types in America. (that's a joke, please no five pages of "immigration isn't racist!!1!")

So do you not personally care about the stock market and the economy? Im not asking for poll responses. Im asking for personal points of view on here. Do you not care about job markets or the economy? Do you think one of the dems would improve it?

What are the important issues you think Trump has failed on but the dems from the debate would do better? Do you think the changes they make will make the country better overall?

Im not looking for polls and crap, Im looking to get a detailed response on why the progressives on here are so eager to get Trump out of office and so eager to vote one of their dems in. How will it make the country better.

Hmmm- so your saying 45% of the country “doesn’t care” about the stock market. And immigration doesn’t make the top 5 issues for voters. I doubt it but let’s just take you at face value.

Employment levels in blue collar jobs have grown at their fastest rate in more than 30 years under Trump.

During Obama’s last 27 months in office, the economy created 109,000 manufacturing jobs, compared with 470,000 created from January 2017 through May 2019 under Trump. Jobs in the durable-goods manufacturing industry declined during this time under Obama.

It ALLLLLLL relates moron.

You’d have more credibility and goodwill if you could just admit this.
So do you not personally care about the stock market and the economy? Im not asking for poll responses. Im asking for personal points of view on here. Do you not care about job markets or the economy? Do you think one of the dems would improve it?
As @qwesley referenced income inequality is my #1 domestic issue. I care about the economy very much. I think it should be fundamentally restructured so that workers get more of the fruits of their labor that the owners hoard. Thanks Bernie.
What are the important issues you think Trump has failed on but the dems from the debate would do better? Do you think the changes they make will make the country better overall?
Climate change, healthcare, foreign policy, social justice, the economy. Yes.
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As @qwesley referenced income inequality is my #1 domestic issue. I care about the economy very much. I think it should be fundamentally restructured. Thanks Bernie.
Climate change, healthcare, foreign policy, social justice, the economy. Yes.

Okay you want the economy to fundamentally restructured. I assume that means to move away from Capitalism and to Socialism. Also can I assume you are somewhat for the Green New Deal? Or something similar to that?

Do you think the economy can remain extremely healthy with the implementation of the GND, free healthcare (I assume this is what you want) and I assume free college as well.

What kind of social justice are you talking about? Like reparations? Also what kind of foreign policy do you want? Trump has been extremely anti war compared to past presidents. Or are you looking for more of a globalism kind of policy?

And honestly dont take this as a "get out of my country" kind of remark. But it sounds like you want a complete change in this country. Why not just move to a country that is built towards these principles?
The only way you solve income inequality is by making everyone poorer.

none of those other things would be better under social democrat policies either; the only benefit is you would have a social safety net for the very destitute... everything else is worse off

you cannot redisistrbute wealth because wealth gets consumed, and increased consumption requires increased production.

but you cannot increase productivity by taking from the productive to give to the unproductive.

it’s never worked because it can’t
Okay you want the economy to fundamentally restructured. I assume that means to move away from Capitalism and to Socialism. Also can I assume you are somewhat for the Green New Deal? Or something similar to that?

Do you think the economy can remain extremely healthy with the implementation of the GND, free healthcare (I assume this is what you want) and I assume free college as well.

What kind of social justice are you talking about? Like reparations? Also what kind of foreign policy do you want? Trump has been extremely anti war compared to past presidents. Or are you looking for more of a globalism kind of policy?

And honestly dont take this as a "get out of my country" kind of remark. But it sounds like you want a complete change in this country. Why not just move to a country that is built towards these principles?
I fundamentally disagree with your assessment that the economy is extremely healthy. The top 1% holds more wealth than the entire middle class, 29% to 21%. The top 20% hold 77% while the bottom 20% hold just 2%. The worst income inequality since the roaring twenties. The American Dream is one of the middle class, not the uber wealthy. We can accomplish all the goals you mention, clean energy(GND), universal healthcare(like every other first world country), public higher education, reparations, immigration reform, by restructuring the economy so that it works for all Americans. Not just the privileged few.

We're founded on the ideals of the Enlightenment. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Liberty and justice for all. All men are created equal. You know the words; all that secular humanist razzle dazzle. That's what makes our country great, not crony capitalist robber barons. America is the lone superpower in the world because of the middle class we created with progressive politics that allowed everyone to succeed, from Lincoln freeing the slaves to Teddy busting up the trusts to FDR's New Deal. It's the elites who hoard wealth for its own sake who have completely changed this country with voodoo Reaganomics over the last few decades. I want to restore America to its principles and allow it to fulfill its full potential because I believe in that potential. Not just jump ship because another country has a good idea. We are the great melting pot, we'll take that good idea, the person who had it, their cousin Susie, and the hummus they were snacking on.
Okay honest question to the people on the left. What has Trump done to make you think he's been a horrible president and someone from that stage from the other night would be better?

Pros you cant really deny:
Job market looks great and record low unemployment
Stock Market all time highs with no signs of slowing down
Highest growth in housing production in quite sometime
Better trade deals with Canada, Mexico and China
Even with all the hopes from many on the left, no new wars
Dems finally got out of Trumps way about the border and we have seen a 78% cut in illegal crossings since last May

Im honestly curious what y'all expect and want from the president? Do you think any of those people from the debate are going to create a better job market? Do you think all the regulations and taxes they want to put on businesses is going to help the stock market? Are they going to get better trade deals than Trump got? Are they going to cut back illegal immigration better than Trump has this past year?
I think all you’re gonna hear unfortunately is crickets.
Wealth cannot be hoarded, if it is it evaporates, literally.

it has to be put to use, ie productivity... that productivity is someone’s income, which in turn requires someone else’s productivity so that that income can be consumed.

the whole reason we have income inequality excess, is because we are achieving full potential.

also, the wealth inequality argument you are making is like comparing slices from a personal pan pizza to some Guinness book of world records table long pizza; you’re not making any real point
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Okay honest question to the people on the left. What has Trump done to make you think he's been a horrible president and someone from that stage from the other night would be better?

Pros you cant really deny:
Job market looks great and record low unemployment
Stock Market all time highs with no signs of slowing down
Highest growth in housing production in quite sometime
Better trade deals with Canada, Mexico and China
Even with all the hopes from many on the left, no new wars
Dems finally got out of Trumps way about the border and we have seen a 78% cut in illegal crossings since last May

Im honestly curious what y'all expect and want from the president? Do you think any of those people from the debate are going to create a better job market? Do you think all the regulations and taxes they want to put on businesses is going to help the stock market? Are they going to get better trade deals than Trump got? Are they going to cut back illegal immigration better than Trump has this past year?

Too much winning. They're the party of losing.
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That number is adults moron. You'd know that if you click the link.

I've never claimed to be mainstream. 25% say "The distribution of income and wealth in the U.S." is Extremely Important and 28% say the same on Immigration. A quarter commies and a quarter racists, got all types in America. (that's a joke, please no five pages of "immigration isn't racist!!1!")
Regardless of these opinions you’re stating, you have failed to answer the question. Which of your candidates would do better? And how would we all be better off with one of your candidates?
I fundamentally disagree with your assessment that the economy is extremely healthy. The top 1% holds more wealth than the entire middle class, 29% to 21%. The top 20% hold 77% while the bottom 20% hold just 2%. The worst income inequality since the roaring twenties. The American Dream is one of the middle class, not the uber wealthy. We can accomplish all the goals you mention, clean energy(GND), universal healthcare(like every other first world country), public higher education, reparations, immigration reform, by restructuring the economy so that it works for all Americans. Not just the privileged few.

We're founded on the ideals of the Enlightenment. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Liberty and justice for all. All men are created equal. You know the words; all that secular humanist razzle dazzle. That's what makes our country great, not crony capitalist robber barons. America is the lone superpower in the world because of the middle class we created with progressive politics that allowed everyone to succeed, from Lincoln freeing the slaves to Teddy busting up the trusts to FDR's New Deal. It's the elites who hoard wealth for its own sake who have completely changed this country with voodoo Reaganomics over the last few decades. I want to restore America to its principles and allow it to fulfill its full potential because I believe in that potential. Not just jump ship because another country has a good idea. We are the great melting pot, we'll take that good idea, the person who had it, their cousin Susie, and the hummus they were snacking on.

progressive politics lead to all this? sry bud, but wwI and wwII is what soared us to the top of the food chain. the New Deal didn't do squat.

your rhetoric is not unfamiliar, the communist revolution in Russia and more recent the socialist revolution in Venezuala say hello. Everything turned out great for the average person in those utopias, no?

Reagonimics crushed your wet dream partner the U.S.S.R and put us over the top as the lone big bad wolf.

the great melting pot only works when those coming here are doing so blend into our ways not looking for handouts from our success.
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