How will they rule ??!

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If you replace "Trump" with "Obama" in Fuzz's novel, does it make it more or accurate or does the accuracy remain unchanged?
Watch and see if Hillary does not try her best to get out of debating Donald Trump. One would think it would be political suicide, but for how bad he is going to roast her in ways nobody else would dream of it would be the perfect scenario for her. She will scream about protesting because he is a racist or a womanizer or something along those lines and the media will play her to be some revolutionary thinker and praise her holy name.

No doubt she doesnt want to. She must know thats where he intends on scoring most of his points. She also must know without big scores at the debate, she can just outspend him ad infinitum and win this election without much problem.

She'll try to backdoor her way out of them. I dont blame her, for the reasons stated above.
It looks even more like they planned this whole scenario. Maybe they do have geniuses pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Still half convinced that Trump's campaign is brilliant performance art. The Rick Roll was brilliant, almost as good as Herman Cain's Pokemon thing.
Re: the supposed 1000s that were cheering when the Twin Towers fell - I had a guy from Gawker stop by my house (Weehawken, NJ, about 1.5 miles from Jersey City) to ask about it. He said he was just going around asking people in the surrounding areas had seen anything, and he was 0 for hundreds. What a weird, pointless endeavor.
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conventions are always more theater than substance.

Not even worth watching, frankly. I did enjoy the cut up of old people awkwardly dancing off beat, though, because that's always funny.

Local shit that actually can be influenced and changed if the people came together, is totally ignored.

This is the truth. Now that I've bought, I'm invested in local politics again and I'm pumped to over prepare for zoning board meetings and write angry letters to the mayor. Not being sarcastic - unlike national or state politics, it feels like an individual can make a real difference. Go ahead and push that bond issue and see what happens.
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No doubt she doesnt want to. She must know thats where he intends on scoring most of his points. She also must know without big scores at the debate, she can just outspend him ad infinitum and win this election without much problem.

She'll try to backdoor her way out of them. I dont blame her, for the reasons stated above.
She will not have a choice. If she cannot handle Donald Trump in a debate, she will hardly be perceived as being able to handle ISIS, or Putin, or any other potential antagonist. No candidate for the Presidency can ever get away with chickening out of a debate; it's political suicide. But she won't have any choice, anyway; at this point, it's looking increasingly like Trump is going to be ahead of nearly every single swing state poll by the debate times.
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Re: the supposed 1000s that were cheering when the Twin Towers fell - I had a guy from Gawker stop by my house (Weehawken, NJ, about 1.5 miles from Jersey City) to ask about it. He said he was just going around asking people in the surrounding areas had seen anything, and he was 0 for hundreds. What a weird, pointless endeavor.

Watch out Hulk!
Not even worth watching, frankly. I did enjoy the cut up of old people awkwardly dancing off beat, though, because that's always funny.

This is the truth. Now that I've bought, I'm invested in local politics again and I'm pumped to over prepare for zoning board meetings and write angry letters to the mayor. Not being sarcastic - unlike national or state politics, it feels like an individual can make a real difference. Go ahead and push that bond issue and see what happens.

Absutely. That's how it's *supposed* to work. You can actually see, hear, and feel the greed, and you can hold hem accountable if you act together. Go in weak and you will be bulldozed....Like the poor commissioner who asked questions the citizens needed answers to, and was called a pencil pushing idiot and a joke by our gd mayor who has done his best to serve greedy mf'ers with no love for this city.
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Hillary is most certainly not afraid of Donald Trump in a debate. She will be armed to the teeth with facts and zingers from her staff. If anything, the debates are the single biggest obstacle to Trump becoming President. Need to keep it real, folks. just pointed out issues that the GOP has embraced and lost. Perhaps if the party hadn't sided with the "Moral Majority", or called itself the party of "Family Values" siding with and embracing Evangelicals, it wouldn't have lost so many elections. The fact that the past 60 years has been filled with groups on either side of social issues fighting for their rights...and they have had to fight to get those rights...
You don't think stem cell research is a public policy issue?
You are trying to make the case that they have ultimately lost the war on social issues that the battles themselves had little effect.
The rub is not against religious people, it's against religious people that want to use their religious views to dictate what others can and cannot do. If you're against same-sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. But why should you prevent those who feel otherwise from doing so?
Christ never compelled anyone to worship in any way. He delivered his message and invited them to follow the way on their own free will.

1 The Republicans are in a real bind. The Republican party is run by the country club guys looking out mostly for their own economic interests. They however must have allies in order to gain and hold political power. They care little or nothing about the evangelicals' social values. They have to give lip service to those values though. A seat at the table if you will. Which they do, to their harm. But, in power, they do little to forward the evangelicals' agenda. Their only agenda is smaller government, cut taxes and repeal regulations. A Repub can't speak a paragraph with mentioning those three things.

2 Losing elections? Since 1960 Democrats have held the Presidency 28 years. The Republicans, 28 years. Can't win 'em all. (Count 'em) We'll know in November who takes the lead.

3 Of the other social issues, the only ones Evangelicals really dig their heels in on and fight unceasingly tooth and nail (and always will) are the ones involving the taking of innocent unborn or potentially unborn lives. I guess we can say, "Unborn Lives Matter." (eg, abortion and stem cell research). People may choose to do whatever they wish as long as it doesn't hurt someone else. We just happen to believe that a conceived unborn baby is "someone else." Sleep with who you choose. Maybe I won't like it because of my belief that such conduct (among many other things) is clearly and specifically forbidden in the Bible (which I consider God's Word) but I'm not going to be mistreating you in any way because of that. Don't want your children exposed to prayer and Bible reading in school? Fine. We bitch but we have moved on.

4 You are correct in saying that God does not compel people to do anything. But if God exists and if he did express his will for those he created in the Bible, he has made it clear that we will be held accountable for what we do and support in this life. I won't be the one making the judgment (thankfully) but I have the feeling that "Oops, sorry" won't cut it if anything the Bible says is true.

Romans 14:10–12For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. . . . So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God”. Second Corinthians 5:10We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”

I didn't make this up. Take it up with the Scripture writer.

Pile on, boys.
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Reactions: P19978 just pointed out issues that the GOP has embraced and lost. Perhaps if the party hadn't sided with the "Moral Majority", or called itself the party of "Family Values" siding with and embracing Evangelicals, it wouldn't have lost so many elections. The fact that the past 60 years has been filled with groups on either side of social issues fighting for their rights...and they have had to fight to get those rights...
You don't think stem cell research is a public policy issue?
You are trying to make the case that they have ultimately lost the war on social issues that the battles themselves had little effect.
The rub is not against religious people, it's against religious people that want to use their religious views to dictate what others can and cannot do. If you're against same-sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. But why should you prevent those who feel otherwise from doing so?
Christ never compelled anyone to worship in any way. He delivered his message and invited them to follow the way on their own free will.

Lol, that's rich. Religious people telling what ppl can and cannot do. Sure, there are a couple issues.

But look at what the opposite side is telling everyone they can and cannot do.. can't say certain words, can't pray almost anywhere(unless you're islamic) can't have American flags on firetrucks or in schools or government buildings, get rid of decades old statues thst bear the 10 commandments, can't be upset about a grown ass man trying to whip his dick out in the same restroom as our daughters,...

...should I go on? Because I could go on and on so long that it would never end. Meanwhile, you got your panties in a wad over what? 2-3 issues, which, religous or not, some are pretty effing big deals like abortion. It's not just religous fanaticals that oppose it ya know?

But keep on yapping about how crazy Christians are based on their 2 or 3 mainstream principals thst they have stood up for whIle shouting from the rooftops all the things that you don't think anyone should do.
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1 The Republicans are in a real bind. The Republican party is run by the country club guys looking out mostly for their own economic interests. They however must have allies in order to gain and hold political power.

Reminded me of something I read recently: This isn’t the most artful way to say it, but it’s like, where do you go when the only people who seem to agree with you on taxes hate black people?” [ contributor Ben] Howe laughed ruefully.

Not sure why we can't get a party that is for small government and is smart about it (i.e. not stumped when ideology and reality don't quite mesh). Libertarian is ball park, but I have yet to meet a Libertarian in person that didn't have some really, really weird ideas. Small sample size, etc... but man, some real whacky people. An old friend worked on Ron Paul's campaign for a year in 2008, and the people I met through him are just bizarre.
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You don't need gods word to tell you killing a baby in your belly is F'd up.

Yes, that's absolutely your choice. Knock yourself up and kill that bastard. IDGAS. But surely everyone with a soul sees the evil in that from a purely natural standpoint.

F your religion, sincerely. We are all part of this earth and that's really all that needs to be said. Keep your bullshit opinions and divisive tactics to yourself.
You don't need gods word to tell you killing a baby in your belly is F'd up.

Yes, that's absolutely your choice. Knock yourself up and kill that bastard. IDGAS. But surely everyone with a soul sees the evil in that from a purely natural standpoint.

F your religion, sincerely. We are all part of this earth and that's really all that needs to be said. Keep your bullshit opinions and divisive tactics to yourself.

If that was directed at me, I appreciate the suggestion but I just have to say "No, thank you."
can't say certain words,
can't pray almost anywhere(unless you're islamic)
can't have American flags on firetrucks or in schools or government buildings,
get rid of decades old statues thst bear the 10 commandments,

So much hyperbole. Let's address:
  • Difference between freedom of speech and freedom from the non-government consequences of speech, no?
  • Are you saying Muslims can pray where others can't? What? Did I miss that? Public school led prayer is out, but not for Muslims? Is that what you're saying? Or Christians cannot pray in school (not school led prayer, but personal prayer), and Muslims are dropping to their knees and praying 5 x day? The people praying at Denny's are praying to Allah? Are teachers whipping out prayer rugs and facing east by south east and instructing students to do the same, and then the school board and courts are saying it's okay? Did that happen?
  • Aside from the few publicly decried cases where American flags were restricted in schools (debate those cases all you want - they're interesting cases), where are American flags restricted for firetrucks and government buildings? You can't even run for office without a bald eagle in an American flag tuxedo on your lapel, so not sure what this is about either. FFS, there was a flap in 2008 or 2012 about a presidential candidate not wearing an American flag lapel pin, like it was insulting that the flair wasn't approved by the Michael Bay led committee to put flags on literally everything.
  • Yes, that seems to be separation of church and state.
You seem stressed. This is for you:

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Hillary is most certainly not afraid of Donald Trump in a debate. She will be armed to the teeth with facts and zingers from her staff. If anything, the debates are the single biggest obstacle to Trump becoming President. Need to keep it real, folks.
What facts and zingers? If there was much to talk about that we don't already know, it would have been brought out by the Republicans. She wouldn't have to find anything. He's not an elected official and has no prior voting history on issues, like she does. He has never destroyed evidence in a federal investigation, as she has. Americans haven't died due to his decisions or lack of, like they have due to her.

He has much more ammunition to fire at her. How do you think she'll handle it?
What facts and zingers? If there was much to talk about that we don't already know, it would have been brought out by the Republicans. She wouldn't have to find anything. He's not an elected official and has no prior voting history on issues, like she does. He has never destroyed evidence in a federal investigation, as she has. Americans haven't died due to his decisions or lack of, like they have due to her.

He has much more ammunition to fire at her. How do you think she'll handle it?
Big difference between the Republican debates and the general election ones. Most importantly you are talking to a much larger far less conservative audience. Many of them will be paying attention for the first time. If Hillary lures Trump into saying something insane (as Trump is prone to do) then the election is over. Trump can't just blow up and insult his way out of things the way he did in the primary. That's not going to fly. Thus far, Trump has not shown the ability to focus intelligently on a single issue at depth while demonstrating a clear grasp.

Now, Trump will absolutely shine on trade, law and order, and immigration as those are the issues that have put Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida in solid play for him... but that can all go up in smoke if he is baited into a meltdown.

My entire strategy from here going forward would be to tie Hillary to BLM as that is a wedge issue in the rust belt and midwest. Bring up a California town paying felons not to commit crime which is something the general public will be aghast at, and most importantly just HAMMER Hillary on NAFTA and the other disastrous trade deals Bill Clinton ushed into being in the 90s. Those are all winners. When he strays from these things he is very, very vulnerable and if his discipline does not improve Hillary will eat him up in those debates.

Hillary will be wanting these debates badly while I guarantee you Trump would rather have none. He is not stupid.
Somewhat off topic and I've cracked wise on it before, I just don't get what all these alleged Gary Johnson people want. For most, I guess it's just en vogue to say and few will actually do. "Cool" points? I don't know.

So you folks, all 192% of The Paddock, want physically conservative and social studies liberal.....would think that Trump would satisfy at least a few of your needs. Certainly more than HC. So social issues to you are abortion and gay any of you really think Trump is going to do dick smack about either? Conservative justices sure, but no one is touching either of those *ever* again. Evangelical he is not. It's about as "mute" a point in reality (maybe not rhetoric) as has been in recent times. True story.

I just don't get it. And I'm not talking about you, Willy, we go way back and I know you are sincere in your beliefs but good Christ the rest of you give up your little act. Gary Johnson literally could run as an R and be the nominee and you people would hate him and support Jary Gohnson, third party libertarian, like you are some nuanced thinker who doesn't want to be boxed in the party label.

Oh and the rest of you GJ "voters" will be voting for HC in the booth, guarandamnteed.
So much hyperbole. Let's address:
  • Difference between freedom of speech and freedom from the non-government consequences of speech, no?
  • Are you saying Muslims can pray where others can't? What? Did I miss that? Public school led prayer is out, but not for Muslims? Is that what you're saying? Or Christians cannot pray in school (not school led prayer, but personal prayer), and Muslims are dropping to their knees and praying 5 x day? The people praying at Denny's are praying to Allah? Are teachers whipping out prayer rugs and facing east by south east and instructing students to do the same, and then the school board and courts are saying it's okay? Did that happen?
  • Aside from the few publicly decried cases where American flags were restricted in schools (debate those cases all you want - they're interesting cases), where are American flags restricted for firetrucks and government buildings? You can't even run for office without a bald eagle in an American flag tuxedo on your lapel, so not sure what this is about either. FFS, there was a flap in 2008 or 2012 about a presidential candidate not wearing an American flag lapel pin, like it was insulting that the flair wasn't approved by the Michael Bay led committee to put flags on literally everything.
  • Yes, that seems to be separation of church and state.
You seem stressed. This is for you:


Where did I say anything about these laws were passed? I'll wait

What I did say is that these are things liberals shout from the rooftops. At the same time of shouting these things, he bemoans Christians for having beliefs.

And every single thing I said is 100% liberal butt hurt belief.
But look at what the opposite side is telling everyone they can and cannot do.. can't say certain words, can't pray almost anywhere(unless you're islamic) can't have American flags on firetrucks or in schools or government buildings
Dude, there is an American flag flying at every public school and every government building in the US. Can't say for certain that their is a flag on every fire truck but I'm sure I've never seen a fireman's uniform that didn't have a flag patch. You can pray anywhere you like...praying doesn't take a building, a room or a second of someone else's time. God is listening...go ahead a pray.
Dude, there is an American flag flying at every public school and every government building in the US. Can't say for certain that their is a flag on every fire truck but I'm sure I've never seen a fireman's uniform that didn't have a flag patch. You can pray anywhere you like...praying doesn't take a building, a room or a second of someone else's time. God is listening...go ahead a pray.

Again, how are you missing the point thst these are things that your kind hoot and holler about. Should I have added " the liberal says" in front of each point?.. ok

The liberal tells everyone we csnt pray in public

The liberal says the American flag is offensive to others

The liberal says that certain words are hate speech and trigger speech

The liberal says the football team redskins offend.

The liberal says ... yall fill in the blanks
Trump is looking forward to these debates more than HRC is. He has nothing to hide.

He knows the game and what's at stake. Doubt seriously you're going to see the same cavalier attitude you've seen in the past. You know he has people instructing him on how to act.

Should be fun.
You're a little on the imbalanced goofy side, Mash... but that was a pretty good line to describe local open public meetings.

Well thanks man.

I might show up to to one meeting and grill them on this mustard gas. I'm not sure pictures of this facility exist. How exactly do you screw up every.single.weld. on a project of this magnitude...allegedly. It's a very serious ,very expensive project that could potentially wipe out massive populations of people if say uhhhh the welds on the pipes filled with killer mustard gas didn't work. Oh my goodness. And what's planned for the aftermath? They built an entire new richmond exit for this place yearsssss before the gas would be gone, and somebody would develop that land. What exactly will be built on this Indian burial ground/killer mustard wasteland - it's actually beautiful af with a nice lake and it's like a wildlife preserve bigger than our city. Golf course, lil pool, cool ex senator has a big nice lake cabin/lodge out there, tbh....FOR F SAKE. It's sickening.

Anyway, you guys catch me in the news with the tinfoil hat shouting absurdities. Tell a friend. If we put our hats on as one, then we can take back a tiny bit of pride and power.
Well thanks man.

I might show up to to one meeting and grill them on this mustard gas. I'm not sure pictures of this facility exist. How exactly do you screw up every.single.weld. on a project of this magnitude...allegedly. It's a very serious ,very expensive project that could potentially wipe out massive populations of people if say uhhhh the welds on the pipes filled with killer mustard gas didn't work. Oh my goodness. And what's planned for the aftermath? They built an entire new richmond exit for this place yearsssss before the gas would be gone, and somebody would develop that land. What exactly will be built on this Indian burial ground/killer mustard wasteland - it's actually beautiful af with a nice lake and it's like a wildlife preserve bigger than our city. Golf course, lil pool, cool ex senator has a big nice lake cabin/lodge out there, tbh....FOR F SAKE. It's sickening.

Anyway, you guys catch me in the news with the tinfoil hat shouting absurdities. Tell a friend. If we put our hats on as one, then we can take back a tiny bit of pride and power.
If you get some video of you doing that and post it here you will become legend.

And FWIW, you've given the most sane salient advice ever posted in the political threads in telling folks to focus on their small local politics.