How will they rule ??!

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How am I racist? For pointing out the racism in society and on this board. People taking up for Heisman? Really...guy spews racist hate on this board and you guys are taking up for him. LMAO. The fellow racists on this board hate to see a breathren in the cause banned.

If you can't see how using monkey memes for Obama is racist, I just don't know what to tell you. You have little knowledge of history. I really hope you guys post this same crap on your facebook walls so friends and co-workers can see how you think.
The problem is you and others have used it so much in cases that do not warrant it that it has become a weakened and questionable argument. When losing arguments concerning BLM, Barak Obama or any other race related or even non race related conversation, it almost always ends up that everyone against your position is a racist. It has become so watered down that most do not take it serious anymore.
Hypothetical: if someone says both bush and obama favored a monkey, is that a racist statement per se? Or, is the person who reads the statement and automatically equates a monkey with an African American, thereby being offended, the more racist of the two?

I still don't think Trump can win. But the fact it's this close after everything they've thrown at him has to be very very concerning. Imo Trump is betting hard on the debates. It'll be interesting, because it'll be the first time anyone has been hostile with hillary.
Any doubt Clinton would have had a scapegoat murdered for plagiarizing?

Trump rejects the resignation of the speech writer because everyone makes mistakes, and people now can't pound "you're fired" memes into the ground.

It looks even more like they planned this whole scenario. Maybe they do have geniuses pulling the strings behind the scenes.
If you want to worry about individuals attacking our country, go ahead, it's probably warranted. If you are worried about a country attacking our country, then that is misplaced dread.

Yup. Single individuals or small cells. It is mutual suicide for any large countries to go into battle with each other. And they know this. Weapons (even non-nukes) are too powerful, lethal and precise to be leashed at each other's large forces.

I think the West is going to just have to live with horrible sporadic attacks from the lone wolf/small cell jihadists from here on out. Because they are in a religion that believes:

1 Allah hates everyone who is not Muslim and wants them dead sooner rather that later
2 Allah even hates Muslims and wants them dead (Sunni/Shia, eg) if they do not tow the line.
3 That Allah has appointed them personally to be his executioners. Doesn't even matter if the "guilty" one is your own child.
4 Martyrdom is an instant direct road to a wonderful Paradise*. Get to skip judgment day.

*Anyone ever notice that in Islam's Paradise they get to do all the sinful things (especially sexual things) they are not allowed to do in this life?
Two headlines. Which one would sound racist to potential recruits?

UK Fans Think Michelle Obama Looks Like a Gorilla
UK Fans Don't Like Obama's Portuguese Water Spaniel
Two headlines. Which one would sound racist to potential recruits?

UK Fans Think Michelle Obama Looks Like a Gorilla
UK Fans Don't Like Obama's Portuguese Water Spaniel
Both in today's world. If you don't like Obama, his wife, or their dog, you are a racist.
Two headlines. Which one would sound racist to potential recruits?

UK Fans Think Michelle Obama Looks Like a Gorilla
UK Fans Don't Like Obama's Portuguese Water Spaniel

"Sounds racist" is in the ear of the hearer.

If someone is an oversensitive race baiting pussy, no matter what headline you type, it will be racist.
The problem is you and others have used it so much in cases that do not warrant it that it has become a weakened and questionable argument. When losing arguments concerning BLM, Barak Obama or any other race related or even non race related conversation, it almost always ends up that everyone against your position is a racist.

And that is why Obama has failed strengthening the Black Community. He has turned them into a expansive group of dependents. Blacks now make less money than under Obama than they did with Bush. Obama has widen the Black Community's dependency on welfare. Matter of fact, you can't find Obama doing anything positive for the Black Community unless he needs a photo-op.

Point blankly, Mr. Obama, White America cannot fix Black America's issues. And you're lack involvement into creating a positive environment for growth was negated by playing the victim card.
How am I racist? For pointing out the racism in society and on this board. People taking up for Heisman? Really...guy spews racist hate on this board and you guys are taking up for him. LMAO. The fellow racists on this board hate to see a breathren in the cause banned.

If you can't see how using monkey memes for Obama is racist, I just don't know what to tell you. You have little knowledge of history. I really hope you guys post this same crap on your facebook walls so friends and co-workers can see how you think.

Only a racist liberal could take the word monkey or a picture of amonkey and associate with Obama. Obama is half white, ya know.
Thats because many of us have moved beyond looking for racism in every statement and instead, treat everyone equally.

Like the children who we desperately love and support and certainly don't take advantage of for political/business reasons.
So, I guess the factories that shut down in my town moved for Mexican robots? Damn you Mr roboto

I think you'd be quite surprised at studying real world economics and not just your economics class. I'm sure a lot of jobs are lost to automation, but I know of a few thousand in my little ass town that were lost to cheaper countries.
So Trump is going to create more farm jobs for you? There is no correlation that native born haves had a decline due to foreign borns. Probably because, in your case, Mexicans are getting less desirable jobs. No I'm not sorry Don would rather pay Pedro less cents a stick for cutting tobacco. Your relying on a fallacy that blaming others for declining employment ultimately rests on the flawed belief that economies can only produce a fixed number of jobs and that for every job occupied by a mexican a native born worker must be unemployed. If they are illegal that's one thing as they need to go through a naturalization process to pay taxes, and even if they are someone paying someone cash to do low skill work is hardly effecting our economy on a large scale and I would consider that losing a job. What else about your town being "little mexico" has put so many in such a bind?
Just saw Trump's financial adviser on CNN and he talked nothing but trickle-down theory. That we need more tax cuts for the rich to spur imaginary growth that will lift all boats.

Good lord, I will drop Trump like a hot rock if he is another trickle-down idiot.
Speaking of this..I'm assuming Liberals will get around to "income equality". I don't understand this focus. Everyone has income equality. I have income equality with Bill Gates...what's that have to do with him? I've never understood why liberals solution is to take other people's money. The focus should be the poor. We have people that have their money, but let's figure out how the ones that don't to get them money. The focus shouldn't be on those with money, as the libs do..the focus should be on getting those without money to get an opportunity to get it.
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If some of you truly cared as much about racism as you put on you would spend much more time that you do speaking out against dramatic race pandering. EG, Baltimore paid a heavy price once the cameras and false narratives were not around.

Just be honest, you do it because that is what the DNC and the ivory towers liberals need to stay in power.
I really wish atheist would just let it rest. Atheisism is now the norm, taught in schools and colleges. So what if a conservative values Jesus as God? It's only got traction in political discourse, not really policy anymore.

And even if it did? So? What is a belief in God going to do? Kill babies? Nope.

Conservatives need to just accept each other and leave the rest to bicker occasionally. Hell, trump is no Christian IMO. I'm still all in. Just like I'm sure you've been with Christian politicians.

I don't really see why an atheist would care? So he believes in God, ok? Policy is what matters.

My opinion of course.

Religion has had little to no influence on public policy in matters concerning religion or morality since the early 60s. Religion's political discourse has been loud and constant since then but to little effect. It began with removing prayer (Engle v Vitale, 1962) and Bible-reading (Abington School District v Schempp, 1963)) out of the schools. Yes, religion kicked and screamed, but LOST. Life went on. No mobs.

Roe v Wade. 1973. Yes, religion kicked and screamed (still does), but LOST. Life went on. A few lone wolf crackpots, but no mobs.

Same Sex Marriage, 2015. Yes, religion kicked and screamed, but LOST. Life goes on. No mobs.

People like Willy seem to despise religious people, accusing them of ruining the country (at least, the Republican party) when their influence on public policy has been practically nil in the past 50 or so years (and getting less so as time goes by).

They resent us even participating in the public discourse
How am I racist? For pointing out the racism in society and on this board. People taking up for Heisman? Really...guy spews racist hate on this board and you guys are taking up for him. LMAO. The fellow racists on this board hate to see a breathren in the cause banned.

If you can't see how using monkey memes for Obama is racist, I just don't know what to tell you. You have little knowledge of history. I really hope you guys post this same crap on your facebook walls so friends and co-workers can see how you think.

It is what it're going to find very little support. Most racists love being able to show how racist they are but cry like little girls when called on it.
So Trump is going to create more farm jobs for you? There is no correlation that native born haves had a decline due to foreign borns. Probably because, in your case, Mexicans are getting less desirable jobs. No I'm not sorry Don would rather pay Pedro less cents a stick for cutting tobacco. Your relying on a fallacy that blaming others for declining employment ultimately rests on the flawed belief that economies can only produce a fixed number of jobs and that for every job occupied by a mexican a native born worker must be unemployed. If they are illegal that's one thing as they need to go through a naturalization process to pay taxes, and even if they are someone paying someone cash to do low skill work is hardly effecting our economy on a large scale and I would consider that losing a job. What else about your town being "little mexico" has put so many in such a bind?

You're not helping your point here, he's not talking about farm jobs in his town. He's speaking about something that's happened all over the Country in small towns. A plant or Factory closes that was the lifeblood for a community or County. Not only that, but the businesses that supported the plant and it's workers in turn wither on the vine.

You're all for a company moving out of the US for the third world, and in the next breath say you want to give poor people oppurtunities? You just supported their oppurtunity leaving the Country?
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Religion has had little to no influence on public policy in matters concerning religion or morality since the early 60s. Religion's political discourse has been loud and constant since then but to little effect. It began with removing prayer (Engle v Vitale, 1962) and Bible-reading (Abington School District v Schempp, 1963)) out of the schools. Yes, religion kicked and screamed, but LOST. Life went on. No mobs.

Roe v Wade. 1973. Yes, religion kicked and screamed (still does), but LOST. Life went on. A few lone wolf crackpots, but no mobs.

Same Sex Marriage, 2015. Yes, religion kicked and screamed, but LOST. Life goes on. No mobs.

People like Willy seem to despise religious people, accusing them of ruining the country (at least, the Republican party) when their influence on public policy has been practically nil in the past 50 or so years (and getting less so as time goes by).

They resent us even participating in the public discourse

Star, the fact that those issues had to be brought to a Supreme Court to defend peoples' right under the Constitution is repulsive.

Guess what? The Supreme Court will be called in again, when the church moves onto its next way of trying to marginalize people, they will try to ban AI, cyborg romance, and other issues of the future that doesn't align with the Jesus.
It is what it're going to find very little support. Most racists love being able to show how racist they are but cry like little girls when called on it.
And most liberals who use race as an argument mostly do so now with no leg to stand on. It is normally used when losing an argument and of recent years that has been frequent. Step away from the lemming crowd and really see what is going on. You may yet get educated on real issues. Fingers crossed.
I didn't even know Obama had plagiarized until this issue with Trump's wife. That graph is the reason why.

Quickly googled it and it looks much more like the Donald Jr. "plagiarism" incident. The original speaker said that he had suggested those lines to Obama. You also probably get less coverage with it being in February, not during the convention when the attention of the entire media is on the event, and with Obama quickly admitting that he should have attributed the lines to Gov Patrick vs Trump's bizarre denials and rehashing of it to keep bringing it into media focus.
Quickly googled it and it looks much more like the Donald Jr. "plagiarism" incident. The original speaker said that he had suggested those lines to Obama. You also probably get less coverage with it being in February, not during the convention when the attention of the entire media is on the event, and with Obama quickly admitting that he should have attributed the lines to Gov Patrick vs Trump's bizarre denials and rehashing of it to keep bringing it into media focus.

I mean, that makes sense with the timing. I'm not sure how those times break down. I'm was just saying, I had no clue Obama had even plagiarized until she did.
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I mean, that makes sense with the timing. I'm not sure how those times break down. I'm was just saying, I had no clue Obama had even plagiarized until she did.

I mean, it's a pretty common thing. Usually people give a half-apology, half explanation, move on. Biden did it in 88 and dropped out of the primary over it. To me the big story this time wasn't that it happened (other than it being odd how they let lines from the current first lady's address get into the night's keynote) but was the reaction. Denials of the obvious followed by accusations of it being a desperate attack from Hillary followed by saying all the press is actually good for them followed by saying it was a speechwriter's fault and he'd offered to resign over it. Means little in the grand scheme, but conventions are always more theater than substance.
As we're all bitching about nonsense, our cities are busy f'ng us in the ass, and we don't even know it. Local shit that actually can be influenced and changed if the people came together, is totally ignored.

I just learned of some more small town housing bullshit that helps a certain ex senator run my town and I'm not going to type it out, but I am pleading for people to read about their own towns and cities because it's the only way people get power back. All this national news is total malarkey, and we know better, tbh. Maybe Facebook doesn't, but y'all typing here do, and y'all know your towns are just as crooked, if not more, than the feds.

Tell me what kind of crap is happening in your town. I'm jkst sick of trump and Hillary. They can't save us, they don't matter much at all.
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So Trump is going to create more farm jobs for you? There is no correlation that native born haves had a decline due to foreign borns. Probably because, in your case, Mexicans are getting less desirable jobs. No I'm not sorry Don would rather pay Pedro less cents a stick for cutting tobacco. Your relying on a fallacy that blaming others for declining employment ultimately rests on the flawed belief that economies can only produce a fixed number of jobs and that for every job occupied by a mexican a native born worker must be unemployed. If they are illegal that's one thing as they need to go through a naturalization process to pay taxes, and even if they are someone paying someone cash to do low skill work is hardly effecting our economy on a large scale and I would consider that losing a job. What else about your town being "little mexico" has put so many in such a bind?

How dense are you?

Where did I say anything about my town being little Mexico or mention anything about type of jobs. FACTORIES HAVE CLOSED SHOP AND LITERALLY MOVED THEIR BASE TO MEXICO. Was it that hard to comprehend or did you just not want to? It has nothing to do with illegals getting jobs here. Did you even read or know how?

Unless the companies are hiring illegal mexicans in Mexico, I have no idea what your rambling nonsense is about.

Side note, the things you said belittling Mexicans and stereotyping them are equal to, if not worse than anything Heisman said and got banned for. I just won't cry to a mod over it.
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Here's the rub with that, I saw today where people were "fact checking" comments last night. One of the false statements was the 2 men from Benghazi who said they were told to stand down, and their reason for saying it was false was because the official Govt record says no one ever said that. Ok, do you believe that the person who told them to stand down would own up to that after an ambassador was killed, not likely.

Why do you think Hillary has refused to say anything unscripted in 6 months? Because she knows she'll slip up as well. Also, why don't we have a constant fact check on her? Didn't we just prove she's a liar, under oath no less.

Hillary has spent the last 16 years making every move, every decision in order to be President, to me that's a whole different level of wanting power, maybe to you that's normal.
So there is no record, nothing but these two men's word saying that they were told to stand down and that's good enough for you? Here is what I weren't there and I wasn't there and neither was HRC. I seriously doubt that when whatever was going on was happening that people were waiting for orders from HRC in order to act. Perhaps the order to stand down came from the ambassador himself since he was the top dog on the scene. Ya think? Could be.

As for HRC spending 16 years preparing to be POTUS...I ask, what's the problem with that? Since when is ambition a bad thing? Lot's of people spend years and decades preparing for a goal in life. I'm trying to figure out how preparation is a bad thing? I thought that the "American Dream" was all about that anyone could be anything if they were willing to work to make it happen.
If you are hiring an executive don't you want one who has prepared for the job?
One of the things that scares me and should scare everyone is the fact that Trump has zero experience in a political setting. He won't be able to tell congressmen and senators that "You're fired" if they don't support his agenda.

But getting back to Trump and truth...I'm not sure how any educated and informed person cannot be bothered by the fact that Trump cannot speak more than a sentence or two without stretching the truth, out-in-out lying, or simply being wrong about facts. And his tactics are to never come back and address his misstatements, it's always to divert and blame others. Talk about HRC's lies all you want...Trump is a pathological liar.
Did he really see "thousands upon thousands cheering in New Jersey" when the twin towers fell?
Are we really "the highest taxed nation in the world" as Trump said? Not even close...
He was against the war in Iraq before it started? Then why call it "a tremendous success" a month into the conflict? btw, there is no record of him offering an opinion before the war...AND he calls himself "the most militaristic candidate in the race" (during the GOP primary).
Do you really believe that he didn't know David Duke? A funny thing to say about someone whom he had once spoke about.
So there is no record, nothing but these two men's word saying that they were told to stand down and that's good enough for you? Here is what I weren't there and I wasn't there and neither was HRC. I seriously doubt that when whatever was going on was happening that people were waiting for orders from HRC in order to act. Perhaps the order to stand down came from the ambassador himself since he was the top dog on the scene. Ya think? Could be.

As for HRC spending 16 years preparing to be POTUS...I ask, what's the problem with that? Since when is ambition a bad thing? Lot's of people spend years and decades preparing for a goal in life. I'm trying to figure out how preparation is a bad thing? I thought that the "American Dream" was all about that anyone could be anything if they were willing to work to make it happen.
If you are hiring an executive don't you want one who has prepared for the job?
One of the things that scares me and should scare everyone is the fact that Trump has zero experience in a political setting. He won't be able to tell congressmen and senators that "You're fired" if they don't support his agenda.

But getting back to Trump and truth...I'm not sure how any educated and informed person cannot be bothered by the fact that Trump cannot speak more than a sentence or two without stretching the truth, out-in-out lying, or simply being wrong about facts. And his tactics are to never come back and address his misstatements, it's always to divert and blame others. Talk about HRC's lies all you want...Trump is a pathological liar.
Did he really see "thousands upon thousands cheering in New Jersey" when the twin towers fell?
Are we really "the highest taxed nation in the world" as Trump said? Not even close...
He was against the war in Iraq before it started? Then why call it "a tremendous success" a month into the conflict? btw, there is no record of him offering an opinion before the war...AND he calls himself "the most militaristic candidate in the race" (during the GOP primary).
Do you really believe that he didn't know David Duke? A funny thing to say about someone whom he had once spoke about.

Hillary making every decision to make her President is why she put a server in her house and used it while Sec of State, why she knowingly lied to the public about what really happened in Benghazi and in turn an American was jailed over it, stayed married to her husband after he publicly humiliated her, is the reason she hasn't spoken off the cuff with reporters in over 6 months. Yea, that worries me more than ANYTHING Trump has said. She has already proven she will abuse power when it benefits her, at least to me.

I don't know what happened in Benghazi, and the action or inaction isn't really important to me, what is important is how it was handled afterwards, and that was to cover it up so it couldn't cost Obama the election which in turn would damage Hillary's reputation.

I DON"T CARE what Trump thought about going into Iraq, I really don't. As for David Duke, He said he didn't hear the question, I don't know if he did or not, but since he had just denounced his support the day before I'll take that as he didn't want it. Unless you think Trump really covets the support of the KKK, I don't.
Religion has had little to no influence on public policy in matters concerning religion or morality since the early 60s. Religion's political discourse has been loud and constant since then but to little effect. It began with removing prayer (Engle v Vitale, 1962) and Bible-reading (Abington School District v Schempp, 1963)) out of the schools. Yes, religion kicked and screamed, but LOST. Life went on. No mobs.

Roe v Wade. 1973. Yes, religion kicked and screamed (still does), but LOST. Life went on. A few lone wolf crackpots, but no mobs.

Same Sex Marriage, 2015. Yes, religion kicked and screamed, but LOST. Life goes on. No mobs.

People like Willy seem to despise religious people, accusing them of ruining the country (at least, the Republican party) when their influence on public policy has been practically nil in the past 50 or so years (and getting less so as time goes by).

They resent us even participating in the public discourse just pointed out issues that the GOP has embraced and lost. Perhaps if the party hadn't sided with the "Moral Majority", or called itself the party of "Family Values" siding with and embracing Evangelicals, it wouldn't have lost so many elections. The fact that the past 60 years has been filled with groups on either side of social issues fighting for their rights...and they have had to fight to get those rights...
You don't think stem cell research is a public policy issue?
You are trying to make the case that they have ultimately lost the war on social issues that the battles themselves had little effect.
The rub is not against religious people, it's against religious people that want to use their religious views to dictate what others can and cannot do. If you're against same-sex marriage then don't marry someone of the same sex. But why should you prevent those who feel otherwise from doing so?
Christ never compelled anyone to worship in any way. He delivered his message and invited them to follow the way on their own free will.
So Trump is going to create more farm jobs for you? There is no correlation that native born haves had a decline due to foreign borns. Probably because, in your case, Mexicans are getting less desirable jobs. No I'm not sorry Don would rather pay Pedro less cents a stick for cutting tobacco. Your relying on a fallacy that blaming others for declining employment ultimately rests on the flawed belief that economies can only produce a fixed number of jobs and that for every job occupied by a mexican a native born worker must be unemployed. If they are illegal that's one thing as they need to go through a naturalization process to pay taxes, and even if they are someone paying someone cash to do low skill work is hardly effecting our economy on a large scale and I would consider that losing a job. What else about your town being "little mexico" has put so many in such a bind?

"Less desirable jobs" are that mostly because of the low pay associated with them - not necessarily because they are especially hard or dirty etc. Americans would do them if they paid more. The reason they don't pay more is because there has been a flood of illegals who will gladly do them for minimum wage (a fortune to them) or less. People like this because it keeps prices down. It is exploitation of the lower tier of American workers who would have those jobs if they paid a fair and livable wage. Make more on the dole.
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Hypothetical: if someone says both bush and obama favored a monkey, is that a racist statement per se? Or, is the person who reads the statement and automatically equates a monkey with an African American, thereby being offended, the more racist of the two?

I still don't think Trump can win. But the fact it's this close after everything they've thrown at him has to be very very concerning. Imo Trump is betting hard on the debates. It'll be interesting, because it'll be the first time anyone has been hostile with hillary.
Watch and see if Hillary does not try her best to get out of debating Donald Trump. One would think it would be political suicide, but for how bad he is going to roast her in ways nobody else would dream of it would be the perfect scenario for her. She will scream about protesting because he is a racist or a womanizer or something along those lines and the media will play her to be some revolutionary thinker and praise her holy name.