How will they rule ??!

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I like Trump for the simple fact that he's not a typical politician. He was undaunted by the press and was honest about a lot of things that aren't usually discussed in public by a normal politician. They are concerned about their press, Don doesn't care.

If we can get him in there, I feel like it will open the door farther for someone like Johnson in the near future. I fall in the middle of political stances and the far right religious aspect is very distasteful to me. Not as bad as the far left, but I don't like it.

We need a clapper in our bell curve, Hillary is a crack on the left side of our bell.

As I've said, my issues with the libertarians is foreign policy. We'd be attacked left and right and 10 years after the isolation mentality we'd be hit even harder. Evil is evil because it's evil, not because America improperly invaded or defended itself. America must be the worlds police, there's no way around it. Every time we back up or sit back, the world becomes more dangerous. China, Russia, and the Middle East are waiting on America to nominate an isolationist. It's their wet dream.

I agree with them on several big government issues, that's about it.

I consider myself a strategic conservative. I don't give a shit if you pray to God, and it's been overblown by the anti-religious crowd who really just hates religion in general, and becomes obsessed with God fearing men. It's a bit ridiculous. I care that a leftist is not in power first and foremost.

I also don't care if you're non religious as long as you defend the J-Christian foundation and respect it.

I support trump as many Christians do. We are able to look past religious affiliation, whereas modern day anti-religious voters cannot.
So independents are liberals in disguise?

One could say that Republicans didnt get their guy and now finding themselves rationalizing a reason to vote for him.

Independents do not typically hold the left as accountable as the right. There are two different standards they place on the parties, or so it seems to me.
I'm very late jumping back in this, but if voting for the candidate you most agree with is wrong, I don't want to be right. #Johnson2016

Live, it's crazy. If you have a L beside your name and not a R or a D, then apparently you're unAmerican. I called it years ago on here. Only sheep will vote D and R. Shame the Rs ran off the Ls by selling their religion over the Constitution
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Live, it's crazy. If you have a L beside your name and not a R or a D, then apparently you're unAmerican. I called it years ago on here. Only sheep will vote D and R. Shame the Rs ran off the Ls by selling their religion over the Constitution

No, the dangerous and misguided belief that no one will attack America if we just sit back is why republicans abandoned parts of the L party. We don't agree at all.

On other issues, we agree completely.

I call my L friends "half brothers" for this reason. In the end, we should come together against the liberal evil and people like Hillary Clinton. Can we? I hope so.
Any evidence for that or just anecdotal?

I think there's evidence. Third parties hurt conservatives traditionally. why do independents away left most of the time, even when the party performs horribly on the national stage?

It's also anecdotal.
Sorry, I was going on the assumption that any president we have is not going to just pull our military home and disband it. If any country or entity should attack our interests or allies, then we should pummel them immediately and without remorse.

The libertarian president that I envision is one that values the constitution and operates the government within those constraints. Yes, provide for our common defense, no, do not take my money that I earned and give it to some drug addled inner city thug.
I also think republicans have been successfully tied to "moral standards" and the left has no moral code. All is accepted. Another reason the right is held to a standard the left isn't.

Those "Christains" must be perfect, or else.

It's a way of "gotcha" with non religious people. Adds to it IMO.
No, the dangerous and misguided belief that no one will attack America if we just sit back is why republicans abandoned parts of the L party. We don't agree at all.

On other issues, we agree completely.

I call my L friends "half brothers" for this reason. In the end, we should come together against the liberal evil and people like Hillary Clinton. Can we? I hope so.

Our foreign policy has been total shit under D and R. Using war to back mistakes and to expand the military industrial complex. Think about this S & C, we give the saudis all kind of ally and they planned 9/11. I disagree with bully foreign policy that plays the victim card.
Sorry, I was going on the assumption that any president we have is not going to just pull our military home and disband it. If any country or entity should attack our interests or allies, then we should pummel them immediately and without remorse.

The libertarian president that I envision is one that values the constitution and operates the government within those constraints. Yes, provide for our common defense, no, do not take my money that I earned and give it to some drug addled inner city thug.

Johnson would dismantle the military in much of the same way as Obama, make no mistake. Probably would attack even if attacked.

Paul is the same. America needs to withdrawal from the world, and all will be left to the ever great utopia that is isolationism. This isn't going to happen. We will be attacked as soon as we withdrawal.

It's dangerous and short sighted. If it could be the way you describe, I'd be all for it. But that's not the L party.
Our foreign policy has been total shit under D and R. Using war to back mistakes and to expand the military industrial complex. Think about this S & C, we give the saudis all kind of ally and they planned 9/11. I disagree with bully foreign policy that plays the victim card.

Not every war is justified, of course. We've made mistakes.

It doesn't matter today. Islamist want you dead, and Israelis dead, for the caliphate. Not because of any policy, although the sikes-picot agreement, I will agree, helped add fuel to the fire.

We've also done great by our strong military. It's liberated people, and kept us safe.

See, on earth, nothing will be perfect. It's just the reality. But believing America is the great evil causing the evil in the world to act out is LUNACY. This is the problem with the L party. Give me libertarians on government growth, and if they'd just admit SOMEONE must be the worlds police, Id be on board, religion or not.
Johnson would dismantle the military in much of the same way as Obama, make no mistake. Probably would attack even if attacked.

Paul is the same. America needs to withdrawal from the world, and all will be left to the ever great utopia that is isolationism. This isn't going to happen. We will be attacked as soon as we withdrawal.

It's dangerous and short sighted. If it could be the way you describe, I'd be all for it. But that's not the L party.
If you want to worry about individuals attacking our country, go ahead, it's probably warranted. If you are worried about a country attacking our country, then that is misplaced dread.
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I bet none of the liberals had a problem when pictures like this were common...


I guess double standards kill two birds with one stone.
I don't get it. Who is this offensive to, the chimps?
If you want to worry about individuals attacking our country, go ahead, it's probably warranted. If you are worried about a country attacking our country, then that is misplaced dread.
If you want to worry about individuals attacking our country, go ahead, it's probably warranted. If you are worried about a country attacking our country, then that is misplaced dread.

I don't agree. I think Russia would love nothing more than the opportunity to not only overtake America, but invade America of the opportunity and means we're there. Through our strong defense, it's not possible. Take it away, it's open season on all countries by those who still aspire to be the super power.

The world didn't stop wanting power when america became too strong to invade. They want it it still, they just can't.
I considered myself Atheist. I don't believe in Jesus/god, Islam, or any of that.

But I'm Republican and will always vote Republican over Democrats. So shut up.

I really wish atheist would just let it rest. Atheisism is now the norm, taught in schools and colleges. So what if a conservative values Jesus as God? It's only got traction in political discourse, not really policy anymore.

And even if it did? So? What is a belief in God going to do? Kill babies? Nope.

Conservatives need to just accept each other and leave the rest to bicker occasionally. Hell, trump is no Christian IMO. I'm still all in. Just like I'm sure you've been with Christian politicians.

I don't really see why an atheist would care? So he believes in God, ok? Policy is what matters.

My opinion of course.
I don't agree. I think Russia would love nothing more than the opportunity to not only overtake America, but invade America of the opportunity and means we're there. Through our strong defense, it's not possible. Take it away, it's open season on all countries by those who still aspire to be the super power.

The world didn't stop wanting power when america became too strong to invade. They want it it still, they just can't.
Dude, I don't know what you think about Russia, but I can assure you they have seen Red Dawn and they don't want anything to do with the Wolverines. Besides, the USS Kentucky is stationed out around Seattle and can obliterate Moscow without even leaving port. They know this. No president can dismantle the military to the point we are at an obvious risk. It doesn't work that way.
Exactly Ymmot. Beautifully said.

Plus Johnson couldnt dismantle the military, he isn't a dictator

Bullshit. Obama has dismantled much of our fleets and intelligence with his crap. An isolationist would be worse.

We won't agree here.
Dude, I don't know what you think about Russia, but I can assure you they have seen Red Dawn and they don't want anything to do with the Wolverines. Besides, the USS Kentucky is stationed out around Seattle and can obliterate Moscow without even leaving port. They know this. No president can dismantle the military to the point we are at an obvious risk. It doesn't work that way.

But that is the works of past ideology, not because of isolationist L's. It can be undone, Obama has cut the shit out of our military. And an isolationist could do ore damage.

Maybe not in the present, but after years and years of isolationist, it could happen.

My opinion of course.
Bullshit. Obama has dismantled much of our fleets and intelligence with his crap. An isolationist would be worse.

We won't agree here.

Obama ain't doing shit without Senate and Congress approval military wise. Are you saying that he used executive order to weaken our military?
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There was a U.S general that said all of the countries combined couldn't defeat us.

We have a very mismanaged defense budget that needs drastic reform. A lot of waste. Iraq has killed us
Waiting for the media to say that white code pink woman was protesting during a black man speech. I'm sure MSNBC and CNN will talk about that blatant racism all over the media tomorrow.
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Obama ain't doing shit without Senate and Congress approval military wise. Are you saying that he used executive order to weaken our military?

Military spending has dropped 15% in the last 4 years. I'm not gong to get into sequestration, and the inability to cut a deal. Obama knows exactly what he's doing. And my opinion is an L like Paul would be far worse.

Let's not play dumb. The left's position is limited military, and that's the position, even more so, of the L's.

I want the strongest military possible. Invade, kill, take the resources, and leave!

If provoked of course.
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There was a U.S general that said all of the countries combined couldn't defeat us.

We have a very mismanaged defense budget that needs drastic reform. A lot of waste. Iraq has killed us

Right now. Because of conservative military principles. Not because of an isolationist mentality.

That's all I'm saying.
Military spending has dropped 15% in the last 4 years. I'm not gong to get into sequestration, and the inability to cut a deal. Obama knows exactly what he's doing. And my opinion is an L like Paul would be far worse.

Let's not play dumb. The left's position is limited military, and that's the position, even more so, of the L's.

I want the strongest military possible. Invade, kill, take the resources, and leave!

Of provoked of course.

Dropped 15%? Still trumps the next China by 10fold. And you allude to Russia as the concern, when China spends more than Russia and is starting expansionism ramped up. Which has been a response to our strategic maneuvering surrounding China. The U.S isnt the victim. We need to quit acting like a bunch of Indian raped women
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One more time.

America cannot be defeated NOW because of decades upon decades of conservative military principles. Not because of libertarian isolationism or leftist sympathetic reasoning. We are what we are, incapable of invasion, because of that ideology.

Take it away, become a closet warrior, and I assure you, shit can hit the fan.
Dropped 15%? Still trumps the next China by 10fold. And you allude to Russia as the concern, when China spends more than Russia and is starting expansionism ramped up. Which has been a response to our strategic maneuvering surrounding China. The U.S isnt the victim. We need to quit acting like a bunch of Indian raped women

I view most countries as a thread. China much included.

Russia was just an example of someone who would love nothing more than america taking a back seat. Ask Ukraine.
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I dont agree Obama weakened the military, but I do agree that he has been an awful commander in chief. We are supporting muslims in Syria. We are backing the "resistance".
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One more time.

America cannot be defeated NOW because of decades upon decades of conservative military principles. Not because of libertarian isolationism or leftist sympathetic reasoning. We are what we are, incapable of invasion, because of that ideology.

Take it away, become a closet warrior, and I assure you, shit can hit the fan.

Libertarian isolationism would've prevented 9/11 and the middle east wars while saving the national debt trillions and trillions cheaper.