How will they rule ??!

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That's fine. They will grow up and 8 years will pass. Then they will be bitter about the propaganda used to manipulate them at such an early age. Sort of like plenty of the folks in here still waiting for end of all times that was promised 30 years ago. 2 thousand zero zero party over with out of time.
Your math is almost as interesting as your comparisons. Maybe you learned it from Al Gore's school of reasoning. But what is 10 years when human manipulation is on the line? But unlike big Al's phoney scares of earthly "can't take it", the Y2K drama didn't seem to have institutionalized backing and the shaming methods that have the climate lemmings at cliff's edge the western world over. There is no waking these stupid people. Bitter 15 year olds? I agree with you. Tons more likely.
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He doesn't like what she's doing in California? What's she doing? Far as I know, she's doing nothing at all. In fact if I didn't independently know her state, I couldn't even guess which one it was. Some representative.

The only thing she's ever done is self serving. Either line her own pockets with things like that dock deal, or for her own political career
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Why the sudden, widespread antisemitism? It's like someone sent out the order to start harassing Jews allover the world.

New York is a shithole again and it only took a couple short years under Cuomo, DeBlasio and AG James

But, read this shit... I want to punch all these ignorant cucks in the throat.

This beta pole smoker literally believes this person will show back up for court... Our biggest problems aren't immigration, crime, debt, etc... our biggest problem is giving dipshit, illl-informed progressives a legit platform to have an opinion, all while making them think they're smarter than the average bear simply b/c they subscribe to wokeness. The smug on this dude is unreal, and he's dumber than a box of Corn Flakes.
Our family has been effectively destroyed by addiction. Aging parents, continually supporting my 50 year old sibling's, addiction and related legal troubles, and the only firm action they take is anger directed towards me for my lack of tolerance for the weakness, their perpetual enabling, the financial and emotional tolls, and the future impact it will have on the one productive child with an actual ability to provide real care.

It is an interesting thing to sit back and observe those who seem supportive of eliminating all barriers to drug use and addiction, and while listening / reading their theories on how it is somehow practical. What are their methods? Eliminate the border and laws. No punishment, no legal discouragement, no conflict between temptation and the lack of quality life and all the reckonings in-between. Like some now disproven science, everything you have ever heard about lives ruined, families shattered, all of those things, none of that was real. Just let the horror shows open up for real and don't judge. If you aren't an enabler, able to deny, you are the problem. All paradigms are shifting these days. It is the fashion. Always room for another in the order of chaos and fantasy.

Bless you brother...
Why the sudden, widespread antisemitism? It's like someone sent out the order to start harassing Jews allover the world.

New York is a shithole again and it only took a couple short years under Cuomo, DeBlasio and AG James

But, read this shit... I want to punch all these ignorant cucks in the throat.

This beta pole smoker literally believes this person will show back up for court... Our biggest problems aren't immigration, crime, debt, etc... our biggest problem is giving dipshit, illl-informed progressives a legit platform to have an opinion, all while making them think they're smarter than the average bear simply b/c they subscribe to wokeness. The smug on this dude is unreal, and he's dumber than a box of Corn Flakes.

Diversity FTW!!! Such a f***ing joke. The elites in office know illegals are a pathway to complete control. And the woke crowd is either applauding it or ignoring it because orange man bad.
The left are professional dick stepper-on-ers. What does that tell you about their constituency?

Man... I wonder what it’s like to ONLY see color all the time. I love how ALL police are out to “terrorize” black and brown people.

There is probably nothing more racist or prejudiced than being woke.
Diversity FTW!!! Such a f***ing joke. The elites in office know illegals are a pathway to complete control. And the woke crowd is either applauding it or ignoring it because orange man bad.
See, I think wokeness is a drug. They sell it to weak minds who buy it up thinking it makes them more intelligent. I swear, this is what I think is happening. ALL these people can't be completely stupid and devoid of common sense logic. No, they buy-in b/c they feel it raises them above the crowd. They fight for it (knowingly wrong or otherwise) b/c the idea of being somehow superior appeals to them and they like it.

I base this theory on the idea that very few of these folks ever actually take the time to better themselves as humans. It's much easier to adopt a mantra attached to a celebrated idealism and get the accompanying pink hair, tattoo or a body piercing... These are the same folks who think external appearance = personal growth.

Again, thank these folks for the overt warning signs and give them a wide berth.
Dion, you are insufferable.

The majority of Trump supporters, (including the evangelical right)n could not care about.his personal piety. We know the deal.

Guess what? It doesn't matter, so long as the big picture stuff is back on the "right' track.

You know, non activist liberal judges and such.

Just like we don't care that as a businessman, Trump played by rules set up, and had his stuff made in China or wherever. Doesn't mean he liked it.

I would suggest you find a Trump interview from the 80's, where he talked about EXACTLY what he ran for president on.

He hasn't changed his opinions in 40 years.

He hasn’t changed for sure.
This is an interesting interview with david letterman from 1987.
It's become so obvious now when they keep refusing to publish a name/picture, you don't even have to wonder. If he was a white male Republican, we'd know his name by heart right now...

The 9/11 hijackers were recently left out of the equation and we were told the planes did it.

I wonder how long it is until they start blaming the machete he used? Or “Trump’s divisive rhetoric” inspired this (while we have 2 Jew hating members in congress that are VERY vocal about it).
See, I think wokeness is a drug. They sell it to weak minds who buy it up thinking it makes them more intelligent. I swear, this is what I think is happening. ALL these people can't be completely stupid and devoid of common sense logic. No, they buy-in b/c they feel it raises them above the crowd. They fight for it (knowingly wrong or otherwise) b/c the idea of being somehow superior appeals to them and they like it.

I base this theory on the idea that very few of these folks ever actually take the time to better themselves as humans. It's much easier to adopt a mantra attached to a celebrated idealism and get the accompanying pink hair, tattoo or a body piercing... These are the same folks who think external appearance = personal growth.

Again, thank these folks for the overt warning signs and give them a wide berth.

So to put this into a picture you’re saying:
See, I think wokeness is a drug. They sell it to weak minds who buy it up thinking it makes them more intelligent. I swear, this is what I think is happening. ALL these people can't be completely stupid and devoid of common sense logic. No, they buy-in b/c they feel it raises them above the crowd. They fight for it (knowingly wrong or otherwise) b/c the idea of being somehow superior appeals to them and they like it.

I base this theory on the idea that very few of these folks ever actually take the time to better themselves as humans. It's much easier to adopt a mantra attached to a celebrated idealism and get the accompanying pink hair, tattoo or a body piercing... These are the same folks who think external appearance = personal growth.

Again, thank these folks for the overt warning signs and give them a wide berth.
Completely ate up with the dumb ass.
Trump should have said "Leviticus chapter 20, verse 13, look it up"
Problem is, had he told him any verse (Most people know at least one) and left out one part, he would have been attacked by the left saying he got it wrong. They need to discredit him with the Christian community the same as they have with minorities, women, multigendered perverts, criminals (including illegals, they are criminals too), drug addicts (Dion, Plat, James, Levi, RG, and others here) etc...because, they have done nothing for the people in the last three years to get anyone of their candidates elected. They only way is misdirection, lies, and cheating. Dems are the scum of this country.
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Says a member of the party who's politicians got richer in office while Trump has lost money. Thanks for pointing out what our fore fathers meant that the Obama's, Clintons, Bidens, Gore and others exploited.

You are another moron who really doesn't read or understand what they read before posting. You and rgarnold should hold hands because you sing well together.
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Our family has been effectively destroyed by addiction. Aging parents, continually supporting my 50 year old sibling's, addiction and related legal troubles, and the only firm action they take is anger directed towards me for my lack of tolerance for the weakness, their perpetual enabling, the financial and emotional tolls, and the future impact it will have on the one productive child with an actual ability to provide real care.

It is an interesting thing to sit back and observe those who seem supportive of eliminating all barriers to drug use and addiction, and while listening / reading their theories on how it is somehow practical. What are their methods? Eliminate the border and laws. No punishment, no legal discouragement, no conflict between temptation and the lack of quality life and all the reckonings in-between. Like some now disproven science, everything you have ever heard about lives ruined, families shattered, all of those things, none of that was real. Just let the horror shows open up for real and don't judge. If you aren't an enabler, able to deny, you are the problem. All paradigms are shifting these days. It is the fashion. Always room for another in the order of chaos and fantasy.
The only plus to their way of thinking with doing away with borders and laws would be the survival of the fittest "Law" that it would create. Eventually, these idiots opining for such a world be doing us a favor because, they would soon be killed. They can't even cope with losing to Trump much less being able to handle the hardships that survival of the fittest would create.

Nothing creates better conservatives.

Back in school they told us we were going to run out of oil by 1990, that the world was going to end and man was at fault, and basically attacking anything not liberal. I believed all this garbage until I was about 21 or 22. Once I realized how big of liars they were, I went very far to the right.

This guy's self-righteousness and self love is off the charts.

I love that TDS at the end of the day is really about Twitter. All these high and mighty people that went to all the right schools, joined the right clubs, and sucked the right dick can't stand the leader of the world is allowed to be a gaping asshole in public on social media.