How will they rule ??!

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In the highly unlikely event that one of our resident Dems actually takes you up on your request to explain in detail how America is Fascist, I would like for them to expand upon that and explain exactly how many of the policies they propose and support are not fascist in nature.

They can’t do that because they don’t know what fascism really is. They’ve been taught anything that puts a minority person or group in a negative light is fascism... and also racist, sexist, bigoted, and all their other favorite buzz words.

As long as the ends justify the means and contribute to the way they think the world should be, it gets a pass.
Oh, I don't know, rq/fuzz. Ask a parent if they would prefer a timeout in jail, or an overdose death for an opiate addicted child. You might be surprised.

Ask a judge if they're happy when a probationer overdoses. Hint: they're not.
My dad always told me growing up that if I ever got arrested doing something stupid like drugs or DUI or something, that he wouldn’t come bail me out, that He’d let me sit in that jail cell and think about what I’ve done. That was a pretty sound deterrent for me to do anything stupid as a teenager.
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Use <> addiction. Is everyone who enjoys a beer or bourbon an alcoholic?
Do we imprison alcoholics who’s only crime is that they drink too much?

All drugs are not created equal Arnold. Physical addiction isn’t the same as enjoying a bourbon or beer.
It destroys the lives of the addict, their family, friends, coworkers and if they have children it affects them for life as well. Absolutely nothing beneficial comes from legalizing all drugs.
My dad always told me growing up that if I ever got arrested doing something stupid like drugs or DUI or something, that he wouldn’t come bail me out, that He’d let me sit in that jail cell and think about what I’ve done. That was a pretty sound deterrent for me to do anything stupid as a teenager.

Too many now are enablers. I know 2 people addicted to heroine and their families keep bailing them out and giving them money, despite being robbed by those individuals.

You want to help them get treatment? Then stop contributing to their demise.
Another example of your stupidity. Trump has already had more associates indicted and jailed than the entirety of all the Democratic Presidents of your lifetime. Add those of Nixon... if they were so corrupt then why hasn’t your hero done anything about it?

Your stupidity, is it natural or do you work at it?
The point you missed is the swamp is being allowed to be cleaned under his watch. Obama, Hillary and the others simply protected them and kept the status quo proving my point with your own post. Who's the dummy now!

Use <> addiction. Is everyone who enjoys a beer or bourbon an alcoholic?
Do we imprison alcoholics who’s only crime is that they drink too much?

Your critical thinking skills are critically lacking. It's that very malady that allows you to think like a dem and not question your "knowledge". I suppose your reasoning that making all drugs legal wouldn't exponentially increase crime, is that you are operating on the assumption that Mother Government will provide all the drugs for free. You're a fool, son.
Wc, you are literally the stupidest person ever encountered on this board. If you ever say something semi-intelligent it will be a first.
Your ignorance and or blind adherence to the ideology of the left is becoming legendary here and is bordering on serious radicalism. You and a few others here are truly lost when it comes to what is really going on in our country today. Just be happy there are people like me who keep this country going.
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Joe Biden

✔ @JoeBiden

· 1h

Replying to @JoeBiden
But I am just not going to pretend that there is any legal basis for Republican subpoenas for my testimony in the impeachment trial. That is the point I was making yesterday and I reiterate: this impeachment is about Trump’s conduct, not mine.

Joe Biden

✔ @JoeBiden

The subpoenas should go to witnesses with testimony to offer to Trump’s shaking down the Ukraine government — they should go to the White House.


10:33 AM - Dec 28, 2019
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1,869 people are talking about this
Your ignorance and or blind adherence to the ideology of the left is becoming legendary here and is bordering on serious radicalism. You and a few others here are truly lost when it comes to what is really going on in our country today. Just be happy there are people like me who keep this country going.

Thank you for your service! Both sides see your role as being the same. Protect our country from outside threats. Problem is, one side wants the outside threats. One side hates that this country only provides equal opportunity and not equal outcomes. One side is touched in the head.
Another example of your stupidity. Trump has already had more associates indicted and jailed than the entirety of all the Democratic Presidents of your lifetime. Add those of Nixon... if they were so corrupt then why hasn’t your hero done anything about it?

Your stupidity, is it natural or do you work at it?
Good reason for this. Deep State goes after Pubs & lets Dims skate.
Your critical thinking skills are critically lacking. It's that very malady that allows you to think like a dem and not question your "knowledge". I suppose your reasoning that making all drugs legal wouldn't exponentially increase crime, is that you are operating on the assumption that Mother Government will provide all the drugs for free. You're a fool, son.
Not only that but, he is also assuming drug users would all be responsible people. Responsible and drug user does not go together. Once it is habitual and it will be in more cases than not, it will become a problem. if he thinks the prison system is a problem now, we would have to change more laws in this country just to keep up. Total chaos would ensue.
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Is there a war against the establishment and will we see more presidents elected without holding office if Trumps second term goes well? I definitely see more political outsiders as a serious option but it would still be limited to a wealthy individual. Trump didn’t need campaign money and couldn’t be bought, doesn’t need to use the office to enrich himself. You have to consider that Trumps term would be even better if the dems and sometimes reps wouldn’t resist at every turn. Look at the accomplishments with a house that’s more hostile than Isis.

The benefit of having held an office before is experience but bad experience is more of the same, meaning learning the big government machine makes you part of it. Due to the unique circumstances I don’t see this duplicated for a long time, the circumstances are too rare. I’m glad I got to see us throw somebody at the establishment that is doing what we always wanted to do ourselves and be successful while the machine fights it.
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Trump on the bible:

Interviewer 1: You mention the bible, you've been talking about how it's your favorite book. And you said, I think last night in Iowa, some people are surprised that you say that. I'm wondering what one or two of your most favored bible verses are and why.

Trump: Well I-I wouldn't want to get into it because to me, that's very personal. You know, when I talk about the bible it's very personal, so I don't want to get into verses, I don't want to get into-

Interviewer 1: There's no- There's no verses that- mean a lot to you, or-

Trump: No, no

Interviewer 1: that mean a lot to you, that you think about or cite

Trump: The- The bible means a lot to me, but, I don't want to get into specifics.

Interviewer 1: Even to cite a verse that you like.

Trump: No. I don't want to do that.

Interviewer 2: Are you an old testament guy or a new testament guy?

Trump: Uh... Probably... Equal. I think it's just, an incredible... the whole bible is an incredible- I joke, uh, very much so that they always hold up "The Art of the Deal" I say "My second favorite book of all time!"

Most of y'all are heavily Christian here. Many say that a movement away from Christianity is a major factor in a declining America. Your faith is supposedly under assault and false piety in politicians is railed against. What do you have to say about Trump blatantly exploiting your religion like this? What if this had been Obama?
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Trump on the bible:

Interviewer 1: You mention the bible, you've been talking about how it's your favorite book. And you said, I think last night in Iowa, some people are surprised that you say that. I'm wondering what one or two of your most favored bible verses are and why.

Trump: Well I-I wouldn't want to get into it because to me, that's very personal. You know, when I talk about the bible it's very personal, so I don't want to get into verses, I don't want to get into-

Interviewer 1: There's no- There's no verses that- mean a lot to you, or-

Trump: No, no

Interviewer 1: that mean a lot to you, that you think about or cite

Trump: The- The bible means a lot to me, but, I don't want to get into specifics.

Interviewer 1: Even to cite a verse that you like.

Trump: No. I don't want to do that.

Interviewer 2: Are you an old testament guy or a new testament guy?

Trump: Uh... Probably... Equal. I think it's just, an incredible... the whole bible is an incredible- I joke, uh, very much so that they always hold up "The Art of the Deal" I say "My second favorite book of all time!"

Most of y'all are heavily Christian here. Many say that a movement away from Christianity is a major factor in a declining America. Your faith is supposedly under assault and false piety in politicians is railed against. What do you have to say about Trump blatantly exploiting your religion like this? What if this had been Obama?
Lmao your party runs on practically genociding babies. Give me a maybe not so christian Trump over that any day.
Lmao your party runs on practically genociding babies. Give me a maybe not so christian Trump over that any day.
"The other side is worse" is definitely a pragmatic answer. Glad you agree Trump exploits the Christian faith for his own ends. See the right and left don't disagree on everything!
Dion, you are insufferable.

The majority of Trump supporters, (including the evangelical right)n could not care about.his personal piety. We know the deal.

Guess what? It doesn't matter, so long as the big picture stuff is back on the "right' track.

You know, non activist liberal judges and such.

Just like we don't care that as a businessman, Trump played by rules set up, and had his stuff made in China or wherever. Doesn't mean he liked it.

I would suggest you find a Trump interview from the 80's, where he talked about EXACTLY what he ran for president on.

He hasn't changed his opinions in 40 years.
few things.

you don't actually know he is blatantly exploiting anything, that's an assumption. he's under no obligation to actually answer that question, I wouldn't either were I him... what you think every Christian has to be like the shawshank redemption warden?

other side is worse is obviously pertinent here, ie the difference between Buttigieg and Trump, if you presume they are all pandering and exploiting for votes.

most people here are not heavily christian, or atleast depending on how most/heavily defined... plenty of regular posters here are atheists that express the same or similar views on the critical issues, namely that your leftist Marxist nonsense is dangerous and unAmerican. they don't have these problems in Japan either
Trump on the bible:

Interviewer 1: You mention the bible, you've been talking about how it's your favorite book. And you said, I think last night in Iowa, some people are surprised that you say that. I'm wondering what one or two of your most favored bible verses are and why.

Trump: Well I-I wouldn't want to get into it because to me, that's very personal. You know, when I talk about the bible it's very personal, so I don't want to get into verses, I don't want to get into-

Interviewer 1: There's no- There's no verses that- mean a lot to you, or-

Trump: No, no

Interviewer 1: that mean a lot to you, that you think about or cite

Trump: The- The bible means a lot to me, but, I don't want to get into specifics.

Interviewer 1: Even to cite a verse that you like.

Trump: No. I don't want to do that.

Interviewer 2: Are you an old testament guy or a new testament guy?

Trump: Uh... Probably... Equal. I think it's just, an incredible... the whole bible is an incredible- I joke, uh, very much so that they always hold up "The Art of the Deal" I say "My second favorite book of all time!"

Most of y'all are heavily Christian here. Many say that a movement away from Christianity is a major factor in a declining America. Your faith is supposedly under assault and false piety in politicians is railed against. What do you have to say about Trump blatantly exploiting your religion like this? What if this had been Obama?

I don’t think anyone on here, nor many people in general voted for Trump because we thought he was a man of faith.
In fact, that’s something entirely created by people on the left to provide cover for the shitty leadership of the Democrats.

Trump was elected because Obama was an awful President. He led by photo ops and scripts.
I don’t think anyone on here, nor many people in general voted for Trump because we thought he was a man of faith.
In fact, that’s something entirely created by people on the left to provide cover for the shitty leadership of the Democrats.

Trump was elected because Obama was an awful President. He led by photo ops and scripts.
Not to mention that reporter was trying to egg Trump on. He was trying to put him on the spot for a gotta moment and Trump was having none of it.
Trump on the bible:

Interviewer 1: You mention the bible, you've been talking about how it's your favorite book. And you said, I think last night in Iowa, some people are surprised that you say that. I'm wondering what one or two of your most favored bible verses are and why.

Trump: Well I-I wouldn't want to get into it because to me, that's very personal. You know, when I talk about the bible it's very personal, so I don't want to get into verses, I don't want to get into-

Interviewer 1: There's no- There's no verses that- mean a lot to you, or-

Trump: No, no

Interviewer 1: that mean a lot to you, that you think about or cite

Trump: The- The bible means a lot to me, but, I don't want to get into specifics.

Interviewer 1: Even to cite a verse that you like.

Trump: No. I don't want to do that.

Interviewer 2: Are you an old testament guy or a new testament guy?

Trump: Uh... Probably... Equal. I think it's just, an incredible... the whole bible is an incredible- I joke, uh, very much so that they always hold up "The Art of the Deal" I say "My second favorite book of all time!"

Most of y'all are heavily Christian here. Many say that a movement away from Christianity is a major factor in a declining America. Your faith is supposedly under assault and false piety in politicians is railed against. What do you have to say about Trump blatantly exploiting your religion like this? What if this had been Obama?
He did not try to exploit there, the interviewer did. Comprehend much?