How will they rule ??!

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What if you are wrong?

I'm supremely confident that I'm not. Of the 3,000 plus religions out there, every follower is sure they are right and the other 3,000 are wrong. So if I decide to become religious, I've a one in 3,000ish chance of being right IF there really is a right one. Not interested in playing those odds.
I'm supremely confident that I'm not. Of the 3,000 plus religions out there, every follower is sure they are right and the other 3,000 are wrong. So if I decide to become religious, I've a one in 3,000ish chance of being right IF there really is a right one. Not interested in playing those odds.
Probably closer to 1-5 because a lot of the 3000 are not religions. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hindu, Judaism.
Problem is, had he told him any verse (Most people know at least one) and left out one part, he would have been attacked by the left saying he got it wrong. They need to discredit him with the Christian community the same as they have with minorities, women, multigendered perverts, criminals (including illegals, they are criminals too), drug addicts (Dion, Plat, James, Levi, RG, and others here) etc...because, they have done nothing for the people in the last three years to get anyone of their candidates elected. They only way is misdirection, lies, and cheating. Dems are the scum of this country.
He not only didn't know a single verse, he literally didn't know the difference between the Old and New Testament. A fourth grader has more knowledge than Trump.
Probably closer to 1-5 because a lot of the 3000 are not religions. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hindu, Judaism.
Basing the validity of a religion on number of followers seems pretty arbitrary don't know you think? Or did the Roman Imperial Cult have a direct line on spiritual truth because it was the largest religion of the age? Time to go back to throwing Christians to the lions I guess. Cause in America we got that religious freedom right?
Basing the validity of a religion on number of followers seems pretty arbitrary don't know you think? Or did the Roman Imperial Cult have a direct line on spiritual truth because it was the largest religion of the age? Time to go back to throwing Christians to the lions I guess. Cause in America we got that religious freedom right?

The left does it every day with global warming. "Everyone has faith and says its true without ever actually examining the subject so it must be true!!!"
The democrats argue that you shouldn’t vote Trump because he’s not Christian or he’s a sinner or however you want to put it. Basically they are saying Christians shouldn’t vote at all because every single candidate is a sinner. Not only that but democrats believe in abortion, which is far worse than a tweet or or any other word he would use.

Democrats ignore their house of horrors but think if they can point to a single irrelevant flaw of Trumps that they’ve made a great point. Americans aren’t falling for that stupid bs, the Democratic Party has become a cancer that they don’t even try to defend. They just pretend it doesn’t exist because it can’t be logically defended, I’ve asked and it’s dead silence.
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Some dentist in Zaire is not a "climate scientist". Here is what some actual climate scientists have had to say about MMGW...

“During the last hundred years, the temperature increased by about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C”. This has been collaborated by a team at Kobe University in Japan, which has furthered the Finnish researchers’ theory: “New evidence suggests that high-energy particles from space known as galactic cosmic rays affect the Earth’s climate by increasing cloud cover, causing an ‘umbrella effect’,” the just-published study has found, a summary of which has been released in the journal Science Daily.

These findings are extremely significant in that both groups have identified the ‘umbrella effect’ as the prime driver of climate warming rather than anthropogenic (human) factors.
The democrats argue that you shouldn’t vote Trump because he’s not Christian or he’s a sinner or however you want to put it. Basically they are saying Christians shouldn’t vote at all because every single candidate is a sinner. Not only that but democrats believe in abortion, which is far worse than a tweet or or any other word he would use.

Democrats ignore their house of horrors but think if they can point to a single irrelevant flaw of Trumps that they’ve made a great point. Americans aren’t falling for that stupid bs, the Democratic Party has become a cancer that they don’t even try to defend. They just pretend it doesn’t exist because it can’t be logically defended, I’ve asked and it’s dead silence.

Trump has grabbed the dems by their collective pussy and he isn't letting go anytime soon.
The democrats argue that you shouldn’t vote Trump because he’s not Christian or he’s a sinner or however you want to put it. Basically they are saying Christians shouldn’t vote at all because every single candidate is a sinner. Not only that but democrats believe in abortion, which is far worse than a tweet or or any other word he would use.

Democrats ignore their house of horrors but think if they can point to a single irrelevant flaw of Trumps that they’ve made a great point. Americans aren’t falling for that stupid bs, the Democratic Party has become a cancer that they don’t even try to defend. They just pretend it doesn’t exist because it can’t be logically defended, I’ve asked and it’s dead silence.
Liberals are preaching "morality" at us now. How ironic is that?
How liberals are allowing anti-Semitism to flourish

Anti-Semitic attacks continue to shake our city and state. Last week, eight attacks — including four in just in 48 hours — sent a familiar shockwave rippling through the Jewish community. Then Saturday came the horrific stabbing in Monsey, New York. The poison of Jew-hatred is spreading.

I first wrote about the uptick in May. The reason the city’s liberal political class was ignoring it, I argued, is that the criminals don’t fit their picture of Evil Bigots. They aren’t, for the most part, MAGA-hat wearing white guys with tiki torches. In fact, many of the attackers are people of color, as investigative reporting by Tablet’s Armin Rosen and others has shown.
Amazing economy benefiting all
Currently no big wars
Exposing the corrupt democrats
Draining the swamp
Protecting our borders from illegals with no interest in legally getting citizenship
Strong military
Homeless rate down due to economy
Except in the most democrat liberal state California
Unfair trade agreements being fixed
All that and more while fighting corrupt democrats trying to use impeachment as a political weapon
Basing the validity of a religion on number of followers seems pretty arbitrary don't know you think? Or did the Roman Imperial Cult have a direct line on spiritual truth because it was the largest religion of the age? Time to go back to throwing Christians to the lions I guess. Cause in America we got that religious freedom right?
God Bless You.
I'm supremely confident that I'm not. Of the 3,000 plus religions out there, every follower is sure they are right and the other 3,000 are wrong. So if I decide to become religious, I've a one in 3,000ish chance of being right IF there really is a right one. Not interested in playing those odds.
I died last January, man. I mean dead as a damned door nail. In my home office floor, in front of my wife and kids at 6:42am when my wife leaves with the kids at 7:00 every morning. Massive HA. 100% blockage of LADA. According to the med report, I was dead for 7 minutes before paramedics revived/stabilized me. After surgery, they couldn't wake me and I remained in a coma for the better part of 7 days. Had to lower my body temp to 89* for 24 hours (therapeutic hypothermia?) and then the neurologist screamed into my ears every hour until I finally started to respond.

If I could put into words what I experienced in la-la land, I could make you cry like a baby over the words you typed out.

Find God while you still can, man. I'll pray for you regardless.
No offense, man, but I have no idea what that is or means.

It’s a screen shot from Game of Thrones. It’s been used for years to show a visual representation of how white liberals must think of themselves when they are woke and defend minorities no matter the issue.

I thought of this when you were comparing it to a drug putting them on a high.
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I died last January, man. I mean dead as a damned door nail. In my home office floor, in front of my wife and kids at 6:42am when my wife leaves with the kids at 7:00 every morning. Massive HA. 100% blockage of LADA. According to the med report, I was dead for 7 minutes before paramedics revived/stabilized me. After surgery, they couldn't wake me and I remained in a coma for the better part of 7 days. Had to lower my body temp to 89* for 24 hours (therapeutic hypothermia?) and then the neurologist screamed into my ears every hour until I finally started to respond.

If I could put into words what I experienced in la-la land, I could make you cry like a baby over the words you typed out.

Find God while you still can, man. I'll pray for you regardless.

Well...don’t keep us in suspense.
Well...don’t keep us in suspense.
... I didn't make it

Seriously, they pulled and pulled on me to convey these feelings I had in the coma while in therapy and every time I tried, they'd just dismiss it. So, I quit trying. No way I could do it in text.

Something that doesn't have anything to do with God (or maybe it does) were some of the dreams I had. (Dreams were different than other things that were happening... think visions over feelings). The one thing I remember most is getting into a boat with my dad and papaw, over and over again. Same image of a dark, foggy morning and a canoe on the edge of the water, they are already in the boat and as I get in, it just kinda launches. They would then turm to me and tell me what was going on with my body, what the doctors where doing and thinking, how my wife was doing, etc. They didn't have faces, just bright light where a face should be, but I knew exactly who they were. And when I woke up... I knew. I knew everything. Why I was there, how I got there, the procedures used... nothing was a surprise. The only thing I asked was "Am I going to die?"

My cardiologist was standing over me and he said, "Not today."
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The problem with America is we’ve allowed liberalism to seep into society, the morons go on shooting sprees because they believed the sewage being pumped. They had weapons back when there weren’t shootings, it’s not the damn guns. It’s the brainwashed looking to act on the rhetoric, at this point only a civil war could fix it. The sides are too polarized and there’s no chance of coming to verbal agreement.

We’ve witnessed throughout history that clashing ideologies in one state are the seeds for civil war. Something (far beyond normal) terrible will eventually happen that will ignite the conservative community and moderate democrats to take action.
I died last January, man. I mean dead as a damned door nail. In my home office floor, in front of my wife and kids at 6:42am when my wife leaves with the kids at 7:00 every morning. Massive HA. 100% blockage of LADA. According to the med report, I was dead for 7 minutes before paramedics revived/stabilized me. After surgery, they couldn't wake me and I remained in a coma for the better part of 7 days. Had to lower my body temp to 89* for 24 hours (therapeutic hypothermia?) and then the neurologist screamed into my ears every hour until I finally started to respond.

If I could put into words what I experienced in la-la land, I could make you cry like a baby over the words you typed out.

Find God while you still can, man. I'll pray for you regardless.
Good friend experienced same thing 2+ years ago. Age 75. Keeled over on tennis court. Total cardiac arrest. EMT for chest compressions & hospital both nearby. Also put on ice for several days & slowly brought back. Couldn't believe he'd lost 5-7 days. Also told he'd been dead. Had combo pace maker/defib implanted. Defib went off once this summer & he thought he was struck by lightening.
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He not only didn't know a single verse, he literally didn't know the difference between the Old and New Testament. A fourth grader has more knowledge than Trump.
That is an assumption by you on what the interviewer told you. I assume he did not answer because no matter how he answered or didn't, you and the others would just do what you are now doing because of TDS. There are bigger issues (Mainly Democrat generated) that need to be addressed but your leaders are running scared because Trump is addressing them.
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I have to admit, the bible is so packed with great fiction, that the thought of a man building a boat the size of a football stadium doesn't seem all that far fetched comparatively.
When you consider the Pyramids, Parthenon, Colosseum's of Rome, Heads on Easter Island, Stone Hinge and other man made structures of old, why not an ARK?
I'm supremely confident that I'm not. Of the 3,000 plus religions out there, every follower is sure they are right and the other 3,000 are wrong. So if I decide to become religious, I've a one in 3,000ish chance of being right IF there really is a right one. Not interested in playing those odds.
What is the best selling book in the world by far?