How will they rule ??!

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If you want to hear a raving lunatic listen to Trumps phone call on Fox today. If you listen to that and don't think Trump is suffering a severe case of dementia, paranoia, and just plain batshit crazyness then your a ****ing delusional sheep....

Basing the validity of a religion on number of followers seems pretty arbitrary don't know you think? Or did the Roman Imperial Cult have a direct line on spiritual truth because it was the largest religion of the age? Time to go back to throwing Christians to the lions I guess. Cause in America we got that religious freedom right?
Basing more than 2 genders on the excuse that that is because you identify that way today is pretty arbitrary too but it has not stopped the loony tune left or can humans born men really get pregnant by being inseminated by humans born women? See how that works?
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Good friend experienced same thing 2+ years ago. Age 75. Keeled over on tennis court. Total cardiac arrest. EMT for chest compressions & hospital both nearby. Also put on ice for several days & slowly brought back. Couldn't believe he'd lost 5-7 days. Also told he'd been dead. Had combo pace maker/defib implanted. Defib went off once this summer & he thought he was struck by lightening.
I was the youngest person in my rehab class, by far. I was very, very lucky compared to some of those guys. I bounced back a lot quicker than they did.

I still have sore ribs from chest compressions. They said it could be up to 3 years of soreness. I had on a vintage Jared Lorenzen t-shirt and they cut it off me. Broke my heart when I realized that a couple months after the fact.

I was in line at the grocery this summer and some EMT's got in line behind me. I turned around and asked them if they worked at the station near my house. When they said yes, I took my hat off and asked if I looked familiar. 1 of the 3's eyes got big and he said yes and reminded the other 2 of my address and details of the situation. I thanked them profusely. They looked like they'd seen a ghost. They told me they didn't think I'd made it.
Amazing economy benefiting all
Currently no big wars
Exposing the corrupt democrats
Draining the swamp
Protecting our borders from illegals with no interest in legally getting citizenship
Strong military
Homeless rate down due to economy
Except in the most democrat liberal state California
Unfair trade agreements being fixed
All that and more while fighting corrupt democrats trying to use impeachment as a political weapon
Yeah that's nice and all but Trumps a big meanie with some of his tweets so that all gets cancelled out.
Amazing economy benefiting all
Currently no big wars
Exposing the corrupt democrats
Draining the swamp
Protecting our borders from illegals with no interest in legally getting citizenship
Strong military
Homeless rate down due to economy
Except in the most democrat liberal state California
Unfair trade agreements being fixed
All that and more while fighting corrupt democrats trying to use impeachment as a political weapon
All because of this Super Hero.

The democrats argue that you shouldn’t vote Trump because he’s not Christian or he’s a sinner or however you want to put it. Basically they are saying Christians shouldn’t vote at all because every single candidate is a sinner. Not only that but democrats believe in abortion, which is far worse than a tweet or or any other word he would use.

Democrats ignore their house of horrors but think if they can point to a single irrelevant flaw of Trumps that they’ve made a great point. Americans aren’t falling for that stupid bs, the Democratic Party has become a cancer that they don’t even try to defend. They just pretend it doesn’t exist because it can’t be logically defended, I’ve asked and it’s dead silence.
Nobody “believes in abortion”. People, including several mainstream Christian denominations as well as the Jewish religion believe that it is a personal decision and that they should remain legal. You realize that in Israel abortions are covered by their national healthcare system.

It is impossible to be a Christian and not ask for forgiveness. Trump by his own admission says he has never asked for forgiveness.
Let’s see...lies, adultery, theft...yet he doesn’t need forgiveness?
few things.

you don't actually know he is blatantly exploiting anything, that's an assumption. he's under no obligation to actually answer that question, I wouldn't either were I him... what you think every Christian has to be like the shawshank redemption warden?

other side is worse is obviously pertinent here, ie the difference between Buttigieg and Trump, if you presume they are all pandering and exploiting for votes.

most people here are not heavily christian, or atleast depending on how most/heavily defined... plenty of regular posters here are atheists that express the same or similar views on the critical issues, namely that your leftist Marxist nonsense is dangerous and unAmerican. they don't have these problems in Japan either
Yes we do know. Anyone who cites “two Corinthians” is an obvious fraud. It’s “your favorite book” but you never learned that it’s “second” and not “two”? Trump has never made a coherent comment regarding religion.
Anyone who says they have never sought forgiveness, the cornerstone of a Christian fraud. The fact that you can’t admit it just tells me that you’re a liar or completely delusional.
Yes we do know. Anyone who cites “two Corinthians” is an obvious fraud. It’s “your favorite book” but you never learned that it’s “second” and not “two”? Trump has never made a coherent comment regarding religion.
Anyone who says they have never sought forgiveness, the cornerstone of a Christian fraud. The fact that you can’t admit it just tells me that you’re a liar or completely delusional.
Any one who is an atheist and or non believer that tries to tell Christians about the Bible or God and what is actually being said should probably just shut up and leave it be. Not everything is as it reads in the KJV of the Bible.
Yes we do know. Anyone who cites “two Corinthians” is an obvious fraud. It’s “your favorite book” but you never learned that it’s “second” and not “two”? Trump has never made a coherent comment regarding religion.
Anyone who says they have never sought forgiveness, the cornerstone of a Christian fraud. The fact that you can’t admit it just tells me that you’re a liar or completely delusional.

can’t admit what? I don’t know if Trump is a “real” Christian or not, never claimed to nor do I personally care.

I can say for certainty tho someone like Buttigieg is not.

if I don’t agree with any of your “facts” it’s the mind reading you do, in other words

and no you don’t know, really that’s the crux of the issue with a whole lot of your nonsense, you make massive assumptions, presumptions to sustain your logic”
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Nobody “believes in abortion”. People, including several mainstream Christian denominations as well as the Jewish religion believe that it is a personal decision and that they should remain legal. You realize that in Israel abortions are covered by their national healthcare system.

It is impossible to be a Christian and not ask for forgiveness. Trump by his own admission says he has never asked for forgiveness.
Let’s see...lies, adultery, theft...yet he doesn’t need forgiveness?
What does Israel have to do with American issues? Nothing. What does religion have to do with voting for a president? Nothing. Even if there was the democrats have no angels on that side.

Christians don’t expect the president to be Christian to vote for him, it’s a personal choice. Christians would never have a choice if the standards are held to biblical level. By all means tell me about the amazing democrats up for election, you won’t do that because there’s nothing. You only hate Trump but I’m perfectly fine with that, you can complain during his second term too.
Nobody “believes in abortion”. People, including several mainstream Christian denominations as well as the Jewish religion believe that it is a personal decision and that they should remain legal. You realize that in Israel abortions are covered by their national healthcare system.

It is impossible to be a Christian and not ask for forgiveness. Trump by his own admission says he has never asked for forgiveness.
Let’s see...lies, adultery, theft...yet he doesn’t need forgiveness?
Really rich coming from a guy who welched out of a bet. But sure go on about who needs forgiveness here.

I didn't know bet welchers had such deep morals
Yes we do know. Anyone who cites “two Corinthians” is an obvious fraud. It’s “your favorite book” but you never learned that it’s “second” and not “two”? Trump has never made a coherent comment regarding religion.
Anyone who says they have never sought forgiveness, the cornerstone of a Christian fraud. The fact that you can’t admit it just tells me that you’re a liar or completely delusional.
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Might have already been discussed here but did you guys hear Joe Biden's comments AFTER a church member saved many lives with a personal handgun today ? Can you be that stupid ? Its like fantasy land with democrats .
No Christian believes in abortion, such an individual doesn’t understand what it means to be Christian.
Because I don’t believe in something doesn’t mean that I think I have the right to make that decision for someone else. If I was an atheist why should I be bound by your religious dogma?
As it is I am a Presbyterian and it is the position of my church that the decision to have an abortion is one that should be made by the individual. That they should remain legal, safe and rare.
You are free to worship and believe as you please. You have no right to impose those beliefs on me or anyone else.
I never did such, just claimed we disagree on definition and what it means.

Nor was imposing anything on anyone, but i personally would call such beliefs heretical or cult by definition, like say Mormonism for example.

That’s not imposing anything on anyone, just disagreeing on definition because words matter.