How will they rule ??!

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Is there a war against the establishment and will we see more presidents elected without holding office if Trumps second term goes well? I definitely see more political outsiders as a serious option but it would still be limited to a wealthy individual. Trump didn’t need campaign money and couldn’t be bought, doesn’t need to use the office to enrich himself. You have to consider that Trumps term would be even better if the dems and sometimes reps wouldn’t resist at every turn. Look at the accomplishments with a house that’s more hostile than Isis.

The benefit of having held an office before is experience but bad experience is more of the same, meaning learning the big government machine makes you part of it. Due to the unique circumstances I don’t see this duplicated for a long time, the circumstances are too rare. I’m glad I got to see us throw somebody at the establishment that is doing what we always wanted to do ourselves and be successful while the machine fights it.
Like her or not, Peggy Noonan makes this point today in the WSJ:

"Republicans in 2016 were to the right of party leaders, elders and professionals on essential issues—immigration, political correctness, the LGBTQ regime and the arguments it spurred in the town council about bathroom policies, and in schools over such questions as, “Are we still allowed in sports to have a girls team composed of biological girls and a boy’s team composed of biological boys? Will we be sued?”

They knew that on these questions and others the party’s establishments didn’t really care about their views or share them.

When Republicans rebel against the status quo, it’s a powerful thing. They produced in their 2016 rebellion something new: They changed the nature of the presidency itself. The pushing back against elites entailed a pushing against standards. (Meaning Deep State standards to us, but PN would never get that.) It’s always possible a coming presidential election will look like a snap-back to the old days, a senator versus a governor, one experienced political professional against another. But we will never really go back to the old days. Anyone can become president now, anyone big and colorful and in line with prevailing public sentiment.

We have entered the age of the postheroic presidency. Certain low ways are forgiven, certain rough ways now established. Americans once asked a lot of their presidents. They had to be people not only of high competence and solid, sober backgrounds, but high character. In modern presidencies you can trace a line from, say, Harry S. Truman, who had it in abundance, to Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, who also did.

But the heroic conception of the presidency is over. Bill Clinton and his embarrassments damaged it. Two unwon wars and the great recession killed it. “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” buried it. When you deliberately lie like that, you are declaring you have no respect for the people. And the people noticed.

They (Conserves) would like to have someone admirable in the job, someone whose virtues move them, but they’ve decided it’s not necessary. They think: Just keep the economy growing, don’t start any new wars, and push back against the social-issues maximalists if you can.

In the last cycle we spoke of shy Trump voters—those who didn’t want to get in an argument over supporting him. I suspect this cycle we’ll call them closeted Trump voters—those who don’t want to be associated with the postheroic moment, who disapprove of it, but see no realistic alternative."
Trump on the bible:

Interviewer 1: You mention the bible, you've been talking about how it's your favorite book. And you said, I think last night in Iowa, some people are surprised that you say that. I'm wondering what one or two of your most favored bible verses are and why.

Trump: Well I-I wouldn't want to get into it because to me, that's very personal. You know, when I talk about the bible it's very personal, so I don't want to get into verses, I don't want to get into-

Interviewer 1: There's no- There's no verses that- mean a lot to you, or-

Trump: No, no

Interviewer 1: that mean a lot to you, that you think about or cite

Trump: The- The bible means a lot to me, but, I don't want to get into specifics.

Interviewer 1: Even to cite a verse that you like.

Trump: No. I don't want to do that.

Interviewer 2: Are you an old testament guy or a new testament guy?

Trump: Uh... Probably... Equal. I think it's just, an incredible... the whole bible is an incredible- I joke, uh, very much so that they always hold up "The Art of the Deal" I say "My second favorite book of all time!"

Most of y'all are heavily Christian here. Many say that a movement away from Christianity is a major factor in a declining America. Your faith is supposedly under assault and false piety in politicians is railed against. What do you have to say about Trump blatantly exploiting your religion like this? What if this had been Obama?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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Too many now are enablers. I know 2 people addicted to heroine and their families keep bailing them out and giving them money, despite being robbed by those individuals.

You want to help them get treatment? Then stop contributing to their demise.
Our family has been effectively destroyed by addiction. Aging parents, continually supporting my 50 year old sibling's, addiction and related legal troubles, and the only firm action they take is anger directed towards me for my lack of tolerance for the weakness, their perpetual enabling, the financial and emotional tolls, and the future impact it will have on the one productive child with an actual ability to provide real care.

It is an interesting thing to sit back and observe those who seem supportive of eliminating all barriers to drug use and addiction, and while listening / reading their theories on how it is somehow practical. What are their methods? Eliminate the border and laws. No punishment, no legal discouragement, no conflict between temptation and the lack of quality life and all the reckonings in-between. Like some now disproven science, everything you have ever heard about lives ruined, families shattered, all of those things, none of that was real. Just let the horror shows open up for real and don't judge. If you aren't an enabler, able to deny, you are the problem. All paradigms are shifting these days. It is the fashion. Always room for another in the order of chaos and fantasy.
I often hear Trump supporters say they don’t pay attention to his tweets. But you must. And ask yourselves whether they reflect the values you want in a president and in America. What he tweets matters. Is that who you are? Is that who you want your kids to be? Don’t look away.
Standing up to Libs is what I want my Prez to be. Standing up for the 'merican people is what I want him/her to be. F to PC crap & Dims.

This implies the president actually likes America. I wanted Obama to fail in what he wanted to do so America would prevail. Look at what his administration has tried to do to stop Trump.
Our family has been effectively destroyed by addiction. Aging parents, continually supporting my 50 year old sibling's, addiction and related legal troubles, and the only firm action they take is anger directed towards me for my lack of tolerance for the weakness, their perpetual enabling, the financial and emotional tolls, and the future impact it will have on the one productive child with an actual ability to provide real care.

It is an interesting thing to sit back and observe those who seem supportive of eliminating all barriers to drug use and addiction, and while listening / reading their theories on how it is somehow practical. What are their methods? Eliminate the border and laws. No punishment, no legal discouragement, no conflict between temptation and the lack of quality life and all the reckonings in-between. Like some now disproven science, everything you have ever heard about lives ruined, families shattered, all of those things, none of that was real. Just let the horror shows open up for real and don't judge. If you aren't an enabler, able to deny, you are the problem. All paradigms are shifting these days. It is the fashion. Always room for another in the order of chaos and fantasy.

The mainstream media won't even cover some stories of illegal immigrants killing or raping Americans...but certain news outlets like CBS will go on a full on offensive to garner sympathy for illegals...

CBS never wrote these stories when Obama was president
I wonder how many of those filthy Guatemalans are just hoping to get sent back home without their children. Probably a dream come true outcome for most of them.
I pay attention to his tweets and laugh, Comey thinks because he didn’t like Trump that it made it ok for him to corrupt his position at the FBI in an attempt to frame Trump. Is that the kind of FBI director anybody wants? One who breaks the law to remove a president from office because you don’t like his tweets? MF are you serious? Tweets are Uber bad but you sending what you knew were lies to the FISA court and altering emails the CIA sent to you is all kinds of good? That seems to be the Democratic way, point at the speck of dust in another’s eye while you have a plank in your own.