How will they rule ??!

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Or, make it legal...
if people commit crimes to pay for drugs then arrest them for those crimes. I personally know of 100s of people who “played” with recreational drugs and never committed any crimes to do so. Hell, most of the people I knew in college smoked pot, snorted coke, some did acid... none of them were committing other crimes.
Alcohol, tobacco are drugs too and we don’t send people to prison for using them.
Countries where drug use is legal don’t have higher crime rates than here.
Besides, it’s a lot cheaper to treat people for addiction than putting them in prison.

You are a filthy person....nuff said...
He sure seemed to care a lot about Obama playing and I recall you tools echoing those concerns. But again it is just another example how he lies and MAGAets always have excuses.

One of the worst things you can be called is a troublemaker. You and your other poster buds are troublemakers...
Democrats were embarrassed, angry and depressed over losing the 16 election. They’ve been on a blind rage mission to lash out in frustration, that has culminated in a misguided attempt to impeach. They want to get even and be disruptive to the country, liberal politicians even being derelict in the duties.

We just keep smashing them with memes and laughing because we know we’re going to win anyway, they do too. When the dust settles they’re going to see who it cost the most when republicans control every facet of government. Americans are going to tell the extremists what they think of this idiotic stunt.
“pummeled”? LOL. Having a bunch of village idiots disagree with me and refusing to acknowledge factual information is a sad commentary about you and the other “alternative fact” believers.
As I’ve said, y’all are the battered spouses that defend their abusers because to not do so means to admit to being weak-minded.
If you could prove me wrong you would do so by posting actual factual information. Instead you try and make excuses or obscure reality. Sad.
You did not use facts, only talking points that the left said were facts. Big difference.
Biden knows he was corrupt in Ukraine but the democrats have no interest in that. In fact they created imaginary charges against Trump in a attempt to hide how dirty the Obama administration was. Trump released the Ukrainian transcript, so you can put the democratic lies away.
The bad/sad part of all of this is that we (America) have so many (corrupt/dumb) people in this nation that actual fact/proof is either ignored (corrupt Dem) or they cannot understand (Dumb Dem) the truth. Drain the Swamp? We need to drain the country.
Biden knows he was corrupt in Ukraine but the democrats have no interest in that. In fact they created imaginary charges against Trump in a attempt to hide how dirty the Obama administration was. Trump released the Ukrainian transcript, so you can put the democratic lies away.
The corruptness of the Obama admin and prior dem presidencies is evident in their lack of charges being filed and people being found guilty of any wrong doings. They have even bragged about it on it here.
Why should anyone be jailed for simple drug use/possession? They only hurt themselves. If they hurt others then they are fair game...but jailing people for possession without any other crimes committed is stupid and a waste of tax dollars.
False, free counseling, medical help, financial help for families affected, driving while drugged out, crimes will go up to support habit because drug use goes up while work ethic (can't work) goes down etc...There are so many things wrong with your thought processes here that it is scary.
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if people commit crimes to pay for drugs then arrest them for those crimes. I personally know of 100s of people who “played” with recreational drugs and never committed any crimes to do so. Hell, most of the people I knew in college smoked pot, snorted coke, some did acid... none of them were committing other crimes.
Alcohol, tobacco are drugs too and we don’t send people to prison for using them.
Countries where drug use is legal don’t have higher crime rates than here.
Besides, it’s a lot cheaper to treat people for addiction than putting them in prison.
False.They would not tell you of the crimes they committed plus, in college the money used to buy it was probably not their own. Plus, they (social justice warriors aka the left) are working on the tobacco industry daily. You really cannot be this dumb right?
False.They would not tell you of the crimes they committed plus, in college the money used to buy it was probably not their own. Plus, they (social justice warriors aka the left) are working on the tobacco industry daily. You really cannot be this dumb right?
Wc, you are literally the stupidest person ever encountered on this board. If you ever say something semi-intelligent it will be a first.
The corruptness of the Obama admin and prior dem presidencies is evident in their lack of charges being filed and people being found guilty of any wrong doings. They have even bragged about it on it here.
Another example of your stupidity. Trump has already had more associates indicted and jailed than the entirety of all the Democratic Presidents of your lifetime. Add those of Nixon... if they were so corrupt then why hasn’t your hero done anything about it?

Your stupidity, is it natural or do you work at it?
Another example of your stupidity. Trump has already had more associates indicted and jailed than the entirety of all the Democratic Presidents of your lifetime. Add those of Nixon... if they were so corrupt then why hasn’t your hero done anything about it?

Your stupidity, is it natural or do you work at it?

I would not brag about the fact that your side likes to prosecute political opponents with BS charges. Not all, but many of those were BS charges. Taking away freedom is what the left stands for. Sympathetic juries in 90 percent Democrat areas.

Go jail a filmmaker.
Oh, I don't know, rq/fuzz. Ask a parent if they would prefer a timeout in jail, or an overdose death for an opiate addicted child. You might be surprised.

Ask a judge if they're happy when a probationer overdoses. Hint: they're not.
How about the kid that dies from alcohol poisoning? You ready to reinstate prohibition?
Do you ever wonder why fewer people die from overdoses in countries where the drugs are legal? No. I’m sure you don’t because you didn’t know.
I would not brag about the fact that your side likes to prosecute political opponents with BS charges. Not all, but many of those were BS charges. Taking away freedom is what the left stands for
Not BS charges. Charges that were proven and that juries found to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

But maybe your hero will pardon them like your other hero (Bevin) pardoned child rapist.
There is a plethora of evidence that the Obama administration was committing crimes while framing the Trump associates who pled out to stop the FBI from committing crimes while framing their children.

So yeah, I guess it’s great Obama’s gestapo is still running free but they got a couple pleas from people who knew Trump.
How about the kid that dies from alcohol poisoning? You ready to reinstate prohibition?
Do you ever wonder why fewer people die from overdoses in countries where the drugs are legal? No. I’m sure you don’t because you didn’t know.
People that die from over dose are doing the rest of us a favor. If you are SO freakin stupid as to do that, then we sure as hell don’t need you procreating.
Your stupidity, is it natural or do you work at it?

nah, he's smarter than you... you aren't even smart enough to realize when you are being illogical and irrational; everything he states is in accordance to his reason and experience.

again, you are drawing attention to yourself here. to maintain your illogical worldview, it takes constant and concerted effort to sort through and discard all the facts and reason in opposition to it.

you are a lost ideologue and it takes work to maintain your illusion, only ever rationalizing a lie to the point your kind are simply completely ok with incessant lying as a means to an end.

you (Warren/Biden/Sanders et al the whole lot of you) are pathetic
Germans say Trump is more dangerous to world peace than Kim Jong Un and Putin
Of course they do. They don't like their Dear Leader Angela being called on the carpet loudly by Trump over lack of NATO spending & a stupid gas line from Russia that can be used her blackmail Germany energy supplies. Just how stupid can they get? And they're used to previous US Prez' letting them skate.
The Democratic candidates are promising the ridiculous to get votes. Pete Buttpledge says no jail time for any drug. The others promise absurd stuff and say that America is a fascist government, I’d like for any democrat to explain specifically and in detail how America is fascist. Democrat runner Bernie Sanders did not correct or dissent from AOC’s claims, the crowd applauded meaning they agreed. Biden is a criminal who already abused his office as Vice President to enrich his family by extortion.

You know it’s bad when all they can do is cry about Trump but fail to talk up a single democratic candidate. And this is the moment you realized you’ve lost.
In the highly unlikely event that one of our resident Dems actually takes you up on your request to explain in detail how America is Fascist, I would like for them to expand upon that and explain exactly how many of the policies they propose and support are not fascist in nature.
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Addiction, epidemic, crimes that are committed to pay for drugs, taxpayer money to clean all that mess up just to name a few. No deterrent at all will cause use to skyrocket which will produce more societal blight and cost. Some don’t risk it out of incarceration fear, take that away and more will try drugs. Again more will get addicted to some drugs by experimenting without repercussions, Pete is just trying to get the drug addicted vote and that’s pathetic.
how many of those addicts will come down from their highs enough to get in line and vote? Oh well in CA, they’ll just send ballot harvesters out with absentee ballots to the homeless encampments to harvest votes.