How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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So it's only ok to be body positive if you're fat? If body positivity is a thing - it should apply to all. Everyone should be able to celebrate their appearance even those in great shape.

Of course we know but job libs don't recognize logic
Just making sure you’re aware the tweet in the post you responded to is by someone who does an amazing job trolling the libs.
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It’s never going to get to a civil war, there’s plenty of moderate democrats that see how stupid the far left has gone. You won’t see this in a survey poll anywhere but it will be reflected at the voter polls. In 16 none of the pre election polls saw what was coming, primarily because they sample in big cities too often.
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just another scumbag Lib saying one thing & doing another:

"FORMER NEW YORK CITY mayor and multibillionaire Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg used prison labor to make campaign calls. Through a third-party vendor, the Mike Bloomberg 2020 campaign contracted New Jersey-based call center company ProCom, which runs calls centers in New Jersey and Oklahoma. Two of the call centers in Oklahoma are operated out of state prisons. In at least one of the two prisons, incarcerated people were contracted to make calls on behalf of the Bloomberg campaign."

Assume they got $15/hr+.

Impeachment Hoax Continues: Dems Consider More Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump
Nothing wrong with more stupidity by Dims. Makes them all the more transparent. But also all the more reason Cocaine should change Senate rules for impeachment trial to allow it to proceed w/o voted on impeachment articles being presented to Senate by the Dim House. F 'em.
Funny how diversity is always necessary when it means less white people. Diversity never an issue in the NBA, NFL, or Tyler Perry movies.

Not only is it hypocrisy. It's incredible stupidity. Things should always be about performance. Not fairness

But I like several of the Tyler Perry movies...
For the 2nd year in a row Kevin Spacey has decided to reprise his role as Frank Underwood in a creepy Christmas Eve video...

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Movie stars get a disproportionate amount of air time on political matters, idgaf what they think about politics and it has zero chance of convincing me to be liberal at all. I don’t care what any celebrity thinks on these matters but for some reason they keep getting asked by the media as if their approval could sway a voter. I guess it might influence the stupid who liked a character so much they’ll base a vote on that.