How will they rule ??!

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Redneck Trumpster math is the funniest

I really don’t see the downside with Cocaine Mitch letting Pelosi sit on this impeachment into perpetuity. Impeachment has been a disaster for the Democrats. The longer it drags on, the more it hurts them. And the bigger distraction it will be for the Senators running for President.
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Man it’s a good thing these people weren’t around in 1776. They’d oppose the Declaration because it wasn’t diverse enough.

But seriously, when did quality become equal to diversity? Last I checked quality comes from an individual/group of individuals working together that make it happen; And it has absolutely 0 to do with sex, skin color, or religion.

But you know what does effect quality? Forced diversity for the sake of being diverse.
I really don’t see the downside with Cocaine Mitch letting Pelosi sit on this impeachment into perpetuity. Impeachment has been a disaster for the Democrats. The longer it drags on, the more it hurts them. And the bigger distraction it will be for the Senators running for President.
Cause Trump can't say he was acquitted & thus what the House Dims did was complete political nonsense. Imagine Trump going into the debates & Dim candidate stating he was impeached with Trump having no ammo to fight back. Bad scene imo.
Now I know why he said this. See bold from WSJ today:

"One emerging dodge seems to be that President Trump isn’t formally impeached until the articles are transmitted to the Senate. This is absurd. The House voted on two articles and passed them with a majority. The House broadcast this fact to the country along with more-in-sorrow-than-anger claims that they are doing their solemn constitutional duty.

There’s nothing in the Constitution that says impeachment requires a formal transmittal of the articles to the Senate, whether by sedan chair or overnight FedEx, or that the House must appoint impeachment managers. The parchment merely says the House has sole power over impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try an impeachment. The act of impeachment is the vote.

The Founders also defined impeachment as consisting of two parts—the House vote followed by a Senate trial. They are two stages of the same process. The Founders gave the first impeachment step to the House knowing it would often be governed by populist and partisan passions.

They gave the Senate control over the trial as a check on the House. They knew the Senate, with its two Members per state, would represent the different interests of varied states. And with staggered elections every six years, two thirds of the Senate wouldn’t face immediate re-election after a trial and vote.

This means the current Senate has a responsibility to fulfill its part of the Constitution’s impeachment duty as a check on the partisan excesses of the Pelosi House. This isn’t merely to give Mr. Trump a chance to defend himself and be acquitted of the House charges. The more important obligation is to the separation of powers and to the Senate itself.

By making a fuss of withholding the articles until she hears the Senate’s specific plans for a trial, Mrs. Pelosi is trying to dictate to the Senate how to hold a trial. But the Constitution reserves this power for the Senate. If she never sends the articles and there is no trial, she will have effectively trampled on executive power and Senate prerogatives by maligning a President without the chance for acquittal at trial.

She will be turning impeachment into the equivalent of a censure resolution wrapped in the claim of impeachment. This sets an awful precedent, making impeachment more likely because a President is unlikely to be removed, but also less potent if a President does deserve to be removed from office for real abuses. If impeachment without trial becomes common, genuinely dangerous Presidents will cite that history as a partisan shield.

Current Senate rules say a trial isn’t triggered until the House appoints impeachment managers who deliver the articles to the Senate. But those rules were written when Senators never anticipated the House would treat impeachment in such a cavalier fashion. The constitutional lawyer and our contributor David Rivkin argues that in this context the Senate rules violate the constitutional duty to hold a trial. If Democrats refuse to cooperate by providing the two-thirds necessary to change the rules, Republicans should vote to change the rules with a simple majority.

Mr. McConnell could tell Mrs. Pelosi to nominate managers by a certain date or he will appoint lawyers to make the case for the House. Or he could announce the start of the trial by a certain date, and proceed without the House managers if they fail to show up. The President’s lawyers could make their case, and then the Senate could vote."

Net, only current Senate rules stop a trial & the Pubs can overturn the rules. Get with it, Cocaine.

You are looking at a constitution written by westerners. We're living under a regime that's Eastern European.
Cause Trump can't say he was acquitted & thus what the House Dims did was complete political nonsense. Imagine Trump going into the debates & Dim candidate stating he was impeached with Trump having no ammo to fight back. Bad scene imo.

But Trump can just say he wasn’t ever impeached (true or not) which will eat at the hearts of the left.
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Funny how diversity is always necessary when it means less white people. Diversity never an issue in the NBA, NFL, or Tyler Perry movies.

Not only is it hypocrisy. It's incredible stupidity. Things should always be about performance. Not fairness

And in entertainment it’s terrible. Whatever you do for diversity’s sake will never be enough.

You add more minorities, you didn’t use them enough. You add LGBT characters, their roles were too small. You make a woman the lead role, she better not have help from a man.

Diversity because diversity is a plague.
The young generation is loaded with socialist imbeciles, they’re not a threat in my lifetime but they will be to future generations. There’s no telling what America will become but I feel confident it will be something much worse than it was intended to be.
Funny how diversity is always necessary when it means less white people. Diversity never an issue in the NBA, NFL, or Tyler Perry movies.

Not only is it hypocrisy. It's incredible stupidity. Things should always be about performance. Not fairness
Are they trying to say the results of scientific studies and experiments will be different if a person of color performs the study or experiment?
The democrats know they are not winning a fake impeachment but I think they are simultaneously fishing the public for points that resonate. Dems keep throwing out different charges and deploying bizarre tactics in part for future campaign purposes but also running a smear campaign. Another motive is to fish for a palatable exit from the disaster they have created.

The democrats thought they had enough key people in place at the FBI, overseas, msm and house majority (just to name a few) to fool the voters. There’s no lie or ploy the democrats have left to deceive the intelligent portion of the public. Americans now see the Democratic Party as the problem and any perceived gains the dems fished for are lost in their sea of lies.

So in my summation the democrats were stupid for starting this and stupid for prolonging it to minimize the damage.
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So it's only ok to be body positive if you're fat? If body positivity is a thing - it should apply to all. Everyone should be able to celebrate their appearance even those in great shape.

Of course we know but job libs don't recognize logic

Agreed, and Lord knows there are some out there that think this way, but a heads up about that account: It’s satire making fun of the far left.
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