How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
If they didn't have this whole impeachment thing going for them all of those numbers would be skewed the other direction. And by skewed I mean lied about, which they probably are already with Biden only -3. Without the impeachment narrative they would probably show Biden at plus 2 or 3. Sanders at a dead head. Bootie-jeg wouldn't even be in the race because so many others would be still be hangers-on within a 1/2 dozen.
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Come to my house for my gun and you can have it. No shit. I'll willingly give it up. After I use up the 30 in that clip, and the next, and the next, and the 13 in my 9, and the next, and the next, you can take all you want.

If you come to my house to confiscate my gun you are no longer the person proscribed to preserve and protect. You are now an enemy combatant. Die easy my friend. I will

Who knew that electing Trump would cause the dems to self destruct, nobody saw that coming because nobody actually thought he’d win to begin with. Now the dems are ripping their whole party to shreds just to get Trump, even if they pulled off the impossible they will have lost a lot more than they could gain. Now they are going to pay for it whether they succeed in impeachment or not, blind hatred has consumed their leadership.

Trump is the best thing that could have ever happened to the republicans, they couldn’t have built up this much voter mojo with anyone else.
Shifting gears for the board, but can anybody provide an update on this Armenian Genocide Resolution? Last I heard it had made it through the House. Understood it had some wording in it that said govt. official who did not recognize Armenian Genocide must be opposed (or something to that effect). A moral resolution on the surface (the basic meaning part, that is - to recognize that it did happen), although some might question what our Congress is doing pushing such non-law type non-legislation stuff to the Senate, myself included. Could make relations with Turkey difficult. And a very twisted political ploy if nothing other than an effort to make Trump look bad by not signing it (reason for being curious where this "bill" is at the present). We have some sensitive military resources in Turkey that are, frankly, more important to the US than it is for the US to formally declare feelings about something we were never involved in a century ago.
I see polls even on Fox that show like a 50/50 of those wanting to impeach or not. I think that’s wildly inaccurate and am not sure if they poll in big cities or what. In the 2016 election none of the polls reflected the final results, they were out of touch then and they’re out of touch now. Fix ya pollin’
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Do you think voting in favor of impeachment will cause some House Democrats to lose their seats in the next election?

Yes, definitely

It's possible

No, not necessarily

No opinion / Other
Based on 10,425 responses. Snapshot of real-time results. Learn More.

Democrats are going to try to “Kavanaugh” the Impeachment Trial with new accusations

The most dangerous place on earth, Bob Dole wisely observed, is between Chuck Schumer and the TV cameras.
Not surprisingly, while Mitch McConnell usually gets his way, Schumer gets the headlines and TV coverage.

Schumer did that again today with his demand for a “fair” trial, meaning to Schumer that Democrats get to reopen the investigation of Trump during the trial, including calling witnesses who did not testify, and doing the job the House Democrats failed to do. A do-over.

That’s not usually the way trials work — the pleading of claims and discovery takes place before the trial. House Democrats chose not to do that for key witnesses they wanted — including John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney — because forcing them to testify in the House would have meant court litigation. Democrats were on a timetable driven by the 2020 election that did not allow for a court to decide the clash of branches, so they went with what they had.

Schumer and Senate Democrats know that what the House had is not enough to get 20 Republican Senators to vote against Trump — they may not even get one. So the trial takes on a different purpose — to seek evidence and to prolong impeachment investigations for the remainder of the election year based on “new evidence” discovered during the trial.

Byron York astutely observes that Senate Democrats are taking the same approach they took in trying to block Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination:

If Schumer gets what he wants, it seems hard to believe that will be the end of it. The request for more witnesses appears designed to lead not to closure but to reopening the case against Trump. In this way, if Democrats can introduce new testimony in the trial, they can say the new testimony has raised new questions that will require new investigation. And new investigation will require more new witnesses, which will surely lead to more new questions, which …Call it the Brett Kavanaugh model of impeachment. During the Supreme Court justice’s confirmation process, a hearing had already been held, and Kavanaugh appeared on the way to joining the court. Then, up popped a new allegation, the Christine Blasey Ford story, and Democrats demanded the case be reopened, witnesses be interviewed, evidence be gathered, and time be taken for more investigation. Republicans acceded to those demands, and the Kavanaugh confirmation careened off course for a while before GOP lawmakers finally got it back on track….The bottom line is, Republicans should not believe for one minute that the campaign to remove the president will rely only on the case Democrats have built in the House. Schumer and other party leaders will scramble for new information to throw at the president, and at Republicans, until it is over. The GOP, and the White House, need to be ready.
The left is ****ing disgusting. Everything about them.
Oh, but voter ID is racist b/c black plantation Dems, who were born and raised here, can't find the DMV or get a ride there or even know what to do when they get there...
If you listen closely to a Democrat politician they treat the black voter as one would a fool or 6 year old child saying things like it is not fair they would have to present an ID to vote. Something whites have been doing all of my life. I have had to present a photo ID all of my years of voting. But Dems say a black in not intelligent enough to ID who they are. I get it.
To be fair, Democrats treat all of their voters like ignorant 6 year olds. It works out since most of them have that level of understanding of the world.
You got that right and it may be why less and less whites are voting Democrat. Most people want to be treated as adults when they vote and not led around by the nose. A serious voter understands producing a photo ID and proving you are the voter listed on the registration roll is not unfair or punishment. And to not complain because you have to follow rules.
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I have a theory that most of the working world has encroached upon the Peter principle by filling every position with any available warm body out of necessity.
Then I start seeing the proofs and stand in awe of my own genius...


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Trump is the best thing that could have ever happened to the republicans, they couldn’t have built up this much voter mojo with anyone else.
Beyond that, he's the best thing that could happen to the country. He has exposed more of the DC superiority complex & Dim insanity to the rest of us than I think anyone could imagine. He's truly great, a-hole or not.
Levin broke a foot off in Stelter's ass. But, the takeaway here is the leftist media's ability to take such heavy, constant punches of correction and embarrassment and still maintain any semblance of viewership. It's so very telling of their ignorant base. THEY WANT THE LIES THEY'RE FED. Don't let them fool you.

Stelter is the freaking George Costanza of TV talking heads.

Oh and the article calls Levin a "Constitutional Scholar". So why wasn't he called to testify about the Constitutional grounds to Impeach the President? Pretty sure they wouldn't have liked what they heard from him is why.
I guess climate change worries go out the window when flooding the country with refugees is involved. She's ready to bulldoze the whole thing flat and fill it with hi rise living pods, from sea to shining sea.