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From the link: "Rick Gates, Manafort’s deputy on the Trump campaign, described Kilimnik as “a former Russian intelligence officer with the GRU”

Sounds like they knew he was Russian intelligence to me.
So Gates = they now? Also Gates' opinion isn't fact. There's no evidence proving it. Just like Mifsud.

If that's the case, and there's all this proof, then why didn't Mueller indict Kilimnik? He had no problem indicting Americans for petty FARA violations and false statements or anonymous Russian trolls. Why not a Russian intelligence officer?
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I didn't watch a minute of the hearing but can tell it went bad for the left. The lefty posters here are frothing at the mouth frantically spouting old talking points. The puppet masters must be scrambling to form a message to send out to the hive

Resistance 2019 - Still falsely labeling people Russian spies to prop up a throughly debunked conspiracy.

It's so 2017.

The 1980s called...
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If Manafort was under the impression he wasn't Russian intelligence and there's no evidence that he is Russian intelligence, then was Manafort really lying about contact with Russia intelligence?
So Gates = they now? Also Gates' opinion isn't fact. There's no evidence proving it. Just like Mifsud.

If that's the case, and there's all this proof, then why didn't Mueller indict Kilimnik? He had no problem indicting Americans for petty FARA violations and false statements or anonymous Russian trolls. Why not a Russian intelligence officer?
Congrats you moved the goalposts from literally one post to the next. From "he didn't know he was Russian intelligence" to "you can't prove it!" Gates was his toady for years, they worked on it all together. They knew he was Russian intelligence, Gates just flipped and said it out loud while Manafort didn't so denies it. They didn't charge Kilimnik because he wasn't the one who lied about the meetings, Manafort was. Convicted of it even. As to Kilimnik, your whole argument hinges on a former GRU officer just being a totally normal businessman with no ulterior motives or nefarious contacts. Hilarious. Where has our country gone when the right is defending the integrity of Russian intelligence...
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Very telling day over at " The Drudge Report" Their headline on this day when the IG is tearing apart the FBI limb by limb -- Something about Boris hiding in a fridge in the UK .. Almost surreal the Drudge report is not giving top status to the FISA abuse and top level lawyers at the FBI acting illegally to spy on a political opponent ( while trying to impeach a president over much less)
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Incorrect. The meeting took place on August the 2nd. Manafort was with the campaign until concern about these issues caused his removal on the 19th.

Yes he was. Lying about these meetings.

Are you watching the IG testify today?

Anything involved in the Russia investigation needs to have asterisks attached to it. The FBI flat out lied to a judge to spy on a campaign. What do you think they’d do to justify that?
I'm not. He was convicted of older financial crimes that's true. But he was also convicted of lying about these Russian contacts during the campaign.

From the link: "Rick Gates, Manafort’s deputy on the Trump campaign, described Kilimnik as “a former Russian intelligence officer with the GRU”

Sounds like they knew he was Russian intelligence to me.

That's all bullshit. I mean, it might have a basis in reality, but what makes it bullshit is that none of it passes the shoe on the other foot test.
Where has our country gone when the right is defending the integrity of Russian intelligence...

This is rich. You phobes have been slandering everyone and their momma of being Russian without any credible evidence to back it up. Literally hundreds, thousands even, for three straight years, on a daily basis. The fact you're still this invested and convinced is disturbing.
Let's entertain the fantasy.

Kilimnik is a legit Russian spy. Manafort knowingly shared secret polling data with him and then purposely lied to conceal it.

Why wasn't Manafort indicted with conspiring with a foreign spy to interfere in the election on top of being indicted for false statements?

Just because he lied doesn't mean Mueller still couldn't get to the truth. He had an unlimited budget and the entire US IC behind him.

Seriously, if The Daily Beast can so easily connect the dots, then surely Mueller's dream team could too.

How is that explained away?
Let's entertain the fantasy.

Kilimnik is a legit Russian spy. Manafort knowingly shared secret polling data with him and then purposely lied to conceal it.

Why wasn't Manafort indicted with conspiring with a foreign spy to interfere in the election on top of being indicted for false statements?

Just because he lied doesn't mean Mueller still couldn't get to the truth. He had an unlimited budget and the entire US IC behind him.

Seriously, if The Daily Beast can so easily connect the dots, then surely Mueller's dream team could too.

How is that explained away?
It's in the Mueller report. Evidence was destroyed to hide it from investigators, key text messages and communications.
It's in the Mueller report. Evidence was destroyed to hide it from investigators, key text messages and communications.

So there's no proof that he's a Russian spy and there's also no proof that Manafort was aware he's a Russian spy?

Guess what else was in the report? Mifsud is a Russian spy who was the go between for the campaign and Russian government, yet there's no proof of that either.

Matter of fact, on top of that, Mueller gave him safe passage in and out of the country. Why wasn't he arrested or at least detained and questioned? Why did Mueller allow two Russian spies who interfered in the election to go free?
Low level lawyer alters an email to change the meaning of a sentence so they could go on pretending Page was a Russian agent. So disgraceful! I'm sure this low level guy did that on his own right? I really hope Carter Page sues these guys to kingdom come! He has an open and shut case. They trampled all over his constitutional rights. The media and left wing politicians are all mischaracterizing the report to say it was all legal and justified. Nothing nefarious was done by Comey and his FBI buddies The asshole Comey has been taking victory laps and popping twitter champagne but the report and today's testimony says it could be premature. It's so obvious at this point these were not innocent errors. They were intentionally dirty deeds done by slimy swamp creatures. How far up the chain the stank goes is yet to be determined but I read an article last night that Comey briefed Obama about Crossfire Hurricane. So at the very least he must have approved of it. Also, the report shows that the Nunes memo was pretty much accurate. Remember how the left wing lunatics dogged him while promoting Shifty Schiff's lying version?
News outlets all over America start their 5 minute news cast with "the IG said the FBI and Justice Dept were not biased in their investigation" They found 17 mistakes. They make it sound like somebody made a typing error. So the IG asks the players and their cronies if they were biased and they say no. And that is suppose to be definite proof they were not.

The report was devastating and only a corrupt media could gloss over it. Fortunately the AG does not agree they players were not biased and I think Durham will offer proof they were.

As Graham said when he ended the hearing today. This is not the end it is only the beginning. Stay tuned.
I have no idea how tiny his baby hands are. ..

U.S. President Donald Trump is paying up after conceding that he used his charitable foundation at times as a personal piggy bank.

Trump has wired $2 million US to pay a court-ordered fine for misusing the Trump Foundation in part to further his business interests and 2016 presidential run, New York Attorney General Letitia James said Tuesday. The money will be distributed to eight charities.

About $1.8 million left in the Trump Foundation's bank account was also split among the nonprofits getting fine money, along with $11,525 that Trump paid back for spending foundation money on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala.


Buying himself fancy shit with donations supposed to be going to cancer kids and vets
So far this budget year, the government is running a deficit of $343 billion, up 12% from a year earlier.


somebody should tell the GoP the deficit is supposed to go down if you have a BOOMING economy
U.S. President Donald Trump is paying up after conceding that he used his charitable foundation at times as a personal piggy bank.

Trump has wired $2 million US to pay a court-ordered fine for misusing the Trump Foundation in part to further his business interests and 2016 presidential run, New York Attorney General Letitia James said Tuesday. The money will be distributed to eight charities.

About $1.8 million left in the Trump Foundation's bank account was also split among the nonprofits getting fine money, along with $11,525 that Trump paid back for spending foundation money on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala.


Buying himself fancy shit with donations supposed to be going to cancer kids and vets

Every dime of the raised money went to disabled vets. It wasn’t mishandled. They fined him because he let Corey Lewandowski run the telethon.
It’s a purely political court decision.
What Manafort was convicted for lying about was these meetings with Russian intelligence to give them the data. What Stone was convicted of lying about was acting as a go-between for Trump and Russian intelligence. Those are absolutely indictments for colluding with Russia, and not "false statements about irrelevant subject matter".
You can NOT be this dumb.
Very telling day over at " The Drudge Report" Their headline on this day when the IG is tearing apart the FBI limb by limb -- Something about Boris hiding in a fridge in the UK .. Almost surreal the Drudge report is not giving top status to the FISA abuse and top level lawyers at the FBI acting illegally to spy on a political opponent ( while trying to impeach a president over much less)

Eff drudge
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