How will they rule ??!

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Not only were Steele's sources garbage, spreading disinformation and lies, but Steele even exaggerated what they originally said and, in some cases, made up complete lies of his own to make his source's information seem more damaging.

For instance, the worst accusation against Page was that he was offered a "bribe" in return for having the Trump administration lift sanctions on a Russian company. This turned out to be a lie completely made up by Steele and accredited to his source.

Turns out texts from Steele's source to Page reveal that he never even discussed a bribe with Page. Steele completely made it up.

:joy:Even the supposed smart ones are deranged, delusional and living in an alternate universe.

Daniel Goldman, Schiff's right hand man and D's lead counsel for impeachment: "Nothing in the dossier has proved to be false (including the pee tape)"

More from this idiot. You can't make this crap up. He's the perfect wingman for Schiff, even more perfect that he's helping lead the impeachment charade.

Multiple people rushing here to repost the same tweets. I guess the talking points have been disseminated, you're allowed to have an opinion now.
Multiple people rushing here to repost the same tweets. I guess the talking points have been disseminated, you're allowed to have an opinion now.
Who? Which tweets? Mind pointing them out?

Also, if by chance you're referring to a tweet that I might have posted, could you explain how direct quotes from the source documents with a screenshot/link/page number for said documents attached/cited are considered talking points? Because I'm pretty sure those are considered facts.
Who? Which tweets? Mind pointing them out?

Also, if by chance you're referring to a tweet that I might have posted, could you explain how direct quotes from the source documents with a screenshot/link/page number for said documents attached/cited are considered talking points? Because I'm pretty sure those are considered facts.
Calm down Matlock it’s a joke. You and Brassow posted the same tweet within fifteen minutes of each other.
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You’re talking about the IG report I assume.
You're an enemy of America working with the Russians to harm the country.

Now, imagine if the FBI used my comment above to knowingly and purposely commit fraud on the FISA court and violate the civil rights/illegally spy on you and have access to all of your commucations, past, present and future.

Would you still say that's a nothingburger with a straight face?
Brennan lecturing on "how far we have fallen"

What a complete dipshit. Its tragic that hes not swinging in a noose.
He's trying to stay out of prison.

If this fiasco isn't proof to everyone we live in a country that is occupied by a hostile government, idk what is.

Times are still good, buy dried foods, guns, ammo, bows, arrows, and the staples.

We're going to have to water that tree.
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Calm down Matlock it’s a joke. You and Brassow posted the same tweet within fifteen minutes of each other.
Lol. That? No offense but your jokes are unfunny.

Anyway, no talking points or opinions necessary. That tweet clearly speaks for itself, especially considering the heights the Ds have elevated Mr. Goldman.

Most thought it was because of the thousands of dollars he donated to them. You know, a little scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours, pay for play kind of deal.

But now we really see why. Dude is a total nutter. He's a "the dossier is 100% fact" kind of guy and a pee tape truther that thinks Blasey Ford is the most credibile witness ever.

Him and Schiff were meant for each other. He's the perfect clown for their circus. The cherry on top. It's almost too perfect, as if Pelosi and Schiff are purposely trolling, trying to trigger the cons.
Warren made the mistake of saying "I've got a plan for that" her poll numbers started to fall when she had to explain wealth taxes that dont work, Medicare4all outside the happy feelings and the specifics or a complex evolving system, etc

She should have stuck with breadline Bernie tactics. Say "soak the rich, dump money....all is utopia now...revolution" no need for how it will work or how you would actually accomplish any of it
Smart move. Sneaky. Severely limits interrogation avenues.

Horowitz tried his best to protect his buddies but Durham and Barr made it clear another day will come. Comey and Clapper and Brennan will make the rounds on Fake News TV and the commentators will pump them up and cover for them. But another day will come. The more they talk and spread their lies the harder Barr is coming down on them.
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Yet another Trump success story that must demoralize Libs to no end. They never get old.

"Arrests of people crossing the southwestern border have plummeted by 75% since May, marking one of the most dramatic drops in recent history and a sign that policy changes by the Trump administration and Mexico are reducing migration to the U.S.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Monday that 33,510 people were arrested after illegally crossing the border in November, marking the sixth straight monthly decline since May, when 132,000 such apprehensions marked a 13-year high.

The majority of those apprehended last year were families and unaccompanied children from Central America, nearly all of whom surrendered to border officials seeking asylum in the U.S. An unexpected surge of such migrants in the spring of this year created a crisis as the federal government proved unable to process them efficiently in safe and healthy conditions.

Of those arrested in November, 9,000 were traveling as families, according to CBP.

Border arrests typically decline this time of year and rise again in the spring when temperatures warm. Even so, the May-November decline is the biggest in absolute numbers and second biggest by percentage of any six-month period this century. The last few months of the Obama administration and the first few of the Trump administration saw a 76% drop, starting from a smaller peak of 47,211.

This is a direct result due to this president’s strategies to address the historic flood of Central Americans, families, illegally crossing the border,” acting CBP Comissioner Mark Morgan said at a press conference Monday. “The network of initiatives have worked and continues to work.”

"Some of the people at Moviemento Juventud are waiting for their cases to be resolved through the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols program, which since January has sent 54,000 migrants back to Mexico to await adjudication of their asylum claims. Previously, most migrants traveling as families who requested asylum were released in the U.S. CBP had previously said roughly 59,000 people had been sent back, but revised the figure after auditing data on the program.

The program, often called Remain in Mexico, is one of the biggest contributors to the decline of border arrests, immigration experts say. It has deterred some people from coming into the U.S., due to knowledge that they are likely to be stranded in Mexico for months while their cases are decided."

Trump doesn't need to be a genius to accomplish this. The stay in Mexico system was common sense. He just needed to cut thru Lib BS as only he is willing to do. Any other Pub would be intimidated by the Lib/media backlash. Not this ballsy President. Bravo!!
But...But...But...border crossings always go down in the heat of the summer. you know, cause it's real hot out and all. Oh's December now.
This is damning stuff. Don't fall for the media spin.

It is to an objective educated reader. But nothing will happen to them and anyone lacking at least decent intelligence won't understand how bad this is. So it will only play at the polls with people that were likely already pro Trump anyway

Diarrhea and decapitation.

Gushing at both ends
The fact that Horowitz came to the conclusion that they weren't politically motivated means absolutely nothing. ]
This is the gist of the matter. That Horowitz couldn't find any proof of political motivation doesn't mean it didn't exist then nor exist to this day. We are talking people who's job it is to find out lies & deceit. Who better at covering their trails?
Matter of fact, it might even be worse than we thought. I thought for sure the FBI would get an out and the narrative would be they were incompetent buffoons who fell for Russian propaganda and were tricked by the dossier.

The IG obliterates that talking point. Not only was the FBI warned multiple times by Ohr and several others about Steele and his dossier, but the CIA also warned the FBI that the dossier was as credible as internet rumor, yet Comey and McCabe still insisted they were going to use it. That's evidence of premeditation.

They weren't idiots who got tricked into lying to the FISA court and accidentally presented false evidence. They were dirty cops who knowingly lied to the FISA court and purposely presented them false evidence.

Basically, they committed fraud on the court, illegally obtained a warrant to spy and violated the 4A of everyone single American caught up in their illegal surveillance.
Go get those b-tards, Durham!!
This is the gist of the matter. That Horowitz couldn't find any proof of political motivation doesn't mean it didn't exist then nor exist to this day. We are talking people who's job it is to find out lies & deceit. Who better at covering their trails?
You mean to tell me the emails between Strock and Page were not documentation of political bias?
So after the IG report, the only resident Libs I have seen posting is Dion, Rq/fuzz, and James Lee, where are the rest of them, I thought for sure they would all be here crowing about a fake narrative.