How will they rule ??!

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Hillary has a devastating commercial out on Trump right now. The one with little children watching television as Trump is saying all sorts of terrible things. This is a very well done spot. Got to give credit where it is due as this is a good one:

Are you denying the Turkish president publicly requested extradition? Or are you parsing words and saying there hadnt been a formal, written, official request for extradition?

The thread began (IIRC) with some kind of can-you-believe-that complaint that Kerry said he'd consider an extradition request. The forrmal one hasn't happened yet. Lots of loud-mouthed people insinuate something legal is about to be initiated by them. Then, nothing happens. It seems to be a kind of autonomic activity. Like farting. Trump claims hes going to sue lots of people who offend him. Etc. Then nothing happens.

Kerry's statement is a trivial one since all requests are "considered".

Turkey is a NATO treaty partner. We have bases there. We can't -- or shouldn't -- go around helping people overthrow our allies. If Gulen has been abusing his safety here, he can't expect that to not have consequences. He's completely denied having anything to do with it, and I doubt that Erdogan has a shred of evidence. If he did, he'd have acted earlier.

I still haven't seen anything regarding the motives of the coup leaders beyond wanting power. Turkey is constitutionally secular, as we are, but for years some officers at the Air Force Academy have pretended that doesn't really apply to them and have been proselytizing. Maybe there are some Muslim Turks who feel the same way. Maybe the Turkish military felt Erdogan's secularism wasn't genuine. Not being snarky here. I've seen complaints all over the place but I haven't seen anything either way. If you have a cite, I'd appreciate it.
Yeah, they're splitting atoms across the south in the bible belt. Nothing but Rhodes scholars as far as the eye can see.


Every study that has ever existed has shown a significant gap in IQ among blacks and whites as a whole.

Are there plenty of retarded whites? Absolutely. As a whole? There's no question that Asians and whites have a higher IQ.

I don't know why we constantly ignore study after study, city after city, country after country that proves this issue.

Is there a single successful black country?
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Whenever he uses the "let me be clear" phrase (in this case it's a "I want to be clear" variation) ---he's lying through his teeth.

He said, "I want to be clear: there is no justification for violence against law enforcement. None. These attacks are the work of cowards who speak for no one."

So, there is justification for violence against law enforcement? These aren't the work of cowards?
President's statement was fine, today. I think he finally has learned the price of carelessly sticking his thumb on the scales in matters he would have best kept his nose out of.

I know I keep harping on this, but Obama's intrusion into the Trayvon Martin case was grossly inappropriate and one of the more irresponsible things I have ever seen a President do. His "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin" speech being the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard a President utter. All downhill from there.
He said, "I want to be clear: there is no justification for violence against law enforcement. None. These attacks are the work of cowards who speak for no one."

So, there is justification for violence against law enforcement? These aren't the work of cowards?

It was obviously relative to screwduke's post about the first part of obuma's sentence, which you omitted-- concerning the "mystery" about the shooter's motives... whereas the Prez is quick to jump to conclusions in certain cases, as we've all seen. He usually lies right after he states he wants to "be clear"... in this case, he changed it up, and used the lie right before.

He's just rearranging his playbook. Probably figured he couldn't get away with blaming a crude and disgusting youtube video again.
Yeah, which pretty sure he was saying here that when you preach the gospel you'll have adversaries against your message so be ready. Not literally get a sword and fight, as he forbid Peter for using this soon after.
The Greek translation is literal (a short dagger), so it does appear that he was not speaking figuratively (ie: sword of the spirit). I would also argue that Jesus had previously told the disciples that dangerous times & persecutions would follow His death. The likely reason, IMO, He told Peter to not use his sword when the captors came is because Jesus had a specific mission to complete that included His arrest and capture (which would lead to the cross). Peter's resistance in that situation was an unwitting attempt to thwart that mission, which probably explains why Jesus asked Peter to not physically resist His arrest. However, that's just my humble take.
Yeah, which pretty sure he was saying here that when you preach the gospel you'll have adversaries against your message so be ready. Not literally get a sword and fight, as he forbid Peter for using this soon after.

He forbid it because it was time for him to fufill what was fortold, his sacrifice in death and his resurrection.
This bitch on 60 minutes interviewing Trump and Pence is awful. Interrupts every 2 seconds and tries to get Trump and Pence to fight each other on past disagreements. A total shit show.
I know I keep harping on this, but Obama's intrusion into the Trayvon Martin case was grossly inappropriate and one of the more irresponsible things I have ever seen a President do. His "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin" speech being the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard a President utter. All downhill from there.

I believe my earlier post would explain why that dumbass doesn't know any better. He isn't quite capable of running his own mouth, let alone a country. Sure, he's good enough for liberals, but not for me.
It was obviously relative to screwduke's post about the first part of obuma's sentence, which you omitted-- concerning the "mystery" about the shooter's motives... whereas the Prez is quick to jump to conclusions in certain cases, as we've all seen. He usually lies right after he states he wants to "be clear"... in this case, he changed it up, and used the lie right before.

He's just rearranging his playbook. Probably figured he couldn't get away with blaming a crude and disgusting youtube video again.

He was quoting the authorities in Baton Rouge.
The Greek translation is literal (a short dagger), so it does appear that he was not speaking figuratively (ie: sword of the spirit). I would also argue that Jesus had previously told the disciples that dangerous times & persecutions would follow His death. The likely reason, IMO, He told Peter to not use his sword when the captors came is because Jesus had a specific mission to complete that included His arrest and capture (which would lead to the cross). Peter's resistance in that situation was an unwitting attempt to thwart that mission, which probably explains why Jesus asked Peter to not physically resist His arrest. However, that's just my humble take.

Your comments are close to my understanding. The gospel had moved to the Passion and the details are about Jesus's nature and destiny. The swords seem to recall the Temptation in the desert at the beginning when Jesus was offered power in the world. When Peter used the sword, Jesus told him to put it away. The kingdom is not of this world. Luke seemed to believe the 2nd coming was just around the corner so radical other-worldliness wouldn't have been that big of a burden. (I'm not a believer, btw. Former Catholic.)
Serious question. What do you all expect to happen outside of the RNC this week? Violence and/or riots? Does ISIS or BLM pull some crazy shit off? I have a bad feeling something bad will happen. Hope to God I am wrong.
Hillary has a devastating commercial out on Trump right now. The one with little children watching television as Trump is saying all sorts of terrible things. This is a very well done spot. Got to give credit where it is due as this is a good one:

Hillary has no business talking about principles...she has zero. Kids don't vote and parents who actually have an ounce of common sense know that HRC is full of shat.
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Serious question. What do you all expect to happen outside of the RNC this week? Violence and/or riots? Does ISIS or BLM pull some crazy shit off? I have a bad feeling something bad will happen. Hope to God I am wrong.


If tweetle Dee and tweetle dumb are catching on that Isis and BLM are handing this to trump they will reach out and tell BLM to stop and start throwing cop sympathy across our news.......oh that's already started!

So nothing.
Totally against it. If anything, some radical nutjob seeing people armed might stop them from acting out. I'm no fan of Kasich but he did the right thing by denying it.
Open carry didn't stop the nut in Dallas. But who knows? Who are the police to question the law of the land.
President's statement was fine, today. I think he finally has learned the price of carelessly sticking his thumb on the scales in matters he would have best kept his nose out of.

I know I keep harping on this, but Obama's intrusion into the Trayvon Martin case was grossly inappropriate and one of the more irresponsible things I have ever seen a President do. His "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin" speech being the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard a President utter. All downhill from there.

That's the problem - he created a tinderbox then watched as it went up in flames. Hard to give him much credit as he lectures those whom he helped set in motion

The Baton Rouge cop killer's twitter is insane. He says he's not affiliated with BLM but his twitter feed looks just like every BLM twitter.

The killer was apparently a huge fan of Tariq Nasheed, who is a huge anti-white black radical.
Seen very little media attention on it, but theres a stand off at this guys home. Someone answered the door while holding an ak 47. Entire neighborhood on lockdown.
The thread began (IIRC) with some kind of can-you-believe-that complaint that Kerry said he'd consider an extradition request. The forrmal one hasn't happened yet. Lots of loud-mouthed people insinuate something legal is about to be initiated by them. Then, nothing happens. It seems to be a kind of autonomic activity. Like farting. Trump claims hes going to sue lots of people who offend him. Etc. Then nothing happens.

Kerry's statement is a trivial one since all requests are "considered".

Turkey is a NATO treaty partner. We have bases there. We can't -- or shouldn't -- go around helping people overthrow our allies. If Gulen has been abusing his safety here, he can't expect that to not have consequences. He's completely denied having anything to do with it, and I doubt that Erdogan has a shred of evidence. If he did, he'd have acted earlier.

I still haven't seen anything regarding the motives of the coup leaders beyond wanting power. Turkey is constitutionally secular, as we are, but for years some officers at the Air Force Academy have pretended that doesn't really apply to them and have been proselytizing. Maybe there are some Muslim Turks who feel the same way. Maybe the Turkish military felt Erdogan's secularism wasn't genuine. Not being snarky here. I've seen complaints all over the place but I haven't seen anything either way. If you have a cite, I'd appreciate it.

I didn't speculate why the coup was attempted. Just that Kerry and Obama bumbled it by publicly supporting one side or the other. Then further by announcing they'd consider an extradition.

No need to say anything publicly.

Serious question. What do you all expect to happen outside of the RNC this week? Violence and/or riots? Does ISIS or BLM pull some crazy shit off? I have a bad feeling something bad will happen. Hope to God I am wrong.

Something insane will happen. I expect hillary to set blm to task, and for them to be in full anarchy mode. That's the real reason they are funded by soros - to be the dems proxy for anarchy, while giving the dems the deniability.

The msm already bends over backwards to avoid tying blm to any violence at all. So the chances of blm getting tied to anything that'll happen in Cleveland are slim. Chances the dems are tied to blm by the msm is practically in the negative percentile, if that were a thing.