How will they rule ??!

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In short, social programs should help the poor who help themselves and not those unwilling to do anything. I have always wanted to help monetarily with the poor who need assistance but, if you don't work you don't eat. Not against gay marriage but, don't believe homosexuality is right because of religious beliefs. However, people have the right to make their own decisions but, churches or organizations/businesses who disagree with the union should not be forced to be involved.

Contrary to belief I am against being in any country militarily unless they ask us to be there and pay for us to be there.

Not totally for deregulation on everything, Some things require some oversight but it cannot be so harsh that it hurts a company's bottom line or causes outsourcing.

The problem these days is no one wants to give an inch.

Now you...
What you describe is bare minimum social programs, government staying out of marriage, business, religion, and military intervention. These are all textbook conservative positions, not liberal ones and definitely not Democratic party platform. Shows how far right we are in America that you would even think these qualify.

As for me and the Democratic party I am a gun owner and 2nd amendment supporter. I'm not on board with religious exceptions for Islamic beliefs like the Dems seem to be, Islam is just as terrible as Christianity and in many ways worse. We are a secular nation period, doesn't matter if it's Catholicism, Wicca, or Zoroastrianism you check your imaginary sky friend at the door. I'm left of Bernie, the majority of Democratic party positions are too conservative for me. Dems have been in bed with Wall Street since before I was born, it's a corporatist party and I'm a populist.
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You make a good point. In fact the group promoting segregation today are the Blacks. Some of them want seperate graduation ceremonies, seperate colleges and most every thing else in society. In other words they want to have their cake and eat it too, without a white person around.
If you seen any at the mall make sure you threaten to kick their ass.
What you describe is bare minimum social programs, government staying out of marriage, business, religion, and military intervention. These are all textbook conservative positions, not liberal ones and definitely not Democratic party platform. Shows how far right we are in America that you would even think these qualify.

As for me and the Democratic party I am a gun owner and 2nd amendment supporter. I'm not on board with religious exceptions for Islamic beliefs like the Dems seem to be, Islam is just as terrible as Christianity and in many ways worse. We are a secular nation period, doesn't matter if it's Catholicism, Wicca, or Zoroastrianism you check your imaginary sky friend at the door. I'm left of Bernie, the majority of Democratic party positions are far too conservative for me. Dems have been in bed with Wall Street since before I was born, it's a corporatist party and I'm a populist. Time for the proletariat to unite and seize the means of production; "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."


Yeah that works so well
Actually there have been quite a few studies that have found that prejudices are learned behaviors.

Children aren't concerned with the color of someone's skin, their sexual orientation, their religion or any other defining characteristic. You learn to be a bigot. It can be unlearned. The first step is recognizing it for what it is...

What in the hell kind of question is that??


Bonus points for “a black” and “a white.” Good grief. But really...what kind of point were you trying to make with that one?

Too busy running your stupid mouth because you can't answer the question. Seriously, answer the question. You know the truth but truths in your world are racist because they destroy your attempt at destorting reality to push your agenda.
What you describe is bare minimum social programs, government staying out of marriage, business, religion, and military intervention. These are all textbook conservative positions, not liberal ones and definitely not Democratic party platform. Shows how far right we are in America that you would even think these qualify.

As for me and the Democratic party I am a gun owner and 2nd amendment supporter. I'm not on board with religious exceptions for Islamic beliefs like the Dems seem to be, Islam is just as terrible as Christianity and in many ways worse. We are a secular nation period, doesn't matter if it's Catholicism, Wicca, or Zoroastrianism you check your imaginary sky friend at the door. I'm left of Bernie, the majority of Democratic party positions are too conservative for me. Dems have been in bed with Wall Street since before I was born, it's a corporatist party and I'm a populist.
A couple are liberal in nature but, I agree not very far left. I have never been secretive about what I am but as I said I am also not as far right as you would portray me to be. Yes, in some areas religion being one but that will not change. I have had enough proof to me that God exist. Not going against his plan. With that being said, I am not a Saint nor claim to be. There are some things and people I would like to eliminate from this country (not kill just get rid of) and yes I realize what I said about Antifa earlier but, that is in the context of self defense and justice.
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The study compiled 100 bond issuances for 20 cities at risk of climate-induced sea-level rises such as New York and New Orleans, as well as 100 issuances for 20 low-risk, inland cities such as Chicago and Kansas City. Greater risk to investors should produce a higher bond interest rate, or “coupon rate.” But the average rate for at-risk cities was 4.21% versus 3.99% for low-risk cities, and our analysis found that this difference of 22 basis points was not statistically significant. The study controlled for factors like type of bond, maturity and purpose, which also affect interest-rate variation.

The study also found scant mention of climate change in bond disclosure documents. The disclosure statements of the 20 at-risk cities totaled 4,361 pages. Phrases like “climate change” and “sea-level rise” appeared fewer than 100 times across all 20 at-risk cities in the context of the issues addressed in this study. Further, 12 out of the 20 disclosures for at-risk cities did not mention climate language in the same context.

The contrast between what mayors say in public and what cities disclose in bond language is often stark. New York’s Bill de Blasio has called climate change an “existential threat” and a “dagger aimed straight at the heart” of the city. Yet New York and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey barely mentioned climate change or rising sea levels in their risk statements to investors.
I did not nor did the meme imply they were mutually exclusive, you assumed and then inferred. Frankly I don't care what your party is, there are so many lifelong republicans leaving that party now I don't think any thinking person knows what it stands for anymore.
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I do not know who to feel more sorry for. Biden or the idiots who continue to support him.
The idiots that support him do so only because of the mission/agenda of destroying America. Don't feel sorry for them, only wish them safe passage out of our country.
I don’t know what the hell you’re referring to, but man...are you one of those weird “flag guys?” What would you do if someone chose to not stand for the national anthem? Like, they’d rather eat their nachos or scroll through Instagram during that time instead. Would you say something?

Do you fly an American flag outside your American house?

Were you personally offended by the “sons of bitches” who kneeled on NFL fields during the anthem?

If might be a “flag guy.”

That’s pretty damn low. Almost as low as “open the truck door for my girlfriend before strolling into Applebee’s guy,” or the multitude of “ALL LIVES MATTER” losers out there.
With idiots like you supposedly a teacher, teaching young minds, it is understandable why young people are so screwed up.
Hahs 60 Minutes segment about Russia spy Maria Butina...who came here to infiltrate the NRA lmao.

She was a student who was involved with trying to get gun rights for Russia.

60!minutes keeps asking her about PUTIN
60 minutes? How old are you. Good Lord. How was meet the press this morning?
The ignorance of Adam Schiff and his followers here is unbelievable. The left has for years hated the military but now when it suits there purpose they trot one out who disagrees (motive? payment?) I for one who served for 20 years and went to war and now still work for the military tell you that for the most the military is behind Trump. I would if given the opportunity would punch the Schumers, Piglosi's, and the Schiff plus their type's right in the face for the damage they have caused. They are traitors.
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