How will they rule ??!

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So Lexington has unleashed e-scooters ON THE DAMN ROADS. They have contracted with 5 e-scooter companies and these 15mph max toys must be driven on the roads.


Where is a Dodge Challenger when you need one?
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Lol Trump tweeted the word “lynching” and some black representative took the opportunity to respond and let everybody know he has created an “anti-lynching” bill that would make lynching a federal hate crime!!!!!

I’m no lawyer, but I think lynching is a pretty serious crime already. This is what these elected dumbasses do - nothing worth a damn. I’m gonna make a law that’s already a law!!
My gawd, hopefully one these Dem candidates can emerge to end this atrocity.

There's nothing but evidence in support of the damn argument I make here day in and day out, namely that this is by far the best gig in town... in the world, in the history of history.

You want to talk about inequality, check out China they have a lot of communist millionaires and way more very poor and way poorer people. But you don't actually care about their inequality, just that there are others that have more than you, that you have a boss that is more successful than you.

But if other western industrialized countries can take care of their people than so should we? Yeah, they do so by making everyone poorer, a maybe larger but much weaker middle class. You think the rich are taking advantage of you, wait till you see what the socialists do to you.

Nobody reading this thread is going to be better off in any way shape or form should America goes socialist; we can figure out some other way to help the destitute on skid row who you don't actually care about anyway.
Lol Trump tweeted the word “lynching” and some black representative took the opportunity to respond and let everybody know he has created an “anti-lynching” bill that would make lynching a federal hate crime!!!!!

I’m no lawyer, but I think lynching is a pretty serious crime already. This is what these elected dumbasses do - nothing worth a damn. I’m gonna make a law that’s already a law!!

Careful, the last time they introduced anti lynching legislation two Nigerian body builders lynched a black actor in Chicago
I want to hear one of our resident liberals on here defend and justify this. Somehow I think they will be strangely silent, just as they always are when pressed to defend their insane positions.
You can be a liberal and not support everything. You get that right? Do you agree with every single thing trump says and does?
You can be a liberal and not support everything. You get that right? Do you agree with every single thing trump says and does?
No, you can't. Not when your party is united in pushing this destructive insanity. You can pretend you can, but that is not reality. Your party is trash, and you are a GD fool for not divorcing yourself from this disease.
Wow ed sheepishly backs into a corner and admits he is a transphobe! Pathetic.
You are a joke posted.
No, you can't. Not when your party is united in pushing this destructive insanity. You can pretend you can, but that is not reality. Your party is trash, and you are a GD fool for not divorcing yourself from this disease.
i could say the same thing about you and trump
i could say the same thing about you and trump
Trump doesn't push insane, destructive "progressive" bullshit. Your party does. It's time you own it. Or walk away. Sick of the 24/7 "Orange Man Bad ", which is all you spew.

Pull your head out of your TDS ass and smell the coffee. Your party is a disease on the Earth, and the only cure is to crush it and eliminate these sick ideas from society. We will continue to remind you shameless idiots of this.
Trump doesn't push insane, destructive "progressive" bullshit. Your party does. It's time you own it. Or walk away. Sick of the 24/7 "Orange Man Bad ", which is all you spew.

Pull your head out of your TDS ass and smell the coffee. Your party is a disease on the Earth, and the only cure is to crush it and eliminate these sick ideas from society. We will continue to remind you shameless idiots of this.
Sounds like you would prefer a dictatorship. So would trump
You want everyone to have the same beliefs. And follow one man blindly. What am I missing here.
No, I want Americans to live and be governed by the Constitution. I want politicians to push for policies that help Americans. I want a healthy society not diseased with "progressive" identity politics and political correct religion. By not standing against the lunancy of your party, you are supporting it. Democrats were not always this f**ked up. Well, they are now, and if you don't stand against it, you help perpetuate it.
No, I want Americans to live and be governed by the Constitution. I want politicians to push for policies that help Americans. I want a healthy society not diseased with "progressive" identity politics and political correct religion. By not standing against the lunancy of your party, you are supporting it. Democrats were not always this f**ked up. Well, they are now, and if you don't stand against it, you help perpetuate it.
So you want a one party system?
Downtown Lexington mural contains expletive directed at President Trump

Stunning and brave.

City of Lexington spokeswoman Susan Straub said there is nothing city workers can do to remove the message.

“This is a mural on a private building. No public dollars are involved in this mural," Straub said. "As much as we don’t agree with the use of vulgarity, this is a free speech issue.”

I'm sure if the mural said the n-word or "Sodomy is an offense that cries out to Heaven for vengeance" a similar tone would be struck by the city office.
The Previous Democrat President signed a law crafted by at least one of the Democrat front runners for President that is being currently being reviewed by the Supreme Court that creates an agency that goes around Congress, directly to the Fed for funding, and which is exempt from oversight by the executive branch.

Yet Trump is the dictator.

If the Supreme Court lets that bullshit stand, the entire American government is turned on its head.
Downtown Lexington mural contains expletive directed at President Trump

Stunning and brave.

City of Lexington spokeswoman Susan Straub said there is nothing city workers can do to remove the message.

“This is a mural on a private building. No public dollars are involved in this mural," Straub said. "As much as we don’t agree with the use of vulgarity, this is a free speech issue.”

I'm sure if the mural said the n-word or "Sodomy is an offense that cries out to Heaven for vengeance" a similar tone would be struck by the city office.

This is ridiculous...the "artist" - who is awful, btw, everyone can agree on that - IS FROM NYC AND CAME HERE BC HE/SHE WAS FED UP WITH TRUMP. Well, dumbass, this is Trump country, gtfo. The words F Trump aren't obvious, but the painting is big and quite ugly. If the city didn't approve of the visual/message, whoever did that would be fined and punished. You can't build an addition to your own house without a damn permit, but you can paint a humongous billboard downtown for everyone to see, with the f-word on it for good measure. GTFO. Mayor Gorton, if you are so concerned with the youth, and how to better the community, you could start by removing the huge billboard with the f word on it. Is that what you want little children to see. Mommy who's Trump? F Trump! Yayy Lexington F THE PRESIDENT!!!
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This is ridiculous...the "artist" - who is awful, btw, everyone can agree on that - IS FROM NYC AND CAME HERE BC HE/SHE WAS FED UP WITH TRUMP. Well, dumbass, this is Trump country, gtfo. The words F Trump aren't obvious, but the painting is big and quite ugly. If the city didn't approve of the visual/message, whoever did that would be fined and punished. You can't build an addition to your own house without a damn permit, but you can paint a humongous billboard downtown for everyone to see, with the f-word on it for good measure. GTFO. Mayor Gorton, if you are so concerned with the youth, and how to better the community, you could start by removing the huge billboard with the f word on it. Is that what you want little children to see. Mommy who's Trump? F Trump! Yayy Lexington F THE PRESIDENT!!!
Lexington is not trump country.
If trump gets a second term he will deal with Dems to do a single payer healthcare. He’s stated it in the past and didn’t move away from it in the debates
I've always wondered where this "Trump supports single payer" shit comes from. I know he had made comments about how he would like everyone to have insurance, but that doesn't mean that he supports govt run health care.
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Downtown Lexington mural contains expletive directed at President Trump

Stunning and brave.

City of Lexington spokeswoman Susan Straub said there is nothing city workers can do to remove the message.

“This is a mural on a private building. No public dollars are involved in this mural," Straub said. "As much as we don’t agree with the use of vulgarity, this is a free speech issue.”

I'm sure if the mural said the n-word or "Sodomy is an offense that cries out to Heaven for vengeance" a similar tone would be struck by the city office.

If that had been Obama.
No, I want Americans to live and be governed by the Constitution. I want politicians to push for policies that help Americans. I want a healthy society not diseased with "progressive" identity politics and political correct religion. By not standing against the lunancy of your party, you are supporting it. Democrats were not always this f**ked up. Well, they are now, and if you don't stand against it, you help perpetuate it.

The Constitution is white, male and heterosexual.

Apparently we need new rules crafted by those who aren't.
im curious about peoples opinions on what we are doing in Yemen atm. we are providing refueling and aerial support for the Saudis who are working with Al Qaeda on the ground to commit horrific war crimes. once again turning a blind eye to the masters of 9/11 so we can murder kids in the name of oil security and stick it to Iran.

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