How will they rule ??!

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Someone give me their take on Scaramucci. Does he really hate trump or is he running a game for trump? Can't figure him out.
Massachusetts Democrats are pushing a bill to make it a crime to call someone a "bitch," with offenders facing prison

I’d rather be called a bitch than a “progressive” “liberal” or a f’n bat guano democrat.

Nah, Jesse is just caught up in some bitch-on-bitch violence.

He’s just as much a victim as he is a criminal.
I've always wondered where this "Trump supports single payer" shit comes from. I know he had made comments about how he would like everyone to have insurance, but that doesn't mean that he supports govt run health care.

Prior to his run for President he made numerous suggestions to a single payer healthcare system. Then in the republican debates when other republicans called him out he did not deny it. It comes from his mouth and the primary field calling him out.
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I've always wondered where this "Trump supports single payer" shit comes from. I know he had made comments about how he would like everyone to have insurance, but that doesn't mean that he supports govt run health care.

Here’s a direct quote from trump and like I said in the debates he never denied it. If he gets a second term you probably won’t like what he does.

“If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.”

-Donald trump
If only they would.
Politically they have though. They could have legit accomplished some things in their own agenda if they had have worked with Trump on some issues. They hated Trump more though and jumped off the metaphorical bridge instead of trying to solve issues, even if the solutions would have furthered their cause. That's how deranged they are.

What a load of BS. Terms like “snowflake” are mainly used in online gaming when another player is being a bitch (or potentially a pansy in Massachusetts soon). 95% of the time it has nothing to do with race, sex, etc.

Anytime someone can screech white supremacy, there will be an article soon to follow.
Because your income being taxed at 60% subsidized the difference.

No amount of evidence and reason is every going to convince you fools of how foolish and imbecilic you are until you experience the cost of your idiocy for yourselves.

I’ll disagree a bit here. Canada is a great place to live. The healthcare system isn’t perfect but to say that the average person would have to be an idiot to want to live there is silly. I can’t speak for the other countries on the list.
I've always wondered where this "Trump supports single payer" shit comes from. I know he had made comments about how he would like everyone to have insurance, but that doesn't mean that he supports govt run health care.

Probably the same place the trump is pro choice, pro gay and a democrat come from. His own mouth.
Think about how much the media has ignored or tried to excuse the blatant and undeniable anti-semitism of The Squad but if a Republican calls a journalist rich/elitist Jake Tapper's hair catches on fire..."omg you said that cause he is Jewish. Those are code words"

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Canada is a great place to live.

Says the guys who fled Canada for the land of the free and home of the brave.

Well, I have a great career and family here. In my industry, I could go back home and get a high paying job but I have an ex wife and son here and wouldn’t leave him behind. I’m also addicted to golf and the weather back home isn’t conducive to year round links.

Canadians consistently rank among the happiest people in the world. It’s a great country and outside of the fanaticism for weapons, it’s not that much different than the US.
Yeah, that's not really what I mean, but the idea that you will have it better just becuase your healthcare is on the surface cheaper is idiotic... as what ever back of the envelope calculations Warren is doing for the next few weeks to try to deceive the public; noone will have it better unless you are very poor or very sick, we need to figure something else out there without going full retard.

Germany is great place to live too, and noone's an idiot to live there... great country. But take that graph earlier, we have 25 times the new millionaires but maybe 4 times the population, this is because our economy and system is that much more robust, that much more conducive to one creating their own wealth or in other temrs their own destiny. And the Germans are hardworking people, they have a culture of shame towards lazy do nothing POS much more than we do.

So the cost of my daily mcmuffin with hotcakes induced diabetes is going to cost me 3x more here, but during the course of my working life I've probably made 10x the wealth to cover my own consequences for my own sugar addiction.
I’ll disagree a bit here. Canada is a great place to live. The healthcare system isn’t perfect but to say that the average person would have to be an idiot to want to live there is silly. I can’t speak for the other countries on the list.

Apart from the winter weather, Canada is awesome. Would love to visit Banff.
Yeah, that's not really what I mean, but the idea that you will have it better just becuase your healthcare is on the surface cheaper is idiotic... as what ever back of the envelope calculations Warren is doing for the next few weeks to try to deceive the public; noone will have it better unless you are very poor or very sick, we need to figure something else out there without going full retard.

Germany is great place to live too, and noone's an idiot to live there... great country. But take that graph earlier, we have 25 times the new millionaires but maybe 4 times the population, this is because our economy and system is that much more robust, that much more conducive to one creating their own wealth or in other temrs their own destiny. And the Germans are hardworking people, they have a culture of shame towards lazy do nothing POS much more than we do.

So the cost of my daily mcmuffin with hotcakes induced diabetes is going to cost me 3x more here, but during the course of my working life I've probably made 10x the wealth to cover my own consequences for my own sugar addiction.

Ok, that makes more sense. I’m always quick to point out that healthcare in Canada is not “free.” Everyone pays for it, just not in the form of insurance premiums.
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Yeah, that's not really what I mean, but the idea that you will have it better just becuase your healthcare is on the surface cheaper is idiotic... as what ever back of the envelope calculations Warren is doing for the next few weeks to try to deceive the public; noone will have it better unless you are very poor or very sick, we need to figure something else out there without going full retard.

Germany is great place to live too, and noone's an idiot to live there... great country. But take that graph earlier, we have 25 times the new millionaires but maybe 4 times the population, this is because our economy and system is that much more robust, that much more conducive to one creating their own wealth or in other temrs their own destiny. And the Germans are hardworking people, they have a culture of shame towards lazy do nothing POS much more than we do.

So the cost of my daily mcmuffin with hotcakes induced diabetes is going to cost me 3x more here, but during the course of my working life I've probably made 10x the wealth to cover my own consequences for my own sugar addiction.

I insurance is expensive because we’re in America and our tax system & the free market encourage making as much money as possible. People want to get philosophical about healthcare being a “right,” but that’s absolutely not why these companies got into the health insurance business.

I do think Americans deserve better healthcare, at least from the cost perspective. But if that hits doctors’ pockets, would it eventually result in lower-quality/less physicians in the field?

No clue what a universally-accepted solution would be. I just know it always stings when you throw $$$$ every year into health insurance...and you still might have a co-pay if you need a filling at the dentist.
Prior to his run for President he made numerous suggestions to a single payer healthcare system. Then in the republican debates when other republicans called him out he did not deny it. It comes from his mouth and the primary field calling him out.
I read your linked article and see nothing about Trump supporting single payer. In fact the person who wrote the article sounds like they should be writing for CNN or something.
One of the prettiest spots in North America.
From Chateau Lake Louise & the glacier flowing into it, ranks up there with Yosemite Valley, east entrance to Zion, Lake Tahoe view from US pass CA to NV & from top of ski mountains, Mt. McKinley - just massive, Falls of the Yellowstone, & Beartooth Pass into Yellowstone. JMO though.
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I read your linked article and see nothing about Trump supporting single payer. In fact the person who wrote the article sounds like they should be writing for CNN or something.

It’s Erik Erickson a real conservative. Did you miss the Donald’s own quote I posted too? I mean you guys have selective memory when it comes to trump. He said it like 20x and doubled down in the republican debates. Research it with your hand picked media it will confirm it:

Stop being the sheep here’s his quote

“If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.”

-Donald trump