How will they rule ??!

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Because your income being taxed at 60% subsidized the difference.

No amount of evidence and reason is every going to convince you fools of how foolish and imbecilic you are until you experience the cost of your idiocy for yourselves.
Canada doesn't tax income at 60% ... so where are you talking about?

And tell me... what is the effective tax rate for someone who earns $50,000/yr and has to pay $20,000/yr for healthcare insurance...and then still has $3000 in deductibles and co-pays? That's on top of their current tax liability.
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Canada doesn't tax income at 60% ... so where are you talking about?

And tell me... what is the effective tax rate for someone who earns $50,000/yr and has to pay $20,000/yr for healthcare insurance...and then still has $3000 in deductibles and co-pays? That's on top of their current tax liability.

Which is significantly less than in the US.

Our GDP per capita is something like 62k and their's is around 40k, there's your 20k right there.

Believe it or not, you can't have your cake and eat it too no matter how big the lie they told you.. no matter how much you want to believe it, the math just isn't there.

I do think Americans deserve better healthcare, at least from the cost perspective. But if that hits doctors’ pockets, would it eventually result in lower-quality/less physicians in the field?

I think so too, but we can lower cost for those who need it lowered the most in other more creative ways than going towards socialism which is antithetical to American values and doesn't work all that well even when it works well.

There are obvious realities which you just have to totally blissfully ignore in order to believe in the free delusions like Fuzz and Dionysis do.

It won't work as well as what we have now for a whole slew of reasons I've already gone in to and won't waste my breath again on again needlessly, but you hint at one that I didn't. The expensive care that the rich can pay for here helps spurn innovation in the same manner a 60 inch High Definition TV cost 20k 20 years ago and now you can pick one up for 200 bucks at walmart... That initial cost of R&D is subsidized by the greedy rich which trickled down, yes it works like that sometimes, to your average black Friday Joe Schmoe.

It's simply naive and willfully ignorant to think all things are equal, which is what they argue when they attempt to make a coherent argument, when they clearly are not. If you want to sit at the McDonald's drive through for breakfast every morning, I don't want to pay for it. Europeans walk every where or hell they ride bikes like in Amsterdam, then maybe collective chipping makes at least some sense. Or education, in Europe it's hard to get in to college, you can't just get in with average scores like you can here and then party hard your first few years as they can be still very easy and then get some BS Bachelor of Arts, you want that then you pay for it not the rest of us.
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The liberal left are the main users of drugs used for this..
Yeah, that's not really what I mean, but the idea that you will have it better just becuase your healthcare is on the surface cheaper is idiotic... as what ever back of the envelope calculations Warren is doing for the next few weeks to try to deceive the public; noone will have it better unless you are very poor or very sick, we need to figure something else out there without going full retard.

Germany is great place to live too, and noone's an idiot to live there... great country. But take that graph earlier, we have 25 times the new millionaires but maybe 4 times the population, this is because our economy and system is that much more robust, that much more conducive to one creating their own wealth or in other temrs their own destiny. And the Germans are hardworking people, they have a culture of shame towards lazy do nothing POS much more than we do.

So the cost of my daily mcmuffin with hotcakes induced diabetes is going to cost me 3x more here, but during the course of my working life I've probably made 10x the wealth to cover my own consequences for my own sugar addiction.
People who have never experienced many other countries do not understand what we have here. I agree with Germany being a great place to live but, it is as you said better here.
Crickets . . . after they stop chirping, key the canned reply of fake news . . . next, it’s part of the conspiracy that’s been going on to undermine tRump since the Emoluments Clause was written into the Constitution.

This is testimony from the guy who was being told clearly in a text there was no quid pro quo from the president. Yeah I have some problems with his testimony. Is there proof beyond the hearsay of him and others? I'm open minded. Show me. You're smart enough to know only certain parts of testimony are being leaked. Do you think that's the right way to run an impeachment inquiry?
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So these guys get attacked and fight back, and they’re the ones getting sentenced. While Antifa members weren’t arrested, ridiculous.
Yeah and morons like Dionobitch keep applauding injustice but cry about someone's feelings getting hurt.
Crickets . . . after they stop chirping, key the canned reply of fake news . . . next, it’s part of the conspiracy that’s been going on to undermine tRump since the Emoluments Clause was written into the Constitution.
Well, morons kiss each other's asses and you did not disappoint us. The corruptness in this country is deep and you guys are just as bad as your leaders.
I know most of you don’t care about people who aren’t “AMERICAN CITIZENS,” but this Turkey/Russia takeover in Syria was 100% preventable.

Trump got played, and it wasn’t even difficult for them to pull it off.

Try to pretend that this doesn’t matter. More to come at 10:00, for those watching from home.
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They were the ones who attacked, watch the video that proved the prosecution's case yourself.

I did, they walked out of a meeting and the Antifa protesters were harassing them. They defended themselves.

Just because you don’t like a group of people doesn’t mean you can harass them and throw things at them. They were breaking no laws and Antifa created the situation.
My problem isn’t so much with charging the Proud Boys members, it’s that Antifa members got off Scott free, and they caused the melee.
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I know most of you don’t care about people who aren’t “AMERICAN CITIZENS,” but this Turkey/Russia takeover in Syria was 100% preventable.

Trump got played, and it wasn’t even difficult for them to pull it off.

Try to pretend that this doesn’t matter. More to come at 10:00, for those watching from home.

So you want to get back into the nation building business? Russia was already there, Obama let that happen to get the Iran deal. Turkey has millions of Syrian refugees, see the above.
I did, they walked out of a meeting and the Antifa protesters were harassing them. They defended themselves.

Just because you don’t like a group of people doesn’t mean you can harass them and throw things at them. They were breaking no laws and Antifa created the situation.
My problem isn’t so much with charging the Proud Boys members, it’s that Antifa members got off Scott free, and they caused the melee.
The only thing that got thrown was a water bottle at the guy as he charged up and decked someone. The crowd were the ones defending themselves, not the Proud Boys as you post. This was just proven in court.
I know most of you don’t care about people who aren’t “AMERICAN CITIZENS,” but this Turkey/Russia takeover in Syria was 100% preventable.

Trump got played, and it wasn’t even difficult for them to pull it off.

Try to pretend that this doesn’t matter. More to come at 10:00, for those watching from home.

Where the F**** were you when Obama policies allowed over 1 million SYRIANS to die and while supplying ISIS with guns and money to the point that TULSI F***** GABBARD had to write a bill in Congress to stop OBAMA from supporting ISIS that got killed by HOUSE DEMOCRATS. GFY, you piece of shit.
The only thing that got thrown was a water bottle at the guy as he charged up and decked someone. The crowd were the ones defending themselves, not the Proud Boys as you post. This was just proven in court.

I saw the video of what happened when it happened.
The Antifa members were harassing the group coming out of a meeting. It’s illegal to harass people, for the simple reason it causes altercations.
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That's the old video. More security footage has surfaced now showing the beginning when the Proud Boys attacked.

The old video? So the old video showing Antifa harassing them didn’t happen?

The whole situation was instigated by Antifa, the ones involved should’ve been charged as well.