How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Wow. Just wow.


wonder what their carbon footprint was just to get that photo op...

Ive been watching a lot of shows and stuff on dinosaurs and the different major eras of the history of the world. One thing I noticed watching these things, just how drastically the climate has changed throughout the history of this world. The amount of species that have gone extinct from the climate changing. I mean there was a time Antartica was a jungle and had tons of species living on it.

I believe the climate is changing and I do think we as humans have had an effect on it, to the extent on that though I still question greatly. They say the Earth's temperature has risen about 1.5 degrees since 1880. My question is without humans how much would it have risen, 0 degrees, .5 degree, 1 degree, 1.4 degrees? I don't ever really see a clear answer on that. I see people say humans are 100% at fault for it and without us it wouldnt have raised at all, I call BS on that. We just happened to be living at the one time where the Earth's climate isn't changing at all?

The crap I do laugh at is crap like this. Super rich people who have a far greater carbon footprint than the average person, telling us how we need to change our carbon footprint. First of all, all the ideas that they come up with to try and help the environment all suck and again the people saying this crap tend to be the worst when it comes to carbon footprint.
We had a few hundred troops there providing support. That is not some huge invasion force drummed up by the military-industrial complex. Y'all've been trying to set up this strawman of "war with a Nato ally" all day, but open war with Turkey wouldn't have ever happened. They weren't going in if we didn't pull out.

Where can I find more info on this?

Like, how do illegals apply for and receive the free insurance referenced in this tweet? I work directly with many national payers, state exchanges, and Medicare and Medicaid plans and am unaware of any such programs.

This is from June but outlines it.

First among the inexplicable ideas is the proposal to force citizen and legal immigrant taxpayers to pay a new healthcare tax in order to subsidize healthcare for California residents who are living in the country illegally. Yes, you read that right. The tax that Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to impose is a penalty on all those who don’t comply with the “individual mandate.”

Where can I find more info on this?

Like, how do illegals apply for and receive the free insurance referenced in this tweet? I work directly with many national payers, state exchanges, and Medicare and Medicaid plans and am unaware of any such programs.

From what Ive read (Im far from an expert on this stuff), illegals up to 26 years old are now apart of California's Medicaid program.
To assume that illegals don't get some kind of help is living in La La land. 20 + million aren't dropping dead, by starving to death, or anything else. They seem to be living among us quite well.
3 year anniversary of this gem...

Pretty crazy. I have minimal respect for Trump, but I had a feeling he was gonna win in 2016. After two terms from the first black president in US history, I knew that nominating a woman was pretty damn risky for the Dems. Midwest/Rust Belt states had plenty of swing voters in Trump’s favor because of that.

Biden, I guess, is the left’s only hope of defeating Trump next year. He’s been downright horrible in the debates though. Jesus.

In the words of Donald’s favorite phrase...

“We’ll see what happens.”
I do have to say, as a 28 year old who is in solid shape and been healthy practically all my life. Ive chosen not to pay for health insurance because Id rather put that money into a startup Im working on. I was spending about $600 a month on health insurance. Decided Id rather put that $600 a month into my monthly startup fund instead. Now because of this, Im now going to get fined come tax season next year.

This is so freaking stupid. Its pretty much either I spend $600 a month on health insurance Im not using so they can use that money to cover someone else. Or just tax the hell out of me to they can use that money to fund illegals. Its my freaking money.
The most overrated fast food chain there is. But with that said, Californians love themselves some In and Out. Aint no Californian going to side with climate protesters over their In and Out. Most of the time you got like a 30 minute wait to get your burger.
At least 3 In-n-Out restaurants located here in the Austin area. Usually very busy with long wait times.