How will they rule ??!

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You know I wouldn't have a problem with LeBron having no comment if he wasn't so quick to bash Trump and the USA so much.

If he never made any of those comments about Trump I probably would nearly applaud his no comment. But the no comment knowing the shit hes said before about our own government makes him look like a pathetic hypocrite.

Everybody knows someone in their circle of acquaintances that thinks he is several times smarter than he actually is, but doesnt have the self awareness to realize it. Now the whole world knows someone like that.....LeBron James.
Look at the death grip China has on the NBA and players via their comments. It's all propaganda.

Now let's look at another similar issue. Colin Kaepernick. Nike gave him millions. We were told of the record number of his apparel they were selling. You know, to show that "EVERYONE" supported his anti American position. So YOU should too.

We're several months (maybe a few years) removed from that. Who bought all that merchandise? Do you know anyone that bought his stuff? Know anyone that knows anyone that did? How about three times removed?

Pretty clear now that was all propaganda funded by the Chinese government


Come to think about it, I never saw many Kap jersey's pre-controversy when he was halfway relevant.

Nike and NBA have pretty clearly chosen their sides. They've gone full blown globalists sell-out, chinese ass kissers...

I'll tell you who looks even better now with this event coming right as Kap issue started to simmer a bit, the NCAA.

I mean you talk about a lucky ass organization. In the past couple of years, as pay for play has really kicked off and everyone wants to totally overhaul collegiate athletics for a hundred different reasons, the NFL and NBA have had two huge negative PR events.

Look for NCAA numbers/ratings to be up

NFL could at least isolate Kap and a handful of players as "exercising freedom"...The entire NBA kneeling in submission to China is on another level, I'm not sure how it's going to work out for them.
After reading more into the NBA kerfuffle, I'm fully on board with the fact that some of these guys are off their rockers in defending China (or at the very least, refusing to criticize them.)

At the same time, I think some of the outrage is due to people lumping "political" opinions into a giant bucket. IE - go ahead and criticize Trump all you want to, but if you do, you can't be silent when you are asked a question about China.

First off, I really DGAF what any athlete, entertainer, cable news host, etc think. To be frank , I value the opinions of a few posters here more than I do the former. At the same time, I'm not sure it's a genuine exercise to compare domestic political issues (and the accompanying opinions) with those of foreign governments. If I am asked (or offer) my opinion on the state of health care in the US, and give it, that shouldn't mean I should also be required to respond (or give) an opinion on the state of military spending in Spain.

Again, I'm not sticking up for the NBA guys here. But "faux outrage" comes up a lot on this board, and I think this is another such case. Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.
Everybody knows someone in their circle of acquaintances that thinks he is several times smarter than he actually is, but doesnt have the self awareness to realize it. Now the whole world knows someone like that.....LeBron James.
You just described 90% of this board.
Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.

I think most are 100% OK with them valuing their bottom line over decency. To the extent anyone is pissed I think it has more to do with them acting like decisions were based on decency in the past, not bottom line, then clamming up when the decent decision is 100% inarguable but severely impacts the bottom line.

As I said elsewhere, I’m not pissed, I just find these guys being exposed as shameless hypocrites far more entertaining than watching them play sports. And as we’ve all said in the past, they’re paid to entertain. So shut up and dribble, and it won’t be so entertaining when you refuse to comment on China.
If I am asked (or offer) my opinion on the state of health care in the US, and give it, that shouldn't mean I should also be required to respond (or give) an opinion on the state of military spending in Spain.

Again, I'm not sticking up for the NBA guys here. But "faux outrage" comes up a lot on this board, and I think this is another such case. Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.
I think there is validity in your point, although I think China abuses many of the numerous items that these athletes and celebs bark over.

LeBron James attacks travel ban: 'This does not represent the US' - “I am not in favor of this policy or any policy that divides and excludes people,” “We should all continue to speak up and fight for ideas that bring people together regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs or any other differences.”

As of 2018, it is estimated that the Chinese authorities may have detained hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million, of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Hui (Muslims) and other ethnic Turkic Muslims, Christians as well as some foreign citizens such as Kazakhstanis, who are kept in these secretive internment camps throughout the region.

You really don't have to learn much...and he had a was a flop of a response and he deserves the ridicule on this one.
After reading more into the NBA kerfuffle, I'm fully on board with the fact that some of these guys are off their rockers in defending China (or at the very least, refusing to criticize them.)

At the same time, I think some of the outrage is due to people lumping "political" opinions into a giant bucket. IE - go ahead and criticize Trump all you want to, but if you do, you can't be silent when you are asked a question about China.

First off, I really DGAF what any athlete, entertainer, cable news host, etc think. To be frank , I value the opinions of a few posters here more than I do the former. At the same time, I'm not sure it's a genuine exercise to compare domestic political issues (and the accompanying opinions) with those of foreign governments. If I am asked (or offer) my opinion on the state of health care in the US, and give it, that shouldn't mean I should also be required to respond (or give) an opinion on the state of military spending in Spain.

Again, I'm not sticking up for the NBA guys here. But "faux outrage" comes up a lot on this board, and I think this is another such case. Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.

I think the issue is these athletes talk about the social injustices in America where there are individual cases of racism, sexism, etc. but no systematic oppression, but turn a blind eye to the situation in China, which is clearly oppressive.

And if you don’t know what’s going on in a foreign country okay... but Lebron came out and scolded the owner for making a tweet and basically defends China in doing so. And you’re right, it’s because of the money and I do get that.

Also in Lebron’s case, it doesn’t help he tweeted about fighting oppression and for freedom no matter where it’s happening in 2018.
After reading more into the NBA kerfuffle, I'm fully on board with the fact that some of these guys are off their rockers in defending China (or at the very least, refusing to criticize them.)

At the same time, I think some of the outrage is due to people lumping "political" opinions into a giant bucket. IE - go ahead and criticize Trump all you want to, but if you do, you can't be silent when you are asked a question about China.

First off, I really DGAF what any athlete, entertainer, cable news host, etc think. To be frank , I value the opinions of a few posters here more than I do the former. At the same time, I'm not sure it's a genuine exercise to compare domestic political issues (and the accompanying opinions) with those of foreign governments. If I am asked (or offer) my opinion on the state of health care in the US, and give it, that shouldn't mean I should also be required to respond (or give) an opinion on the state of military spending in Spain.

Again, I'm not sticking up for the NBA guys here. But "faux outrage" comes up a lot on this board, and I think this is another such case. Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.

I don't know if outraged is the right term, I just think it makes the NBA look pathetic. Especially given the stance many of the players have taken since Trump became President.
The NBA isn't alone in this, as a nation we've turned a blind eye to Communist China for a buck, while they have eyes on replacing the US on the world stage. For all of Trumps faults, and he has many, standing up to China was well past due in my opinion and worthy of being reelected.
Here's what some Independents from Wisconsin think about the impeachment inquiry and the president's "perfect" transcript. 2020 gonna be an uphill battle if this is representative. Props to @Wildcats1st who’s been preaching this since the story broke.
** KA-BOOM! **

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody’s accurate election model.

  • President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody’s Analytics shows.
  • “If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition,” the report states.
  • Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout.
  • The Moody’s models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time — except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would win a narrow victory.
#MAGA. :americanflag:
** KA-BOOM! **

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody’s accurate election model.

  • President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody’s Analytics shows.
  • “If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition,” the report states.
  • Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout.
  • The Moody’s models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time — except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would win a narrow victory.
#MAGA. :americanflag:

I honestly cannot fathom a way he doesn't win in 2020. The hard left term the dems have taken has been rejected by sane people. I'll never be the rah rah Trump fan that a lot of people are nowadays, but I certainly support his platform over that of the dems.
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Everybody knows someone in their circle of acquaintances that thinks he is several times smarter than he actually is, but doesnt have the self awareness to realize it. Now the whole world knows someone like that.....LeBron James.
You just described 98% of the leftists on this board.

After reading more into the NBA kerfuffle, I'm fully on board with the fact that some of these guys are off their rockers in defending China (or at the very least, refusing to criticize them.)

At the same time, I think some of the outrage is due to people lumping "political" opinions into a giant bucket. IE - go ahead and criticize Trump all you want to, but if you do, you can't be silent when you are asked a question about China.

First off, I really DGAF what any athlete, entertainer, cable news host, etc think. To be frank , I value the opinions of a few posters here more than I do the former. At the same time, I'm not sure it's a genuine exercise to compare domestic political issues (and the accompanying opinions) with those of foreign governments. If I am asked (or offer) my opinion on the state of health care in the US, and give it, that shouldn't mean I should also be required to respond (or give) an opinion on the state of military spending in Spain.

Again, I'm not sticking up for the NBA guys here. But "faux outrage" comes up a lot on this board, and I think this is another such case. Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.

Ill stand by what I said when all this stuff started last week. I dont have social media so I really dont care what any of these guys say, I dont hear it. I watch these dudes for their ability to play a sport (or act or entertain), their opinion on social issues mean as much to me as some random dude I run into on the street (with that said, I do understand their words are considered inspirational by many sadly).

Im really just getting a kick out of the hypocrisy being shown and how many are finally catching on that these guys are taking political and social stands when it benefits them. The second there is a real chance of it effecting their wallet, boy oh boy do they walk the company line and shut up real quick.

To be fair, I dont blame them. If I had 10s to 100s of million dollars tied up with China, you damn well bet Im keeping my mouth closed when it comes to China haha. I have my principles, but I also have a price haha. But I also dont go around telling people how much of a social advocate I am and quoting people like MLK saying stuff like, "staying silence on an injustice is just as bad as partaking in that injustice" (not an exact quote, but the same gist of it). So ya I really dont care, just get a kick out of the hypocrisy getting a nice bright light shown on it is all.