How will they rule ??!

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Lmao that is glorious. I can picture trump having three scoops of ice cream on Air Force one watching that and laughing so hard he falls out of his seat.

1. Why the hell did that bozo agree to that interview
2. Why was he so stupid/unprepared sounding
3. Why did he abruptly quit his position with Chinese company

Trump is brutal man. Most people had no idea hunter Biden existed. :joy:

I almost "teared" up over that mock Blassey-Ford bullshit...He is caught, Creepy Joe is caught, they all are starting to fill the toilet swirl that's why they have been on the offensive for three years. Trump has them scrambling like roach's being hit with raid. When he wins in 2020 he will finish what he stared, they know it, and he is grooming his kids to carry on the fight after his time runs out...You can see it.
I think it is disgusting how quick you guys are condemning the NBA and certain coaches and players...did it ever occur to you how much of a difficult week this has been for Lebron?

My uncle at the Battle of the Bulge and his white privilege would just not get how tough this has been for LeTaint. Nor would my great-uncle that was killed on Iwo Jima. They had too much privilege. And that isn't lost on Levi.
Hunter Biden admits it was a mistake to take the board seat.

lol the only "mistake" was not stopping Trump before he won. If Hilary was in office, the Hunter Biden would have sailed off into the sunset with all his board positions intact, rather than just maintaining all his illgotten ownership stakes.
Jeez, bro. Do you not appreciate DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT or something?

Lmao that is glorious. I can picture trump having three scoops of ice cream on Air Force one watching that and laughing so hard he falls out of his seat.

1. Why the hell did that bozo agree to that interview
2. Why was he so stupid/unprepared sounding
3. Why did he abruptly quit his position with Chinese company

Trump is brutal man. Most people had no idea hunter Biden existed. :joy:

Like father like the right place at the right time. I bet he's clean and articulate too...

Biden was a needed token at the time and he was too stupid to realize it. He's still a token.
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Look at the death grip China has on the NBA and players via their comments. It's all propaganda.

Now let's look at another similar issue. Colin Kaepernick. Nike gave him millions. We were told of the record number of his apparel they were selling. You know, to show that "EVERYONE" supported his anti American position. So YOU should too.

We're several months (maybe a few years) removed from that. Who bought all that merchandise? Do you know anyone that bought his stuff? Know anyone that knows anyone that did? How about three times removed?

Pretty clear now that was all propaganda funded by the Chinese government
The Chinese are actually patriotic, other than those in HK who’ve tasted freedom.

This is one of the most mind boggling ironies of our times I think, how leftist propaganda which is exceedingly effective has Americans being great China patriots and Hon gKong Chinese waving Ameirican flags.
Fiona Hill told House impeachment investigators that John Bolton ordered her to notify a WH lawyer that Giuliani was working with Mick Mulvaney on a rogue operation with legal implications

According to who and in what context, though? Unfortunately Schiff is doing this in secret and is refusing to release testimony transcripts. He's cherry-picking and illegally leaking out information out of context to frame a narrative.

On top of that, he's already been caught in blatant lie after blatant lie and clearly has vendetta against Trump.

Not to mention, we all saw him on national TV, during a congressional hearing, totally fabricate an entire conversation between Trump and the Ukrainian president. It's not out of the question that he'd also do the same when it comes to what's being said during these hearings, especially since it's anonymously and behind closed doors with friendly reporters.

As far as I'm concerned, until I'm able to read the transcripts for myself, nothing that Schiff leaks out from these impeachment hearings has any credibility whatsoever.
Where's Colin Kaepernick on the situation with China? The silence from the little, hypocrite is deafening. This case with Kaepernick not speaking up on the mess in China. Is just another example of black privilege. I don't know who's the bigger hypocrite, piece of shit, LeBron James or Kaepernick?
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CBS News said that Da Kurds have reached a deal with Syria (the country they live in...) for protection.

That's just insane. Donald Trump has forced the poor lil Kurds to seek help from the country they live in.

I still believe Donald Trump is paying for and orchestrating all this. He's responsible for providing that Knob Creek footage to ABC and making them run it, he's responsible for all this shit that keeps blowing up in the dems faces. He's definitely responsible for Hunter Biden going on ABC. It's just too perfect.

Oh, this very timely China vs NBA stuff. Donald is definitely responsible for that.