How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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After reading more into the NBA kerfuffle, I'm fully on board with the fact that some of these guys are off their rockers in defending China (or at the very least, refusing to criticize them.)

At the same time, I think some of the outrage is due to people lumping "political" opinions into a giant bucket. IE - go ahead and criticize Trump all you want to, but if you do, you can't be silent when you are asked a question about China.

First off, I really DGAF what any athlete, entertainer, cable news host, etc think. To be frank , I value the opinions of a few posters here more than I do the former. At the same time, I'm not sure it's a genuine exercise to compare domestic political issues (and the accompanying opinions) with those of foreign governments. If I am asked (or offer) my opinion on the state of health care in the US, and give it, that shouldn't mean I should also be required to respond (or give) an opinion on the state of military spending in Spain.

Again, I'm not sticking up for the NBA guys here. But "faux outrage" comes up a lot on this board, and I think this is another such case. Be pissed at them for valuing their bottom lines over decency, but not for inconsistency in giving political opinions.
I think most of it comes from A. They are allowing china to take away their own freedoms on their home soil. B. This is all over a tweet...a tweet from a guy that 99% of the world doesnt even know who he is. If that's enough to get one of your customers to turn the screws, imagine what else they are capable of.

No one expects every person to stand up for every cause, thats ridiculous. However, when you are someone like Steve Kerr who virtue signals at every turn and voluntarily inserts himself into discussions, then you cant sit back when you are directly tied to one. It's easy to speak out when you have no risk and are safe...but now their wallets are tied to it and they are playing dumb. Lebron james actually compared himself to Muhammad Ali.

Point being, if anyone does listen to these ppl, this proves why you shouldnt. They are frauds just like celebrities are.
** KA-BOOM! **

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody’s accurate election model.

  • President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody’s Analytics shows.
  • “If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition,” the report states.
  • Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout.
  • The Moody’s models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time — except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would win a narrow victory.
#MAGA. :americanflag:
When are you going to learn models and polls are not accurate. Lol
If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks

assuming average turnout

except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would win a narrow victory
Looks like Moody'll be wrong again in 2020 just like 2016. Average turnout voting on their pocketbooks isn't going to happen from either side.
The news hasn't gotten so untrustworthy I can't believe anything anymore. That ABC news thing was the final straw...CBS had a reporter doing a report claiming to be on rooftop in Syria...shiiiiiiit, I bet he was reporting from Hazard.
They still havent issued a correction on air either to my knowledge

Mother of God...California has done something right. The young FrontRunner would have loved this new law. I literally got to school anywhere from 1 minute before my first class started or 1-5 minutes after it started every damn day.