How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .

They've been lying and saying Mifsud was a Russian agent who interfered in the election. He was the direct link between Trump's campaign and the Kremlin. Mueller including this lie is his official report.

Ask yourself this. If that were the case then why didn't Mueller indict him? Why was he allowed to enter into the US and then freely leave before disappearing for 2 years. Why didn't Barr arrest him when meeting him in Italy? Why did Barr confiscate his phones as evidence instead?

Because he's not Russian intelligence. He's western intelligence (probably UK) who was used by the FBI to infiltrate Trump's campaign and set them up to make it look like a connection to the Kremlin. He wasn't indicted and was allowed to flee the country into hiding because he was never a Russian suspect but instead a player/witness to their framing of a presidential candidate.
NEW: Citing threats, violence against journalists, Sen. Richard Blumenthal proposes bill making threatening or attacking "anyone doing fact gathering or news operations" a federal crime.
Now just how would one know that's what someone was doing? Maybe they wear signs saying I'M DOING FACT GATHERING AND NEWS OPERATIONS, NOT MAKING UP PROPAGANDA.
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It’s the primary reason I’ll be voting. I’ll be dammed if I’m gonna let the dems get hold of my pocketbook.
That's my point. Sounds like you're pretty "damned" motivated to vote. Does that sound like it equates to average turnout to you? Following 2018 which was the largest midterm turnout since 1914?
That's my point. Sounds like you're pretty "damned" motivated to vote. Does that sound like it equates to average turnout to you? Following 2018 which was the largest midterm turnout since 1914?

You mean how the democrats used a dry run for ballot harvesting that changed 20 congressional seat towards the democrats in the 2018 elections. Too bad they didn't ballot harvest enough in 2016 to beat Trump because you cancerous shitbags didn't think Killary would lose.
At this point, Trump could rape a 4 year old on live tv and his supporters on here would find some reason to justify it. Totally brainwashed by Fox News and incapable of critical thinking.

Glad Trump is getting blasted by own party for his immoral policy. Trying to blame Democrats is just the icing on the top. Only his sheep believe that one.


Mother of God...California has done something right. The young FrontRunner would have loved this new law. I literally got to school anywhere from 1 minute before my first class started or 1-5 minutes after it started every damn day.

Actually agree with later school start times. I agree with later adult start times for jobs as well. The importance of sleep for society cannot be understated.

Joe Rogan podcast with Neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker is absolutely incredible...who knew sleep was so important?

Biden actually making a common sense point on batshit crazy Bernie and Warren's pipe dream Medicare 4 all..

Basically You can say you'll have free healthcare but your going to pay so much more in taxes it will be more than your premiums and deductibles are now

Of course socialists dont understand numbers. Only face value
Biden actually making a common sense point on batshit crazy Bernie and Warren's pipe dream Medicare 4 all..

Basically You can say you'll have free healthcare but your going to pay so much more in taxes it will be more than your premiums and deductibles are now

Of course socialists dont understand numbers. Only face value
MFA polling has cratered over the past couple of months.
Lol that Steyer guy just straight made shit up. He said bo ome has gotten a raise in 40 years. Then tried to say minimum wage hasnt risen.

This is not hard. You are not locked into a wage. If you work somewhere for more than a year you will not be on min wage anymore. Learn to hold a job.
Lol that Steyer guy just straight made shit up. He said bo ome has gotten a raise in 40 years. Then tried to say minimum wage hasnt risen.

This is not hard. You are not locked into a wage. If you work somewhere for more than a year you will not be on min wage anymore. Learn to hold a job.
Bo ome?