How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Kentucky's future is bright!

Economic growth is expected to create an expected 280,000+ job openings, as Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) forecasts at least 33 occupations will grow by 20% or more during the next decade, in all 10 of Ky.'s labor market areas. A division of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, KYSTATS makes available the state's projected occupational information through the interactive Occupational Outlook Dashboard, which displays wide-ranging info including job openings, growth rate, educational requirements and earnings by occupation. Learn more about the dashboard and Ky.'s positive job outlook via The Lane Report: #WeAreKy #ThinkKentucky #TeamKentucky #TeamKy Vivek Sarin

Think of all the tourism dollars headed to knob Creek to see the war zone

I think it is disgusting how quick you guys are condemning the NBA and certain coaches and players...did it ever occur to you how much of a difficult week this has been for Lebron?

“I think people need to understand that when a tweet or statement pisses off an authoritarian government, it can take money out of mine and my colleagues pockets”
You know I wouldn't have a problem with LeBron having no comment if he wasn't so quick to bash Trump and the USA so much.

If he never made any of those comments about Trump I probably would nearly applaud his no comment. But the no comment knowing the shit hes said before about our own government makes him look like a pathetic hypocrite.
Haha that thing was trending with over 100k tweets earlier today (that is pretty high for the trending page). It is pretty sad we are at the point where people like Ellen has to go out on her own show to defend herself for sitting next to a Republican at a football game and now 100k+ people are saying to delete Facebook because Zuckerberg had dinner with some conservatives. You read what people are saying on Twitter about facebook and Zuckerberg, you would think Zuckerberg was this hardcore conservative and we just found out he was having dinner with David Duke or something.
I’m all for insane liberals deleting their Facebook pages. Not sure what the problem is here.
You know I wouldn't have a problem with LeBron having no comment if he wasn't so quick to bash Trump and the USA so much.

If he never made any of those comments about Trump I probably would nearly applaud his no comment. But the no comment knowing the shit hes said before about our own government makes him look like a pathetic hypocrite.
Every time Big Mouth James speaks, he leaves no doubt about the level of his stupidity.
Can you imagine how much Lebron would love communist China if he actually went to college? At least we can assume he’s just an ignorant hypocrite who needs access to cheap labor for his shoes and a market of billions of people to sell his products, and not an actual communist.
Hunter Biden admits it was a mistake to take the board seat.

Lmao that is glorious. I can picture trump having three scoops of ice cream on Air Force one watching that and laughing so hard he falls out of his seat.

1. Why the hell did that bozo agree to that interview
2. Why was he so stupid/unprepared sounding
3. Why did he abruptly quit his position with Chinese company

Trump is brutal man. Most people had no idea hunter Biden existed. :joy:
Lmao that is glorious. I can picture trump having three scoops of ice cream on Air Force one watching that and laughing so hard he falls out of his seat.

1. Why the hell did that bozo agree to that interview
2. Why was he so stupid/unprepared sounding
3. Why did he abruptly quit his position with Chinese company

Trump is brutal man. Most people had no idea hunter Biden existed. :joy:
Shocked he did it, shocked a network actually sought him out. My guess is they wanted a softball interview to move it along and Hunter is too dumb to get through simple talking points. Or maybe he really hates his dad.