How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You guys clamor about the Mexico paying part to divert how far left the Dems have gone on the issue. Could easily be built, border patrol says it would help...but your party has done everything in its power legislatively and in the courts to stop every single type of border enforcement it can and at the same time which has added to the surge.

The biggest lesson is that there are essentially no moderates in the Dem party today as the overall policy shift shows. Nobody buys your generic "both sides" vanilla comments.

LMAO at "could easily be built" . There is nothing easy about building a 1900 mile, 30 foot concrete wall across rugged geography. Additionally, a lot of private lands would have to be acquired to pull this off. That is one of the reasons it is such a pipe dream to begin with. The price that the administration quoted was a joke; it would have been double/triple that. When was the last time a government project met the projected budget? Mexico paying for it was a joke all along. And yet, people heard it and believed it, and voted on it. Sorry if you believed it was going to happen. It will never happen in our lifetime. Just like reparations and free college. There I gave you some examples of liberal pipe dreams. Guess it does happen on both sides of the aisle
The gift that keeps on giving. This hag is really going to run again.

"It truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me," she said. "But this latest tweet is so typical of him. Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails. We all know that. So he's either lying or delusional or both.

"So maybe there does need to be a rematch," Clinton added. "Obviously, I can beat him again. But, just seriously, I don't understand, I don't think anybody understands what motivates him, other than personal grievance, other than seeking adulation."

The very best part of her winning the nomination will be all of the assholes on here that will have to defend her all over again.
Nothing is better than when the left wakes up from their naps taken when they were in power to suddenly pretend they care about things they ignored previously so they can repeat talking points bc they are supposed to be outraged.

You still havent answered- bernie who rails against the military industrial complex...what he would do? Considering he wants to pay for his santa claus policies but cutting spending in this area

It's so fun seeing you be pro war now
We had a few hundred troops there providing support. That is not some huge invasion force drummed up by the military-industrial complex. Y'all've been trying to set up this strawman of "war with a Nato ally" all day, but open war with Turkey wouldn't have ever happened. They weren't going in if we didn't pull out.
- raised median income by 8%
- criminal justice reform which has freed countless minorities
- sanctions on china for oppressing muslims in concentration camps
- pulled US from wars instead of treasure plunder
- unemployment lowest in 50 years, specifically for blacks and Hispanics

Sounds like the greatest democrat president ever
*checks notes*
Nope, its Drumpf

Why are libs so mad again @Ed323232? And convince me it's by for something other than their desperate need for power.

What do you think about these stonewalling claims @jameslee32 but then if you ask pelosi to bring it to a vote she claims we dont need to go thru all that on any schedule. Weird.

Or how many times have we heard constitutional crisis since 2016 @Dionysus444 yet the president used the how the judicial process works in this country...meanwhile democrats are hiding information from a defendant and current senators running for president are refusing to recuse themselves even though it's a conflict of interest. Can you imagine having a jury that had that to gain against a private citizen defendant.

Its clear..these are your kings and queens and you'll go along with what your royalty tells you...bc you need their guidance to live and what question the dogma of the saviors you kneel to
Good thing Hollywood did what was "right" and demanded everyone pull out of Georgia because of an abortion law.

Meanwhile they pander to the Chinese government and islamists.

just goes to show, if you’re going to leak sensitive government information, make sure you’re a high ranking government official doing irreparable harm to our country while participating in a coup or you’ll have to pay the price.

Or just be a Dem or Dem pal. That's really all you need
Stop with the dramatic nonsense. We went into Syria to defeat ISIS, that mission was accomplished. How long do you think we should stay?

You think isis is defeated?? Man you’re a moron to think that. This is no different than Obama pulling out of Iraq creating an Islamist filled vaccum. Erdogan loves him some isis. Do you know Erdogan is MBH??? Do you know what the MBH is and how connected they are with isis???
The gift that keeps on giving. This hag is really going to run again.

"It truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me," she said. "But this latest tweet is so typical of him. Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails. We all know that. So he's either lying or delusional or both.

"So maybe there does need to be a rematch," Clinton added. "Obviously, I can beat him again. But, just seriously, I don't understand, I don't think anybody understands what motivates him, other than personal grievance, other than seeking adulation."
Uhh I beg to differ. Hard to look at or investigate destroyed emails. I would also differ in that Donald Trump and his very existence has been more investigated, examined and looked at.
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Sure it was. You must not have been paying attention. Destroying the caliphate and then getting the hell out of there without getting wrapped up in the civil/side wars was always the plan. Always.

You're the lying sheep. Repeating what your TV is telling you. Kurds good, orange man bad.

Nato, you know our global allies, they signed off on this. Turkey is a Nato member. What do you expect Trump to do? Please explain. Break it down for me. Educate me. Please.

Oh really. You guarantee it. Oooh. In a heartbeat? Gasp.

Here is goin good to shatter you real quick. I live in Latin America. I haven’t watched the news in 3 years. I’m not beholden to any news organization. That makes me completely independent in my thinking. You on the other hand are eating what hanity and the rest who are covering for trump. You are. None of you are divergent thinkers that goes for all you all libs to. You all watch your sectarian news sources and dig in based on that. I on the other hand only read news and it’s a hodge podge of all sources of info US based and international. Your disgusting behavior towards the Kurds and blind defense of trump make my decision easier with each post you guys make. If you live in KY you can believe all this you want but KY isn’t electing the next president. The state however I’m registered in went for trump last time. I voted for him but as of right now won’t be again. Your garbage turning folks like me off won’t help trump win an election. At least once once I mean one time you and your knuckle headed friends show trump is not infallible in your eyes maybe I’ll reconsider but as of now I’m a non vote. My wife and son non votes. My neighbors in the states who voted for trump aren’t voting for trump again. Wake up sheep or you flock will be on an island with Liz warren as your leader
Don Trump is sooooo stupid and politically incompetent that he's managed to, in less than 24 hours..., turn democrats into huge supporters of endless wars in countries that don't want us to be there in the first place. Amazing. Dems are George W Bush now. Congrats, losers, Trump played you again, and he's literally the lowest IQ orange-faced Hitler on the planet. Should have impeached twice by now, hopefully you can impeach him for this Syria stuff.

Is Germany, South Korea, Japan are those endless wars? Where would we be if we didn’t keep peace keeping forces in these nations? Syria was simmering down. Our soldiers were keeping the peace not fighting on the front lines. We moved our peace keepers out so a dictator who has openly pledged to invade Israel could go and commit genocide of an ethnic group we have a long favorable history with. Make no mistake Israel will be next. And trump has shown this week he will turn his back on anyone. Have you folks not learned anything from history?
They weren't going in if we didn't pull out.
Says who? Everything I've read says this operation has been planned for awhile and Trump held them off as long as he could until they finally said screw it and were planning to go in regardless.

Whether you guys like it or not (actually have to like it considering all of the earlier Nato nut hugging you guys did to attack Trump when it was convenient) Turkey is an ally. We have a treaty with them ratified by the Senate. The leaders of both countries (US and Turkey) have an internationally binding deal that must be respected and honored.

The best and smartest thing Trump can do is to remove the US from the situation, call on other Nato members to stand with the US to condemn Turkey's behavior, or try to get Turkey removed from the treaty. Again, like it or not it is Nato's responsibility to respond to Turkey not the US's.
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All of you trumpians not Americans rather trumpians i have a suggestion since you’re all the sudden so worried about our soldiers. How about we pull out of Japan, South Korea, Germany, the Philippines and any other country we have a presence in. How about we pull from nato. All of those soldiers are in harms way. Let’s pull them all and bring them home. Come on back up your position by supporting this. I mean it’s about the troops right? Endless war? Start with Afghanistan. Pull them all out let the taliban regain control and all the blood and treasure we used let’s just write it off. I mean why not right?

Let’s see raise your hand if you support trump and supported the first gulf war. Raise your hand if you support trump and the Iraq war. Raise your hand if you condemned Obama for pulling soldiers from Iraq but support trump doing the same now. Raise them high don’t be ashamed of your hypocrisy. Trump has you guys fooled. It all is clicking for me since the witch hunt ended and he didn’t learn. Go ahead raise them hands real high.
You think isis is defeated?? Man you’re a moron to think that. This is no different than Obama pulling out of Iraq creating an Islamist filled vaccum. Erdogan loves him some isis. Do you know Erdogan is MBH??? Do you know what the MBH is and how connected they are with isis???

ISIS in Syria was defeated.

So let’s use your logic the Erdogan loves ISIS, he very well may. We know Turkey views the Kurds along Syria as terrorists, much As we did ISIS. Turkey stood by as we eliminated them in Syria, which was our stated goal. Now Turkey wants create a buffer for Syrian refugees, and to protect against Kurdish attacks.
Now, we have treaties with Turkey, they let us have airbases there as well. In the grand scheme which is more important to US interests? Forward airbases against Russia and Syria, or the Kurds?

The Kurds were using us as much as we used them, enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Is Germany, South Korea, Japan are those endless wars? Where would we be if we didn’t keep peace keeping forces in these nations? Syria was simmering down. Our soldiers were keeping the peace not fighting on the front lines. We moved our peace keepers out so a dictator who has openly pledged to invade Israel could go and commit genocide of an ethnic group we have a long favorable history with. Make no mistake Israel will be next. And trump has shown this week he will turn his back on anyone. Have you folks not learned anything from history?

We decimated those countries in war, we haven’t operated that way since. That is a big difference.
You’re really trying to sell this position you’re pretending to hold.
There's literally zero chance that this poll is true. Fox is TDS infected. Sad.

I’m exhibit A proof the poll is correct but you still deny it. You guys are beginning to remind me of Baghdad bob with your spin and propaganda. Now you hate the network that helped get trump in the White House but deny there’s a problem. Lmao if the media has TDS what do you call the syndrome you and your pals suffer from???
So just out of curiosity, what are you guys gonna watch if Fox won’t spoon feed you what you want to hear anymore?
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We decimated those countries in war, we haven’t operated that way since. That is a big difference.
You’re really trying to sell this position you’re pretending to hold.

We didn’t decimate Iraq and Afghanistan?? My position I pretend to hold? My entire family is from the Middle East. We were in an extremist Islamic country and treated much the way the Kurds have been treated. My parents escaped but much of my family was imprisoned and never heard from again and when they did leave the government seized all property all of our assets. I’m sorry if your trumpian view is offended but I see Erdogan as an extension of nasser only more powerful. You’re ok with allowing him to expand power. I’m not! It’s not ok what trump did to leave the Kurds defenseless to Erdogan. I’m sure though you’ll have no problem taking the Kurds in as refugees.
- raised median income by 8%
- criminal justice reform which has freed countless minorities
- sanctions on china for oppressing muslims in concentration camps
- pulled US from wars instead of treasure plunder
- unemployment lowest in 50 years, specifically for blacks and Hispanics

Sounds like the greatest democrat president ever
*checks notes*
Nope, its Drumpf

Why are libs so mad again @Ed323232? And convince me it's by for something other than their desperate need for power.

What do you think about these stonewalling claims @jameslee32 but then if you ask pelosi to bring it to a vote she claims we dont need to go thru all that on any schedule. Weird.

Or how many times have we heard constitutional crisis since 2016 @Dionysus444 yet the president used the how the judicial process works in this country...meanwhile democrats are hiding information from a defendant and current senators running for president are refusing to recuse themselves even though it's a conflict of interest. Can you imagine having a jury that had that to gain against a private citizen defendant.

Its clear..these are your kings and queens and you'll go along with what your royalty tells you...bc you need their guidance to live and what question the dogma of the saviors you kneel to
And yet he will get 5-8% of the black vote. Lol.
We didn’t decimate Iraq and Afghanistan?? My position I pretend to hold? My entire family is from the Middle East. We were in an extremist Islamic country and treated much the way the Kurds have been treated. My parents escaped but much of my family was imprisoned and never heard from again and when they did leave the government seized all property all of our assets. I’m sorry if your trumpian view is offended but I see Erdogan as an extension of nasser only more powerful. You’re ok with allowing him to expand power. I’m not! It’s not ok what trump did to leave the Kurds defenseless to Erdogan. I’m sure though you’ll have no problem taking the Kurds in as refugees.

No, we didn’t decimate them, we tried to win hearts and minds.

I’m not offended at all, but your position is wrong.
If you want to have a real discussion on this fine, but getting hysterical and overly dramatic on a situation you don’t grasp isn’t gonna cut it.