How will they rule ??!

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Isn't Turkey trying to quel a group of far left Marxist terrorists plaguing them for decades? News flash but not all Kurds are Christians and US allies.

Matter of fact, US Marxists and anarchists have been volunteering to help defend the Marxist territorists.

That's why dion and plat are so upset. Their comrades are under attack. Maybe you guys should pick up an AR15 down at your local gun show, go to Syria and join in.

A Hello to Arms: A New Generation of Steely-Gazed Anarcho-Communists Head Off to Syria
In eleven days, Guy and Hristo will leave the comfort of their families’ homes in Chelsea and south Brooklyn, respectively, and attempt to smuggle themselves into Syria to join the Kurdish militia known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG).

They will become the first reported American anarchists to join the leftist group, which is based in a swath of northern Syria that has been renamed Rojava.

The YPG, at its core, is organized around Marxist and feminist principles. As one Army vet named Scott put it in an interview with Agence France-Presse, the YPG is “a bunch of damn reds.”

But for Guy and Hristo, that’s the draw. In fact, the redder the better. “They’re our anarchist comrades,” Hristo will tell me in a later interview. “I feel it’s my obligation to go aid them.” So as millennials across America #FeelTheBern and pick up The Communist Manifesto for the first time, Guy and Hristo ready themselves for a war zone.
Trump has y'all cheering for an Islamist dictator currently bombing allied pro-American civilians. No satire could lampoon the supposed values of the right better than real life.
Islamist dictator currently bombing allied pro-American civilians.

Or a Nato ally has been giving the go ahead by Nato and the rest of the allies to conduct their operations in Northern Syria. What is Trump supposed to do exactly? Declare war on them all?

Haven't you guys been clamoring about how great Nato is for 3 years? About how world peace relies on Nato.

Trump was accused of being a threat to the world by you loons just because he asked Nato members to pay their fair share.

Imagine what you loons would be saying if he actually didn't respect Nato's decision and got into armed conflict with our Nato allies.
Or a Nato ally has been giving the go ahead by Nato and the rest of the allies to conduct their operations in Northern Syria. What is Trump supposed to do exactly? Declare war on them all?

Haven't you guys been clamoring about how great Nato is for 3 years? About how world peace relies on Nato.

Trump was accused of being a threat to the world by you loons just because he asked Nato members to pay their fair share.

Imagine what you loons would be saying if he actually didn't respect Nato's decision and got into armed conflict with our Nato allies.
Good point.
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Or a Nato ally has been giving the go ahead by Nato and the rest of the allies to conduct their operations in Northern Syria. What is Trump supposed to do exactly? Declare war on them all?

Haven't you guys been clamoring about how great Nato is for 3 years? About how world peace relies on Nato.

Trump was accused of being a threat to the world by you loons just because he asked Nato members to pay their fair share.

Imagine what you loons would be saying if he actually didn't respect Nato's decision and got into armed conflict with our Nato allies.
The Kurds are now abandoning the ISIS Prison camp. Over 100k prisoners, about 15k were former fighters rounded up. Turkey is now saying it has no intention of managing the camp. Yea this will end up real well.
The Kurds are now abandoning the ISIS Prison camp. Over 100k prisoners, about 15k were former fighters rounded up. Turkey is now saying it has no intention of managing the camp. Yea this will end up real well.
There's 11K and if we were allowed to execute before leaving it wouldn't be problem.

Besides none of what you posted addressed/countered anything in my post.
So your plan is for us (by default) to manage a Mid East prison camp into perpetuity?
Exactly. What are our supposed allies in the region doing? Like I said, perfect time for them to earn their keep and apologize for not paying decades of their agreed upon 2% gdp. Nato gave Turkey the go ahead so Nato should keep them in check.
We get it, you don't care about American troops dying in the middle east. No need for a 10 page rant about it.

Ok will you condemn trumps decision to send the 1000 or so troops to Saudi Arabia 2 weeks ago? Appeasement. Have you heard of that? Where did that get us 70 or so years ago? We move out and let Erdogan take parts of northern Syria. Sounds eerily similar to Hitler tactics by the Turks and Erdogan has made his intentions known in the region. What about Israel? Are you guys ok with turning our backs on them? I mean they are next.
Appeasement and trump just pulled a Neville chamberlain.

And yeah @Bill Derington and @DwayneMeighan the last few weeks with the soliciting of Ukraine for political purposes and now this senseless decision yes that has tipped the scales for me on trump. you can believe what you want but trump isn’t getting re-elected with his drink the kool aid exalt him base. There aren’t enough of you. There are a lot of republicans and independents who are free thinkers. He’s doing nothing to earn their a support and won’t win with out them. He isn’t gaining supporters he is losing them. I don’t know one person who has jumped on the trump train but I know a few in a major swing state who aren’t going to vote for anyone this time around.
Did the opposition party do everything in their powers, including suing, to stop it? Yeah I would be up for throwing Nancy out.
The bigger lesson to be learned is politicians on both sides love to throw out ideas that will never happen. The sad part is that you believed he would build a wall and better yet, Mexico would pay for it
Don Trump is sooooo stupid and politically incompetent that he's managed to, in less than 24 hours..., turn democrats into huge supporters of endless wars in countries that don't want us to be there in the first place. Amazing. Dems are George W Bush now. Congrats, losers, Trump played you again, and he's literally the lowest IQ orange-faced Hitler on the planet. Should have impeached twice by now, hopefully you can impeach him for this Syria stuff.
Trump has y'all cheering for an Islamist dictator currently bombing allied pro-American civilians. No satire could lampoon the supposed values of the right better than real life.
Oh shut up. Your side was absolutely fawning over North Korea when Trump was at odds with them. Then as soon as Trump started trying to make peace, you hated them again. Learn to look in a mirror and gain some self awareness you twitt.
The bigger lesson to be learned is politicians on both sides love to throw out ideas that will never happen. The sad part is that you believed he would build a wall and better yet, Mexico would pay for it
You guys clamor about the Mexico paying part to divert how far left the Dems have gone on the issue. Could easily be built, border patrol says it would help...but your party has done everything in its power legislatively and in the courts to stop every single type of border enforcement it can and at the same time which has added to the surge.

The biggest lesson is that there are essentially no moderates in the Dem party today as the overall policy shift shows. Nobody buys your generic "both sides" vanilla comments.
Except he campaigned on this. If you voted for him you voted for this decision, dumbass.

Sorry but I didn’t vote for him to turn the Kurds to turkey. That wasn’t part of his campaign you lying sheep.

Erdogan is the closest thing to Hitler on the planet right now. Trump appeased a man who has openly stated he will take his military to Jerusalem. Trump is appeasing a dictator who is currently committing genocide. That’s what he campaigned on?? And I guarantee you trump will turn his back on Israel in a heartbeat the same way he did the Kurds.
That wasn’t part of his campaign you lying sheep.
Sure it was. You must not have been paying attention. Destroying the caliphate and then getting the hell out of there without getting wrapped up in the civil/side wars was always the plan. Always.

You're the lying sheep. Repeating what your TV is telling you. Kurds good, orange man bad.

Erdogan is the closest thing to Hitler on the planet right now. Trump appeased a man who has openly stated he will take his military to Jerusalem. Trump is appeasing a dictator who is currently committing genocide.

Nato, you know our global allies, they signed off on this. Turkey is a Nato member. What do you expect Trump to do? Please explain. Break it down for me. Educate me. Please.

And I guarantee you trump will turn his back on Israel in a heartbeat the same way he did the Kurds

Oh really. You guarantee it. Oooh. In a heartbeat? Gasp.
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Sorry but I didn’t vote for him to turn the Kurds to turkey. That wasn’t part of his campaign you lying sheep.

Erdogan is the closest thing to Hitler on the planet right now. Trump appeased a man who has openly stated he will take his military to Jerusalem. Trump is appeasing a dictator who is currently committing genocide. That’s what he campaigned on?? And I guarantee you trump will turn his back on Israel in a heartbeat the same way he did the Kurds.

Stop with the dramatic nonsense. We went into Syria to defeat ISIS, that mission was accomplished. How long do you think we should stay?
Trump has y'all cheering for an Islamist dictator currently bombing allied pro-American civilians. No satire could lampoon the supposed values of the right better than real life.
Nothing is better than when the left wakes up from their naps taken when they were in power to suddenly pretend they care about things they ignored previously so they can repeat talking points bc they are supposed to be outraged.

You still havent answered- bernie who rails against the military industrial complex...what he would do? Considering he wants to pay for his santa claus policies but cutting spending in this area

It's so fun seeing you be pro war now
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He also guaranteed us that Senate Rs were going to turn on Trump and convict/remove him from office.

The very next day McConnell released an ad campaigning on protecting Trump and exposing the impeachment farce.

So there's that. I guess.
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