How will they rule ??!

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haha...they are trying so hard

You would think if this WB had even worse stuff on Trump, they would've come out first. All this looks like to me is that they failed the first time and now just going to make sure they dont repeat the same mistakes.

"Okay so the 1st one said to have 2nd hand knowledge, this time around lets make it be 1st hand knowledge. Oh and this time, Schiff keep your mouth shut until the report becomes public so it doesn't become clear you had a say in what is being written."

Its just a clear, hey we messed up the 1st time, give us a 2nd try on really making this WB report look good and credible. Its freaking pathetic.
The left - women are as strong as men

Also the left - short people have a harder time in some circumstances. Therefore is biased in favor of men.

It's unintentional comedy

Pretty sure that trying to impeach a president a year out from the election because you know you have no chance in hell to win said election isn't a bipartisan issue.

Trump's donations and numbers aren't rising by accident. House Ds aren't ignoring precedent and excluding the minority Rs from the process making a mockery out of it by accident. There's absolutely nothing bipartisan about this.

Also, thinking this is a legit bipartisan issue instead of what it really is (a partisan political hit job) proves who the sheep actually is.
Dion loves Bernie and trusts Iran, would take it as a badge of honor.

They've released the call. You can read it for yourself. Yet, you need a second "whistleblower" to tell you all the unspoken words and hidden meanings behind what was actually said from a the "whistleblower's" perspective. And you accuse others of being sheep.

There aren't "more whistleblowers" because there haven't yet been any "whistleblowers". Just disgruntled CIA employees with rumors.

Whatever. It’s obvious you guys don’t get it don’t understand the statute. This farce of perpetuating propaganda on both sides will turn voters off a lot of them are folks who voted trump last election.
You would think if this WB had even worse stuff on Trump, they would've come out first. All this looks like to me is that they failed the first time and now just going to make sure they dont repeat the same mistakes.

"Okay so the 1st one said to have 2nd hand knowledge, this time around lets make it be 1st hand knowledge. Oh and this time, Schiff keep your mouth shut until the report becomes public so it doesn't become clear you had a say in what is being written."

Its just a clear, hey we messed up the 1st time, give us a 2nd try on really making this WB report look good and credible. Its freaking pathetic.

The hilarious thing is they could have 15 WB’s and it won’t change anything. All the WB did was stir stuff up so it gave the appearance that there was a scandal, and the Dems would pressure Trump and make him look guilty of something nefarious and dominate the headlines ans airwaves. When he released the transcript it screwed them and killed their angle.

Back to the part about having 15 WB’s. So they have a second WB about the call, and that is going Tim change things how? The call and transcript are already out, so the WB’s point is moot. We already know the call and it’s contents and it was a big nothing burger. Tell me Libs how is another WB on the same call and transcript going to change anything?
Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move

Exactly. Which I read for myself and came to my own conclusions unlike @Wildcats1st and @Dionysus444 who just "just regurgitate (everything they see on the TV) and have no divergent thinking."

Both still think the second/third hand account of the wb is more important and more credible than what Trump literally said because that's what the TV is telling them. Who's the sheep again?

You’re the sheep you would never speak out against trump even if he shot someone on 5th ave. He told you that. Divergent thinking is when you can look from all sides. You don’t. You look only at what fits your belief and throw the rest out.

Btw these aren’t the only 2 so called whistleblowers more to come. Until you can come out and say even “maybe trump did something wrong” you have no credibility. This polarization is what is wrong with America. No way do all Dems and republicans believe only what the party tells them and walk in lock step. I’m a staunch conservative but I’ll call out bs when I see it even if it threatens my core beliefs. This Ukraine garbage alone has pushed me from firm trump to no vote in 2020. Instead of pushing propaganda maybe you should start convincing people like me why trump is clean and do it without your propaganda crib notes.

Btw Dwayne i don’t watch the news. I read only facts. You’re caught up in only watching facts that suit you. People have to change in America. Either change or give up on your kids and your kids kids bc people like you (lib or conservative) are creating a dangerous environment for the future generations.
There is a transcript of the call, we know what was said.

Yes and trump crossed the line. It won’t get him removed but I can guarantee you he will have a lot less people voting for him. My guess is in 2020 a lot of the swing voters who got him elected won’t vote. We re going to end up with socialist warren as president bc trump has a blind following maybe 1/3 of the electorate. Get ready bc warren will be far worse than any Clinton.
Until you can come out and say even “maybe trump did something wrong” you have no credibility.

After all the lies, fake news, calling for impeachment before he was ever sworn in, threatening the electors, Russia hoax, Mueller, Kavanaugh etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on for infinity. It's been nothing but constant bs for 3 years. Every minute of everyday.

Trusting what they're feeding you and saying "maybe trump did something wrong” without any evidence to back it up makes you the sheep with no credibility.
Can you imagine the look on the lib faces when trump released the call. They had all the whistleblower nonsense lined up with more in the bullpen. And he released the actual call.

Probably like when trump Jr tweeted out some "dirt" that the slime reporter was working on for a year; ruining his story. That was gold.
It’s called KARMA. Pronounced “Hahahahaha fvck you!”
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Yes and trump crossed the line. It won’t get him removed but I can guarantee you he will have a lot less people voting for him. My guess is in 2020 a lot of the swing voters who got him elected won’t vote. We re going to end up with socialist warren as president bc trump has a blind following maybe 1/3 of the electorate. Get ready bc warren will be far worse than any Clinton.

How did Trump cross the line? We’ve all read the call transcript. There was nothing in it shady at all.

The Bidens were using Joe’s position to garner money through Hunter. It isn’t rocket science that the kid was put on the board weeks after Biden was made the point man.

Asking Ukraine to cooperate with an ongoing investigation isn’t dirty.
You’re the sheep you would never speak out against trump even if he shot someone on 5th ave. He told you that. Divergent thinking is when you can look from all sides. You don’t. You look only at what fits your belief and throw the rest out.

Btw these aren’t the only 2 so called whistleblowers more to come. Until you can come out and say even “maybe trump did something wrong” you have no credibility. This polarization is what is wrong with America. No way do all Dems and republicans believe only what the party tells them and walk in lock step. I’m a staunch conservative but I’ll call out bs when I see it even if it threatens my core beliefs. This Ukraine garbage alone has pushed me from firm trump to no vote in 2020. Instead of pushing propaganda maybe you should start convincing people like me why trump is clean and do it without your propaganda crib notes.

Btw Dwayne i don’t watch the news. I read only facts. You’re caught up in only watching facts that suit you. People have to change in America. Either change or give up on your kids and your kids kids bc people like you (lib or conservative) are creating a dangerous environment for the future generations.

We gonna make every call public? The IC being used as a political weapon to hinder a President is dangerous. It’s also absurd
How did Trump cross the line? We’ve all read the call transcript. There was nothing in it shady at all.

The Bidens were using Joe’s position to garner money through Hunter. It isn’t rocket science that the kid was put on the board weeks after Biden was made the point man.

Asking Ukraine to cooperate with an ongoing investigation isn’t dirty.

Because Chuck Todd says so.

And Adam Schiff.
Yes and trump crossed the line. It won’t get him removed but I can guarantee you he will have a lot less people voting for him. My guess is in 2020 a lot of the swing voters who got him elected won’t vote. We re going to end up with socialist warren as president bc trump has a blind following maybe 1/3 of the electorate. Get ready bc warren will be far worse than any Clinton.

You've made this doomsday prediction before too.

I’m afraid it’s over for trump. I hate to say it but I don’t see him recovering from this and the shit that’s about to come out. It may be time to start warming up nikkki Haley in the bullpen or live with a socialist dictator

Except your savior has a spine and can see this for what it is. A political hit job and made up scandal. Does she suddenly have no credibility? Is she also a sheep?

Yes and trump crossed the line. It won’t get him removed but I can guarantee you he will have a lot less people voting for him. My guess is in 2020 a lot of the swing voters who got him elected won’t vote. We re going to end up with socialist warren as president bc trump has a blind following maybe 1/3 of the electorate. Get ready bc warren will be far worse than any Clinton.
I dont think so. I didn't vote trump the first time...but I think ppl are sick of the lefts political stunts. Also, they haven't offered solutions for anything. They just talk about things they are supposed to do as senators and roll out some unconstitutional nonsense.

Warren is worse than Clinton. But she has zero appeal outside of new England and California.
Pretty clear Wildcats1st is either a troll, or mentally retarded. In any event, I don't think it makes much sense for everyone to continue responding to him.

Reasonable Poster: I've read the transript
Wildcats1st: BuT LoOk AT thE eVIdEncE
Reasonable Poster: I told you, I read the transcript of the actual call
Wildcats1st: bUT thE WHiStLeBLoWer SaYS hE wAs TOld TruMP SaID SomEtHiNg DIffErEnT
Reasonable Poster: Why don't you just read the transcript yourself?
Wildcats1st: BeCauSe I'M nOt a SHeEp sO I BeLiEVe wHaT ThE MEdIA iS Telling ME
Reasonable Poster: OK
So bipartisan that there are still some House Ds who aren't even on board. Pelosi is running from the vote because she doesn't have the votes. They're more worried about protecting their seats. Sounds real bipartisan to me. Turn off Maddow. Sheep
You being a sheep is a bipartisan issue, not impeachment you moron. Learn to take a joke [roll]
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You’re the sheep you would never speak out against trump even if he shot someone on 5th ave. He told you that. Divergent thinking is when you can look from all sides. You don’t. You look only at what fits your belief and throw the rest out.

Btw these aren’t the only 2 so called whistleblowers more to come. Until you can come out and say even “maybe trump did something wrong” you have no credibility. This polarization is what is wrong with America. No way do all Dems and republicans believe only what the party tells them and walk in lock step. I’m a staunch conservative but I’ll call out bs when I see it even if it threatens my core beliefs. This Ukraine garbage alone has pushed me from firm trump to no vote in 2020. Instead of pushing propaganda maybe you should start convincing people like me why trump is clean and do it without your propaganda crib notes.

Btw Dwayne i don’t watch the news. I read only facts. You’re caught up in only watching facts that suit you. People have to change in America. Either change or give up on your kids and your kids kids bc people like you (lib or conservative) are creating a dangerous environment for the future generations.

You read only the facts? Great!

Please tell us what it is you read. I’m very anxious to hear.
I know and understand the statute very well.

What thing of value did Trump ask for and/or receive. Be specific.

Then show where in the transcript he asked for and/or received a thing of value. Quote it.

I don’t think you know squat. Being a plumber doesn’t qualify you to understand any law. Trump is soliciting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents. That’s an abuse of power. The founders are rolling in their graves at the fact that 1/3 of the electorate is slurping that juice and defending it. What’s funny is that you and you’re followers think there is nothing wrong with that and you point to the ills of the Democrats. Here’s a newsflash. If what you’re eating wasn’t bullshit the state dept and justice dept would be conducting these investigations not the president farming out investigations to other nations. The republicans own power in 3/4 of government and cannot put together an investigation of all these democratic sins? Please....trump is setting a bad precedent. The Dems are setting bad precedent. None of them care about you especially trump.

I’m sorry I was with trump until he pulled this garbage to further divide the country just to maintain power. He wants impeachment to gin up his base but it is back firing and we will be stuck with warren because of his hubris
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I really don't understand the point of posting in this thread if you're completely ignorant of the facts of the situation. Most of us are pretty damn up to speed on what's going on. Completely misstating the facts in an attempt to knock down a straw man is a waste of time.
I don’t think you know squat. Being a plumber doesn’t qualify you to understand any law. Trump is soliciting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents. That’s an abuse of power. The founders are rolling in their graves at the fact that 1/3 of the electorate is slurping that juice and defending it. What’s funny is that you and you’re followers think there is nothing wrong with that and you point to the ills of the Democrats. Here’s a newsflash. If what you’re eating wasn’t bullshit the state dept and justice dept would be conducting these investigations not the president farming out investigations to other nations. The republicans own power in 3/4 of government and cannot put together an investigation of all these democratic sins? Please....trump is setting a bad precedent. The Dems are setting bad precedent. None of them care about you especially trump.

I’m sorry I was with trump until he pulled this garbage to further divide the country just to maintain power. He wants impeachment to gin up his base but it is back firing and we will be stuck with warren because of his hubris

They are investigating as we speak. You may have forgotten that for 2 years we were wrapped up in the Russian collusion hoax.

The IG investigates it and recommended an DOJ investigation a few months back. You know, the proper way to start an investogation, not with smoke and mirrors as in 2016.

The President didn’t ask Ukraine to investigate his political opponent. Biden is up against 20 Democrat opponents at the time and there is no way in hell an old white guy is winning that.