How will they rule ??!

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I have no clue and the progressives can call me a xenophobe all they want. Sorry I just dont think that is all that crazy of a standard to have haha. Sorry is it really all that high of a standard to say, if you want to move to live here, you should be able to take care of your self and not rely on social assistant programs?

Honest question to you who has actually gone through it, do you think that is crazy to expect?

Immigration is a weird thing that you never think about until you do. Most of my masters program was filled with people who held multiple advanced degrees. Come to find out they were surfing the student work visa program trying to find a company to sponsor their actual work visa. All kinds of fake degree programs exist to keep these people in below market value immigration limbo. Seems like a shit system, but no idea how to do it better.

I think the no exemption US legal immigration process takes 10 years. Seems like there's no way to get "their best" if the ones who want to do it right have to put their lives on hold in queue or find a loophole.
And it’s becoming more and more obvious every day that the gop has no intention of going on the offensive. repubs should have already been on a scorched earth retaliation against the dems in defense of the president.
That’s because most Republicans are total pussies.

Trump is the only person on this effing planet that will scorch the earth let alone go on the offensive. Glad he came along when he did or the Rs would be dead and buried. He saved the party for those ungrateful little cucks and.....he’s not even a Republican.

I hate that I’m going to have to answer to my maker for my McCain and Romney votes....

And it’s becoming more and more obvious every day that the gop has no intention of going on the offensive. repubs should have already been on a scorched earth retaliation against the dems in defense of the president.
I've been a registered Republican since I could legally vote in 1978 and they've always been a "do nothing" party. Yeah I believe in what they stand for but My God are they wimps when it comes to standing up to the competition. Too many prime shots at taking down the Dems wasted. Shameful.
That’s because most Republicans are total pussies.

Trump is the only person on this effing planet that will scorch the earth let alone go on the offensive. Glad he came along when he did or the Rs would be dead and buried. He saved the party for those ungrateful little cucks and.....he’s not even a Republican.

I hate that I’m going to have to answer to my maker for my McCain and Romney votes....


I wonder what the odds were 4 years ago that an OG big city liberal would be the guy to unite the republican voters in the country. Had to be +5500 at least.
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I wonder what the odds were 4 years ago that an OG big city liberal would be the guy to unite the republican voters in the country. Had to be +5500 at least.
Trump is not liberal. He is play doh. Molds himself to whatever the people he is courting wish he would be. He only true beliefs are money and fame. When he was courting New York he pretended to be a big spending smart elitist billionaire. Now that he's courting rednecks he pretends to be a conservative moronic down to earth middle class billionaire. Now his kids are liberal but his 2 brain dead sons pretend not to be to make daddy happy. Ivanka and Jared are super liberal and don't try to hide it.
The left and Andy going on about a teacher who drives Uber in the off time. As if this is some sob story that should make me feel like more of my tax dollars should go to them.

1) if a teacher NEEDS to drive Uber to make ends meet, that's their fault. Not mine. They make plenty of money and it isn't my fault that some make poor financial choices.

I have Uber drivers of various backgrounds. Everything from lawyer to teacher to financial planners to students. Do my tax dollars also need to go to them because they're driving? Of course not.

But they also don't have a powerful democratic union pushing/funding campaigns on their behalf. So they don't count apparently

2) I know plenty of teachers who work second jobs just because they have so much time off. Not because they need to. It's smart and I applaud it
Should farmers be bailed out?
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Its actually kind of sad how poorly some of the media is hiding this. I mean there have been 3 John Wick movies, countless war movies and on and on go through theaters and there was nothing. But with all the "breaking news" the media has been running on lately that has been falling flat, you can tell they're looking for something really juicy to dig into. You can tell how badly they're trying to put that thought out there hoping someone does it.
Is seeing it spelled out maybe a little bit more embarrassing than the video? It's close imo. Just read that.

Amazing how hapless he and Obama are without rehearsed promoted speeches.

Not sure I fully understand but the Dems disgraced Romney on national television multiple times. Why in the HECK would he carry any water for them? Unless he is as expected....a full blooded RINO that is really too stupid to realize how utterly stupid he looks.... More stupid by the day...

President Trump gave the ignoramus a get out of jail free card by endorsing him. How very stupid Romney is......

I think he's positioning for his next run.

Easily muted talking point.

What race is immigrant without health insurance?

And the text weren't even bad. A few were exculpatory.

One said specifically no quid pro quo.

Trump is not liberal. He is play doh. Molds himself to whatever the people he is courting wish he would be. He only true beliefs are money and fame. When he was courting New York he pretended to be a big spending smart elitist billionaire. Now that he's courting rednecks he pretends to be a conservative moronic down to earth middle class billionaire. Now his kids are liberal but his 2 brain dead sons pretend not to be to make daddy happy. Ivanka and Jared are super liberal and don't try to hide it.

False. He had the same agenda since the 80s. His interview on Oprah and others are on YouTube. I know you saw them.

Should farmers be bailed out?

Strawman. Concede my point then we'll discuss farmers or whatever you want

Agree 100%. This idea that a single movie can cause this much fear is asinine. What about the Three from Hell? Where are the articles fearing people going around randomly killing people?

What about The Punisher on Netflix? Where was the fear about a guy getting a gun and going all vigilante, taking the law into his own hands?

What about The Strangers? That movie was about 3 people who killed and tortured people just for being home. Don’t remember fear mongering over that.

It sounds sick, but they’re practically begging for it to happen at this point.
Shocking.. Second Whistleblower comes forward. Great, another week of this story being spread even deeper than it already has. Dems will push this BS each and every week until it dies and then they come up with their next scheme.
For more details on the scheme refer to The Constitution of the United States of America
The difference between the US soldier who has fought on the battlefield and republican politicians is one will risk their lives to the point of death for their country and the other won't risk their job.
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Amazing how hapless he and Obama are without rehearsed promoted speeches.

I think he's positioning for his next run.

What race is immigrant without health insurance?

One said specifically no quid pro quo.

False. He had the same agenda since the 80s. His interview on Oprah and others are on YouTube. I know you saw them.

Strawman. Concede my point then we'll discuss farmers or whatever you want
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