How will they rule ??!

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Trump is soliciting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents.

And said opponent is on video bragging about strong-arming and bribing said foreign government to stop an investigation into his son. A foreign government that we have a treaty with to work together on such matters.

There's enough circumstantial (and some direct) evidence for Hunter to be looked into. Much more evidence than collusion yet they had no problem investigating that for 3 years and soliciting foreign governments for help.

Biden nor his son are immune just because Biden is running for president. If that were the case then every crook in DC who is guilty of crime would just run for president since apparently it's an abuse of power to look into them.

Nobody is above the law. Remember? Isn't that what they've been saying for 3 years? So why is Biden and his son suddenly untouchable and above the law?
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Your single quote about farmers tells me you are a complete idiot and have absolutely no idea how farming works other than your organic produce is at Kroger.

Let me break this down for you so you can understand: Farming is completely weather depended. I'm not sure you know this but we can't control the weather. If you can't control the weather you can only make the best out of dry or wet conditions. Which means yields are either positively or adversely affected. So your "be better farmers" is an asinine quote. I know this because my family is a farm family. So I mean this with every fiber of my being, piss off jerk.
There’s an awful lot of people out there these days. Including little autistic girls from Sweden that swear we can change the weather if we change our habits.
Not everyone is a ****ing loser like the twats on here and worship politicians. You have to be a special kind of stupid to worship anyone. Republicans call Trump God's chosen one, get real. He's just a con man that found a easily conned base.

Whatever. It’s obvious you guys don’t get it don’t understand the statute. This farce of perpetuating propaganda on both sides will turn voters off a lot of them are folks who voted trump last election.
I disagree, the liberal left will have their loyal voters but, those with a brain and an ounce of integrity will see the deep corruption and get tired of the BS and the fact they they have done nothing other than try to scam the masses.
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the state dept and justice dept would be conducting these investigations

Are you really this uninformed? There are currently two ongoing investigations that Ukraine is already wrapped up in.

One is the IG Horiwitz and the other AG Barr and US Attorney Durham.

You don't hear any info about them because they're real investigations not political witch hunts. They're being conducted by professionals not hacks that leak for the sake of politics.

And TV doesn't talk about them or hype them because they're protecting the Ds.

Read the transcript. Trump doesn't ask for a favor regarding Biden. There is no quid pro quo. No demands. No blackmail, bribe or threat of withholding aid. He even asked him to work with DOJ/Barr. Pompeo at State listened in on the call.

This wasn't about politics and wouldn't have even been a topic of discussion if Biden didn't go around bragging about what he did. This was a serious inquiry that involved both State and DOJ. An inquiry for the Ukrainian government to work with the DOJ to investigate possible corruption that has plenty of circumstantial and direct evidence supporting it.

“There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Are we suppose to ignore the former VP and his son abusing power and cashing in on the Biden name? Are we all supposed to also ignore the former VP bragging about strong-arming a foreign government and forcing them to fire a prosecutor because they were looking into his son? Absolutely not. Trump has every right to call attention to it and Ukrainian president has every right to be involved since it involves Ukraine.
Your single quote about farmers tells me you are a complete idiot and have absolutely no idea how farming works other than your organic produce is at Kroger.

Let me break this down for you so you can understand: Farming is completely weather depended. I'm not sure you know this but we can't control the weather. If you can't control the weather you can only make the best out of dry or wet conditions. Which means yields are either positively or adversely affected. So your "be better farmers" is an asinine quote. I know this because my family is a farm family. So I mean this with every fiber of my being, piss off jerk.
Lol. Grow some skin. And I can tell by your outrage their farm sucks. Maybe big daddy Don will send them some money. Prop them up. Lol
My mother is a teacher. So spare me the anti teacher ad hominem. You're like a breathing fallacy.

Noone should get bailed out. Period. Least of which people who voluntarily enter a profession knowing full well the rate of pay.

Want teachers to make more? Get rid of their union. Them good teachers will be more valuable and make more. But can't do that because of all the campaign and other political contributions they make to the left.
And because there are teacher shortages everywhere.
You also mention your wife's schedule. My father who farms for a living works from morning until 9 or 10 pm. Sometimes later. This happens 365 days a year. It doesn't matter if it's perfect weather or brutally cold, rain or snow. There are no days off. That food you eat comes from me and my family. So get your facts straight be before you say be better farmers and tell me how hard your wife's schedule is. Let me say this again in case you didn't understand the first time, piss off jerk.
Lol. Hit a nerve. Love it. by the way did he choose farming? Was it his choice?
And because there are teacher shortages everywhere.

Has nothing to do with pay. The pay was always mediocre. It's all the nonsense they have to do thanks to over meddling politicians combined with the fact they have zero ability to control discipline problems.

Remove the administrative bloat. Get rid of the union. Stop pandering to the left. Problem solves itself.
I don’t think you know squat. Being a plumber doesn’t qualify you to understand any law. Trump is soliciting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents. That’s an abuse of power. The founders are rolling in their graves at the fact that 1/3 of the electorate is slurping that juice and defending it. What’s funny is that you and you’re followers think there is nothing wrong with that and you point to the ills of the Democrats. Here’s a newsflash. If what you’re eating wasn’t bullshit the state dept and justice dept would be conducting these investigations not the president farming out investigations to other nations. The republicans own power in 3/4 of government and cannot put together an investigation of all these democratic sins? Please....trump is setting a bad precedent. The Dems are setting bad precedent. None of them care about you especially trump.

I’m sorry I was with trump until he pulled this garbage to further divide the country just to maintain power. He wants impeachment to gin up his base but it is back firing and we will be stuck with warren because of his hubris
So you are siding with the ones who colluded with them to get Trump in the first place? The deep state from the last election is still strong, many were involved in the false attacks on Trump to begin with including some republicans so, there are a lot of people who could go down if he gets the right people to investigate. This should be obvious unless you truly biased against him.

I did not care for Trump before all of this started then realized just how far down the rabbit hole goes. I can't in good conscious sit back and watch people (primarily the left) try to destroy a country that is for the people, and of the people.
"Hold up: Americans don’t look to Chinese commies for the truth. If the Biden kid broke laws by selling his name to Beijing, that’s a matter for American courts, not communist tyrants running torture camps," Sasse said in a statement to the Omaha World-Herald.

Ouch. Doesn't sound like Trump's public treasonous call for China to investigate Biden played well even yo the GoP.

I don’t think you know squat. Being a plumber doesn’t qualify you to understand any law. Trump is soliciting foreign governments to investigate his political opponents. That’s an abuse of power. The founders are rolling in their graves at the fact that 1/3 of the electorate is slurping that juice and defending it. What’s funny is that you and you’re followers think there is nothing wrong with that and you point to the ills of the Democrats. Here’s a newsflash. If what you’re eating wasn’t bullshit the state dept and justice dept would be conducting these investigations not the president farming out investigations to other nations. The republicans own power in 3/4 of government and cannot put together an investigation of all these democratic sins? Please....trump is setting a bad precedent. The Dems are setting bad precedent. None of them care about you especially trump.

I’m sorry I was with trump until he pulled this garbage to further divide the country just to maintain power. He wants impeachment to gin up his base but it is back firing and we will be stuck with warren because of his hubris

Trump has had NOTHING to do with dividing the country. He is POTUS because the country was already divided. Unfortunately, his presidency is just a brief calm before the storm because the next generation of voters are nothing more than sheep following the lines of idiots like the clintons, warrens, obammers, and all the bernie sanders types out there. They don't care about American exceptionalism, American tradition, Patriotic American values. They don't know how to have a reasonable conversation about differences of opinion. All they know is covering their little faces, shooting the bird at those who disagree and destroy property. After Trump and perhaps Pence, we're hurting.
As usual Trump gets accused of what the dems are doing.

The Blaze has released an audio recording that they recently obtained that appears to show Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, admitting that he tried to boost the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton by sabotaging then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

The Blaze then reported that Sytnyk, who eventually “was tried and convicted in Ukraine for interfering in the U.S. presidential election in 2016,” released a “black ledger” on Manafort during the 2016 presidential election that eventually led to Manafort’s downfall.

“So here he is. He is admitting to tampering with our elections. Admitted working with the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Glenn Beck said during a 2-hour special presentation by The Blaze on Ukraine’s interference in the U.S. election. “He is actually convicted in the highest court in the land in Ukraine. This is all front page news in Ukraine, while we are saying, ‘Was there anyone tampering with the election?'”

I was watching Trump live on tv in late July of 2016 when he said something to the effect, "If Russia has information, give it to us" Absolutely NOTHING wrong with what he said. Yet, the whole dnc went crazy.
Besides, anyone who believes Russia, China or ANY other foreign nations wanted Trump as POTUS is sadly mistaken. They would much rather us have a clinton, obama clone in office right now and in the future.
The Blaze has released an audio recording that they recently obtained that appears to show Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, admitting that he tried to boost the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton by sabotaging then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

The Blaze then reported that Sytnyk, who eventually “was tried and convicted in Ukraine for interfering in the U.S. presidential election in 2016,” released a “black ledger” on Manafort during the 2016 presidential election that eventually led to Manafort’s downfall.

“So here he is. He is admitting to tampering with our elections. Admitted working with the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Glenn Beck said during a 2-hour special presentation by The Blaze on Ukraine’s interference in the U.S. election. “He is actually convicted in the highest court in the land in Ukraine. This is all front page news in Ukraine, while we are saying, ‘Was there anyone tampering with the election?'”

Yeah but you don't get it Dwayne the Donald just got off the phone with Ukraine. We got him now.
Lol. Hit a nerve. Love it. by the way did he choose farming? Was it his choice?

You damn right it was he choice. His dream to continue our family generations of farming. His choice to raise his family on the farm (me and my brother). His choice to work his fingers to the bone to make sure me and my family had what we needed. To make sure complete morons like you have food on your table. You better be damn glad people like him chose to farm otherwise your helpless ass would starve. I get to help him farm when I'm not working and I'm gonna raise my son on the value of hard work on that very farm and not to piss all over it like you did. Again piss off you egotistical know it all.
The Blaze has released an audio recording that they recently obtained that appears to show Artem Sytnyk, Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, admitting that he tried to boost the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton by sabotaging then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.

The Blaze then reported that Sytnyk, who eventually “was tried and convicted in Ukraine for interfering in the U.S. presidential election in 2016,” released a “black ledger” on Manafort during the 2016 presidential election that eventually led to Manafort’s downfall.

“So here he is. He is admitting to tampering with our elections. Admitted working with the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Glenn Beck said during a 2-hour special presentation by The Blaze on Ukraine’s interference in the U.S. election. “He is actually convicted in the highest court in the land in Ukraine. This is all front page news in Ukraine, while we are saying, ‘Was there anyone tampering with the election?'”

That’s crazy.

Would make a good news story. Maybe 60minutes can spare 10 minutes to cover that next week.
You damn right it was he choice. His dream to continue our family generations of farming. His choice to raise his family on the farm (me and my brother). His choice to work his fingers to the bone to make sure me and my family had what we needed. To make sure complete morons like you have food on your table. You better be damn glad people like him chose to farm otherwise your helpless ass would starve. I get to help him farm when I'm not working and I'm gonna raise my son on the value of hard work on that very farm and not to piss all over it like you did. Again piss off you egotistical know it all.
So you don't plan to take it over?
Trump has had NOTHING to do with dividing the country. He is POTUS because the country was already divided. Unfortunately, his presidency is just a brief calm before the storm because the next generation of voters are nothing more than sheep following the lines of idiots like the clintons, warrens, obammers, and all the bernie sanders types out there. They don't care about American exceptionalism, American tradition, Patriotic American values. They don't know how to have a reasonable conversation about differences of opinion. All they know is covering their little faces, shooting the bird at those who disagree and destroy property. After Trump and perhaps Pence, we're hurting.

I agree with exception of what trump has done with this Ukrainian deal. He didn’t need to speak so openly about his conversations and did so I believe to challenge congress to impeach him. Impeachment does nothing but divide the country. Like i said I was with him until this point. Let’s see what he does going forward but right now i can’t vote for any of them. They all suck.

Just to add from my time in the foreign service what trump did say in those transcripts was wrong, wrong, wrong. There are diplomatic channels you communicate investigative needs through. When the president does it directly it is an abuse of power.
And said opponent is on video bragging about strong-arming and bribing said foreign government to stop an investigation into his son. A foreign government that we have a treaty with to work together on such matters.

There's enough circumstantial (and some direct) evidence for Hunter to be looked into. Much more evidence than collusion yet they had no problem investigating that for 3 years and soliciting foreign governments for help.

Biden nor his son are immune just because Biden is running for president. If that were the case then every crook in DC who is guilty of crime would just run for president since apparently it's an abuse of power to look into them.

Nobody is above the law. Remember? Isn't that what they've been saying for 3 years? So why is Biden and his son suddenly untouchable and above the law?

I agree. Biden’s ties need to be investigated from day one. There are channels for conducting an investigation with the justice department. When you do it in a run up to an election as president of the USA it is wrong. Not to mention there is no plausible deniability bc he admitted he did it. That’s what political appointees are there for to protect the office of the presidency. Now the precedent is set that whoever is in office it’s now acceptable to directly ask foreign powers to investigate ones political opponents. Idk which world you live in but that is extremely improper.
That’s crazy.

Would make a good news story. Maybe 60minutes can spare 10 minutes to cover that next week.

No way. Gotta have a segment on how the space shuttle is made for men because it favors taller people.

Although I wonder if they considered it doesn't actually favor tall people at all. I'm sure people over 7 feet tall would be really uncomfortable. And they're all men.

So sounds like it's made favoring women, using their logic. Anyway, tune into 60 minutes for their far left opinion on it; rather than anything actually news worthy
Are you really this uninformed? There are currently two ongoing investigations that Ukraine is already wrapped up in.

One is the IG Horiwitz and the other AG Barr and US Attorney Durham.

You don't hear any info about them because they're real investigations not political witch hunts. They're being conducted by professionals not hacks that leak for the sake of politics.

And TV doesn't talk about them or hype them because they're protecting the Ds.

Read the transcript. Trump doesn't ask for a favor regarding Biden. There is no quid pro quo. No demands. No blackmail, bribe or threat of withholding aid. He even asked him to work with DOJ/Barr. Pompeo at State listened in on the call.

This wasn't about politics and wouldn't have even been a topic of discussion if Biden didn't go around bragging about what he did. This was a serious inquiry that involved both State and DOJ. An inquiry for the Ukrainian government to work with the DOJ to investigate possible corruption that has plenty of circumstantial and direct evidence supporting it.

“There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Are we suppose to ignore the former VP and his son abusing power and cashing in on the Biden name? Are we all supposed to also ignore the former VP bragging about strong-arming a foreign government and forcing them to fire a prosecutor because they were looking into his son? Absolutely not. Trump has every right to call attention to it and Ukrainian president has every right to be involved since it involves Ukraine.

Where is this investigation and how do you know about it? Oh that’s right the president and his attorney told everyone. That’s how you know. Clearly from reading the transcript trump is trying to get Ukraine to ramp up its efforts against HIs POLITICAL OPPONENT!!!! Honestly I don’t know if there is even a formal investigation by the DOJ. I mean pence says Bidens dealings “need to be investigated”. Trump is successfully working to get Ukraine to review the investigation of Bidens son. It’s evident by the call that trump needs Ukraine to provide info for a DOJ investigation to occur. There hasn’t been a 3 year ongoing investigation into Biden. A foreign power is being used to investigate a presidential candidate. Has that ever happened? The answer is no.
In all sincerity, Wildcats1st, you really need to educate yourself on the Ukraine situation. You clearly have a misunderstanding of what's actually happened, and what's currently happening.

As I said earlier, the vast majority of posters in this thread are very informed. To come in here preaching some "sheep" bullshit accusations while spouting off a version of events you picked up on MSNBC just makes you look like a fool.

The Democrats thought Trump would be like every Republican in the past, and just roll over and take their shit as they concocted this fake "whistleblower" "scandal". Instead, he stole the narrative right out from underneath them and released the contents of the actual call, which makes their crafted hearsay completely moot. Rather than admitting their ruse failed, the Democrats are now coming up with more "whistleblowers". I'd prefer political parties not use the federal government to interfere with elections, but the Democrats are so far past abusing the power of the federal government to try and steal elections that we'll never return.