How will they rule ??!

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Jon Cryer was breathtaking and Oscar worthy in Hot Shots but is otherwise a complete idiot. That he was quoted in Teh Political Thread is deeply troubling and says a lot about whichever idiot did so.
Funny in hot shots and 3 1/2 men but, that's about it for me.
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ha ha ha

The left and Andy going on about a teacher who drives Uber in the off time. As if this is some sob story that should make me feel like more of my tax dollars should go to them.

1) if a teacher NEEDS to drive Uber to make ends meet, that's their fault. Not mine. They make plenty of money and it isn't my fault that some make poor financial choices.

I have Uber drivers of various backgrounds. Everything from lawyer to teacher to financial planners to students. Do my tax dollars also need to go to them because they're driving? Of course not.

But they also don't have a powerful democratic union pushing/funding campaigns on their behalf. So they don't count apparently

2) I know plenty of teachers who work second jobs just because they have so much time off. Not because they need to. It's smart and I applaud it
You single out teachers. You and Bevin must have the same playbook. You taxes go to all kinds of stupid shit. Should we bail out farmers? It's not my fault they farm. If they want to make money be better farmers. Some teachers make more money than they deserve. But yes some are underpaid. My wife teaches. She goes to work at 7 and gets home 4-5. Goes in most Sunday 2-3 hours to lesson plan. She gets a nice break at Christmas. And 2 months during the summer. She also has many days of PE during the summer and starts working on her room 2 weeks before school starts. She has never complained to me one time about her pay.
You single out teachers. You and Bevin must have the same playbook. You taxes go to all kinds of stupid shit. Should we bail out farmers? It's not my fault they farm. If they want to make money be better farmers. Some teachers make more money than they deserve. But yes some are underpaid. My wife teaches. She goes to work at 7 and gets home 4-5. Goes in most Sunday 2-3 hours to lesson plan. She gets a nice break at Christmas. And 2 months during the summer. She also has many days of PE during the summer and starts working on her room 2 weeks before school starts. She has never complained to me one time about her pay.

Your single quote about farmers tells me you are a complete idiot and have absolutely no idea how farming works other than your organic produce is at Kroger.

Let me break this down for you so you can understand: Farming is completely weather depended. I'm not sure you know this but we can't control the weather. If you can't control the weather you can only make the best out of dry or wet conditions. Which means yields are either positively or adversely affected. So your "be better farmers" is an asinine quote. I know this because my family is a farm family. So I mean this with every fiber of my being, piss off jerk.
Since the transcript of the call was released already, what exactly is this second whistleblower supposed to be "exposing"?
You single out teachers. You and Bevin must have the same playbook. You taxes go to all kinds of stupid shit. Should we bail out farmers? It's not my fault they farm. If they want to make money be better farmers. Some teachers make more money than they deserve. But yes some are underpaid. My wife teaches. She goes to work at 7 and gets home 4-5. Goes in most Sunday 2-3 hours to lesson plan. She gets a nice break at Christmas. And 2 months during the summer. She also has many days of PE during the summer and starts working on her room 2 weeks before school starts. She has never complained to me one time about her pay.

You also mention your wife's schedule. My father who farms for a living works from morning until 9 or 10 pm. Sometimes later. This happens 365 days a year. It doesn't matter if it's perfect weather or brutally cold, rain or snow. There are no days off. That food you eat comes from me and my family. So get your facts straight be before you say be better farmers and tell me how hard your wife's schedule is. Let me say this again in case you didn't understand the first time, piss off jerk.
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You single out teachers. You and Bevin must have the same playbook. You taxes go to all kinds of stupid shit. Should we bail out farmers? It's not my fault they farm. If they want to make money be better farmers. Some teachers make more money than they deserve. But yes some are underpaid. My wife teaches. She goes to work at 7 and gets home 4-5. Goes in most Sunday 2-3 hours to lesson plan. She gets a nice break at Christmas. And 2 months during the summer. She also has many days of PE during the summer and starts working on her room 2 weeks before school starts. She has never complained to me one time about her pay.

My mother is a teacher. So spare me the anti teacher ad hominem. You're like a breathing fallacy.

Noone should get bailed out. Period. Least of which people who voluntarily enter a profession knowing full well the rate of pay.

Want teachers to make more? Get rid of their union. Them good teachers will be more valuable and make more. But can't do that because of all the campaign and other political contributions they make to the left.
You’re sheep bottomline. You called me a lib when I said more whistleblowers are coming forward. You just regurgitate and have no divergent thinking. Your tales are terrible and it’s evident you have no respect for anyone other than those with your extremely narrow world view.


They've released the call. You can read it for yourself. Yet, you need a second "whistleblower" to tell you all the unspoken words and hidden meanings behind what was actually said from a the "whistleblower's" perspective. And you accuse others of being sheep.

There aren't "more whistleblowers" because there haven't yet been any "whistleblowers". Just disgruntled CIA employees with rumors.
You’re sheep bottomline. You called me a lib when I said more whistleblowers are coming forward. You just regurgitate and have no divergent thinking. Your tales are terrible and it’s evident you have no respect for anyone other than those with your extremely narrow world view.
No matter where one stands on the political spectrum they can see @DwayneMeighan is a sheep. One of the rare bipartisan issues in today's America.
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You’re sheep bottomline. You called me a lib when I said more whistleblowers are coming forward. You just regurgitate and have no divergent thinking. Your tales are terrible and it’s evident you have no respect for anyone other than those with your extremely narrow world view.

There is a transcript of the call, we know what was said.
You called me a lib when I said more whistleblowers are coming forward.

Not exactly. I never called you anything. Also me calling bs had absolutely nothing to do with you saying another wb might come forward. Shall we revisit it?

I can’t stand the libs or any democrat

Australia is tip of iceberg

This Ukraine stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

You see most people who "can't stand libs or any democrat" don't repeat their talking points ad nauseum, especially verbatim quotes from Schiff.

I would never take anything Schiff says seriously, much less repeat it as if it were factual.

I stand by my assessment. Must have hit a nerve since here you are a week later still dwelling on it.
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They've released the call. You can read it for yourself. Yet, you need a second "whistleblower" to tell you all the unspoken words and hidden meanings behind what was actually said from a the "whistleblower's" perspective. And you accuse others of being sheep.

There aren't "more whistleblowers" because there haven't yet been any "whistleblowers". Just disgruntled CIA employees with rumors.

There is a transcript of the call, we know what was said.

Exactly. Which I read for myself and came to my own conclusions unlike @Wildcats1st and @Dionysus444 who just "just regurgitate (everything they see on the TV) and have no divergent thinking."

Both still think the second/third hand account of the wb is more important and more credible than what Trump literally said because that's what the TV is telling them. Who's the sheep again?
No matter where one stands on the political spectrum they can see @DwayneMeighan is a sheep. One of the rare bipartisan issues in today's America.
Pretty sure that trying to impeach a president a year out from the election because you know you have no chance in hell to win said election isn't a bipartisan issue.

Trump's donations and numbers aren't rising by accident. House Ds aren't ignoring precedent and excluding the minority Rs from the process making a mockery out of it by accident. There's absolutely nothing bipartisan about this.

Also, thinking this is a legit bipartisan issue instead of what it really is (a partisan political hit job) proves who the sheep actually is.

Speaking of Bill Kristol, that guy agreed to debate Scott Horton Oxford style next year. "A willingness to intervene, and to seek regime change, is key to an American foreign policy that benefits America." is the resolution.

Its going to be must watch.. Scott Horton is a libertarian anti war legend.

They've released the call. You can read it for yourself. Yet, you need a second "whistleblower" to tell you all the unspoken words and hidden meanings behind what was actually said from a the "whistleblower's" perspective. And you accuse others of being sheep.

There aren't "more whistleblowers" because there haven't yet been any "whistleblowers". Just disgruntled CIA employees with rumors.

Can you imagine the look on the lib faces when trump released the call. They had all the whistleblower nonsense lined up with more in the bullpen. And he released the actual call.

Probably like when trump Jr tweeted out some "dirt" that the slime reporter was working on for a year; ruining his story. That was gold.