How will they rule ??!

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Well to start....Union.
All unions actually do isn't to protect its employees it becomes so the union can function as its own entity. Unions in themselves are all about big government.

You'd think they would care about getting shut down.

because those endorsements come from the top of the union food chain. and those few are bought and paid for by the clinton foundation like everyone else who is scared to oppose them.

Makes perfect sense. They Better hope they got paid enough if they get shut down.
If Trump were smart he would play that vid over and over on his TV ads. That's it. That's the campaign. There's your 2 minute commercial spot right there. Show that vid (1:47) as much as his campaign money will allow. Use the last 13 seconds of the TV ad on one simple slide (w/ voice-over on the highlights) showing the facts about the deals she made with foreign governments while she was SOS…the same foreign countries that also donated big money to the Clinton Foundation. Country X gave this amount to Clinton Foundation and in return received this benefit during the same time period.

Video = gold.
Had an appointment today(birmingham, al) at a coal miners house.. to talking politics...

..figured someone here could answer this.. why in the hell has the coal union given contributions and endorsed Barack twice and now hillary? Makes zero sense. At least not from my perpective...anyone got insight?

So why didn't you ask the person you were talking to about why the rank and file coal miners elect leadership that support dems? I mean, that would have been the easiest thing to do.

Some people...
Won't keep people from voting for her. But maybe it'll make them a little more ashamed. Maybe.

Wishful thinking...I am positive I will feel zero shame in voting for Hillary in comparison to the majority of my friends on the right who willing voted for a second GWB term when it was clear the Iraq war was a total fraud and in the process of wasting over 5000 American soldiers, tens of thousand of American soldier injuries and trillions of dollars wasted. shame my friend. Zero.
Wishful thinking...I am positive I will feel zero shame in voting for Hillary in comparison to the majority of my friends on the right who willing voted for a second GWB term when it was clear the Iraq war was a total fraud and in the process of wasting over 5000 American soldiers, tens of thousand of American soldier injuries and trillions of dollars wasted. shame my friend. Zero.

So, in other words, you were for it until it got tougher than expected, that's not surprising. You have no shame in voting for someone that has already proven she is all about protecting her brand? It doesn't bother you that we were shown yesterday that some people are above the law, hell the director basically said that.
Wishful thinking...I am positive I will feel zero shame in voting for Hillary in comparison to the majority of my friends on the right who willing voted for a second GWB term when it was clear the Iraq war was a total fraud and in the process of wasting over 5000 American soldiers, tens of thousand of American soldier injuries and trillions of dollars wasted. shame my friend. Zero.
The same Iraq War that Hillary supported? Have you no shame over that, at least? You have to admit that you kind of walked right into that one.
Wishful thinking...I am positive I will feel zero shame in voting for Hillary in comparison to the majority of my friends on the right who willing voted for a second GWB term when it was clear the Iraq war was a total fraud and in the process of wasting over 5000 American soldiers, tens of thousand of American soldier injuries and trillions of dollars wasted. shame my friend. Zero.

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

Speaking about the WMD's, "The consensus was the same, from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration, It was the same intelligence belief that our allies and friends around the world shared." -Senator Hillary Clinton, April 20, 2004 on Larry King Live

Don't choke on Hillary's cock when you pull that lever in November.
rarely am amazed at the stupidity of the pathetic examples of liberals offered up in this thread, but someone excusing their vote for HillDawg by bringing up the freaking Iraq war is one of those cases

a vote for Hilldawg is a vote for more wars, more intervention, more tampering, more killing of brown people by US weapons. ask Libya, ask Syria, ask Iraq 3.0. the very reasons the left hates GWB and why they voted for Obama are not conveniently forgotten. shameless, hypocrites, values of a doughnut - a liberal democrat in 2016.
So why didn't you ask the person you were talking to about why the rank and file coal miners elect leadership that support dems? I mean, that would have been the easiest thing to do.

Some people...

Well, Gee...Mr wise ass...maybe I did and he didn't know you POS arrogant liberal trash.... some lame worthless people
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Hillary Clinton plans to promise a three-month moratorium on repayment of federal student loans to allow time to refinance or restructure high-interest debt, part of a larger package of education-related proposals intended to appeal to young voters. - WaPo

Let the bribes commence. Gary Johnson wants a 40% cut in federal spending, bet his supporters will be incensed to hear this proposal.
When the federal government wipes the slate on student loans, it's going to be one of the more infuriating things the government has ever done.

Or will they reimburse everyone who worked their way through college, or those who's parents sacrificed to put their kids through school?

I know the answer is no. The irresponsible will once again be rewarded at the expense of the responsible.

Just glad my tax dollars can go to things like bailing out failed automakers, bailing out banks, bailing out moronic college students, flying the POTUS around to campaign for the criminal he's protecting, etc.
Albany is just trolling, extent of his mental abilities or lack thereof. Just amazing logic though to say you are supporting a very flawed HRC with no hesitation because the other side did not flip over to John Kerry in 2004.
How many times during the primaries were Hillary or Bernie or Cruz or Rubio or Kasich or Carson or Bush or Christie or Fiorina or Paul or Gilmore or Santorum or Huckabee or Perry or Jindal or Graham or Pataki campaign stops been disrupted by protestors from the other side?
Imagine that? 17 other candidates and no protests.
I worked and funded my own college, even worked a second job after my first real job. Probably would have done better though if I didn't tan so easy. Damn that 1/16th cherokee pigment!
I lack knowledge

I see you also failed to reply to my last post questioning your knowledge.

Were you one of the guys in the video? Albany, NY?

Probably the guy with the "chill cat" shirt on who thinks women are running politics in the middle east [laughing]

I'm convinced not a single wise person is a liberal. If so, they would certainly never make the same arguments as Albany in this video [jumpingsmile]
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So, in other words, you were for it until it got tougher than expected, that's not surprising. You have no shame in voting for someone that has already proven she is all about protecting her brand? It doesn't bother you that we were shown yesterday that some people are above the law, hell the director basically said that.

I guess I am more surprised that you all are amazed she skated...did you all really think she was going to get into trouble for having her own private email server.

You rubes are really adorable...
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I'm damn happy she didn't get indicted. Didn't want Biden to have enough time to get rolling. The crook you elected as your nominee is certainly the most beatable candidate
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I guess I am more surprised that you all are amazed she skated...did you all really think she was going to get into trouble for having her own private email server.

You rubes are really adorable...

I'm not surprised she skated, thats whats sad about the whole ordeal.

I'm surprised that with everything that happened over the past 5 days that the FBI made the statement yesterday.

You call us rubes, and you're the one that openly shrugs their shoulders at having our leaders act like monarch's.
Well, Gee...Mr wise ass...maybe I did and he didn't know you POS arrogant liberal trash.... some lame worthless people

Sorry I didn't reply as quickly as you wanted...trying to get ready to go to the Mets game and get in some pool time before with the kids. Hectic morning.

OK, equally as much, maybe your friend told you the truth that most rank and file support the union and their decisions as they all know the coal mine owners have zero regard for the welfare and safety of the workers. Maybe the rank and file know the truth that the coal industry is in decline and it really has nothing to do with Washington policies.

Maybe your friend's answer didn't sit well with you so you came on here for some comfort...

You tell me...I just find it odd that you talked politics with your coal mining friend and didn't understand where he was coming from.
Sorry I didn't reply as quickly as you wanted...trying to get ready to go to the Mets game and get in some pool time before with the kids. Hectic morning.

OK, equally as much, maybe your friend told you the truth that most rank and file support the union and their decisions as they all know the coal mine owners have zero regard for the welfare and safety of the workers. Maybe the rank and file know the truth that the coal industry is in decline and it really has nothing to do with Washington policies.

Maybe your friend's answer didn't sit well with you so you came on here for some comfort...

You tell me...I just find it odd that you talked politics with your coal mining friend and didn't understand where he was coming from.

A: apparently you can't read. Where did I say he was my friend? I clearly said I had an appointment.

B. His answer was "with what they are doing to coal, I have no idea why they would". So you can keep assuming.

C. The post I was talking about not replying to was yesterday where I said that "anyone who is predicting presidential elections this early knows absolutely nothing about politics" and "the fact that the polls are this close should do the opposite of make anyone confident"

D. You suck at life

E. Typical non working lib?
I'm damn happy she didn't get indicted. Didn't want Biden to have enough time to get rolling. The crook you elected as your nominee is certainly the most beatable candidate

Correct..that is why the Dems sux balls. Biden would have won all 50 states.

Yet she is still going to win in a landslide.
A: apparently you can't read. Where did I say he was my friend? I clearly said I had an appointment.

B. His answer was "with what they are doing to coal, I have no idea why they would". So you can keep assuming.

C. The post I was talking about not replying to was yesterday where I said that "anyone who is predicting presidential elections this early knows absolutely nothing about politics" and "the fact that the polls are this close should do the opposite of make anyone confident"

D. You suck at life

E. Typical non working lib?

LOL...non-working Lib. Is that really the best you can do? is that what you really think.
Good one.

Yes, I am predicting a Hilary win in November...we all have opinions. And I don't think I suck at life. Once again, my opinion.
You must have really despised Kennedy and Johnson, Albany. Mehhhh, they prolly owned up to their lies, so it's all good.

I wasn't born then, only 42 and started following politics towards the end of the Reagan term...I'll take you word for it with those two though.

Side question you really think politicians are truthful? Just wondering where your bar is set.
Hilldawg so clearly owned up to her 'mistake' on Iraq that she helped engineer more such mistakes directly hands-on as SOS in Libya, Egypt, Syria, as well as Iraq all over again
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"all politicians lie" is such a lazy argument, especially from the group that screamed, "Bush lied, people died" ad nauseum. Context, degrees, atkot. Confirmation Bias rules the day.
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Hillary became the presumptive nominee on June 8. Television advertisements since that day:

Clinton: >20,000

Trump: 0.
The main thing to remember about Comey's statement is that there was both a felony and a misdemeanor in play - and neither of them require intent to find culpability. Whether the accused intended to violate the law is irrelevant, all that's necessary is that it happened and they were negligent in that happening. So Comey goes on and on about how "extremely careless" Clinton was, but since there was no intent, an indictment was not warranted.

So, next time you get stopped for speeding, tell the officer that you have it on good authority the Director of the FBI thinks a ticket is unwarranted, since you didn't intend to be speeding, after all........
Hillary became the presumptive nominee on June 8. Television advertisements since that day:

Clinton: >20,000

Trump: 0.
doesnt seem like sound strategery by Trump. but then again, why doesnt she have a 1988 Dukakis over Bush 17 point lead at this point?