How will they rule ??!

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How many times during the primaries were Hillary or Bernie campaign stops been disrupted by protestors from the other side?
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One thing I'll say about Trump is his marketing genius which has been very calculated and intentional....notice he never refers to Hilary as hillary, senator clinton,'s always "Crooked Hilary"....which yes is true, but it's promoted confirmation bias to everyone not just those that aleady know she's scum. So for those that aren't as involved in the ins and outs of what's going on...your everyday person looks at everything and says well it course she did's Crooked Hilary. Brilliant Marketing and Branding. Meanwhile, she is God awful at it. Like her one slogan and attempt at a pun.."Love Trumps Hate" attempting to say Love over comes hate...but to a consumer saying Love Trump or love his hate. What a moron. You never directly put your competitors name in your slogan.
NBD says Facebook trending, suck it rupugs.

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One thing I'll say about Trump is his marketing genius which has been very calculated and intentional....notice he never refers to Hilary as hillary, senator clinton,'s always "Crooked Hilary"....which yes is true, but it's promoted confirmation bias to everyone not just those that aleady know she's scum. So for those that aren't as involved in the ins and outs of what's going on...your everyday person looks at everything and says well it course she did's Crooked Hilary. Brilliant Marketing and Branding. Meanwhile, she is God awful at it. Like her one slogan and attempt at a pun.."Love Trumps Hate" attempting to say Love over comes hate...but to a consumer saying Love Trump or love his hate. What a moron. You never directly put your competitors name in your slogan.

It's hilarious how bad she is, and it's all because she's scared. She is a scared and nervous puppy in the eyes. She's an emotionally driven wreck, tbh, who is not confident in herself or what she's saying. She's just there because Bill made her. I'm convinced of this. He's the absolute devil, and yet, he's the most beloved politician in modern times because he committed adultery in the Oval Office.

And she's going to be our next president.

Who mostly funds their shit? Who pays Clinton's the most?
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It's hilarious how bad she is, and it's all because she's scared. She is a scared and nervous puppy in the eyes. She's an emotionally driven wreck, tbh, who is not confident in herself or what she's saying. She's just there because Bill made her. I'm convinced of this. He's the absolute devil, and yet, he's the most beloved politician in modern times because he committed adultery in the Oval Office.

And she's going to be our next president.

Who mostly funds their shit? Who pays Clinton's the most?
I seriously doubt that she is going to be our next President.
You must not read this thread that often but every democrat in here, in some odd vein of self loathing, says they're going to vote for Gary Johnson. All of them. In fact 137% of all Political Thread posters say they are going to vote for Gary Johnson but won't. Odds are you, in fact, are Gary Johnson.

So bizarre D's on here won't fess up to supporting Hillary Clinton, but they are an odd lot.
That's conflicting.

One statement you say libs don't criticize HRC, but on others, you say they will vote 3rd party.

It's humorous watching none of you have any idea what you're talking about. It's just fits of anger, followed by more anger and lack of understanding.
Obviously Hillary should be in jail according to the law. but shouldn't we stop pretending like 'classifying information' is something that is possible with an insane bureaucratic process? There are hundreds of people involved in these things. Are you telling me literally none of them ever say anything? Not even the mafia can keep everyone quiet.

Snowden is a hero, and the F-35 program is a trillion dollar mess. What good are these secrets doing for anyone? Make those patents public like Tesla.
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Z is probably not too far from the truth. The meeting was only 20-30 minutes though. So he may not have had time to eat the entire olive while on the plane. And he probably still had some Probably finished it off while shaking hands with her security detail while wiping his other hand off on the back of their jackets.

If Trump were smart he would play that vid over and over on his TV ads. That's it. That's the campaign. There's your 2 minute commercial spot right there. Show that vid (1:47) as much as his campaign money will allow. Use the last 13 seconds of the TV ad on one simple slide (w/ voice-over on the highlights) showing the facts about the deals she made with foreign governments while she was SOS…the same foreign countries that also donated big money to the Clinton Foundation. Country X gave this amount to Clinton Foundation and in return received this benefit during the same time period.

Other than that…he should focus on his policies. Don't call her names don't go into long winded tirades. During interviews and speeches, just briefly point out the facts about what she has done and then move on to what he is going to do. Just facts. Simple. Effective.

But he won't do that. He will be loud and boisterous and he will go on and on and on about this and that and and he will name call and he will be repetitive and brash in every instance. All the things that everyone who didn't vote for him in the republican primary hates about him.

Can't stand either one of them. But I can't stand Hillary more. Trump has this thing on a silver platter. The country is ripe for change…and Hillary has stepped in dog shit several times right in the spot light. But Trump will eff this thing up with his ego and his mouth.

Also, any 3rd party vote is a vote for Hillary. Book that. Doesn't take a political rocket scientist to figure that one out.
That's conflicting.

One statement you say libs don't criticize HRC, but on others, you say they will vote 3rd party.

It's humorous watching none of you have any idea what you're talking about. It's just fits of anger, followed by more anger and lack of understanding.
That's not really it at all. You should re-read my post. Ehhhhh, never mind. I'm glad Gary can count on your vote!
Stick to the facts...

RE: The Clinton Foundation

"Very transparent...all contributors will be disclosed." They weren't. "Foreign government pledges will be submitted to the State Department for review." They weren't. And that "extremely low percentage" of funds going to overhead? Very dubious, which is why the Clintons' "charities" (click through for an explanation of the scare quotes) have been flagged by oversight groups. Charity Navigator removed the Clinton Foundation from its 'Watch List' late last year, under what we know to be immense political pressure.

(1) Clinton Foundation Failed to Disclose 1,100 Foreign Donations (Bloomberg): "There are in fact 1,100 undisclosed donors to the Clinton Foundation, Giustra says, most of them non-U.S. residents who donated to CGEP... in 2008, the Clinton Foundation signed a 'memorandum of understanding' with the Obama White House agreeing to reveal its contributors every year. The agreement stipulates that the 'Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative' (as the charity was then known) is part of the Clinton Foundation and must follow 'the same protocols.' It hasn’t."

(2) Clinton charity never provided foreign donor data (Boston Globe): "An unprecedented ethics promise that played a pivotal role in helping Hillary Rodham Clinton win confirmation as secretary of state, soothing senators’ concerns about conflicts of interests with Clinton family charities, was uniformly bypassed by the biggest of the philanthropies involved. The Clinton Health Access Initiative never submitted information on any foreign donations to State Department lawyers for review during Clinton’s tenure from 2009 to 2013...During that time, grants from foreign governments increased by tens of millions of dollars to the Boston-based organization."

(3) Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors (Reuters): "Hillary Clinton's family's charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns after a Reuters review found errors in how they reported donations from governments, and said they may audit other Clinton Foundation returns in case of other errors...For three years in a row beginning in 2010, the Clinton Foundation reported to the IRS that it received zero in funds from foreign and U.S. governments, a dramatic fall-off from the tens of millions of dollars in foreign government contributions reported in preceding years. Those entries were errors, according to the foundation...Some experts in charity law and taxes said it was not remarkable for a charity to refile an erroneous return once in a while, but for a large, global charity to refile three or four years in a row was highly unusual."

(4) And here are some serious reported details on a highly controversial and suspect uranium deal involving the Russians, approved by Hillary's State Department (New York Times):

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well. And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock. At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.

No wonder she wanted to hit the reset button with the Russians. Mo' money…mo' money…mo' money.

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Had an appointment today(birmingham, al) at a coal miners house.. to talking politics...

..figured someone here could answer this.. why in the hell has the coal union given contributions and endorsed Barack twice and now hillary? Makes zero sense. At least not from my perpective...anyone got insight?
Had an appointment today(birmingham, al) at a coal miners house.. to talking politics...

..figured someone here could answer this.. why in the hell has the coal union given contributions and endorsed Barack twice and now hillary? Makes zero sense. At least not from my perpective...anyone got insight?

because those endorsements come from the top of the union food chain. and those few are bought and paid for by the clinton foundation like everyone else who is scared to oppose them.
Had an appointment today(birmingham, al) at a coal miners house.. to talking politics...

..figured someone here could answer this.. why in the hell has the coal union given contributions and endorsed Barack twice and now hillary? Makes zero sense. At least not from my perpective...anyone got insight?
Well to start....Union.
All unions actually do isn't to protect its employees it becomes so the union can function as its own entity. Unions in themselves are all about big government.
That's not really it at all. You should re-read my post. Ehhhhh, never mind. I'm glad Gary can count on your vote!
It is what you said, and I'm undecided, I don't cling blindly to party affiliations. I mean, Trump? He's not even a republican. People just hate HRC so much...

Both are terrible. I don't know a third party yet. I would have voted for Kasich.
Add that video to the 14 minutes of Hillary lying. Won't keep people from voting for her. But maybe it'll make them a little more ashamed. Maybe.

Did I hear that correct at the end? Did Comey really say that other people under the same circumstances would've charged!?!?

Yes and no. He said it's not impossible that a case with the same set of facts would've been prosecuted.

Lawyer talk. Slight difference. But it's basically just that - yes most everyone else would've been prosecuted.

NBD says Facebook trending, suck it rupugs.


Hahaha you really can't make this up. But noooooo. That was certainly just a rogue employee altering the trending stories, I'm sure.

Well to start....Union.

That's the start, and the end. Nothing more needs said
Big blue, So what Comey was implying was that just because we let Hillary off with some BS excuse, if you're a mid level worker or say a 2nd class petty officer you won't get the same treatment.

To me, this was perhaps the most outrageous part of Comey's statement. And that's saying quite a lot when you consider the full weight of everything he said in those 15 minutes.
Looks like the Ark is about ready. I hope they have enough parking for all the visitors.

$40 for adults 13 and over. And they expect 2 million visitors the first year. There are dinosaurs on the ark. Why couldn't they have built that thing in Tennessee?

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