How will they rule ??!

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Could Obama be Biden's Vice President? Think about the conspiracy theories to go along with this one.

On the day Hillary is cleared, I start seeing editorials about Biden being her running mate. Gives him exposure/campaign trail access without directly confronting Hillary. And then she graciously bows out due to "health" reasons. And who's left....
No one expected charges to be brought.

But no one expected them to do something as blatant as having Lynch meet with Bill Clinton to strike a deal.

Clinton's meeting with Lynch is right wing fodder for sure. It may end up being as popular as Vince Foster speculation.
I'm pretty sure my side is going to win in November. So feel free to start packing for....not sure what country would like to take you in to be honest with you.

Anyone predicting the outcome of an election over 4 months away clearly knows absolutely nothing about politics.

The fact that it's so close now, should make you the exact opposite of confident.
Clinton's meeting with Lynch is right wing fodder for sure. It may end up being as popular as Vince Foster speculation.

FTS, Do you honestly believe Bill met with Lynch to talk about grandchildren, especially with what has happened in the few days afterwards?
And saying "we don't know what they talked about, we can't jump to conclusions" does not make you impartial or "above the fray".

It simply makes you a naïve idiot.
General Petreus, one of the finest military men of our generation, was taken down by a fraction of what Hillary did.

This is shameful and will only serve to further divide this country and eliminate any remaining trust the public has in our government. Even if Hillary wins, she'll never be able to distance herself from this stain.

Yes, I went there: STAIN.
And saying "we don't know what they talked about, we can't jump to conclusions" does not make you impartial or "above the fray".

It simply makes you a naïve idiot.
Unlike you, I don't claim to know anything. You're the one making all the assumptions.

But my guess is that by the time Clinton walked on that plane the investigation was, for all practical purposes, finished with the exception of crossing T's and dotting I's.

Clinton was foolish and gave Trump a gift.
If this election season doesn't prove how evil and corrupt the Democrats and their supporters are, then nothing ever will.

I mean, to ignore the blatant corruption from the Clintons and Obama admin is delusion that far surpasses any UNC or Louisville fan.
Unlike you, I don't claim to know anything. You're the one making all the assumptions.

But my guess is that by the time Clinton walked on that plane the investigation was, for all practical purposes, finished with the exception of crossing T's and dotting I's.

Clinton was foolish and gave Trump a gift.

More like pure arrogance instead of foolishness. The Clintons and the Obama admin can get away with anything. There's no accountability when you have half the population brainwashed and 99 percent of the media as your mouthpieces.
the shamelessness and unapologetic nature of politics that have rotted under Obama should be his lasting legacy

on the very first day he allows Hilldawg to strut on & ride shotgun with him on Air Force One, it is proceeded by the FBI directors tortured explanation on why he won't do his job & recommend a criminal face a jury of their peers to determine if they are guilty or innocent

they don't care because not enough people care anymore, they can get away with anything & noone has the balls to prevent it
I bet the followers of Hilliary really do not understand or even have a clue about the details of which Bhengazi could even be her fault.......let alone the actual emails and how that could possibly in anyway put our country at risk.

I mean after all none of them email anything more than "hey, hi, how are you" or "work? Puh-leaze!"
Clinton's meeting with Lynch is right wing fodder for sure. It may end up being as popular as Vince Foster speculation.

It sure doesn't look good.

If you saw OJ drinking beers with that lady lawyer and Christopher Darden, and Ito. And then OJ walked. Wouldn't you think that something shady went down during that beer drinking meeting?
Clinton's meeting with Lynch is right wing fodder for sure. It may end up being as popular as Vince Foster speculation.
Is it right wing fodder that Lynch herself said it was inappropriate? Any fool would know it is inappropriate. Any fool would know not to post sensitive government documents from an unsecured computer at their house. She violated statutes. She most certainly should have been prosecuted.
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For all of you left wing gun control nuts…

Under Clinton’s leadership, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation, according to an IBTimes analysis of State Department and foundation data. That figure — derived from the three full fiscal years of Clinton’s term as Secretary of State (from October 2010 to September 2012) — represented nearly double the value of American arms sales made to the those countries and approved by the State Department during the same period of President George W. Bush’s second term.

So what other deals were made that we don't know about? Well, looks like we will have to wait a while on that. Right after Bill Clinton's meeting with Lynch…this happened...

Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.

If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President. The four senior Clinton aides involved were Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Fuchs, Ambassador-At-Large Melanne Verveer, Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, and Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin.
and this whole email story/lie/investigation is being spun into a right wing witch hunt? fact check: the story of the bathroom closet server existing came from noted conservative fringe blog The New York Times. the only investigations on the crooked email & thus the only sources of all the information on it were conducted by Obama-appointed inspector general & the FBI.
I'd like to think Bill got on that plane, ordered Lynch to her knees, then as she serviced his mighty tool he laid out the way things would go down this week. Then when he got done he tapped her on top of the head a couple times with it.

You see, Big Dogs are going to do what big dogs do. Bill is just being Bill and guess what, if Bill wants his wife to be President while the AG of the United States fluffs him, then that's exactly how it is going to be.

I know you don't like it. That's the point. You are going to have to deal with it because Bill is running this show and your opinions don't count. He is doing whatever he wants to do and guess what, you've got 8 more years of it headed right your way so bend over, shut up, and take it. All of it.
It sure doesn't look good.

If you saw OJ drinking beers with that lady lawyer and Christopher Darden, and Ito. And then OJ walked. Wouldn't you think that something shady went down during that beer drinking meeting?
Like I said earlier, Clinton was foolish and gave Trump a gift. If he was lobbying for his wife he had little to gain and a lot to lose, IMO.
I'd like to think Bill got on that plane, ordered Lynch to her knees, then as she serviced his mighty tool he laid out the way things would go down this week. Then when he got done he tapped her on top of the head a couple times with it.

You see, Big Dogs are going to do what big dogs do. Bill is just being Bill and guess what, if Bill wants his wife to be President while the AG of the United States fluffs him, then that's exactly how it is going to be.

I know you don't like it. That's the point. You are going to have to deal with it because Bill is running this show and your opinions don't count. He is doing whatever he wants to do and guess what, you've got 8 more years of it headed right your way so bend over, shut up, and take it. All of it.
I would like to think he wiped it on the curtains before he left.
Flicked it at her then wiped his hands on the seat. Ate the olive out of a martini, then told her to make Chelsea an Assistant United States Attorney next April, too. Then fired a cloth napkin across the plane with a perfect swish into an attendant cart.

That's the way The Big Dog handled it. I am sure.
Once again....
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I bet Bill Clinton personally tells the FBI director to hit the road when Hillary wins. His little grandstanding today did not go unnoticed by The Big Dog.
This sounds about right:

"It is a common tactic of defense lawyers in criminal trials to set up a straw-man for the jury: a crime the defendant has not committed. The idea is that by knocking down a crime the prosecution does not allege and cannot prove, the defense may confuse the jury into believing the defendant is not guilty of the crime charged. Judges generally do not allow such sleight-of-hand because innocence on an uncharged crime is irrelevant to the consideration of the crimes that actually have been charged.

It seems to me that this is what the FBI has done today. It has told the public that because Mrs. Clinton did not have intent to harm the United States we should not prosecute her on a felony that does not require proof of intent to harm the United States. Meanwhile, although there may have been profound harm to national security caused by her grossly negligent mishandling of classified information, we’ve decided she shouldn’t be prosecuted for grossly negligent mishandling of classified information. I think highly of Jim Comey personally and professionally, but this makes no sense to me."
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Also....I don't know anyone who thought Clinton would be indicted. Not since Obama said on 60 Minutes that she hadn't done anything wrong when the investigation ruse was first starting. Still, I don't think this could have worked out better for the Republicans.

After Bill and Loretta met....even the Washington Post, Andrea Mitchell and the like were saying it was a colossal screwup because now even if she gets off everyone will assume it was fixed. Exactly. If she had been indicted, then she drops out and Biden or somebody else who isn't universally reviled is on the ticket, and the Dems win in a landslide. As it is, she stays in the race, and rather than getting a clean bill of health today, this stink will hover over her. Still in the game, but wounded.

(mind you, I've said from the beginning Trump cannot win, so it doesn't really matter, but it couldn't have worked out better for the red team)......
Fuzz telling me to be careful what I quote is comical coming from you. Never forget whether more blacks are in college or in jail bud.....

So per this government site it breaks things down, and while it is the case for everyone try to pay attention to how lower the rates are in the older ages. Then compare to how the whites are at lower rates at every age/gender group.

Also, and maybe more importantly, you have the Reagan years as being 3% higher than Obama but even Bush did better than Obama for the black community and jobs.

Which is worse? Having a worse UR for blacks than your 2 predecessors when you promised "change" yet fail to do so or that Fuzz has to drum up a stat from 20 yrs ago during the damn crack epidemic era?

Come on Fuzz, defend your boy all you want, but get real with that BS.
BS? Dept of Labor statistics are what they are and what they show is that unemployment for blacks has always been higher than that of fact the record shows that it is consistently 2.x times the rate. What has happened is that the multiplier has slowly decreased from 2.6 x the rate during Reagan, 2.4 x the rate during Clinton, 2.5 x the rate during Bush2 and is now 2 x. The unemployment rate does not stay constant. Bush2 inherited a very low rate and left with a much higher rate. Obama inherited a high rate and that rate has dropped.


It ain't all been rosy during Obama's time in office but most of the numbers look pretty good.

Smart of the Dems to get this out and legally over with before the conventions and debates. Wait until around September to really blow Trump up with the opposition research they've been doing on him since last fall while he flails about and talks about this 'old news'. They'll have stuff 'leaking' about him that he will have forgotten he ever did.
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Our nation's foundational principles regarding the Rule of Law has been on shaky ground for quite some time. Comey's convoluted explanation of why HRC should not face indictment despite the FBI's findings (which seem to fit the very definition of gross negligence) is just the latest example of how corrupt our government has become. We celebrated 240 years of independence's been a hell of a run! Sad to know that my generation may be the one Reagan was referring to when he said that we may one day tell our grandchildren what it was like to be free. Between the FBI statement today, and the scourge of having either Trump or Clinton in the White House, we may be closer to the precipice than I even imagined. I've reached the point where I've given up on elected officials and the levers of government. My only concern now is making sure my family is equipped to deal with the coming hell that looms on this nation's horizon. May God have mercy upon this once great nation.

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