How will they rule ??!

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It's funny all these leftys are calling racist for stereotyping black people..basically saying were racists for saying "typical black people"..

...but Obama has said that exact quote about whites

.."she's a typical white person"... he probably didn't mean it though did he?
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@BigBlueSean I personally have been a victim of an armed robbery, setup by a black man I had befriended. I was legitimately friends with him, but he was pretending to be so he could send a friend over to put a gun in my face. He didn't know I would fight back...

..well the white DA offered them both 5 years. They declined. Found guilty by a jury that was either 7/5 or 8/4 white/black. The black judge gave the one who came 35 years and the one who set it up 25.

He was probably under secret orders from the white DA right?
Because the executive in chief who is technically supposed to be leading the investigation into her actions will soon be out campaigning for her?
I seriously doubt Loretta Lynch is going to be out campaigning for anyone while she's the sitting AG of the United States. That would probably be a Hatch Act violation.
It's funny all these leftys are calling racist for stereotyping black people..basically saying were racists for saying "typical black people"..

...but Obama has said that exact quote about whites

.."she's a typical white person"... he probably didn't mean it though did he?

Dead on! "Don't stereotype or generalize blacks."

Same person "Whites are privileged and the system is stacked in their favor. They get everything cause they're white."

I'm not going to apologize for anything. The truth and idiocy is so obvious.
So who was behind slavery? Repubs or dems?
Good Lord. Slavery in the US predates both parties by several hundred years. I'm sure however that you are focusing on the Civil War era. To that question I can only assume that you know nothing else about the history of the two parties beyond their name. I mean how else does the party that champions states rights today have been the same party that said that states couldn't leave the union?
Today the South is bright red where it was once true blue. Did the people change or was it the parties?
Either way what is obvious is that people and political parties change over time.
Perhaps had the GOP taken action to enforce the 14th amendment when it was passed in 1868 granting all citizens equal protection and assumedly the right to vote then they would have gained the loyalty of the freed slaves and their ancestors. But history shows that it took nearly 100 years and a couple of Democratic presidents to finally send federal troops into southern states controlled by fellow Democrats to start the process of enforcing those rights. Because you see setting someone "free" but then not protecting their civil rights is not a lot different than enslaving them.
Whats an AG in private sector? And if the job is so terrible, then whyd she take it in the first place?
A lawyer.
Who said the job is terrible?
Most folks who work in the higher positions in government either take pay cuts or sacrifice the opportunity to make much more money in the private sector. Lynch is a Harvard educated lawyer. You really think she's worried about finding a job?
What are Eric Holder, Michael Mukassey, Alberto Gonzales and John Ashcroft, the past 4 AGs doing these days? All 4 have had successful careers following their stints as AG.
Good Lord. Slavery in the US predates both parties by several hundred years. I'm sure however that you are focusing on the Civil War era. To that question I can only assume that you know nothing else about the history of the two parties beyond their name. I mean how else does the party that champions states rights today have been the same party that said that states couldn't leave the union?
Today the South is bright red where it was once true blue. Did the people change or was it the parties?
Either way what is obvious is that people and political parties change over time.
Perhaps had the GOP taken action to enforce the 14th amendment when it was passed in 1868 granting all citizens equal protection and assumedly the right to vote then they would have gained the loyalty of the freed slaves and their ancestors. But history shows that it took nearly 100 years and a couple of Democratic presidents to finally send federal troops into southern states controlled by fellow Democrats to start the process of enforcing those rights. Because you see setting someone "free" but then not protecting their civil rights is not a lot different than enslaving them.

So wait.....hundreds of years before we became a country there were slaves here? You mean America wasn't the first country to enslave actual people? Oh wow! Someone should really let that cat out of the bag in the media!

But what I was hoping the answer to my question would lead to is that because the blacks were technically freed by Lincoln, a republican, blacks blindly voted repub until JFK bailed MLK OU of jail and BOOM, their power turned over night.

The point is as a general pop they really don't pay attention to the details of issues at hand or else they would be a lot more pissed at Obama for having the worst black unemployment rate in history.

Instead he is "pimp". Only that's closer to the truth than people realized.
The point is as a general pop they really don't pay attention to the details of issues at hand or else they would be a lot more pissed at Obama for having the worst black unemployment rate in history.
Yes, only blacks don't pay attention to the details. Only a Trump supporter would believe his schtick about how bad trade is and he's going to bring these jobs back to America, all the while extolling the virtues of free trade just a few years ago and having every.single.thing he sells made overseas.

The guy who refuses to release his tax return and has bribed officials calls Hillary crooked. Good stuff

Or how Republicans have their handprints all over every trade deal out there. Thought they were the free market believers? The twists and turns Republicans have to go through to defend their current platform is hilarious. The party of free markets and trade are now for tariffs, taxes and forcing companies to make stuff here.

At least we're getting past the belief that our country is for the people, by the people, and realizing that it is just a corporate run entity now. What better guy than one who has bankrupted several companies all the while pocketing millions and leaving the taxpayer with the bill.
Hatch Act violation. She won't be on the campaign trail for anyone.

Actually Z I meant Obama. It's his ultimate obligation that investigations are handled judiciously and quickly. Instead he is panhandling for the one that his government is investigating.
I'm wasn't the biggest Obama fan but to sit here and say he is the worst president ever and that nothing he has done has had any positive effects and say he brought the cold war back is just dumb as hell....
You just like to deny reality. Like most ignorant leftists do.
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If Clinton and Trump were lost on a deserted island, who survives?


A joke told by my preacher in church yesterday. It's a little amazing how vilified both candidates are. And it makes me think that no matter who wins, the victor will not only lack a mandate, they'll lack any kind of support outside the group who voted for them (and even that support will be tepid). Either one will be viewed by tens of millions as illegitimate. Bush and Obama have both been divisive figures. I suspect we ain't seen nothing yet......

Couldn't image a Christian pastor wanting to continue the Obama legacy, which has been hostile to them more so than any other. On top of a leftist Supreme Court, which would rule heavily anti-Christian.

But I hear ya.
You dont watch the news? There are countries all over the middle east trying to nuke up.

Trying to nuke up and are nuking up are not the same thing. Next president needs to do something about the Iran deal because that seems rather stupid to trust Iran to their own devices; and stay strong on doing everything we can to limit nuclear proliferation.
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Does anyone else get the feeling from cardkilla/catdaddy's posts that he's really a self loathing closeted Trump supporter?

Like the preacher who yells the loudest about the evil gays?

Put a big D on Trump and cardkilla'd be on here telling us how he's bringing hope and change to Washington. Alas, he's an R so cardkilla doesn't realize all his posts are mad libs with interchangeable Obama/Trump, etc.
Actually Z I meant Obama. It's his ultimate obligation that investigations are handled judiciously and quickly. Instead he is panhandling for the one that his government is investigating.
Obama has nothing to do with it. The Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in the United States and ultimately represents the United States in all legal matters.

The President is the Commander in Chief over the military, not the judiciary. That's why he has correctly made a point to stay out of this because it would NOT be appropriate for him to get involved.
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Yes, only blacks don't pay attention to the details. Only a Trump supporter would believe his schtick about how bad trade is and he's going to bring these jobs back to America, all the while extolling the virtues of free trade just a few years ago and having every.single.thing he sells made overseas.

The guy who refuses to release his tax return and has bribed officials calls Hillary crooked. Good stuff

Or how Republicans have their handprints all over every trade deal out there. Thought they were the free market believers? The twists and turns Republicans have to go through to defend their current platform is hilarious. The party of free markets and trade are now for tariffs, taxes and forcing companies to make stuff here.

At least we're getting past the belief that our country is for the people, by the people, and realizing that it is just a corporate run entity now. What better guy than one who has bankrupted several companies all the while pocketing millions and leaving the taxpayer with the bill.

I must have touched a nerve there, good lord that a lot of finger pointing.
So wait.....hundreds of years before we became a country there were slaves here? You mean America wasn't the first country to enslave actual people? Oh wow! Someone should really let that cat out of the bag in the media!

But what I was hoping the answer to my question would lead to is that because the blacks were technically freed by Lincoln, a republican, blacks blindly voted repub until JFK bailed MLK OU of jail and BOOM, their power turned over night.

The point is as a general pop they really don't pay attention to the details of issues at hand or else they would be a lot more pissed at Obama for having the worst black unemployment rate in history.

Instead he is "pimp". Only that's closer to the truth than people realized.

You may need to revise your statements...and when you hear politically motivated people make statements, check out the truthfulness of those statements.

Obama has nothing to do with it. The Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in the United States and ultimately represents the United States in all legal matters.

The President is the Commander in Chief over the military, not the judiciary. That's why he has correctly made a point to stay out of this because it would NOT be appropriate for him to get involved.

I guess I might be losing my awareness of how certain posters feel since I don't spend as much time here as I used to, but is your whole post sarcasm?

Or are you really this naïve? A member of the President's cabinet, who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President, who has throughout her tenure been an extension of Obama's domestic policy, is not influenced at all by Obama?

And Obama went on 60 minutes to tell the world Clinton had done nothing illegal, during an ongoing investigation. Of course it's not appropriate for him to do that, but whether or not something is appropriate or ethical has never stopped Obama.
A lawyer.
Who said the job is terrible?
Most folks who work in the higher positions in government either take pay cuts or sacrifice the opportunity to make much more money in the private sector. Lynch is a Harvard educated lawyer. You really think she's worried about finding a job?
What are Eric Holder, Michael Mukassey, Alberto Gonzales and John Ashcroft, the past 4 AGs doing these days? All 4 have had successful careers following their stints as AG.

She can leave today for that private job, if that's what she had in mind. So it reasons she wants to stay.

Trying to nuke up and are nuking up are not the same thing. Next president needs to do something about the Iran deal because that seems rather stupid to trust Iran to their own devices; and stay strong on doing everything we can to limit nuclear proliferation.

The Iran deal is beyond stupid. That whole deal is still hard to believe. It's that bad.
I guess I might be losing my awareness of how certain posters feel since I don't spend as much time here as I used to, but is your whole post sarcasm?

Or are you really this naïve? A member of the President's cabinet, who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President, who has throughout her tenure been an extension of Obama's domestic policy, is not influenced at all by Obama?

And Obama went on 60 minutes to tell the world Clinton had done nothing illegal, during an ongoing investigation. Of course it's not appropriate for him to do that, but whether or not something is appropriate or ethical has never stopped Obama.
I have not seen or observed Obama sticking his nose into this. His mindnumbingly stupid intrusion and wildly inappropriate statements in the Trayvon Martin case notwithstanding, the man is a constitutional law professor so he should know how to keep himself out of these situations.
She can leave today for that private job, if that's what she had in mind. So it reasons she wants to stay.
Sure she could. Just like Holder before her did. Holder by the way was the 4th longest tenured AG in American history at just over 6 years. The longest tenured AG was William Wirt who served from Nov. 15, 1817 to Mar. 3, 1829. Janet Reno is #2 who served just under 8 years. It isn't a job anyone expects to be in forever and a job that most make much more money after serving. Just like Presidents do.

You act as if she would be "thrown to the streets" if she had to leave. I'm pretty sure she will land on her feet and be ok.
Senator Joni Ernst Iowa. Mike Pense Governor Indiana, Newt and Christie said to be leading candidates for Trumps VP pick.
Sure she could. Just like Holder before her did. Holder by the way was the 4th longest tenured AG in American history at just over 6 years. The longest tenured AG was William Wirt who served from Nov. 15, 1817 to Mar. 3, 1829. Janet Reno is #2 who served just under 8 years. It isn't a job anyone expects to be in forever and a job that most make much more money after serving. Just like Presidents do.

You act as if she would be "thrown to the streets" if she had to leave. I'm pretty sure she will land on her feet and be ok.

You're simply looking at it from the financial aspect.
If Hillary wins Lynch will continue on as AG, even though as you stated she could right her own check somewhere. She is in a position of POWER right now, that she can wield.
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Is Fuzz/RQ actually arguing that going against Obama and the Clintons doesn't negatively effect Lynch's career prospects?

No one is going to pay her because she is a lawyer. People will pay her because of the influence and connections they'll get with some of the most corrupt, powerful people in the country.

You want the Harvard Law connections, you hire someone from Harvard law. You want the Saudi oil/Middle East dictator/Chinese money and connections, you hire someone the Clintons owe a favor to.
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Sure she could. Just like Holder before her did. Holder by the way was the 4th longest tenured AG in American history at just over 6 years. The longest tenured AG was William Wirt who served from Nov. 15, 1817 to Mar. 3, 1829. Janet Reno is #2 who served just under 8 years. It isn't a job anyone expects to be in forever and a job that most make much more money after serving. Just like Presidents do.

You act as if she would be "thrown to the streets" if she had to leave. I'm pretty sure she will land on her feet and be ok.

I said no such thing. You're actually agreeing with me, even though you don't realize it
Senator Joni Ernst Iowa. Mike Pense Governor Indiana, Newt and Christie said to be leading candidates for Trumps VP pick.

Have always though Newt was the pick, but he is getting up there in age. I just can't see Republicans being thrilled with men from NY and NJ as their President and VP. IMO, Christie has always been the Attorney General pick. Ernst is very interesting but Trump has said all along he wanted someone with Washington experience to help him navigate those waters. She is very new to Washington. However, female, very bright, War Veteran, list goes on. From all accounts, a much better pick than Palin was for McCain. Haley may have had a shot until she talked crap about Trump. Pense has always been my wildcard. Supposably a very bright guy, but has an insider rep which goes against Trump's calling card.

All said and done, he needs someone who can say the right things and be very smart on the campaign trail. Christie is a ticking time bomb (much like Trump). Never know what he will say. Newt is very calculated and has a negative history that the Dems will attack. JMO, in this election someone like Ernst would help Trump immensely. Extremely likeable, great campaigner, intelligent, war veteran, midwestern values, etc. She checks off several boxes for him. Women, Veterans, Evangelicals, etc. Two of those segments he has done well with so far, but to get the women vote is critical for him.
Without the investigative powers of the FBI, we all know Clinton is guilty of multiple crimes. We know that based on what's publicly available at this point.

Really anxious to hear what Comey has to say in a few minutes.
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I hope it's Ernst. That would take away a bunch of BS talking points Hillary will try to use.
Have always though Newt was the pick, but he is getting up there in age. I just can't see Republicans being thrilled with men from NY and NJ as their President and VP. IMO, Christie has always been the Attorney General pick. Ernst is very interesting but Trump has said all along he wanted someone with Washington experience to help him navigate those waters. She is very new to Washington. However, female, very bright, War Veteran, list goes on. From all accounts, a much better pick than Palin was for McCain. Haley may have had a shot until she talked crap about Trump. Pense has always been my wildcard. Supposably a very bright guy, but has an insider rep which goes against Trump's calling card.

All said and done, he needs someone who can say the right things and be very smart on the campaign trail. Christie is a ticking time bomb (much like Trump). Never know what he will say. Newt is very calculated and has a negative history that the Dems will attack. JMO, in this election someone like Ernst would help Trump immensely. Extremely likeable, great campaigner, intelligent, war veteran, midwestern values, etc. She checks off several boxes for him. Women, Veterans, Evangelicals, etc. Two of those segments he has done well with so far, but to get the women vote is critical for him.

Newt has some decent ideas but is a very dislikeable guy. His only appeal is to hardcore conservatives. Don't need two dislikeable guys on the ticket. Admit it or not, in modern times Christie is too fat to get near the presidency (a VP candidate is viewed as a potential president). We haven't elected a fat president since 1909 (Taft).