How will they rule ??!

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Ha. What a joke.

You, me or anyone does the same thing and we're going to jail.
It was predictable how this was going to turn out. The Clinton's simply play by a different set of rules. They must have so much dirt on people in Washington that they own about all of them.
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No wonder Lynch decided to come out and say she was going to accept the recommendations after meeting with Bill Clinton.
Just another horse hockey GOP witch hunt, like the impeachment of Bill. Maybe they'll go after Chelsea next for straightening her hair or something.
Just another horse hockey GOP witch hunt, like the impeachment of Bill. Maybe they'll go after Chelsea next for straightening her hair or something.
Well, we know your education level. Duh huh. I believe because they said so. Who cares about the proof.
So Bill secretly meets with Lynch last week, Lynch announces the Clinton foundation emails won't be released for 22 months instead of this month, the FBI interviews Hillary Saturday, and Tuesday announced no charges?

This is why people are fed up, even you guys that support Hillary have to realize how shady the past week have been.
So Bill secretly meets with Lynch last week, Lynch announces the Clinton foundation emails won't be released for 22 months instead of this month, the FBI interviews Hillary Saturday, and Tuesday announced no charges?

This is why people are fed up, even you guys that support Hillary have to realize how shady the past week have been.

Yeah it's a racket for sure. Same dems will cry if they think a CEO gets an outlandish raise, but voting for a treasonous coont shitting on America is the "right thing to do".
Fuzz telling me to be careful what I quote is comical coming from you. Never forget whether more blacks are in college or in jail bud.....

So per this government site it breaks things down, and while it is the case for everyone try to pay attention to how lower the rates are in the older ages. Then compare to how the whites are at lower rates at every age/gender group.

Also, and maybe more importantly, you have the Reagan years as being 3% higher than Obama but even Bush did better than Obama for the black community and jobs.

Which is worse? Having a worse UR for blacks than your 2 predecessors when you promised "change" yet fail to do so or that Fuzz has to drum up a stat from 20 yrs ago during the damn crack epidemic era?

Come on Fuzz, defend your boy all you want, but get real with that BS.
Fully expected Hillary to get off unlike others who have done the same thing and been prosecuted. I love how Hillary said last week that she wanted to keep Lynch as her attorney general. Of course, that wasn't an attempt to influence Lynch nor was Bubba's airplane meeting.[eyeroll]

Didn't you listen to Comey? No one outside the FBI knew what was happening or had anything to do with this.
Fully expected Hillary to get off unlike others who have done the same thing and been prosecuted. I love how Hillary said last week that she wanted to keep Lynch as her attorney general. Of course, that wasn't an attempt to influence Lynch nor was Bubba's airplane meeting.[eyeroll]
Basically saying that you can't touch me. They do as they please without worry over the consequences. It is time for the people to stand up and vote them out unless you are corrupt too.
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I work for a federal agency, I know all the internet security annual refreshers required.
All the do's and don'ts, how you're not even allowed to look at personal email sites, they are blocked on Govt servers.
The fact the Sec of State used a server that was in her effing house blows my mind. It's just mind boggling that she considers herself so much above it all that it seemed perfectly legit to act that way.

The ones you have to fear aren't the ones you're told to fear, it's the ones doing the telling that go unchecked.
The damage is probably done on Hillary. She's corrupt and incompetent and everybody knows it. Indictment or no indictment.
Fuzz telling me to be careful what I quote is comical coming from you. Never forget whether more blacks are in college or in jail bud.....

So per this government site it breaks things down, and while it is the case for everyone try to pay attention to how lower the rates are in the older ages. Then compare to how the whites are at lower rates at every age/gender group.

Also, and maybe more importantly, you have the Reagan years as being 3% higher than Obama but even Bush did better than Obama for the black community and jobs.

Which is worse? Having a worse UR for blacks than your 2 predecessors when you promised "change" yet fail to do so or that Fuzz has to drum up a stat from 20 yrs ago during the damn crack epidemic era?

Come on Fuzz, defend your boy all you want, but get real with that BS.

Much like the way deportation record keeping has changed to favor Obama, so has unemployment record keeping.
Meanwhile Putin pumping money into his manchurian candidate.

Trump can't hammer shit until we see a tax return. Don't act all high and mighty and then make up fairy tales as to why you won't release your tax returns. He demands to see Obama's papers but sure as shit won't release his...because he's entitled and knows his supporters really could care less if he killed someone or lied about all this money he spends on charities or that he's actually going broke and he's just using this to get rich quick.
You should see the required infosec training webcast they're making her complete because of this.

I've heard it's almost a FULL HOUR long and some of the cheesedick actors are simply intolerable. I mean Brad, for Christ's sake, you can't put that shit on a non-encrypted thumb drive!

Yea, like they were really going to file charges against her. [roll]You guys fall for it every time.

Meanwhile Putin pumping money into his manchurian candidate.

Trump can't hammer shit until we see a tax return. Don't act all high and mighty and then make up fairy tales as to why you won't release your tax returns. He demands to see Obama's papers but sure as shit won't release his...because he's entitled and knows his supporters really could care less if he killed someone or lied about all this money he spends on charities or that he's actually going broke and he's just using this to get rich quick.

What the hell is the first sentence even supposed to mean? The article flat out says Putin hasn't donated any money to anyone. And even if he had, don't you think he would have given it to the Clinton Foundation like the rest of the corrupt world dictators?

Also, what do you expect to learn from Trump's tax return? Can you give us one specific item you expect to see? Or are you so damn dumb, you think there's something illegal or nefarious hiding in a document Trump files with the US government?
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said for months in this thread or its predecessor that nothing would happen to Hillary, so zero shock or surprise. anyone who thought she would was a fool, those peddling it would on TV were playing others for fools.
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Why couldn't we have just elected Shirley Chisholm back in 72? We could have knocked out two social experiments at one time. A two for one sale. Two birds with one stone, so to speak.
No one expected charges to be brought.

But no one expected them to do something as blatant as having Lynch meet with Bill Clinton to strike a deal.

So yeah, there will be venting in the political thread when a criminal gets off the hook simply because some of you are stupid enough to think she should be POTUS.