How will they rule ??!

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You might want to look up the impeachment process. They only thing stopping commonplace impeachment is political suicide.
Without an official vote their powers, especially subpoena power, is severely limited. Trump will continue to tell them to piss off and we'll continue to have meaningless Lewandowski type hearings where the Ds get slapped around and made to look like petulant fools.
Without an official vote their powers, especially subpoena power, is severely limited. Trump will continue to tell them to piss off and we'll continue to have meaningless Lewandowski type hearings where the Ds get slapped around and made to look like petulant fools.
The judicial comittee already voted on an impeachment inquiry months ago. They can arrest anyone that resists subpeona. that never happens because eventually the executive branch always complies. No president wants to be the guy that goes to SCOTUS and loses all this made up power the office has accumulated, aka another Nixon.
The judicial comittee already voted on an impeachment inquiry months ago. They can arrest anyone that resists subpeona. that never happens because eventually the executive branch always complies. No president wants to be the guy that goes to SCOTUS and loses all this made up power the office has accumulated, aka another Nixon.

I guarantee you that without an official full House vote, and Ds being too coward to go on record, they'll get completely stonewalled and never get access to people closest to Trump. Exactly what's been happening.

And say they get lucky and do get someone kind of close, it'll only be agreed to behind closed doors and they won't be able to compel testimony.
Are you serious? Every call the President makes is confidential.

There is one whistleblower that states they never saw the transcript of the call or heard it, I did read the whistleblower complaint, twice.
No one is trying to cover it up, you think publicly releasing it is a cover up?

What law was broken in the call?
Requesting potential damaging information on a political opponent or his family, for aid or armaments, is a bribe. Plain and simple.

He's tried this before, remember? Mueller refused to indict a then candidate Trump who wanted HRC info from Russia in 2016. "Russia, if you're listening". One act among many named in the Mueller Report.

Although 34 others have actually been indicted for various crimes such as lying. Six being Trump associates.

Pelosi refused to impeach Trump for 11 acts of obstruction as president, as identified in the Mueller Report.

But the lawlessness is continuing now as a sitting president as identified in the whistleblower complaint. The swell fellow you support, just today, threatened potential witnesses by calling them spy's and suggested execution as punishment.

Sound familiar? Mueller and these whistleblowers are all likely republicans as well.

All the words, all the threats, all the mischaracterizations, for people just doing their jobs to protect the POTUS and this country from being compromised. Something that looks more and more like what has already occurred with regards to the actions and words of Trump in Helsinki and here at home.

What other political information has been transferred to a secure intelligence server that may have compromised this president or this country? Probably the complaint's biggest question mark overall.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Taking another rube break. See ya'll. GBB! Beat the Cocks!!
Wtf do think execution is? You don't live thru that. This was his or her job to listen. This prevents treason from the highest offices in the land. The law protects these people in Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.

Trump and his team are complete fools. Both Trump and Barr will be impeached and if not now, soon, for shear stupidity.

That is pure ignorance...
Requesting potential damaging information on a political opponent or his family, for aid or armaments, is a bribe. Plain and simple.

He's tried this before, remember? Mueller refused to indict a then candidate Trump who wanted HRC info from Russia in 2016. "Russia, if you're listening". One act among many named in the Mueller Report.

Although 34 others have actually been indicted for various crimes such as lying. Six being Trump associates.

Pelosi refused to impeach Trump for 11 acts of obstruction as president, as identified in the Mueller Report.

But the lawlessness is continuing now as a sitting president as identified in the whistleblower complaint. The swell fellow you support, just today, threatened potential witnesses by calling them spy's and suggested execution as punishment.

Sound familiar? Mueller and these whistleblowers are all likely republicans as well.

All the words, all the threats, all the mischaracterizations, for people just doing their jobs to protect the POTUS and this country from being compromised. Something that looks more and more like what has already occurred with regards to the actions and words of Trump in Helsinki and here at home.

What other political information has been transferred to a secure intelligence server that may have compromised this president or this country? Probably the complaint's biggest question mark overall.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Taking another rube break. See ya'll. GBB! Beat the Cocks!!

All I can state is; That is some serious koolaid...
Wtf do think execution is? You don't live thru that. This was his or her job to listen. This prevents treason from the highest offices in the land. The law protects these people in Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.

Trump and his team are complete fools. Both Trump and Barr will be impeached and if not now, soon, for shear stupidity.
False again. The whistle blower's job was not to listen in. He/she/it repeated "hearsay" (Maybe, probably lied about that too) and you people with TDS need this to be true so, the corrupt baton has been passed and you are running blind with it.
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That's not true. An impeachment inquiry is whatever the house wants it to be. The judicial comittee already held their symbolic vote for inquiry. There is no procedure for impeachment laid out except for the house voting for or against the official articles to be sent to the Senate. Everything that comes before that is whatever Pelosi and Nadler want it to be. In the past the judicial comittee lead the charge, atm the Intel comittee is. Any voting done before the Articles is just theater.

I simply want competency in the WH. Everything illegal the president does is not being done by others instead. You are a rube Willy. A real fool if you buy this song and dance every time.
False, you want a liberal in the White House and will buy every lie your leaders put out there to unseat (Coup) a sitting president. Treason is what you are supporting.
There is more than one whistleblower and more than one WH official trying to cover it up when nothing in the call could even remotely be considered classified. You read the transcript released by the WH. Read the complaint.

Requesting potential damaging information on a political opponent or his family, for aid or armaments, is a bribe. Plain and simple.

He's tried this before, remember? Mueller refused to indict a then candidate Trump who wanted HRC info from Russia in 2016. "Russia, if you're listening". One act among many named in the Mueller Report.

Although 34 others have actually been indicted for various crimes such as lying. Six being Trump associates.

Pelosi refused to impeach Trump for 11 acts of obstruction as president, as identified in the Mueller Report.

But the lawlessness is continuing now as a sitting president as identified in the whistleblower complaint. The swell fellow you support, just today, threatened potential witnesses by calling them spy's and suggested execution as punishment.

Sound familiar? Mueller and these whistleblowers are all likely republicans as well.

All the words, all the threats, all the mischaracterizations, for people just doing their jobs to protect the POTUS and this country from being compromised. Something that looks more and more like what has already occurred with regards to the actions and words of Trump in Helsinki and here at home.

What other political information has been transferred to a secure intelligence server that may have compromised this president or this country? Probably the complaint's biggest question mark overall.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Taking another rube break. See ya'll. GBB! Beat the Cocks!!
Completely false. Allegations based on lies and parodies (already admitted) by the left.
All I can state is; That is some serious koolaid...
No need to argue. Normally intelligent, well-adjusted folks simply can’t look at anything regarding Trump with an ounce of common sense or logic. This Ukraine thing is the latest example. The media gets caught altering the transcript of the call to make it look as bad as possible yet people like James simply prefer to believe the bad stuff the news tells them rather than what the transcript actually says. It’s sad at this point and really is a mental issue as opposed to simply not liking the guy.
The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

That is the entire process laid out in the constitution. The house aka the speaker gets to set any rules they want. In the past any member of the house could ask for impeachment. In the recent history the Judicial comittee has been charged with drafting articles to be voted on. There are a lot of loopholes in the house for members try and force votes but generally the speaker has the control. You are confusing an inquiry with actual impeachment.

Hell, what you're alluding to is that Pelosi can basically walk to a podium and state Trump is impeached, without having ANY vote. You're accepting media reports that 218 Dems have sided with Pelosi on an inquiry, without them actually having to admit it if things turn south for them.
That is the opposite of transparency.
Requesting potential damaging information on a political opponent or his family, for aid or armaments, is a bribe. Plain and simple.

He's tried this before, remember? Mueller refused to indict a then candidate Trump who wanted HRC info from Russia in 2016. "Russia, if you're listening". One act among many named in the Mueller Report.

Although 34 others have actually been indicted for various crimes such as lying. Six being Trump associates.

Pelosi refused to impeach Trump for 11 acts of obstruction as president, as identified in the Mueller Report.

But the lawlessness is continuing now as a sitting president as identified in the whistleblower complaint. The swell fellow you support, just today, threatened potential witnesses by calling them spy's and suggested execution as punishment.

Sound familiar? Mueller and these whistleblowers are all likely republicans as well.

All the words, all the threats, all the mischaracterizations, for people just doing their jobs to protect the POTUS and this country from being compromised. Something that looks more and more like what has already occurred with regards to the actions and words of Trump in Helsinki and here at home.

What other political information has been transferred to a secure intelligence server that may have compromised this president or this country? Probably the complaint's biggest question mark overall.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Taking another rube break. See ya'll. GBB! Beat the Cocks!!

You lost any credibility you had when you threw a shit fit over the Covington Catholic kid. You just hate Trump. Period.

Most of your problems rely on insinuating, assumption and taking comments out of context. Then your sources for your tantrums are from anonymous sources and articles that are nothing more than opinion pieces that are later corrected because they were FOS.

You want to be taken seriously? Demand Obama be impeached and locked up for weaponizing the IRS and also spying on a political opponent. Demand Hillary be held accountable for destroying 33,000 emails after being subpoenaed. I think it’s been mentioned, but we can trade 1 Trump for all the other ignored criminals in our government.

You only seem to care when it’s Trump related. When Trump actually does something wrong (something criminal that doesn’t require say omitting 540 words from a transcript), I’ll be on board for doing whatever needs to be done. But when all you have is speculation and hatred, that’s not enough for a logical and rational individual... and that’s all you have.
Requesting potential damaging information on a political opponent or his family, for aid or armaments, is a bribe. Plain and simple.

He's tried this before, remember? Mueller refused to indict a then candidate Trump who wanted HRC info from Russia in 2016. "Russia, if you're listening". One act among many named in the Mueller Report.

Although 34 others have actually been indicted for various crimes such as lying. Six being Trump associates.

Pelosi refused to impeach Trump for 11 acts of obstruction as president, as identified in the Mueller Report.

But the lawlessness is continuing now as a sitting president as identified in the whistleblower complaint. The swell fellow you support, just today, threatened potential witnesses by calling them spy's and suggested execution as punishment.

Sound familiar? Mueller and these whistleblowers are all likely republicans as well.

All the words, all the threats, all the mischaracterizations, for people just doing their jobs to protect the POTUS and this country from being compromised. Something that looks more and more like what has already occurred with regards to the actions and words of Trump in Helsinki and here at home.

What other political information has been transferred to a secure intelligence server that may have compromised this president or this country? Probably the complaint's biggest question mark overall.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Taking another rube break. See ya'll. GBB! Beat the Cocks!!

He didn't request damaging info, he asked the The Ukrainian President to assist in a corruption investigation. The aid was never mentioned at all, hard to bribe someone when it's never brought up. None of what you mentioned happened, none of it.

You mean the joke he stated about Russia having 33000 emails that Clinton deleted while under subpoena? You really gonna use that as evidence?

There was no obstruction James, Mueller stated that very point in his testimony when he stated he was never impeded in his investigation.

Protecting the President you say, the same people that had leaked prior calls with foreign leaders the President made? Is that protecting the President or leaking classified info for political purposes?
You probably fantasize about fake blondes with fake tans.

You’re not on my level when it comes to this.

Enjoy your life though, brethren.

I like women with no tans at all and i don’t fantasize. you don’t know what level i’m on and i have a feeling i’d much prefer my level over yours.
Thoroughly enjoying life here. enjoy your smarminess.
Think Schiff did not know what he was doing when he made up stuff yesterday and then retracted at the very end?? He knew exactly what he was doing. Case in point, lady my wife works with is ate up with TDS. Wife tells me about the posts she is always making on Facebook. Of course, same person who has been married 4 times, has 5 children, does drugs, calls into work all of the time, lazy, etc. I digress... Anyway, she showed me a post this lady made on FB last night talking about how terrible Trump's phone call was while citing the media edited video of what Schiff said yesterday. Not once did she read the actual transcript of the call.

Folks, politicians on both sides feast on the laziness and complete lack of awareness of the general American public. Same goes for politicians all over the world. Schiff knows this very well and used it to his advantage knowing the media would run with it to help their narrative. All it does is makes their base angrier which is great for media ratings and especially for their campaign donations. Both sides want complete power as well as to enrich themselves. Dems are ruthless in how they get it done whereas Republicans tend to be complete pushovers.
Requesting potential damaging information on a political opponent or his family, for aid or armaments, is a bribe. Plain and simple.

He's tried this before, remember? Mueller refused to indict a then candidate Trump who wanted HRC info from Russia in 2016. "Russia, if you're listening". One act among many named in the Mueller Report.

Although 34 others have actually been indicted for various crimes such as lying. Six being Trump associates.

Pelosi refused to impeach Trump for 11 acts of obstruction as president, as identified in the Mueller Report.

But the lawlessness is continuing now as a sitting president as identified in the whistleblower complaint. The swell fellow you support, just today, threatened potential witnesses by calling them spy's and suggested execution as punishment.

Sound familiar? Mueller and these whistleblowers are all likely republicans as well.

All the words, all the threats, all the mischaracterizations, for people just doing their jobs to protect the POTUS and this country from being compromised. Something that looks more and more like what has already occurred with regards to the actions and words of Trump in Helsinki and here at home.

What other political information has been transferred to a secure intelligence server that may have compromised this president or this country? Probably the complaint's biggest question mark overall.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Taking another rube break. See ya'll. GBB! Beat the Cocks!!

Please don’t go on the National rivals board and spew this 1st grade nonsense - keep it all here locally . last thing we want is people thinking Kentuckians are a bunch of inbred morons who drink Kool Aid and don’t think like you and platinum. Dems are just trying to distract from the upcoming IG report where they will get hammered for the Steele dossier and all of the corruption with Russia that is backfiring big time.

Don’t give us this holier than thou garbage about doing the right thing. The corruption by the Dems is so plentiful you can’t keep count.

Clinton Foundation taking in billions
Clinton’s stealing $$ for Haiti
Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting right before her hearings
Destroying blackberrys containing evidence - devices that were requested by Congress and DOJ
Missing server with info
Bleachbit done to devices requested by DOJ and Congress
Huma and Wiener
Obama’s guarantee on an open mic that things will be easier after the election
Biden threatening the prosecutor and withholding $$
Biden’s son making millions from Ukraine and China with no experience

I can go all day on these, what do they have on Trump - nada. Just like the Mueller Report was made up by Schiff who said he had clear and irrefutable proof on Trump and Russia and produced nothing. Yesterday he had zero as well which is why he had to resort to a parody of what happened. If the facts support you then you let them speak for you. He had none. Just like your arguments. Let the adults talk and you can go back
to coloring books or playing Fortnight.
Why are the Democrats in a rush to get this impeachment pushed through? This entire episode is simply cover for the IG report that's about to drop.
It's as obvious as a lefty masquerading as a moderate in the political thread on CatsPaw.

They are doing anything they can to dull the nuke getting ready to drop on their heads.

We'll see just how serious our resident morons are about illegalities occurring in the white house.

<-------Can't wait!