How will they rule ??!

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I’m starting to think Plat is a troll, not in the traditional sense but a troll nonetheless. Felt Cardkilla was a troll as well. Nobody is that stupid
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"Democrats know that Trump won’t be removed from office

So why are the pursuing a toothless impeachment?

Rep. Al Green:

“If we don’t impeach him, he’ll get re-elected”

This is election interference

The same “interference” Democrats have been “fighting” for 3 years"

And, If you DO impeach him he will MOST CERTAINLY be re-elected.
You know how 420 bro is a extreme liberal.

Anyone Libertarian would want Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch to release info from FOIA.

Every single Libertarian I speak with about Govt transparency (I'm actually part of a Libertarian online group) and they LOVE Judicial Watch.

420 STFU, Libertarians hate you. You're a GD phony and you're a POS
The fact people keep calling him out for saying he's a Libertarian amazes me. It's a blatantly obvious troll. Ignore it and it will go away.
Reading more about this transcript. So trump asks Ukraine to look into it's role in the 2016 "election interference". The same issue the Dems pounded their chest about for years decrying collusion.

One would think they should be pleased it might be further investigated. They're anything but.

Folks if they have the proof thats rumored, it might actually be curtains for alot of people. I doubt anyone significant will see jail time. But there will be at least a couple "suicides" along with ruined legacies.
Oh great, new UN climate report says impacts of climate change are inevitable....SO WHATS THE POINT???!

The world is ending, scientists agree, so quit the dramatic nonsense and get ready for the end of the world.
That "report" sounded remarkably like the one issued in 1989. Except all of that was supposed to happen by the year 2000. I guess they just moved the goalposts now to 2100 before all the calamity transpires. Just long enough for most of the people who read it to be dead and gone or too old to care. Basically setting up the next generation to be all scared and whiny.
I'm waiting for Castro to go into detail on why the whistleblower complaint was so shockingly bad.

My guess that since it got released it will be something along the lines of, it shows his unhinged he is and unpresidential he is. Some dumbass crap like that and a couple of the lefties on here will parrot that talking point.
BREAKING: Negotiations between Gantz and Netanyahu on unity government failed. President Rivlin decided to give Netanyahu the mandate to try and form a new government.
Saw that yesterday, and the first thing I thought of were those posts DM just quoted where Plat was dancing on Bibi's grave, and the hubris he exuded acting as if he had some superior knowledge of Isreali politics.

A normal person might be too embarrassed to show his face in this thread for a while after being that wrong. However, Plat is a schmuck, oblivious to his ignorance, and continues to author sh!tty takes on the daily.
I finally see the light! This is all a Clinton plot! She had Beau killed so Biden wouldn't run in 2016. All so she could run and lose and make Trump President. So they could set him up for colluding with Russia and Ukraine. So they could finally impeach that bastard. So Pence would be the horrible 2020 nominee. And ALL of this so Warren could be the 1st female President! GENIUS! 10D chess!

Looks like our resident lefties will be curiously silent for most of this day. I'm sure talking points will be distributed as soon as the dems get released from the hospital once their wounds have healed from yesterday's beating.

Honestly, can't wait to see how they spin the second-hand info of the "whistleblower report". Goodness gracious.
The opposite. I realize I’m a lone voice in a vast sea humanity. Only together can the working class apply pressure to the elites. From the Magna Carta to the Coal Wars, all the rights people have fought and died for throughout history that you take for granted were wrested from the teeth of the elites by collective action. They do not part with power easily. Why enable them?

I'm so glad this great country of ours is still considered THE land of opportunity.

The US has more multi-millionaires than China, Japan and Germany combined.

#MAGA. :americanflag:
Yesterday had to be exhausting for the left. Once again, they get their hopes up over some anonymous bullshit. They think Nancy Pelosi is finally bought into their unhinged lunacy. They spend all day parroting the talking points they’re being fed. The MSM edits the transcript as much as possible to try and make it seem like Trump said something he didn’t.

At the end of the day Trump’s 2020 odds went up, and the Democrats preferred old white male’s corruption is on full display.

Now the Democrats need to decide if it’s still wot h rigging the primary for Biden.
Looks like our resident lefties will be curiously silent for most of this day. I'm sure talking points will be distributed as soon as the dems get released from the hospital once their wounds have healed from yesterday's beating.

Honestly, can't wait to see how they spin the second-hand info of the "whistleblower report". Goodness gracious.

Hahaha...just getting started bro. Direct witnesses named, sources within the WH...
Nothing like trying to corruptly bury documents into a covert ops database to prove your innocence. The entire WH is just next level stupid. Ghouliani is the gift that never stops giving. If anything brings down Trump it will be letting somebody so ****ing dumb as Guiliani to be his new bag man.
I real don’t care to keep up with the minute by minute minutiae at this point.....but why are we even discussing the “whistleblower” when Trump released the damn transcript? I mean he pretty much yanked the rug from under the precious “whistleblower”.

At any rate, the Dems aren’t doing shit. Yawn.

Even if they were successful in removing....which beeeelieve me folks is not happening.......hi, President Pence! Enjoy.

One thing I know for of these two parties is not making it out of this mess alive. If Dems don’t take the king out this time, they’re done. Just done.

If pussy Rs capitulate and give Ds the power to remove a potus they don’t like....they’re done. Done done done.

The proper move for the R party especially in the Senate is to tell the Ds to f*** off. That occurs, Trump rolls. Ds are the ones languishing trying to satisfy their base....let them continue going full idiot. If Rs cave that’s the end with me, they can have my card.

Yes, I’m a registered R....I know 75% of this page are sensible common sense Libertarian Independents but hey I couldn’t vote for Jary Gohnson.
Nothing like trying to corruptly bury documents into a covert ops database to prove your innocence. The entire WH is just next level stupid. Ghouliani is the gift that never stops giving. If anything brings down Trump it will be letting somebody so ****ing dumb as Guiliani to be his new bag man.

He did all of this? Evidence, please....and don't use "because someone said so".

Otherwise, please exit.
I real don’t care to keep up with the minute by minute minutiae at this point.....but why are we even discussing the “whistleblower” when Trump released the damn transcript? I mean he pretty much yanked the rug from under the precious “whistleblower”.

At any rate, the Dems aren’t doing shit. Yawn.

Even if they were successful in removing....which beeeelieve me folks is not happening.......hi, President Pence! Enjoy.

One thing I know for of these two parties is not making it out of this mess alive. If Dems don’t take the king out this time, they’re done. Just done.

If pussy Rs capitulate and give Ds the power to remove a potus they don’t like....they’re done. Done done done.

The proper move for the R party especially in the Senate is to tell the Ds to f*** off. That occurs, Trump rolls. Ds are the ones languishing trying to satisfy their base....let them continue going full idiot. If Rs cave that’s the end with me, they can have my card.

Yes, I’m a registered R....I know 75% of this page are sensible common sense Libertarian Independents but hey I couldn’t vote for Jary Gohnson.

They’ve been grasping at straws for 3 years now. That’s the reason they’re discussing the whistleblower... it’s all they have left to grasp on to concerning this “bombshell” of a story.
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Even if they were successful in removing....which beeeelieve me folks is not happening.......hi, President Pence! Enjoy.

You know that they would insist that it would be BOGO. Prolly try them together so that they could finally get back to the business of running the country.
I real don’t care to keep up with the minute by minute minutiae at this point.....but why are we even discussing the “whistleblower” when Trump released the damn transcript? I mean he pretty much yanked the rug from under the precious “whistleblower”.

At any rate, the Dems aren’t doing shit. Yawn.

Even if they were successful in removing....which beeeelieve me folks is not happening.......hi, President Pence! Enjoy.

One thing I know for of these two parties is not making it out of this mess alive. If Dems don’t take the king out this time, they’re done. Just done.

If pussy Rs capitulate and give Ds the power to remove a potus they don’t like....they’re done. Done done done.

The proper move for the R party especially in the Senate is to tell the Ds to f*** off. That occurs, Trump rolls. Ds are the ones languishing trying to satisfy their base....let them continue going full idiot. If Rs cave that’s the end with me, they can have my card.

Yes, I’m a registered R....I know 75% of this page are sensible common sense Libertarian Independents but hey I couldn’t vote for Jary Gohnson.
If they are successful at removing Trump, DC will burn and very well could start a civil war. There are more people out there ready to take up arms than the establishment thinks (or maybe they do know and want it).

That’s why it can’t happen and the citizens of this country better be willing and ready to stop it. Fortunately, the biggest threat to that has already bitched out (Mueller). The dems are nothing but a clown show. However, if you start to see more “R’s” like Romney......shit will get real serious, real quick.
I remember a HS baseball coach giving me this advice about 25 years:

“Believe none of what you read and none of what you hear.”

At the time I thought it was incredibly cynical, but his bigger message was to not take things at face value and question things until facts are known. Some of the best advice I ever received and something a big chunk of people need to learn.
I remember a HS baseball coach giving me this advice about 25 years:

“Believe none of what you read and none of what you hear.”

At the time I thought it was incredibly cynical, but his bigger message was to not take things at face value and question things until facts are known. Some of the best advice I ever received and something a big chunk of people need to learn.
What a sad way to live life.