How will they rule ??!

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The complaint is about the phone call.
That’s like saying a forecast is more relevant than the actual storm, after the storm passes.
You know this how?
Could it be about several phone calls?
Could it be about AG Barr?
Could it be about the DNI Maguire?
Why wasn't it turned over to Congress as required by law?
Was it forwarded to justice for a criminal investigation of the president?
Does Trump now know the name of the whistleblower?
Has the whistleblower been threatened in some way?
You know this how?
Could it be about several phone calls?
Could it be about AG Barr?
Could it be about the DNI Maguire?
Why wasn't it turned over to Congress as required by law?
Was it forwarded to justice for a criminal investigation of the president?
Does Trump now know the name of the whistleblower?
Has the whistleblower been threatened in some way?

What? The whistleblower complaint was about this call, and the appearance of quid pro quo.

The whistleblower complaint isn’t going to show any of that.

It’s going to be made public, it isn’t more important than the actual topic it was made over, that’s ignorant.
I finally see the light! This is all a Clinton plot! She had Beau killed so Biden wouldn't run in 2016. All so she could run and lose and make Trump President. So they could set him up for colluding with Russia and Ukraine. So they could finally impeach that bastard. So Pence would be the horrible 2020 nominee. And ALL of this so Warren could be the 1st female President! GENIUS! 10D chess!

Your father must of really been a POS. Doesn't surprise me. Your whore of a mother didn't do much better. Glad they both are roasting in hell, as will you hopefully sooner than later
He was. My mom however is a saint and still kicking. Goodnight skippy
Looks like Trump's boyfriend Benny isn't going to enjoy this redo election

Bibi gonna be in prison soon. He had hoped to stay PM so he could give himself immunity from the incoming indictments. poor guy :( Lieberman told him the new coalition will not include him in it, finally got his payback. All the dumb shit he pulled the last few weeks wasn't enough to sway voters. He better hire better guards than Epstein did, i hear Hillary didn't like him.

I'm not quite sure this is all going to turn out the way you claim. Maybe you should get better acquainted with how Israel politics work before giving hot takes.

BREAKING: Negotiations between Gantz and Netanyahu on unity government failed. President Rivlin decided to give Netanyahu the mandate to try and form a new government.
This reporting (repeated by the liberal activists media ad nauseum) has never been corrected now that the transcript has been released. There was never any promise made by Trump. Ever. They simply moved the goalposts and pretended it never happened.

Journalism is completely dead. A deranged, feral legion of brainwashed, TDS zombies have empowered the activist media. They're so brazenly corrupt. These aren't mistakes. We're way past that. This is a legit misinformation campaign, deliberately intended to deceive. Just reporting outright lies and not even giving a f***. The left's very own Pravda.

Not sure if you know this but soybeans aren't grown in factories. And Brazil has been setting growth and export record for soy the last 10 years. Last it fell slightly because of drought. Half the Amazon is on fire right now because farmers are trying to land grab for more soy and cattle. Most of the US soy is rotting in warehouses which is why they are on Trump welfare now. Brazil isn't reselling US soy to China. Because they can charge a premium to China they are mass exporting their crop and importing a small amount from the US for domestic use at half the price.

** KA-BOOM! **


#MAGA. :americanflag:
This is just getting sad now. The whistleblowers 2nd hand account is now more important than the actual transcript of the phone call.

My god this is Kavanaugh and Covington all over again. Instead of just admitting it was a swing and a miss, nah lets just double down on the stupidness instead.
Pls keep in mind that the jameslee litmus is "rings true"
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