How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, I made all this shit self absorbed do you have to be to sit there behind a keyboard and essentially say "my experiences/opinions trump anyone elses." The simple mistake was my wife running in a nice neighborhood with a sweatshirt on....and being black. She had ran there god knows how many times. It's one thing to maybe stop her and ask her if she saw anything. It's another to say she matches the description of the perp and then ask the cops what description was given and them refusing to give an answer. Then they asked for her I'd which he said let me call my husband to bring it and they refused to let her use her cell phone to call anyone. You can downplay that and think it never happened all you want...but it did and multiple instances in restaurants, department stores have happened as well. Maybe you should talk and get to know all those black folk you work with....might help you get a goddamn clue which you obviously don't have as is.

What's incorrect about my prison statements? Prisons are big businesses. They get paid per head per day, plus get tax write offs for their total count being above a certain % full. Go to any college in the state and look underneath the dressers and'll see a sticker with a prison in the state on it saying "made at Blackburn". My state office has moved 6 times....each time it was inmates that moved all furniture etc....there's your free labor. There's a reason Wardens get paid near million dollar salaries.

You did nothing to disprove anything I said. No proof or anything....just an opinion of "delusional" or "paranoid" .... get out of here with hat weak sauce

Hey sean.. I was detained in Fairfield, AlaBama for matching the description . I was standing next to 4 black guys.

3 hours of interrogating later, after verifying I was at work. I was released.

The description: a white man in a silver truck

My description: white man in a white Suv.

I guess I should just start shooting ppl and dealing drugs, r? Then blame it on being profiled and picked on. Only problem is it wouldn't work, no one would buy into my claims. But they are true.. it happens to all types.
That's because blacks are to blame. It is so convenient for blacks to blame whites for their inability to accept the fact that they need to provide for themselves. The problem is obvious. Blacks were plucked from the nirvana of competing with other animals for food and given to opportunity to eat for the exchange of work. They can't handle the opportunity.

Look at the world. Aborigines in South America and Australia are fully capable of sustaining their lives. They don't need the white man to provide for them. How can this be? How can they survive ?

Why is there so much black on black crime? Because they prey on the weakest link. Why can't we expose and expound on this fact? Because it's racist. No one that walks the face of the earth is as racist as the black man. They prey on each other because that is the path of least resistance. They want something that they did not earn. They can take it from white people, but there is a higher price to pay.

Blacks need to accept he FACT that they have an easier life because of the intelligence of the white man. Germans and Scots have done more to advance humanity than the entire black race. We'll feed you and give you a place to live. Quit shitting where you eat and just accept it.

Be a dumbass and call me a racist. When you do, take responsibility for creating my thoughts.
Are you effin kidding me right now you racist POS? I've never put anyone on ignore but see ya mother effer.
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More of these people please!!

Makes me sick. Anyone who thinks these shits should be empowered any further or that the candidate they want should be given office, should be thrown in an asylum. They want to talk about fascist and even racist? They have attacked so many innocent people while trying to stop their voice.

Ole Sean bitches about racism yet racism against blacks is not tolerated in our society but they sure have no problem preaching anti white BS to everyone even little kids. There's this huge double standard with that. Whites are blamed for everything, taught self loathing, taught that it's racist to marry with your own race if you're white (Yep), taught we didn't earn anything and it was our "privilege," we're told we are racist if we don't jump on board with open borders for groups who breed like crazy while expecting us to pay for their garbage. We're nearly 90 percent the victim of interracial violence and even more for interracial rape.

We get to be the villain for fools like Sean all while no other group is allowed to be criticized despite it being warranted.

The hell with that stuff and the hell with the BS the leftist politicians preach in order to add to their voting blocks.
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As Paul Harvey would say...And now, the rest of the story.
Reagan campaigned in 1980 on balancing the budget and cutting the national debt which stood at $900 billion when he took office. While the national debt at that time had been slowly creeping up it had taken 25 years for that debt to double from $257 billion in 1950 to $533 billion in would grow to $900 billion in 1980. Eight years later Reagan left us $2.9 trillion in debt.
Ronny was likable no doubt but his economic policy (cut taxes, increase spending) set in motion the ever mounting tsunami of debt we have today and made economic dependents of the military industrial complex that now nobody can touch because of the 100,000's of jobs tied to it. And just as invading Iraq proved to be a mistake, busting up the Soviet Union also created great instability in the region and resulted in millions of old soviet military weapons reaching the black market and getting into the wrong hands. We traded an "enemy" we knew for 1000's who now lurked in the bushes. Better the devil you know.

Bush 1 knew that "trickle down" was voodoo economics and tried to adjust the Reagan tax rates and was crucified by his own party for doing so. He made the mistake in making his "Read my lips..." statement. He had the good judgment to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait and keeping Saddam in his box. Ultimately Bush 1 was undone by the presence of Ross Perot in the '92 election. Had Perot not entered the race Bush 1 most likely would have been re-elected. The policies that Bush 1 would have followed and what Bill Clinton did follow were very similar.

Despite all the scandals with Clinton, Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any POTUS since the end of WWII. Clinton was far from the first POTUS to like the ladies but he was the first to serve at a time that an industry existed with the sole intention of criticizing everything that a Democratic POTUS would do.
It didn't matter that he was more of a Republican than most Republicans. Yeah, he signed NAFTA...a Reagan idea that was negotiated by Bush 1.
Oh, and Islamic terrorism had begun long before Clinton got to office. Remember Beirut? 241 dead US servicemen, 58 French soldiers and a few others...injured 100's more. That was 1983 and was perpetrated by a group that called themselves "Islamic Jihad". Reagan's response was to withdraw our remaining troops.

Bush 2 was a puppet that was controlled by Dick Cheney and others. Had he sought out advice from his dad and followed it we all would have been much better off.

Obama like Clinton has had to deal with an industry that only exists to criticize Democrats. The ridiculous claims that he was/is a Muslim, that his birth certificate that has been verified countless times is somehow fake. That this was obviously all a conspiracy from the time of his birth when the Honolulu newspaper wrote his birth announcement the day after he was born.
Yes, he deserves criticism over expanding the Patriot act...I'm not sure how you criticize the drone attacks? You prefer we put our soldiers in harm's way? It's funny that he is criticized because the drones result in too many civilian deaths yet most of those criticizing would like to see somebody nuke the region. And they support someone who says he would "bomb the hell out of them". ISIS doesn't separate themselves from the civilian population. If we bomb them there will most likely be civilian casualties...but that's ok because that would be your guy's bomb.
Yeah, ObamaCare is a bad program but it's the necessary evil first step to get us to universal care. We will end up at universal care some time in the next 20 years regardless of who controls the White House.
The bailouts while setting bad precedent have been successful and have had a net result of little real costs as most of the money has been repaid. The economic turmoil that would have occurred had the bailouts not happened may have rivaled the Great Depression.
I didn't read anything past Reagan's policies were to cut taxes and increase spending. Since that is complete BS, I stopped there. Reagan had to deal with a Democratic congress. Congress controls the purse strings, not the President. Whenever someone starts attributing spending levels to the President, I know something very biased is coming next. The President can lobby Congress or refuse to sign the budget they pass, but he has little control over spending levels when his party is not in control of Congress.
Just if you're keeping score.

Criticizing and blaming whites= Okay
Criticizing blacks= Racist

Pride in being black and black culture = Okay
Pride in white or white culture = Racist

A black majority neighborhood, church or country= Totally fine
A white majority anything= We need more diversity

Teaching white children to feel shame for things they're not part of and telling them everything they get is undeserved = Okay

Pointing out how unsuccessful black countries have been because of their own failures = Racist

Trump with a speech wanting to protect borders = Racist

BLM activist saying whites are to blame for everything and are stealing their genius and resources = Okay

Affirmative Action= Okay

Only whites can be racist and are born racist= Okay

Anything else?
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To be fair, it doubled under GWB, also.

And I get livid when idiots say "we need a change in Washington, and that change is the other side of a two party system." How can that level of stupidity even be possible?

Bush was terrible as well.

You do realize Trump is not a Republican, right? He is essentially an Independent/Populist who is running as a Republican because this country is not capable of meeting in the middle and going with an Independent Party candidate.

Both parties suck. Did I make my point clear enough now?
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Bush's worst deficit is pretty much equal to BOs best. And the CBO is forecasting a sharp increase the next few years.
Under Obama, the national debt has doubled.
Under Reagan, it tripled.

Fuzz, the military had been neglected, especially The Navy. Massive refitting of the Navy took place under Reagan.

Have you completely forgotten about the USSR being a Communist Super Power in 1980?
They were every bit the equal militarily of the US.
What Reagan did was force the USSR to keep up with us militarily, and they couldn't and also feed their citizens.
We possessed enough power to destroy the world, much less the Soviet Union many, many times over. There was no need to get into a conventional arms race. We were never going to get into a conventional war with the Soviets.

I didn't read anything past Reagan's policies were to cut taxes and increase spending. Since that is complete BS, I stopped there. Reagan had to deal with a Democratic congress. Congress controls the purse strings, not the President. Whenever someone starts attributing spending levels to the President, I know something very biased is coming next. The President can lobby Congress or refuse to sign the budget they pass, but he has little control over spending levels when his party is not in control of Congress.
The GOP controlled the Senate all 8 years of Reagan's presidency. The Senate still has to approve spending bills and the POTUS has to sign them.
So you are blaming Obama's debt on the GOP, right?
Ahhh so the creation of the ghetto is just self imposed. Everything is self imposed. Black people just come out the womb as criminals, violent and druggies. It's perpetuated....can reference the war on drugs. Do you not know how prisons work? How they are big businesses? Do you not understand this country conducts reading comprehension exams in the 5th grade and if a kid doesn't read at a 5th grade level our philosophy and country builds a prison bed for them....naw screw actually addressing the needs of what often tends to be poor black men....let's just build a prison bed for them....that way we can collect anywhere from $20,000-65,000 a year profit and get either free or extremely cheap labor as well.

And I just know it's a shit ton of white dudes in here screaming that White Privilege and institutionalized racism is a farce.... do tell many black people you work with? How many do you have personal contact with daily? How many you actually go out and hang with in public? Go to a store. I watch my wife on the daily get followed from the time she walks in store, restaurant or anything else... so many of you think of this just on a grand scale.... and that's 1 way to view it in crime stats....but how many black dolls are there? It took until 2013 for Disney o finally have a movie with. Black princess....I all in walmart and I have 4-6 entire sections for my wife, who is black, has barely 1/8th of 1 row. How many shades of band aids we have?..... when my wife looked at our engagement rings and wedding bands with out me a worker came to her and said "you should come down here, this is more in your price range". My wife, who runs every day before work at 530am, was damn near arrested for a burglary attempt 3 blocks from our house in neighborhood which is a very nice area.... cops tried to handcuff her...had jack shit to prove anything and did everything in their power to ensure she couldn't call me with her phone. I used to be you. Ah, it's all such thing as privilege or institutionalized racism. I've seen it now....quite regularly and to sit here and just think it flat out doesn't exist is false....but unless you really have been in those moments and seen can't possibly understand.
I'm not a minority but I am married to a minority. I understand even now how some dumbassed places we go you still see and HEAR remarks from neanderthals that think people should "stick to their own kind"...

I know how poverty and lack of opportunity breeds crime. If folks don't have and everybody else does, then like weather fronts there is going to be "appropriation".

But violent crime. Crime that is glorified. Crime that is coddified. Crime that is blamed on somebody else making me do it. The sheer IDIOCY of "Black Lives Matter" when blacks by a wide margin are the ones directly responsible for killing other blacks...

Until the African American community as a whole accepts responsibility for its own instead of perpetuating a culture of glorifying violence, mistreating and demeaning women, defying and challenging respect for the law, and refusing to point out the murderers and drug dealers poisoning their own communities, then they should STFU about why cops have their neighborhoods under the microscope because we want cops where the crime is being committed, not standing on the sidelines ignoring it.

You want cops out of your communities then report and testify against criminals in open court. Don't create and perpetuate and GLORIFY an environment criminals can thrive in.

Most of all, don't tell me "black lives matter' when you are the ones killing each other.
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Fuzz, They had the firepower to destroy us many times are as well. Reagan almost tripled the size of the Navy, he oversaw the procurement of most of the arsenal we now possess.
He forced the Soviets to keep up, and they couldn't.

Not only that, but the Country was in a funk when he took over. Oil embargoes, hostages, Vietnam he provided the optimism and calmness we needed then.
Don't believe me, look no further than the 84 election. He won every state but Minnesota, and DC.
I'm not saying he was a saint, but he will be remembered as the second greatest President of the 20th Century.
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Under Reagan, it tripled.

We possessed enough power to destroy the world, much less the Soviet Union many, many times over. There was no need to get into a conventional arms race. We were never going to get into a conventional war with the Soviets.

The GOP controlled the Senate all 8 years of Reagan's presidency. The Senate still has to approve spending bills and the POTUS has to sign them.
So you are blaming Obama's debt on the GOP, right?
As an African American, I am just happy to be an American on the 4th July.

I'm not a minority but I am married to a minority. I understand even now how some dumbassed places we go you still see and HEAR remarks from neanderthals that think people should "stick to their own kind"...

I'd say black women are the worst offenders. Ask them how they feel about black men dating white women.
Under Reagan, it tripled.

We possessed enough power to destroy the world, much less the Soviet Union many, many times over. There was no need to get into a conventional arms race. We were never going to get into a conventional war with the Soviets.

The GOP controlled the Senate all 8 years of Reagan's presidency. The Senate still has to approve spending bills and the POTUS has to sign them.
So you are blaming Obama's debt on the GOP, right?
I'm not really following your logic. The Democrats had the majority in the House from his inauguration in Jan 2009 until December 2010. They also had the majority in the Senate from Jan 2009 through Dec 2014. So his first 2 years of service, he had the majority in both houses of congress, and the majority in the Senate until the beginning of 2015. To the extent that the debt has gone up since 2015, that is primarily on the Republicans. The debt increases his first 2 years of office is all on the Democrats. The increases in the middle can be reasonably blamed on both parties.
I'm not really following your logic. The Democrats had the majority in the House from his inauguration in Jan 2009 until December 2010. They also had the majority in the Senate from Jan 2009 through Dec 2014. So his first 2 years of service, he had the majority in both houses of congress, and the majority in the Senate until the beginning of 2015. To the extent that the debt has gone up since 2015, that is primarily on the Republicans. The debt increases his first 2 years of office is all on the Democrats. The increases in the middle can be reasonably blamed on both parties.
If you think about it though, the extra debt is worth it due to the extra transparency he's brought to the office.
Under Reagan, it tripled.

We possessed enough power to destroy the world, much less the Soviet Union many, many times over. There was no need to get into a conventional arms race. We were never going to get into a conventional war with the Soviets.

The GOP controlled the Senate all 8 years of Reagan's presidency. The Senate still has to approve spending bills and the POTUS has to sign them.
So you are blaming Obama's debt on the GOP, right?
I also wanted to add that both houses of the 100th Congress, which served the last 2 years of Reagan's second term from Jan 1987 - Jan 1989, was majority Democrat. The Republicans only controlled the Senate the first 6 years of Reagan's service. His last 2 years the Democrats had the majority in both houses.
I didn't say he was. I'm saying they (black women) have a very strong opinion of black men dating outside their race.

As I said, his story is nothing but unsubstantiated paranoia. And you're right, black women usually hate black men dating white women.

Also lost in his paranoid rant, "everyone looks at her". Blacks on the whole view eye contact of most forms to be a sign of disrespect. Literally all it took was someone looking in their direction and its RACISM.

And he had the imfamous " detained while black" incident at the end, like always.

Dude is full of it.
I was unaware building a wall that will cost 30-50 billion taxpayers dollars was an immigration policy that would yield any kind of results. If there's one thing the history of the world has taught us it's that Walls don't solve problems, they create more. I'm all for immigration policy reform that yields results....but Trump's wall doesn't fit that bill.

Plus, it's physically impossible to even build the wall. A crap ton of the southern boarder is land you cannot build on due to it being a natural reserve or private property that people are not going to give up. Check out the logistical issues when it comes to building a wall on our southern boarder. If there is no wall, trump literally has no policy in place....

Once again, just dumb ass talk. You think prisons actually create a surplus and building a wall would be more expensive than breaking the back over the immigration wave, which is costing blacks jobs and is is way more expensive than that little estimation (wrong) you've cited.

And you never answered the question. I said nothing about a wall.

Go trigger your Johnson on some dude named Wendy.
To be fair, it doubled under GWB, also.

AId a ton of the debt accrued under obama was due to a war he wouldn't have waged (rightly or wrongly).

So that's not to say I am defending Obama, just correcting your foolish, idiotic, myopic takes.

And I get livid when idiots say "we need a change in Washington, and that change is the other side of a two party system." How can that level of stupidity even be possible?
A little over a trillion attributed to the war. Not as much as some might think. The rest is other stuff.
At least you guys fully embrace who you are. I guess that's admirable.

Oh yea sure. We're all racist because you blame white people for the problems of 200 years ago, simply because of the color of their skin. Do you know how racist that really is? Especially when the MAJORITY of whites aren't even related to a former slave owner nor have any history is racism in their blood to speak of.

Being white in 2016. The most discriminated majority in the history of the world.

Keep on lying to yourself. It's doing wonders for black communities in general.
The thing is pride in ones race isn't the issue nor is it racist. I see Mexicans regularly wearing a t shirt with the Mexican flag or hats etc.....but they also are very respectful well mannered people that go out of their way to make my job easier because they know I will do the same for them.

People need to realize "racism" isn't the worst damn thing we face. The problem is the race baiters causing the stir like it is some great divide. It isn't and it shouldn't be. Who gives a shit if some white dude wants to be ahead of black or that a black woman wants more than whites or Asians........who gives a shit! Seriously.

We all contribute to this country in some way, so try to make it positive and fair and everything should work itself out.

The Muslims, IMO, can check out yday until they standup to their own thug ass idiots in their own communities. No apologies.
Explain to me how it's economically sustainable to keep this growing class of career victims increasing and to continue to import the third world here while bashing whites and consevatives? Who the hell is going to pay for all of this BS eventually?

I'm so burnt out on the constant indoctrination of hating whites and creating this class of self loathing. I no longer care about the left's tactics of just calling everyone racist to comply with their insanity.