How will they rule ??!

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As I said, his story is nothing but unsubstantiated paranoia. And you're right, black women usually hate black men dating white women.

Also lost in his paranoid rant, "everyone looks at her". Blacks on the whole view eye contact of most forms to be a sign of disrespect. Literally all it took was someone looking in their direction and its RACISM.

And he had the imfamous " detained while black" incident at the end, like always.

Dude is full of it.

Well black women I know that have been openly against it are not that way because of race. It's because the black man abandoned his community and overall leave children behind for some white woman with good credit and an easier life.

And for that they damn well should be bitter and demand the black boys become men within their own communities instead of a bunch of wanna be OJ's.
So, in a free country as ours if you support a candidate the left and illegals dislike, you will be beaten. Sounds a lot like a communist take over. Once again folks, arm yourselves because there is no one else here who will save you.

Actually I told my wife I would have opened fire in that situation and you can't say I wouldn't be just for fear of my life.

And she said jokingly but dead on accurate......wouldn't you be the racist then?

I laughed, but I'd have been alive and those idiots would have left us alone at that point.
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The problem that is always overlooked is the term "melting pot"'s been completely bastardized by the left. It means that people that come here....Irish/German/African/Latin/whoever.... came to America to become Americans and assimilate.

Now it's some kind of term to mean you come here, don't change a thing, and have your own little subculture. Hell, you don't even have to speak the language. Oh, and you have to be subsidized and vote Democrat.

Could you imagine a hoard of upper middle class Australian white conservative small business owners trying to hop the border? That fence would get built with teh quickness (with union labor).
Oh yea sure. We're all racist because you blame white people for the problems of 200 years ago, simply because of the color of their skin. Do you know how racist that really is? Especially when the MAJORITY of whites aren't even related to a former slave owner nor have any history is racism in their blood to speak of.

Being white in 2016. The most discriminated majority in the history of the world.

Keep on lying to yourself. It's doing wonders for black communities in general.
LMFAO must be a parody account. Yeah whites sooo discriminated against. 200 years ago? Try 50 years ago before anything was actually done. Blacks literally had to tear this country apart to get what they deserved AND fought for under the Constitution.

Try last week when another black person is pulled over and arrested for things that whites never get called out jaywalking or 'loitering' or even having the audacity to look at or talk to a cop.

Over the 8 years Obama's been President I've never seen a more disrespected President and never will again, until the next minority is President. On here every.single.conservative has made a bigoted or racist comment about the President or black people in general.

I love it when white people speak for Blacks as if they know what they've experienced and group them all together as if they all think and act the same way. That is called racism. And everyone has done it at some point, myself included.

The President was forced to show his birth certificate to prove to the racists out there he isn't from Kenya. Still not good enough. You know who else had to show slaves. The irony is not lost on a lot of us.

Obama did zero to stoke the flames of racism, except be black and have the audacity to be President. I bet we won't here a peep about the Tea Party now that Obama is soon to be gone. Not a coincidence.
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As Paul Harvey would say...And now, the rest of the story.
Reagan campaigned in 1980 on balancing the budget and cutting the national debt which stood at $900 billion when he took office. While the national debt at that time had been slowly creeping up it had taken 25 years for that debt to double from $257 billion in 1950 to $533 billion in would grow to $900 billion in 1980. Eight years later Reagan left us $2.9 trillion in debt.
Ronny was likable no doubt but his economic policy (cut taxes, increase spending) set in motion the ever mounting tsunami of debt we have today and made economic dependents of the military industrial complex that now nobody can touch because of the 100,000's of jobs tied to it. And just as invading Iraq proved to be a mistake, busting up the Soviet Union also created great instability in the region and resulted in millions of old soviet military weapons reaching the black market and getting into the wrong hands. We traded an "enemy" we knew for 1000's who now lurked in the bushes. Better the devil you know.

Bush 1 knew that "trickle down" was voodoo economics and tried to adjust the Reagan tax rates and was crucified by his own party for doing so. He made the mistake in making his "Read my lips..." statement. He had the good judgment to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait and keeping Saddam in his box. Ultimately Bush 1 was undone by the presence of Ross Perot in the '92 election. Had Perot not entered the race Bush 1 most likely would have been re-elected. The policies that Bush 1 would have followed and what Bill Clinton did follow were very similar.

Despite all the scandals with Clinton, Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any POTUS since the end of WWII. Clinton was far from the first POTUS to like the ladies but he was the first to serve at a time that an industry existed with the sole intention of criticizing everything that a Democratic POTUS would do.
It didn't matter that he was more of a Republican than most Republicans. Yeah, he signed NAFTA...a Reagan idea that was negotiated by Bush 1.
Oh, and Islamic terrorism had begun long before Clinton got to office. Remember Beirut? 241 dead US servicemen, 58 French soldiers and a few others...injured 100's more. That was 1983 and was perpetrated by a group that called themselves "Islamic Jihad". Reagan's response was to withdraw our remaining troops.

Bush 2 was a puppet that was controlled by Dick Cheney and others. Had he sought out advice from his dad and followed it we all would have been much better off.

Obama like Clinton has had to deal with an industry that only exists to criticize Democrats. The ridiculous claims that he was/is a Muslim, that his birth certificate that has been verified countless times is somehow fake. That this was obviously all a conspiracy from the time of his birth when the Honolulu newspaper wrote his birth announcement the day after he was born.
Yes, he deserves criticism over expanding the Patriot act...I'm not sure how you criticize the drone attacks? You prefer we put our soldiers in harm's way? It's funny that he is criticized because the drones result in too many civilian deaths yet most of those criticizing would like to see somebody nuke the region. And they support someone who says he would "bomb the hell out of them". ISIS doesn't separate themselves from the civilian population. If we bomb them there will most likely be civilian casualties...but that's ok because that would be your guy's bomb.
Yeah, ObamaCare is a bad program but it's the necessary evil first step to get us to universal care. We will end up at universal care some time in the next 20 years regardless of who controls the White House.
The bailouts while setting bad precedent have been successful and have had a net result of little real costs as most of the money has been repaid. The economic turmoil that would have occurred had the bailouts not happened may have rivaled the Great Depression.

I said Reagan had iffy economic policies. As others pointed out, much of that was restoring military prowess that was all but disbanded.

Any attempt to paint the end of the cold way as anything less than a historically great achievement is just stupid. So we were better off then when the soviets were powerful enemies? Ha!

Islamic terrorism in the middle east didn't begin under Reagan. It's been the way of life there forever. It hadnt been allowed to grow to the levels where it endangered us at home. Not until Clinton anyway.

Clinton was great because he was popular? Wonderful reasoning /sarcasm.

Again, for the 3rd time, any attempt to bash Bush yet praise Obama is totally illogical. Obama strengthened all the bad Bush policies, and added more. So by your own statements about Bush sucking (accurate), then it follows that Obama MUST be worse. There's truly no other outcome, logically.

But we all know the left, partisan cheerleaders are never bound by logic
Are you effin kidding me right now you racist POS? I've never put anyone on ignore but see ya mother effer.
Is it really that shocking? They don't get it. They're the racist, uneducated dumb. They argue adamantly, yet it's all based on insecurity and emotion. They are the reason for slavery, bigotry, inequality. They will always be on the losing side of history. Best to ignore, the same way a child puts his finger in their nose.
LMFAO must be a parody account. Yeah whites sooin discriminated against. 200 years ago? Try 50 years ago before anything was actually done. Blacks literally had to tear this country apart to get what they deserved AND fought for under the Constitution.

Try last week when another black person is pulled over and arrested for things that whites never get called out jaywalking or 'loitering' or even having the audacity to look at or talk to a cop.

Over the 8 years Obama's been President I've never seen a more disrespected President and never will again, until the next minority is President. On here every.single.conservative has made a bigoted or racist comment about the President or black people in general.

I love it when white people speak for Blacks as if they know what they've experienced and group them all together as if they all think and act the same way. That is called racism. And everyone has done it at some point, myself included.

The President was forced to show his birth certificate to prove to the racists out there he isn't from Kenya. Still not good enough. You know who else had to show slaves. The irony is not lost on a lot of us.

Obama did zero to stoke the flames of racism, except be black and have the audacity to be President. I bet we won't here a peep about the Tea Party now that Obama is soon to be gone. Not a coincidence.
You must have been asleep during the Bush years because the left and the mainstream media burned him at every turn. You are either too stupid to have understood what was happening or are being disingenous.
LMFAO must be a parody account. Yeah whites sooo discriminated against. 200 years ago? Try 50 years ago before anything was actually done. Blacks literally had to tear this country apart to get what they deserved AND fought for under the Constitution.

Try last week when another black person is pulled over and arrested for things that whites never get called out jaywalking or 'loitering' or even having the audacity to look at or talk to a cop.

Over the 8 years Obama's been President I've never seen a more disrespected President and never will again, until the next minority is President. On here every.single.conservative has made a bigoted or racist comment about the President or black people in general.

I love it when white people speak for Blacks as if they know what they've experienced and group them all together as if they all think and act the same way. That is called racism. And everyone has done it at some point, myself included.

The President was forced to show his birth certificate to prove to the racists out there he isn't from Kenya. Still not good enough. You know who else had to show slaves. The irony is not lost on a lot of us.

Obama did zero to stoke the flames of racism, except be black and have the audacity to be President. I bet we won't here a peep about the Tea Party now that Obama is soon to be gone. Not a coincidence.
President GW. Bush was hated by the left. I recall book by 2 Professors on how to assinate him. That's a lot of hate tight there.
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Is it really that shocking? They don't get it. They're the racist, uneducated dumb. They argue adamantly, yet it's all based on insecurity and emotion. They are the reason for slavery, bigotry, inequality. They will always be on the losing side of history. Best to ignore, the same way a child puts his finger in their nose.

So who was behind slavery? Repubs or dems?
LMFAO must be a parody account. Yeah whites sooo discriminated against. 200 years ago? Try 50 years ago before anything was actually done. Blacks literally had to tear this country apart to get what they deserved AND fought for under the Constitution.

Try last week when another black person is pulled over and arrested for things that whites never get called out jaywalking or 'loitering' or even having the audacity to look at or talk to a cop.

Over the 8 years Obama's been President I've never seen a more disrespected President and never will again, until the next minority is President. On here every.single.conservative has made a bigoted or racist comment about the President or black people in general.

I love it when white people speak for Blacks as if they know what they've experienced and group them all together as if they all think and act the same way. That is called racism. And everyone has done it at some point, myself included.

The President was forced to show his birth certificate to prove to the racists out there he isn't from Kenya. Still not good enough. You know who else had to show slaves. The irony is not lost on a lot of us.

Obama did zero to stoke the flames of racism, except be black and have the audacity to be President. I bet we won't here a peep about the Tea Party now that Obama is soon to be gone. Not a coincidence.

Obama never jumped into any investigation before it was complete? Basically undermining ongoing investigations?

You must've forgotten how badly Bush was disrespected, it has nothing to do with his race, it's his policies and unfortunately the way we treat each other now.

You don't think white people get arrested for the same crap? Or could it be that after repeated warnings to not stand in the damn middle of the street the police have little else to resort too?

It's ok for you to tell white people hat to think or how to act, but then want to cry racism when it's returned in kind.

You want to say we have no idea how the black community lives, yet think we just hop out of bed, give a secret handshake and jump into a career. It doesn't work like that, we busted our asses, sacrificed, took criticism, and most importantly didn't cry injustice when things didn't go our way. That's what the weak minded do, and it doesn't matter if you're black, white, yellow, or Brown.

If you look for injustices you'll find them, and if you can't then you'll invent them. We aren't racist, Id help anyone that wants help, but what I won't do is continue to bend over backwards to help someone who won't helps themselves, and blames other people for their faults.
Be prepared for the BS about the parties changing in the 60s, which is a total effing lie.

This video is made by a black man, by the way.
Who is the racist party TODAY? Your nominee retweets nazi sympathizers for Christ's sake. Blames all the ills on minorities. Anyone crying about who the white man is being persecuted today just has their head in the sand.

When you repeat a pattern it's a habit. Not some random thing that happens every now and then. Just last week another Republican had to resign for posting racist memes about Obama. I mean, ya just can't help yourself. You don't like having to be PC because it means you can't call people the hateful names you really want to.

Oh Bush? Did people question whether he was one of us? Or Christian? Or even an American? Did congressmen yell at him during his State of the Union speeches? Or refused a hearing or vote for his Supreme court nominee? Refused a request to address a joint session of Congress? Or had Senators go behind his back to mess with negotiations with another country? Of course not, because regardless of politics, politicians showed the President a degree of respect. People have always said things about the President but politicians showed respect to all but one President.
Everyone seems to forget it was Republicans who freed the slaves. And 100 years later it was the Republican party that led the fight for civil rights on behalf of black people.

Also got women the right to vote. Now the gameplan changed by the Democrats and they have successfully managed to flip the narrative and revise history.
Who is the racist party TODAY? Your nominee retweets nazi sympathizers for Christ's sake. Blames all the ills on minorities. Anyone crying about who the white man is being persecuted today just has their head in the sand.

When you repeat a pattern it's a habit. Not some random thing that happens every now and then. Just last week another Republican had to resign for posting racist memes about Obama. I mean, ya just can't help yourself. You don't like having to be PC because it means you can't call people the hateful names you really want to.

Oh Bush? Did people question whether he was one of us? Or Christian? Or even an American? Did congressmen yell at him during his State of the Union speeches? Or refused a hearing or vote for his Supreme court nominee? Refused a request to address a joint session of Congress? Or had Senators go behind his back to mess with negotiations with another country? Of course not, because regardless of politics, politicians showed the President a degree of respect. People have always said things about the President but politicians showed respect to all but one President.

Who's the racist party of today? Hard to say, actually.

One party wants to kick out illegals and prevent unfettered Islamic refugee settlements. Help people learn how to help themselves.

The other wants to blame a certain race, gender, and religion for all of society's ills. All while pandering to all other groups, even though none of their policies are intended to help them improve their lot in life.

Yes people questioned Obamas residency. It was a reasonable concern, given his dodgy answers to uncomfortable questions. I still think he's Muslim, if he had i identify as a religion, not that it matters one iota to me. I just question his need to continually lie about it.
Could someone educate me on how slavery started? I mean how did we get all these Aficans? Did we steal them in the middle of the night? Were we the only country to get them? Did we have more than other countries at the time?


Africans were peaceful and all in harmony and had created a successful nation. Millions of evil whites came over with giant butterfly nets and captured all of them and made them come to the U.S. to turn it into a prosperous nation. Thankfully the Democrats ended slavery.
Catdaddy you might want to go back and check about Supreme Court picks by Bush because the Dems did indeed refuse hearings on his Court nominees.
I can comment on Asian Americans, native Americans, Indian Americans. Doesn't mean shit though. I have no idea what it is like for them to live here or anywhere for that matter from their perspective. All you're doing is projecting your perception on to a group. It doesn't matter how objective you may be, or think you are, there will always be some sort of bias that reflects your own personal experience. But please continue to enlighten us. I think a study of how the black community came to live in their current situation might give you a good understanding of why they can't escape their situation. Not some stats that say blacks kill more blacks than whites do. When you live essentially in a third world you have to get it how you live.

I love this. Whites know nothing about what it is like to be black. But blacks know everything about what it is like being white. Obviously everything whites have attained just fell into their laps because they are white.

Red, yellow, black or white, if you are going to actually have a chance to succeed in life and get beyond being poor or just getting by, you have to do a few basic things.

1 Get an education. By this I don't mean just attending school but actually learning something while you are there. Nobody wants a dumbass working for them even if they have a diploma or a degree.

2 Show up for work every day on time, appropriately dressed, sober, able to pass a drug screen and ready to do what you were hired for..

3 Be able to get along with your co-workers. People get tired of a pisser and moaner pretty quickly.

4 Wait your turn for advancement. If it opens up and you are qualified and deserve it, you'll probably (not always) get it.

*Most importantly, never let them see your posts on Paddock and let them see the real you. If you are a butthole here, you are just a disguised butthole in real life.

Most blacks and whites look at the exact same picture and see two completely different things. We simply cannot believe that the other side does not see what we see. Blacks say, "You can't see it because you are racist!" Whites say, "You can't see it because of your victim mentality!" I despair that this will never change. It's like this, not just in the US, but just about anywhere in the world that blacks and whites coexist.

Both sides just talk past one another. Nothing either side says ever sinks in.

*Note: I posted this about five pages before the present page. I apologize if it is no longer relevant to the conversation.
Catdaddy, This whole Faux outrage over a Tweet by Trump is ridiculous.
First of all his GD daughter and 3 of his grandchildren are Jewish.
Secondly hes spoken time again on the importance of Israel as an ally.
Thirdly, what's more antisemitic, a tweet with a Star of David on it, or lifting sanctions on a country that has sworn to annihilate Israel, so they can have the ability to produce a nuclear bomb?
For Christs sake, the attorney general meets with Bill Clinton secretly, Hillary has a 3 hour questioning by the FBI, Lynch pushes the release of the Clinton Foundation emails back 2 years until well after the election, and a f*cking tweet is what the mainstream media has shifted its attention to.
Seems like our priorities are a little out of whack, but maybe it's just me.
Catdaddy, This whole Faux outrage over a Tweet by Trump is ridiculous.
First of all his GD daughter and 3 of his grandchildren are Jewish.
Secondly hes spoken time again on the importance of Israel as an ally.
Thirdly, what's more antisemitic, a tweet with a Star of David on it, or lifting sanctions on a country that has sworn to annihilate Israel, so they can have the ability to produce a nuclear bomb?
For Christs sake, the attorney general meets with Bill Clinton secretly, Hillary has a 3 hour questioning by the FBI, Lynch pushes the release of the Clinton Foundation emails back 2 years until well after the election, and a f*cking tweet is what the mainstream media has shifted its attention to.
Seems like our priorities are a little out of whack, but maybe it's just me.

It's what they effing do. They don't give a shit about the corruption of Hillary or her past. They just see that she's on their team and back her blindly. Instead they will focus on a "gotcha" tweet.

They're the worst.
Who is the racist party TODAY? Your nominee retweets nazi sympathizers for Christ's sake. Blames all the ills on minorities. Anyone crying about who the white man is being persecuted today just has their head in the sand.

When you repeat a pattern it's a habit. Not some random thing that happens every now and then. Just last week another Republican had to resign for posting racist memes about Obama. I mean, ya just can't help yourself. You don't like having to be PC because it means you can't call people the hateful names you really want to.

Oh Bush? Did people question whether he was one of us? Or Christian? Or even an American? Did congressmen yell at him during his State of the Union speeches? Or refused a hearing or vote for his Supreme court nominee? Refused a request to address a joint session of Congress? Or had Senators go behind his back to mess with negotiations with another country? Of course not, because regardless of politics, politicians showed the President a degree of respect. People have always said things about the President but politicians showed respect to all but one President.

Haha your black president has the highest black unemployment ever!

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Everyone seems to forget it was Republicans who freed the slaves. And 100 years later it was the Republican party that led the fight for civil rights on behalf of black people.
Agree. I also remember when Republicans were fiscally responsible.

Also, if we want to get technical about it, the republicans came out of the free labor party, which advocates the end of slavery as an economic reason. Abolishinists were the very small minority. Chase was part of Lincoln's cabinet.

That being said, republicans were leading against gay marriage, which is odd, considering they want less government control.
Catdaddy, This whole Faux outrage over a Tweet by Trump is ridiculous.
First of all his GD daughter and 3 of his grandchildren are Jewish.
Secondly hes spoken time again on the importance of Israel as an ally.
Thirdly, what's more antisemitic, a tweet with a Star of David on it, or lifting sanctions on a country that has sworn to annihilate Israel, so they can have the ability to produce a nuclear bomb?
For Christs sake, the attorney general meets with Bill Clinton secretly, Hillary has a 3 hour questioning by the FBI, Lynch pushes the release of the Clinton Foundation emails back 2 years until well after the election, and a f*cking tweet is what the mainstream media has shifted its attention to.
Seems like our priorities are a little out of whack, but maybe it's just me.
Catdaddy is just as evil and Corrupt as Obama and Hillary.
Brit Hume made an obvious point yesterday: that the media, which historically pursues these kinds of scandals with vigor, has largely ignored the Clinton email scandal. He says that pursuit - which I think he means as opposed to simply reporting events as they happen - typically acts as a "force multiplier". Just so. Rather than just report events as they happen, ordinarily the media when it gets whiff of a scandal like this, chases it like rabid dogs. The stories are daily, and endlessly hector the subject. They don't wait for a report to be released, they chase the damn thing and create their own narrative. Were Clinton a Republican, this would not be dragging. All of America would know by first name all the key players, the Times and The Post would have teams of reporters doing nothing but digging on this. In the end, the sense of widespread outrage would be such and the polling so terrible that Justice would have no choice but to indict - and Clinton would've dropped out long ago.

The general idea is you should regard most media members as Democratic operatives with bylines.....
If Clinton and Trump were lost on a deserted island, who survives?


A joke told by my preacher in church yesterday. It's a little amazing how vilified both candidates are. And it makes me think that no matter who wins, the victor will not only lack a mandate, they'll lack any kind of support outside the group who voted for them (and even that support will be tepid). Either one will be viewed by tens of millions as illegitimate. Bush and Obama have both been divisive figures. I suspect we ain't seen nothing yet......
Agree. I also remember when Republicans were fiscally responsible.

Also, if we want to get technical about it, the republicans came out of the free labor party, which advocates the end of slavery as an economic reason. Abolishinists were the very small minority. Chase was part of Lincoln's cabinet.

That being said, republicans were leading against gay marriage, which is odd, considering they want less government control.
That is an interesting observation. I am a registered Republican, but am really more of libertarian, or Constitutional Conservative, than straight Republican. I pretty much believe that freedom should only be restricted when an action violates the liberty of another individual. That to me, that is consistent with the principles of the Constitution. I think most true conservatives see things similarly. However, the religious right let morality enter into their decision making. I too am a Christian, but I understand that my beliefs do not have to agree with what free people are allowed to do. I think while the Party may officially be against gay marriage, many conservatives do not see a conflict between gay marriage and the Constitution. One qualifier I will mention is that I don't particularly like the term gay "marriage". To me marriage is a religious covenant, not something the State can accomplish. To my mind, it should be gay civil unions. Marriage is up to each church to decide what they want to do.
If Clinton and Trump were lost on a deserted island, who survives?


A joke told by my preacher in church yesterday. It's a little amazing how vilified both candidates are. And it makes me think that no matter who wins, the victor will not only lack a mandate, they'll lack any kind of support outside the group who voted for them (and even that support will be tepid). Either one will be viewed by tens of millions as illegitimate. Bush and Obama have both been divisive figures. I suspect we ain't seen nothing yet......
Your church must be awful.
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That's not the question. The question is, if any other person would've been indicted, why shouldn't she?

Because the executive in chief who is technically supposed to be leading the investigation into her actions will soon be out campaigning for her?
To all of you on the left voting for Hillary, would you rather have another democrat other than her running? Not a trick question, just a curious one.