How will they rule ??!

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I can't believe Im saying this, but I actually almost feel bad for Pelosi. Its clear that the "squad" has taken over the house. Those 4 are so popular that whatever they say the rest of the House has to go along. But Pelosi is very experienced with all this crap and knows if they go along with this impeachment crap, its only going to lock in a Trump reelection. It feels like she has to babysit the squad and act like she is giving them a bone so they shut up long enough till the next election.

Don’t feel sorry for her she has been looking for a reason to impeach. She’s quoting the very document she uses to wipe her ass with. Total phony. The only reason she hasn’t moved forward til now is because she wants to look rational. She’s the face of the dem party. They need to wear it. I bet too there is left wing pressure bc they know this thing will sink Biden leaving the door opened for communist pochahantas
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If you don't know who the whistleblower is, how can you be certain what he/she doesn't know and if they were or were not listening to the call?
The IG and others in IC do know. Plus people within the administration who do have firsthand knowledge of the call and have actually read the transcript. People know exactly what was said.

And pretty sure the reporting that the whistle-blower doesn't have firsthand knowledge of the call is factual. No one has disputed that reporting and those who have independently chased it down have actually confirmed it. Schiff, of all people, hasn't even challenged it.
Best believe Trump is going to go scorched Earth either before the election or especially after his re-election. These people tried and continue to try to destroy him, his family, friends and company. Frankly, I am shocked they have not tried to assassinate him by now.
It's really fascinating how proud the media/liberal elite are of themselves watching a child repeat back to them everything they've force-fed her since her infancy.

I'm so glad my 14 year old boy is not paralyzed by this idiotic and irrational fear. I feel sorry for Greta.
Kind of reminds you of the human shields used by terrorist many years ago. The left, knowing they are losing the battle because their facts don't add up, have to use shameful tactics to try and win the debate. They have nothing else.
TRumps goal today must be to put the UN to sleep with his low energy speech. He sounds like a kid being forced to apologize by his mom. He looks like he's holding in a massive shit. Teleprompter must be to far away. Squinting and has to pause every 5 words instead of speaking in sentences. managed to work in guns and abortion for his braindead flock.
Best believe Trump is going to go scorched Earth either before the election or especially after his re-election. These people tried and continue to try to destroy him, his family, friends and company. Frankly, I am shocked they have not tried to assassinate him by now.
The left really are domestic enemies of this country. A CALL TO ARMS IS NEAR!
??? Biden helped the EU oust a corrupt prosecutor taking bribes. Trump helped "persuade" Ukraine it needed to investigate Biden's son for the 5th time and find some more nothing. The prosecutor that met with Giuliani was also fired for corruption. Its' funny the stories the GoP make up to cover for Trump.
Completely false but, we understand your concern with being proven wrong on everything else and your need to distract from that.
So the Dumbocrats reason for impeaching Trump is because he violated the sanctity of the Constitution, but their actions & rhetoric totally contradict there sudden embrace of the founding of this country. Those reprobates despise the Constitution. What the hell.
Everything in Ukraine is corrupt. it's a Russian puppet state. Why do you think Trumps best friends all hung out there

Well shit I guess it’s a good thing trump allegedly tried to stop the corruption. Just corrupt prosecutor after corrupt prosecutor doing deals with the Biden’s. Thankfully Donald Trump allegedly try to ensure the corruption stopped.
As much as I hate her, I honestly thought Pelosi was smart enough not to fall in line with the lunatic majority of people that call themselves Democrats these days. Thankfully, she is not. Let’s keep impeachment inquiry front and center for the foreseeable future.
Dude, bringing drugs or anything through non-legal ports of entry is done in backpack loads at a time...a few kilos at most at a time...with the exception of tunnels that are used that a wall wouldn’t touch.
Hundreds if not thousands of kilos at a time come in on boats, container ships and by air. More comes in on trucks carrying other manufactured goods. Customs knows or better can project how much comes in by how much catch and where they catch it and what percentage of traffic they search.
If 5% of the traffic that is searched is found to be smuggling and you search 10% of the traffic then you can extrapolate the total. Problem being that you can’t inspect 100% of the traffic. The cartels know that x% of what is sent will get intercepted. They also have the money and power to buy customs agents to look the other way.

Go to any border crossing and see the amount of traffic going both ways. You know that some % of that northbound traffic is smuggling in drugs and some of the southbound traffic is supplying firearms. There simply isn't the manpower available to search any but a small percentage of that traffic
Over 20 million illegals in the country can bring in a lot of drugs.
The best part of all of this is watching them scramble because they just accidentally let everyone in America know their top choice to place as Democrat candidate was embroiled in Ukraine Collusion.

Then in a panic, Nancy finally caves and makes the Democrat lunatics think she’s actually going to do something about impeachment, which she never intended to to, but the idiot Democrat masses are now running with it.

I don’t think Trump could orchestrate this all if he tried. But goddam we live in a simulation or something.
Anyone wanting LESS drugs in this country is no friend of mine.
Goes without saying. You on the left want mind control and controlled speech. We on the right are now adults and don't need drugs to survive the day. Keep on partying dude, Trump and the right will keep on winning.
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If you don't know who the whistleblower is, how can you be certain what he/she doesn't know and if they were or were not listening to the call?
Does not matter, the ruse is up because it has already been outed that the info from the whistle blower was second hand. You guys have TDS real bad. Get some help please.
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Goes without saying. You on the left want mind control and controlled speech. We on the right are now adults and don't need drugs to survive the day. Keep on partying dude, Trump and the right will keep on winning.

I just want weed to be freely available for us to purchase legally.

Am I asking for too much?
As much as I hate her, I honestly thought Pelosi was smart enough not to fall in line with the lunatic majority of people that call themselves Democrats these days. Thankfully, she is not. Let’s keep impeachment inquiry front and center for the foreseeable future.
She had no choice. The 3 lunatics run that party now.
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Impeachment for what?


What the hell do these losers think is going to happen?

Trump does not release phone tapes unless he is 100% sure it's safe..He is just playing these fools and he knows it. He has been three chess moves in front of them since his election. They think he is stupid because he has no opinion filter. He tells it like it is..They don't like that. He has a genius business mind and not paid by any interest groups. That scares them, plus they are shitting because of what he WILL uncover on them. IE Biden's Ukraine involvement .. ..amazing what some will do to hide their tracks of treachery.