How will they rule ??!

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During the next Democrat debate, someone really should read them this old story called The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Ya its old and not that well known... but they could really learn a lesson from it.

Its every single week some new thing comes up that is the new reason why Trump should be impeached. There seems to be two different kinds of news cycle with Trump.

Bombshell news story that will bring him down. All the news stations, twitter and late night talk about it for 2-4 days. Then quietly a correction comes out and says that bombshell news story is a complete false.

This usually follows up #1. A couple days after a bombshell story gets debunk, some tiny thing that absolutely nobody cares about (most of the time something every president has done previously) gets reported. The MSM decides, hell lets try to make this sound like the worst thing of all time. That tends to get dragged out for a couple days, Trump usually says something stupid and the media really makes it sound like its the worst thing a president has ever done and gets dragged out a few more days. Finally people just lose interest on the stupid story and after a few days break, they start with a new #1 again and its just rinse and repeat.

Only 2 presidents have been impeached and both were acquitted by the Senate. The left have screamed for impeachment for every little thing for so long, no one cares anymore. That word has lost all credibility.

excellent post
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I just want to make sure Im up to date on the latest talking point on the left. Instead of getting the actual transcript of the call, they would rather see the whistleblowers report on the call instead. A report where the whistleblower wasn't even there first hand to hear what was actually said. Haha what?

Thats like if you're hanging out with a couple buddies and it goes down like this.

Buddy #1: "Hey man I heard from someone at work that you totaled your car
Buddy #2: "Are you serious?"
You: "I have no clue where you heard that, but no."
Buddy #1: "Thats what I heard man"
You: "I literally drove my car here, its outside"
Buddy #2: "That sucks about your car man"
You: "My car is literally outside, just go look outside and you will see it"
Buddy #2: "Nah Im going to believe Buddy #1 on this one"
Are the democrats really trying to impeach Trump for what Joe Biden did?

This is going to be classic.
??? Biden helped the EU oust a corrupt prosecutor taking bribes. Trump helped "persuade" Ukraine it needed to investigate Biden's son for the 5th time and find some more nothing. The prosecutor that met with Giuliani was also fired for corruption. Its' funny the stories the GoP make up to cover for Trump.
I just want to make sure Im up to date on the latest talking point on the left. Instead of getting the actual transcript of the call, they would rather see the whistleblowers report on the call instead. A report where the whistleblower wasn't even there first hand to hear what was actually said. Haha what?

Thats like if you're hanging out with a couple buddies and it goes down like this.

Buddy #1: "Hey man I heard from someone at work that you totaled your car
Buddy #2: "Are you serious?"
You: "I have no clue where you heard that, but no."
Buddy #1: "Thats what I heard man"
You: "I literally drove my car here, its outside"
Buddy #2: "That sucks about your car man"
You: "My car is literally outside, just go look outside and you will see it"
Buddy #2: "Nah Im going to believe Buddy #1 on this one"

They want “their truth” and not the truth. These people live in a fantasy land where if they simply believe in something, then it must be true.

To piggy back off your example, buddy #2 is never going to check on that car, because if they don’t in their deranged mind, that car is most certainly totaled.
Lord have mercy...when Ivanka goes to the U.N. she means business

Immediately had flashbacks to 11 year old me wondering what was going on in my pants in 1999.

How many drugs come through non legal points? I'll await your answer.
Dude, bringing drugs or anything through non-legal ports of entry is done in backpack loads at a time...a few kilos at most at a time...with the exception of tunnels that are used that a wall wouldn’t touch.
Hundreds if not thousands of kilos at a time come in on boats, container ships and by air. More comes in on trucks carrying other manufactured goods. Customs knows or better can project how much comes in by how much catch and where they catch it and what percentage of traffic they search.
If 5% of the traffic that is searched is found to be smuggling and you search 10% of the traffic then you can extrapolate the total. Problem being that you can’t inspect 100% of the traffic. The cartels know that x% of what is sent will get intercepted. They also have the money and power to buy customs agents to look the other way.

Go to any border crossing and see the amount of traffic going both ways. You know that some % of that northbound traffic is smuggling in drugs and some of the southbound traffic is supplying firearms. There simply isn't the manpower available to search any but a small percentage of that traffic
Trump should order the DOJ to do to Biden what was done to him. Every single thing in Bidens life looked at, friends who have worked with Bidens door kicked in at 4am, etc... Payback should be a motherf****r for these people.
It won't happen, has no chance to happen, but I wish Trump would come out and say something like the following:

"This is the last straw. I'm tired of this. I have ordered the immediate declassification and release of all records with regards to the FISA warrants, illegal spying on American, collusion between the former president/DNC/Clintons/FBI/DOJ/etc, I have told the current DOJ to investigate and prosecute ANYONE involved in the the above to fullest letter of the law, we will somehow get to the bottom of Epstein and anything involving he and his friends' misdeeds, and the Seth Rich and Vegas shooter investigations are going to be reopened. Any dirty laundry will be aired to the public and the Swamp will not be allowed to protect itself any longer. I've shown incredible restraint until this point, but no longer. Good luck and God Bless America."

It would be glorious.
The media and Biden running with "trump withheld aid for this"

This of course is not true.

"Republican senators on the Senate Appropriations Committee said Sept. 12 that the aid to Ukraine had been held up while the Trump administration explored whether Zelensky, the country's new president, was pro-Russian or pro-Western. They said the White House decided to release the aid after Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) threatened to freeze $5 billion in Pentagon funding for next year unless the money for 2019 was distributed."
Dude, bringing drugs or anything through non-legal ports of entry is done in backpack loads at a time...a few kilos at most at a time...with the exception of tunnels that are used that a wall wouldn’t touch.
Hundreds if not thousands of kilos at a time come in on boats, container ships and by air. More comes in on trucks carrying other manufactured goods. Customs knows or better can project how much comes in by how much catch and where they catch it and what percentage of traffic they search.
If 5% of the traffic that is searched is found to be smuggling and you search 10% of the traffic then you can extrapolate the total. Problem being that you can’t inspect 100% of the traffic. The cartels know that x% of what is sent will get intercepted. They also have the money and power to buy customs agents to look the other way.

Go to any border crossing and see the amount of traffic going both ways. You know that some % of that northbound traffic is smuggling in drugs and some of the southbound traffic is supplying firearms. There simply isn't the manpower available to search any but a small percentage of that traffic

There are entry points on the border where you could drive a semi across. Build the wall. Oh wait. It's being built as we speak.
??? Biden helped the EU oust a corrupt prosecutor taking bribes. Trump helped "persuade" Ukraine it needed to investigate Biden's son for the 5th time and find some more nothing. The prosecutor that met with Giuliani was also fired for corruption. Its' funny the stories the GoP make up to cover for Trump.

I hasn’t heard that yet. Ukraine fires a corrupt prosecutor then hired another corrupt prosecutor that also swept Biden’s sons wrongdoing under the table?
I hasn’t heard that yet. Ukraine fires a corrupt prosecutor then hired another corrupt prosecutor that also swept Biden’s sons wrongdoing under the table?
Everything in Ukraine is corrupt. it's a Russian puppet state. Why do you think Trumps best friends all hung out there
They want “their truth” and not the truth. These people live in a fantasy land where if they simply believe in something, then it must be true.

To piggy back off your example, buddy #2 is never going to check on that car, because if they don’t in their deranged mind, that car is most certainly totaled.

Ya the mental gymnastics on this one is reaching Simone Biles level now. Supposed journalists and reporters would rather see a 2nd hand report on an event, instead of the actual transcript of the event.

If you truly wanted to get the whole picture on this, anyone in their right mind would choose the actual transcript instead of a report from some dude who wasn't even there but just heard about it from some people.

But like I said in my other post, this is just the media dragging this out as long as they can until a new "BOMBSHELL" report that probably has Trump killing someone comes out. Which will end up having to be corrected because it was all wrong, for the media to then just find another tiny stupid thing like this to hold onto.
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Trumps story sure changes quickly.

On Sunday, a reporter asked Donald Trump to explain his administration delaying military aid to Ukraine in July. “I didn’t delay anything,” the president replied.

A day later, the Republican’s story changed a bit. Trump told reporters, “We want to make sure that country is honest. It’s very important to talk about corruption. If you don’t talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?”

“As far as withholding funds, those funds were paid,” Trump said. “They were fully paid. But my complaint has always been – and I’d withhold again, and I’ll continue to withhold until such time as Europe and other nations contribute to Ukraine, because they’re not doing it.”

“Very important, I want other countries to put up money,” he added. “I think it’s unfair that we put up the money. Then other people call me. They said, ‘Oh, let it go.’ And I let it go. But we paid the money, the money was paid.”

He said he wants Germany, France and other nations to contribute more funds. “And that’s been my complaint from the beginning,” he said.
Not everyone is a ****ing loser like the twats on here and worship politicians. You have to be a special kind of stupid to worship anyone. Republicans call Trump God's chosen one, get real. He's just a con man that found a easily conned base.
Most politicians are.
Not everyone is a ****ing loser like the twats on here and worship politicians. You have to be a special kind of stupid to worship anyone. Republicans call Trump God's chosen one, get real. He's just a con man that found a easily conned base.
You are worse, you worship actual smarmy lying twats at Vice/Vox and come throw it up here with certainty and when every prediction is proven wrong you slink away like a bitch for a few days.
I can't believe Im saying this, but I actually almost feel bad for Pelosi. Its clear that the "squad" has taken over the house. Those 4 are so popular that whatever they say the rest of the House has to go along. But Pelosi is very experienced with all this crap and knows if they go along with this impeachment crap, its only going to lock in a Trump reelection. It feels like she has to babysit the squad and act like she is giving them a bone so they shut up long enough till the next election.
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Well, it's ****ing clear. Their candidates so bad they are actually going for impeachment. Warren wouldn't be such a shit candidate against Pence.