How will they rule ??!

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All content is just reboots these days. UN via AP, 1989.
UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.
He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.
Look at her demonic face.

She’s a paid actor, prove me wrong.

Honestly my opinion is she has moderate level autism. She has listened to people around her and accepted what they say as fact. Once a high functioning person with above intellect becomes focused on something it becomes an obsession. As long as people cheer her on like a baby dancing on a table she will continue to become more and more entrenched. There is no doubt she has been taken advantage of and used by the global left. She is definitely autistic in my view and is being exploited.
Voices for the left....they should be proud.




I haven’t been around the board recently and this has probably already been addressed. If I were a Democrat thinking about impeachment, I wouldn’t. It would take a least a year. Campaign on the Ukraine situation if you wish, bring your ideas and just beat him at the ballot box. It’s that simple. I don’t even know if the Ukraine situation is even legit. Dims, bring your A game and try to beat Trump with ideas and I will respect that.
Typical dems...Warren calling for impeachment and arrest of her political opponents rather than win a free and fair election

I watched Pelosi talk to her liberal elites, man was that brutal, but reading between the lines it’s clear to me Dems know they don’t actuallly have a realistic shot at the election. This is their Hail Mary
Hey remember that story about that a guy with a pedophile island? Who had connections to some of the richest and most powerful people in the world? He hung himself, cameras mysteriously weren't working, two guards took a nap at the same time...that seems like a really important story for journalists to cover...oh well, they are covering equally important things now like OMG, did you see Greta scowl at Trump!
During the next Democrat debate, someone really should read them this old story called The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Ya its old and not that well known... but they could really learn a lesson from it.

Its every single week some new thing comes up that is the new reason why Trump should be impeached. There seems to be two different kinds of news cycle with Trump.

Bombshell news story that will bring him down. All the news stations, twitter and late night talk about it for 2-4 days. Then quietly a correction comes out and says that bombshell news story is a complete false.

This usually follows up #1. A couple days after a bombshell story gets debunk, some tiny thing that absolutely nobody cares about (most of the time something every president has done previously) gets reported. The MSM decides, hell lets try to make this sound like the worst thing of all time. That tends to get dragged out for a couple days, Trump usually says something stupid and the media really makes it sound like its the worst thing a president has ever done and gets dragged out a few more days. Finally people just lose interest on the stupid story and after a few days break, they start with a new #1 again and its just rinse and repeat.

Only 2 presidents have been impeached and both were acquitted by the Senate. The left have screamed for impeachment for every little thing for so long, no one cares anymore. That word has lost all credibility.