How will they rule ??!

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It’s lost on you that we can START by sealing the border and ALSO go after the ones that over stay their visas.

I get so tired of seeing the “it’d be a waste” complaint. Even if it didn’t slow down (it won’t completely stop it because we have members of our government that want it to continue) at least it’s an effort to stop it. No one else has proposed a solution.

Also, our federal government wastes a shit ton of money on some of the dumbest things you’ll ever hear about. I’ve linked several here before. We’ve got transportations that are rarely used costing billions. Obamacare website cost ~2 billion just to get up and running. One of my favorites is millions of dollars sunk into studies on jaws music and sharks reaction to it. But yeah the wall would be a waste of money.
I get so tired of seeing the “it’d be a waste” complaint. Even if it didn’t slow down (it won’t completely stop it because we have members of our government that want it to continue) at least it’s an effort to stop it. No one else has proposed a solution.

Also, our federal government wastes a shit ton of money on some of the dumbest things you’ll ever hear about. I’ve linked several here before. We’ve got transportations that are rarely used costing billions. Obamacare website cost ~2 billion just to get up and running. One of my favorites is millions of dollars sunk into studies on jaws music and sharks reaction to it. But yeah the wall would be a waste of money.

Well if we spend to much money on a wall that will have minimal impact (according to the lefties), we won’t have any money left over to send to a global fund to be redistributed amongst the wealthy elite to stop the Earth and Sun from interacting the way they have for billions of years.
On the other hand, I’m all for cutting wasteful spending, not justifying wasteful spending by pointing to other wasteful spending.

Day one if I was POTUS I’d tell those assholes in Congress any budget they send me better have across the board 5% cuts at a minimum or we are shutting down the federal government.

That’s why I’ll never be president.
Apple is expanding from 5k to 15k employees in Austin ($1b new facility btw) plus adding in many other areas. That bothers plat so much he is latching on DT saying he would not give them a waiver so he has have something to bitch about.
+1. Exactly.

Based on my understanding, Governor Abbott and Mayor Adler also provided input into this situation. Additionally, from what I can gather, sourced components (motherboard, video cards) are not yet available from fabs in Vietnam or Taiwan, although such availability should soon materialize.
When it’s a Muslim suicide bomber it’s the ideology’s fault, when it’s a racist with a rifle it’s a “lone nutjob” and a “mental health issue”. Convenient.

I guess a random poster on Cats Illustrated knows more than than statistics posted by US Customs and Border Patrol...

Oh, missed this nugget. CBP supports a wall. Does the head of that group know more than you, a random catpaw poster?
"We need the agents to be able to respond when there is traffic to the area, and we need access and mobility. A lot of the areas along the border are very difficult for us to access," Provost said.

"It's that combination of those four things, impedance and denial, technology, access and mobility, and then the men and women," she said. "That's that kind of, I guess that magic combination that we have found over the 23 years I have been in. It's a different combination everywhere that we go. There's no one size fits all, but we definitely need all of those things."

— Julia Manchester
Pic isn't from the article, but I liked it.

Would you think her parents would look any different?

Good article on the movement, Extinction Rebellion, that is pushing her.

It's from April when they were protesting in London.

The cult of Greta Thunberg
This young woman sounds increasingly like a millenarian weirdo.
Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member. The monotone voice. The look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. The explicit talk of the coming great ‘fire’ that will punish us for our eco-sins. There is something chilling and positively pre-modern about Ms Thunberg. One can imagine her in a sparse wooden church in the Plymouth Colony in the 1600s warning parishioners of the hellfire that will rain upon them if they fail to give up their witches.

It actually makes sense that Ms Thunberg – a wildly celebrated 16-year-old Swede who founded the climate-strike movement for schoolkids – should sound cultish. Because climate-change alarmism is becoming ever stranger, borderline religious, obsessed with doomsday prophecies. Consider Extinction Rebellion, the latest manifestation of the upper-middle classes’ contempt for industrialisation and progress. It is at times indistinguishable from old fundamentalist movements that warned mankind of the coming End of Days. I followed Extinction Rebellion from Parliament Square to Marble Arch yesterday and what I witnessed was a public display of millenarian fear and bourgeois depression. People did dances of death and waved placards warning of the heat-death of the planet. It felt deeply unnerving.

It struck me that this was a march against people. Most radical protest and direct action is aimed at officialdom or government or people with power. This macabre schlep through London was aimed squarely at ordinary people. Banners and placards made no disguise of the marchers’ contempt for how the masses live. We were told that ‘Meat = heat’ (that is, if you carry on eating meat, you fat bastards, the planet will get even hotter) and that driving and flying are destroying Mother Earth. Of course, it’s okay for them to fly – Emma Thompson jetted first-class from LA to London to lecture us plebs about all our eco-destructive holidaymaking. It’s only a problem when we do it; it’s only bad when we take advantage of the miracle of mass food production and the expansion of flight to make our lives fuller and more pleasurable. They detest that. They detest mass society and its inhabitants: the masses.
The entire blue check media industry is OUTRAGED today that Reps dare challenge such a precious child merely trying to save the planet.

If this girl is 16 years old, then I'm the mayor of Mars. This kid isn't a day over 12 years old. The libs that brainwashed this child figures that if everyone believes she's 16 instead of 12 that she would have more credibility. Nothing that liberals do surprises me.
TRumps goal today must be to put the UN to sleep with his low energy speech. He sounds like a kid being forced to apologize by his mom. He looks like he's holding in a massive shit. Teleprompter must be to far away. Squinting and has to pause every 5 words instead of speaking in sentences. managed to work in guns and abortion for his braindead flock.
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TRumps goal today must be to put the UN to sleep with his low energy speech. He sounds like a kid being forced to apologize by his mom. He looks like he's holding in a massive shit. Teleprompter must be to far away. Squinting and has to pause every 5 words instead of speaking in sentences. managed to work in guns and abortion for his braindead flock.

We appreciate your attentiveness to The Donald.
On the other hand, I’m all for cutting wasteful spending, not justifying wasteful spending by pointing to other wasteful spending.

Day one if I was POTUS I’d tell those assholes in Congress any budget they send me better have across the board 5% cuts at a minimum or we are shutting down the federal government.

That’s why I’ll never be president.
The likelihood of friendly assassination is extremely high with this president.
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