How will they rule ??!

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It's completely lost on Kitty that more people are here on overstayed visas (making them illegal) than cross our southern border.

What country has the most overstayed visas?

Feinstein and Biden's China?

Obama's brother muslims?

DNC pawn piece's Hispanics?

Choose wisely.....
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Yeah the one about being "threatened" by the girl was funny since he wrote novels trashing the CovCath kids even after the other videos came out because it still "rang true".

Jameselee is the drunken sot who rambles at the bar and gets shit faced screaming about Trump before his humiliated wife has to pick him up. But I'm guessing his wife has already left him for someone sober
Total ignorance to ignore the fact that many more could come through the border and that your talk about border security is just that, talk. That is all the left does about anything. Trump tries to actually do something and you idiots who want a less secure America are now up in arms. Yes, when Islam gets a better than 2% hold in this country you will see a rise in problems. That is a proven fact in other countries. When 5% or more we will be in deep trouble. The whole of the Muslim mentality is in line with Islam and Islam is dangerous.

Be consistent with your fear mongering. You are WAY more likely to be killed by a native born nutjob male who is pissed about God knows what than an Islamic extremist. How many Americans have been killed by jihadists in the US in the last three years? How many Americans have been killed by male nutjobs? It's not even close. The government has been doing a great job with Muslim terrorists in recent years and funding should continue to be available to fight extremists. You have the tendency to think that all members of a certain group are dangerous: All Muslims are bad and dangerous. False Kitty. There are dangerous Muslims, Christians, Democrats, Republicans, etc. Does that mean all of them are bad people?
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False, it said "Make" in America not assemble. Shut up bitch, read and comprehend better.
It's not "made" in America dumbass. They requested the tariff exemptions because almost all of the parts are imported and then put together in Austin. That plant has been there for 10 years. They were going to move the assembly overseas because of Trump so he caved and gave the exemptions. He would look like a pretty big idiot if companies like apple started outsourcing even more to China.
Which option has surged? Do cartels make a shitload of money on Visa overstays?

Your party is against everything related to immigration enforcement of any kind.

Not my party when it comes to this topic chief. I am all for border security, just think the wall will be a waste of money and ultimately will be ineffective. You do realize more drugs cross legal points of entry than some guy walking across the border. Why wouldn't we invest more money fighting drugs at points of entry if that is where the drugs are pouring in from?
No they don't. One of the biggest lies posted ever. You have no F***** idea how many drugs have passed the non legal entry points of border.

You just posted a liberal talking point. Lie lie lie lie.

I guess a random poster on Cats Illustrated knows more than than statistics posted by US Customs and Border Patrol...
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Exactly how does one measure what doesn't go through a check point?

Even at the check points, how do you calculate what isn't caught.

Both numbers are pulled out of ass.

Also, 99.78954653215487% rapes are never reported.

As I told Gassy, DEA/Border Patrol all state that more drugs enter thru legal points of entry, airports, mail than being moved by a guy across the southern border. Feel free to continue to ignore reality of how drugs enter the US. You guys must really like the idea of the wall. It will magically cure all our problems: no more drugs, no more illegals!!!!
As I told Gassy, DEA/Border Patrol all state that more drugs enter thru legal points of entry, airports, mail than being moved by a guy across the southern border. Feel free to continue to ignore reality of how drugs enter the US. You guys must really like the idea of the wall. It will magically cure all our problems: no more drugs, no more illegals!!!!

You are definitely a thinker.
As I told Gassy, DEA/Border Patrol all state that more drugs enter thru legal points of entry, airports, mail than being moved by a guy across the southern border. Feel free to continue to ignore reality of how drugs enter the US. You guys must really like the idea of the wall. It will magically cure all our problems: no more drugs, no more illegals!!!!

How many drugs come through non legal points? I'll await your answer.
I knew the answer before i looked it up.

I "googled" drugs through legal vs non legal points. Lo and behold every link was a liberal link that validates that there is no need for a wall.

It's almost as if "google" had an agenda. .. can't be, right. Not good ol, non-biased "google", who gave millions to liberal campaigns and are also Trump haters. Surely not "google"
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I knew that Greta Thunberg looked familiar

It's not "made" in America dumbass. They requested the tariff exemptions because almost all of the parts are imported and then put together in Austin. That plant has been there for 10 years. They were going to move the assembly overseas because of Trump so he caved and gave the exemptions. He would look like a pretty big idiot if companies like apple started outsourcing even more to China.
False. It said:
"Reuters) - Apple Inc <AAPL.O> said on Monday it will make new Mac Pro desktop computers at its Austin, Texas facility, following some relief on tariffs by the U.S. government."

No one said they were being made there now: DUMB ASS.
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The squad has taken over for this dingbat lately, but she won't be outdone.

Congresswoman mocked for saying AR-15s are 'as heavy as' 10 moving boxes and fire .50 caliber bullets

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee incorrectly claimed that AR-15 rifles fire .50 caliber ammunition and that the weapons are “as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.”

The Texas Democrat, who is pushing for further gun control policies, made the statement to reporters, claiming that she has held an AR-15 but wished she had not.

"It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving,” Jackson Lee, 69, said. “And the bullet that is utilized, a .50 caliber, these kinds of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street.”

A loaded AR-15 weighs about 7.5 pounds and does not fire .50 caliber rounds, but rather .223 ammunition. The difference between the size of the two types of ammunition is stark, with .50 rounds typically used by the military in heavy machine guns and anti-materiel weapons.
My God what an idiot. These people make laws that you and I are forced to obey. .
It's not "made" in America dumbass. They requested the tariff exemptions because almost all of the parts are imported and then put together in Austin. That plant has been there for 10 years. They were going to move the assembly overseas because of Trump so he caved and gave the exemptions. He would look like a pretty big idiot if companies like apple started outsourcing even more to China.
Good grief, still spouting horseshit, I see.

Several, not "almost all", key system components, namely motherboard, are imported. Many of the rest are made in the USA,. There's much more to this story. I'll debunk your remaining BS later today.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said Friday it would grant tariff exemptions for partially assembled main circuit boards and graphics cards, which contain expensive chips from Intel, Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices. Apple is using Intel’s Xeon processor in the new computer.

Not my party when it comes to this topic chief. I am all for border security, just think the wall will be a waste of money and ultimately will be ineffective. You do realize more drugs cross legal points of entry than some guy walking across the border. Why wouldn't we invest more money fighting drugs at points of entry if that is where the drugs are pouring in from?
Because your party has sent a beacon that any immigrant in the world is welcome and will be fought for and it has taken tons of resources away from all areas to process and care for them. Cartels make billions on those led across the border and those crossers go into communities around the country and are the ones selling the drugs. And then your party creates these sanctuary areas where they cannot be deported even if they commit a felony. And in the rare case they are, they simply walk back across.

But thanks for the laugh that you or any Dem is concerned about the cost. How much do you think all those facilities and law personnel cost to deal with a doubling in migrants? How much are we spending on illegals in our prison system? You guys want the country flooded, period. There is a reason the Dem led House has not touched the subject but the party continues to sue to challenge any enforcement.
Good grief, still spouting horseshit, I see.

Several, not "almost all", key system components, namely motherboard, are imported. Many of the rest are made in the USA,. There's much more to this story. I'll debunk your remaining BS later today.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said Friday it would grant tariff exemptions for partially assembled main circuit boards and graphics cards, which contain expensive chips from Intel, Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices. Apple is using Intel’s Xeon processor in the new computer.

Apple is expanding from 5k to 15k employees in Austin ($1b new facility btw) plus adding in many other areas. That bothers plat so much he is latching on DT saying he would not give them a waiver so he has have something to bitch about.