How will they rule ??!

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Reading comprehension would go along way for you to understand what I posted earlier. Keep letting people in without vetting them or just open borders which you guys are advocating for was the point. Continue to show a traitorous attitude like those on the left and you might be right, Jihadist will welcome you while those sworn to defend this nation and the constitution will be the ones taking you out.

Typical avoidance on your part... no great surprise. Again I will pose the question that you will never answer because you cannot due to the fact that you will need to admit you are wrong: Statistically speaking, what are the odds I will be killed by a jihadist in the US?

For the record, I am for border security. My whole point was to show fear mongering happens on both sides of the aisle. You can talk out of your @ss all you want about how certain democrats want open borders and try to throw me in with that all you want. I don't believe that is a good idea (open borders or more laxed security). Unlike you, I don't always tow the party line. I have stated numerous times that I am for border security, but I think the wall isn't the most effective way to go about things. For the record also, the overwhelming majority of jihadists that have attacked and killed Americans in the US were either born in the US, legally immigrated or overstayed visas. A wall wouldn't have stopped any of them
Time to cut to the chase. Who ya got?

Honest discussion. Can anybody on this thread really admit to supporting Warren, Biden or Sanders?
I support Bernie and Warren definitely. First time we've had truly progressive politics in the conversation in decades. And Yang for that matter. I was pimping UBI as the progressive voice in this thread long before he championed the issue on the national stage.
I support Bernie and Warren definitely. First time we've had truly progressive politics in the conversation in decades. And Yang for tarithat matter. I was pimping UBI as the progressive voice in this thread long before he championed the issue on the national stage.
Okay. Thanks for an honest answer.
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Prove me wrong kitty: Statistically speaking, what are my odds of getting killed in the US by a jihadist.... You don't want to know the number because it will show fear-mongering. I would be willing to bet that I have a greater chance of getting shot by a non-jihadist than by a jihadist. I can argue all day that "keep relaxing gun control and it will go way up."

You also have a greater chance of dying in a car wreck than being hit by lightning but you don’t go stand in a field during a storm. WTF is your point?
They were supposedly investigating the biggest crime in the history of the country. A presidential candidate and his team possibly conspiring with a hostile foreign government to betray the country and steal the election.

Yet the then AG has no recollection of the applications for the 4 Fisa warrants that her office signed off on nor does she remember any details associated with them.

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This was from a few days ago so forgive me already posted, but thought it was hilarious.

This is trolling on a very high level. You can see their heads not being able to do the mental Gymnastics on this one.

They know how women are viewed in the Islamic cultures, so they know deep down it's sexist. But on the other hand, if they admit that, they then become Islamophobes.

Round of applause for whoever came up with his. I assume probably POL, since this seems similar to the "its okay to be white" troll last year.
Typical avoidance on your part... no great surprise. Again I will pose the question that you will never answer because you cannot due to the fact that you will need to admit you are wrong: Statistically speaking, what are the odds I will be killed by a jihadist in the US?

For the record, I am for border security. My whole point was to show fear mongering happens on both sides of the aisle. You can talk out of your @ss all you want about how certain democrats want open borders and try to throw me in with that all you want. I don't believe that is a good idea (open borders or more laxed security). Unlike you, I don't always tow the party line. I have stated numerous times that I am for border security, but I think the wall isn't the most effective way to go about things. For the record also, the overwhelming majority of jihadists that have attacked and killed Americans in the US were either born in the US, legally immigrated or overstayed visas. A wall wouldn't have stopped any of them
Typical deflection by you, again my response was the more we let in without vetting the more of a chance it will happen. Not wrong about it will go up if we don't do a better job about vetting them and that was my point. The point that you say you are for better border security but not the wall proves that you are not. It only proves you are no different than all the other liberals, all talk and no substance.
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This was from a few days ago so forgive me already posted, but thought it was hilarious.

This is trolling on a very high level. You can see their heads not being able to do the mental Gymnastics on this one.

They know how women are viewed in the Islamic cultures, so they know deep down it's sexist. But on the other hand, if they admit that, they then become Islamophobes.

Round of applause for whoever came up with his. I assume probably POL, since this seems similar to the "its okay to be white" troll last year.
You can see that they were upset but, not really willing to discredit Islams treatment of women. As the percentage of Muslims go up in a country who practice Islam, the more problems they have if they resist Sharia Law. This has been proven in western cultures around the world. Problem is that here in the US, this type of sentiment is considered hate speech and therefore Taboo. Facts are Facts and should never be squelched because of political correctness.
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Wang looks like the Asian punk in a lot of 90's movies, Warren pic looks like it was taken in 1955, Pete Buttman pic is evidence no one was surprised when he came out as gay, and Beto looks like he is about to go shoot up a school...

To your point someone in the comments said he looks like an extra in Stand and Deliver....Jaime F***** Escalante, folks. National treasure.
So is Joerules19 saying since the threat of Islamic terrorism is overblown, and the federal government used that threat to eviscerate our privacy rights, we should now let the government take away our 2nd Amendment rights since the threat of a mass shooting is also completely overblown?

The one thing the liberals ever seemed to be right about was opposition to the PATRIOT ACT. Sadly, once Obama was in office, it became clear they were never actually opposed to the PATRIOT ACT, just George Bush.

If he’s trying to compare people being opposed to importing a bunch of unvetted fighting age males from war torn terrorist hotbeds because there could be a terrorist in the group with people who want to take away 2A rights from Americans, well that’s just too goddam stupid to even address.
While the statistic he used is true, fear-mongering goes on with both sides. The Dems might fear-monger with gun control, but let's not pretend like the Republicans don't do the exact same thing w. Islamic terrorism. What are my chances of getting killed by a jihadist in the US?
Probably about the same as getting shot in Wal-Mart.
Prove me wrong kitty: Statistically speaking, what are my odds of getting killed in the US by a jihadist.... You don't want to know the number because it will show fear-mongering. I would be willing to bet that I have a greater chance of getting shot by a non-jihadist than by a jihadist. I can argue all day that "keep relaxing gun control and it will go way up."
What's your plan to get guns out of the hands of the real criminals who are on America's streets shooting, wounding and killing people on a daily basis. not just the AR-15's that everybody is so hung up on. I'm talking about the real criminals in the streets, the gangs. You know the ones causing far and away more deaths on a daily basis than mass-shootings. Hell, there were three drive-by shootings in Louisville last week alone. One of which damn near shot up a group of kids practicing their dance routine. would that have made the list of "mass-shootings" probably not since it didn't fit the agenda or involve an AR-15.
Watch out China! Cheeto face demands all businesses cease making money! Lmao. What a deranged moron. I love how he says the trade deficit is a burden on tax payers. Like the deficit comes out of the federal budget and isn't Americans buying shitloads of Chinese goods. He's just speeding up the recession and the end of his presidency. I'm still wondering what he hopes to accomplish. None of this manufacturing is coming back to the US. It's just shifting to other Asian countries with dirt poor labor. So maybe he crashes the economy to balance out Chinese trade. And then we have a 300billion deficit with Vietnam. Americans like cheap shit, they don't care about trade deficits. And he's trying to pick a trade fight with the EU which would completely destroy our economy. Today was the nail on the coffin. Trump will never get a china trade deal done, he's to big of a thin skinned baby.

** We interrupt yet another crazy rant to bring you the following special report **

Chinese theft of trade secrets on the rise, the US Justice Department warns.

  • The Justice Department launched the “China Initiative” in November 2018 with the aim of countering Chinese national security threats.
  • China has accused the United States of trying to protect U.S. firms from competition and block China’s technological development.
  • “The issue ... is that part of their industrial policy, part of the way they try to accomplish that, is state-sponsored theft or creating an environment that rewards or turns a blind eye to it,” U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General Adam Hickey told CNBC.

** We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ('I Hate Trump') already in progress **
What's your plan to get guns out of the hands of the real criminals who are on America's streets shooting, wounding and killing people on a daily basis. not just the AR-15's that everybody is so hung up on. I'm talking about the real criminals in the streets, the gangs. You know the ones causing far and away more deaths on a daily basis than mass-shootings. Hell, there were three drive-by shootings in Louisville last week alone. One of which damn near shot up a group of kids practicing their dance routine. would that have made the list of "mass-shootings" probably not since it didn't fit the agenda or involve an AR-15.
Same type of shootings going on in Lexington every week. Mini-shitcago.
AR-15 is a liberal trigger word

Makes them shit themselves.

Handguns are the problem with gangs and criminals, but since most of them are dirt poor anyway they can't afford an AR. White privilege right?

A ban on hand guns in major cities word do more to save life's than taking rifles.

Oh wait... There are hand gun laws in major cities? Shocking criminals don't know that.
My argument against socialism is airtight; here it is brought to you by a below average looking female with purple hair, not me the evil white AMerican nationalist.

Excellent points made. I wish that some of the "progressives" would watch this clip. Socialism is only the beginning. If you listen to the people running the Dem party their goal is more of a totalitarian regime. I can't even call them liberals anymore. Radicals is more appropriate.
Excellent points made. I wish that some of the "progressives" would watch this clip. Socialism is only the beginning. If you listen to the people running the Dem party their goal is more of a totalitarian regime. I can't even call them liberals anymore. Radicals is more appropriate.

The only freedoms that they want you to have:

1) **** whatever you want.

2) Get high as often as you want.

3) Females can kill as many of their offspring as they want.

The Dems want you to defend those three to distract you from actual named rights that they want to abolish.

Any other activity and you are completely boxed in.

They are for increasingly making the box smaller.
Excellent points made. I wish that some of the "progressives" would watch this clip. Socialism is only the beginning. If you listen to the people running the Dem party their goal is more of a totalitarian regime. I can't even call them liberals anymore. Radicals is more appropriate.

The catpaw "moderates" should as well. You have Bernie talking national rent control and if you really looked into the group that organized the climate day last week you see it was a promotion of totalitarian rule.
Something makes me think this "Whisteblower" deal could be an inside job by Trump to get the media to discuss the Biden corruption. Biden is/was his biggest threat and he is helping take him out to bring Warren's sorry ass into the lead who he will beat bigly in a general election.

Rudy Giuliani: "What I'm talking about, this, it's Ukrainian collusion, which was large, significant, and proven with Hillary Clinton, with the DNC, a woman named Chalupa, with the ambassador"

This was reported in detail by politico in '17 and was mostly ignored.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.